After solving the Tomb of All Spirits and the Immortal Immortal Ridge, Chi Cang led everyone on the road.

Soon, they arrived at a place among mountains and ravines, surrounded by vibrant vegetation, lush vegetation, and meandering streams.

Compared with the first two forbidden areas, this place is completely different, not as dead and silent.

However, don't be fooled by the appearance of this place, it is actually very dangerous and dangerous.

According to old legend, you should not approach the valley in the center of the mountains. You can only move around at the edges at most. Once you go deep, you may die tragically inexplicably and never come back.

Despite the fact that it is full of life, all creatures are multiplying, and everything is calm, in fact, countless people have died, but their bones have not been preserved. They have become food for local creatures or nutrients for plants, so they cannot be seen.

"God Burial Valley."

Chi Cang and others stood in the void and revealed the true name of this forbidden area. It claimed to be able to bury all the gods in the world. It was a forbidden area of ​​life that was both beautiful and full of dangers.

It was the owner of the God Burial Valley who, after the end of the Ancient Immortal Era, grabbed the two corners of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and divided the restricted area here, high above the world and beyond the world.

Unfortunately, while he was sleeping, the creatures in this valley held the two-cornered six-path reincarnation disk, and entered the world to be contaminated by cause and effect. When they wanted to harvest the sacred in the lower world, they were killed by Chi Cang, and they also took away the two-cornered six-path reincarnation disk.

This is undoubtedly a cause and effect.

But later, the true immortal from the God Burial Valley came to Diguan, apologized to Chi Cang, and informed him of the whereabouts of the Samsara Disk, which helped Chi Cang a big favor.

Generally speaking, the conflict between this restricted area and Chi Cang is not that big.

However, God Burial Valley finally lost a supreme being, lost two giant weapons, and also lost many great medicines and fairy gold.

Cause and effect exists, just like the Tomb of All Souls. If Chi Cang is robbed one day, this seemingly past cause and effect will most likely be brought up again. At that time, Chi Cang will be the one to be liquidated.

Therefore, Chicang must completely resolve the uncertain risks brought about by this period of cause and effect.

He led everyone directly to the sky above the core of the restricted area, and was quickly noticed by the creatures of the True Immortal level.

"It's Lord Thunder Emperor who came to the God Burial Valley. I missed you so much. Please atone for your sins." The true immortal who went to Diguan to apologize appeared and hurriedly saluted Chi Cang.

He stretched out his hand not to hit the smiling man, Chi Cang didn't embarrass him, he just nodded.

"Where is the Master of the God Burial Valley?"

Chi Cang spoke with a loud voice, like the bell of Huang Lu being rung, deafening and deafening.

In fact, he has already targeted the Valley Master of the God Burial Valley. The opponent is a creature of the same level as Jin Maohu and others, and can fight the Immortal King, but the Dao Fruit has some flaws.

"Fellow Daoist Lei Di, we haven't seen each other for a long time. We are old acquaintances between you and me."

The owner of the restricted area was born, and he only woke up from his deep sleep in recent years.

"Yes, we haven't seen each other for a long time, but there is no need to reminisce about the past. It was just a one-time relationship back then, so where is the old relationship?" Chi Cang replied.

Back then, he had traveled to the Immortal Realm, helped the Immortal Realm a big favor, and had certain friendships with some of the kings of the Immortal Realm. Of course, there were many Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm, and it was impossible for him to be familiar with or be friends with everyone.

There was not much friendship between the Valley Master of the God Burial Valley and Chi Cang in front of him. They just met once and had a quick glance in the Immortal Ancient Era.

The owner of the restricted area was silent. He had long expected that Chi Cang might take action to clean up the restricted area. Jiutian had hope to restore its former glory, and there were many Immortal King-level experts. Under such circumstances, how could it be possible for them, who were essentially outsiders, to establish A state within a state?

However, he didn't know where to go in the God Burial Valley, and he was a little confused. Most of the nine-day forbidden area was like this, and he just had the idea of ​​​​delaying it as long as he could.

But today, the Thunder Emperor came in person, and the owner of the God Burial Valley understood that no matter how he left, there would definitely be a result today.

"Last time, I asked the True Immortal of the clan to bring the information to fellow Taoists. I wonder if it will be useful to Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor..." The owner of the restricted area spoke and mentioned the news about the last corner of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

Obviously, he didn't want to conflict with Chi Cang and tried to show his kindness. He had already seen the fate of Death Immortal Ridge and Wanling Tomb, and he didn't want to follow in their footsteps.

The resistance between Jin Maohuan and the Lord of the Tomb of All Souls was like a mayfly shaking a tree, so the Lord of the God Burial Valley had no idea of ​​resistance at all.

"According to the information you gave me, I successfully found the corner of the Samsara Disk, and Senior Samsara's weapon was restored to integrity." Chi Cang said truthfully.

The Valley Master of the God Burial Valley felt happy when he heard this. It seemed that the original apology was not in vain.

"Then congratulations, fellow Taoist."

He congratulated Chi Cang.

Chi Cang nodded, did not say any more about these things, and went straight to the topic.

"Fellow Taoist, I think you have already predicted the outcome of the so-called forbidden area. In my expectation, Jiutian will become the pure land for the growth of geniuses. There will not be a forbidden area in the world on the vast and magnificent mountains and rivers."

His words have made it very clear that all restricted areas must be cleared so that there will no longer be any skull-like symbols on the Nine Heavens territory.

The Lord of the God Burial Valley felt stagnant. Although he had already expected this day, when it actually came, he still felt hesitant.

It is impossible for him to defeat the Thunder Emperor, so it is inevitable to move to the God Burial Valley. The world is so big, but I don't know where there is a place to stay.

"I understand what Brother Dao means. The God Burial Valley will disappear in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and our clan will also leave and never come back." He responded directly and decisively without any hesitation.

Later, the master of the God Burial Valley said: "Brother Tao, don't worry about whether you will let the tiger return to the mountain, I don't have such a big intention to kill.

The Supreme Being who guarded the reincarnation disk in the valley back then entered the world secretly and interfered with the normal operation of the eight realms of the lower world. He had already made a big mistake and deserved his death. Even if Brother Dao does not kill him, I will severely punish him and expel him from the sect.

If Brother Tao is still worried, I can swear that I will not have any karma with Brother Tao in the future. "

As an Immortal King, many things need not be said, and he understands them in his heart. Therefore, he made a series of guarantees and swore an oath with the essence and blood of the Immortal King. This was related to his Dao Fruit and was very binding.

Chi Cang was speechless. After thinking about it, the other party finally helped him find the last corner of the reincarnation disk, and his attitude was very sincere. If he continued to pursue it, it would seem that he was narrow-minded.

"Yes, but you have another choice. Return to Jiutian. In the future, this world will enter the end of the Dharma. I will lead the Jiutian Immortal King to enter the fairyland, and you can return to your hometown."

Chi Cang said such words, and the owner of the God Burial Valley was immediately moved. The Immortal Realm, known as the hometown of immortals, is the ancestral land of their clan. If it weren't for the word "go to war" drawn in the last year of Immortal Ancient, he would bring a clan of creatures with him. When they came to Jiutian, how could they set up any restricted area?

Without much thought, the owner of the God Burial Valley decided to choose the path Chi Cang mentioned.

Returning to their hometown has been the long-cherished wish of their clan. Unfortunately, after many years of fighting with the Immortal King, they have long been regarded as contaminated by the unknown by the kings of the fairyland and are not allowed to return.

It would be great if he could return to the Immortal Realm with Chi Cang.

The strength of the Immortal Realm is already strong. Immortal Kings are like a forest. There are ancient giants overlooking the mountains and rivers, and they have the strength to withstand the coming great liquidation.

In the future, the Nine Heavens Immortal King led by Chi Cang will settle in the Immortal Realm, and the Immortal Realm will become even more unbreakable, as strong as an iron barrel. Turning it into a forbidden area to hide from the world is not necessarily better than entering the Immortal Realm.

Because the great turmoil will become more and more violent in the long years, and the heavens will be in chaos. Where can there be any real pure land?

"Brother Dao, are you serious about what you said?" He tried to confirm the authenticity of this matter with Chi Cang.

"Of course it is true. No one knows the horror of the Great Reckoning better than the Immortal King. Even if in the past years, even if only one supreme creature jumped out in an era, it would be difficult to stop it. The Immortal Realm is prosperous and suitable for the Immortal King. Spread the faith and build a temple. With such an excellent place to stay, those taboo creatures who have returned will not let it go.

Under such circumstances, even the giants of the Immortal Realm may not have absolute confidence in protecting the peace of the Immortal Realm.

Do you think they can refuse the entry of the Nine Heavenly Kings? "

The Valley Master of the God Burial Valley was silent. He knew that what Chi Cang said was true. Before the endless era, many small turmoils and small-scale liquidations broke out in the Boundary Sea. As a result, the Immortal Realm suffered heavy losses. King-level creatures fell one after another, and many worlds They were all crippled, and in later generations, many universes merged into the Immortal Realm, which made the Immortal Realm more prosperous and not declining.

And this turmoil is unprecedented. It can be called the most terrifying and darkest turmoil in history. Perhaps all the kings who crossed the sea will return and crowd into the heavens and worlds at the same time. This situation is terrifying to think about. .

"The Immortal Realm and Jiutian, after all, are from the same source as the ancient world and have a certain origin. Based on this alone, the kings of the Immortal Realm will open their doors." Chi Cang said calmly.

"Okay, since Taoist brother said so, I will make a bet." The owner of the God Burial Valley responded.

Then, he thought of a question.

"If I return to Jiutian, after I go to the Immortal Realm..."

"I said, Jiutian and the Immortal Realm are from the same ancient world. What kind of say do you think my ancestors and I will have after we go to the Immortal Realm?" Chi Cang said lightly.

The Valley Master of the God Burial Valley instantly understood what Chi Cang meant. There was no need to distinguish between the Immortal Realm faction or the Nine Heavens faction. Doing so would only make the situation smaller and smaller.

With the power of Chi Cang and the ancestor sacrifice spirits, after going to the fairyland where there are many fairy kings, they will also become leading creatures and lead the fairyland.

"I understand." He nodded.

The two discussed some details. Among them, there were rules set by Chi Cang for the God Burial Valley lineage. They must abide by them, otherwise they will bear the consequences.

The owner of the God Burial Valley naturally had no reason to refuse and agreed one by one.

In the end, the owner of the God Burial Valley also ordered the true immortals of the clan to take Shi Hao and other geniuses to visit the God Burial Valley. The Enlightenment Stone, Immortality Elixir, etc. were eye-opening.

Moreover, Shi Hao, the Emperor and others fought against the young people from the God Burial Valley, causing the proud heir of the restricted area to experience his first defeat in his life before he was born and walked in the world.

The descendants of the defeated restricted area were a little confused and thought they had been deceived. Didn't the elders say that he was invincible to his generation and would be invincible as soon as he was born?

As a result, before victory came, I encountered failure, and my whole life felt gloomy.

What's even more outrageous is that Shi Hao, Emperor, Banished Immortal, and Shi Yi all defeated him once, making him completely doubt his life.

"This child is so pitiful. He was originally a majestic figure and was destined to shock the world, but he met four perverts." Cao Yusheng sighed, shaking his head.

"Fool, the four people you are competing with are all heroes rarely seen in the past. They are all capable of suppressing the descendants of the foreign imperial clan. They are the most talented people. Everyone has experienced hundreds of battles. It is not surprising that you lost." The God Burial Valley Clan. The old man consoled him, fearing that the descendants of the restricted area would lose confidence.

"Elder of the clan, I want to be born, and I don't want to stay in the valley anymore." said the young man in the restricted area. Our ancestors wanted to escape from the world and not be affected by the cause and effect of the outside world. However, it suffered them, young people who should have devoted their blood, and could only wait. In this valley, you cannot compete with the world's creatures. Even if you have heaven-defying blood and talents, you have no place to release them and cannot fulfill them.

"This time, the restricted areas will no longer exist. You can join the world and join the wave of this great world war." The clan elder of the God Burial Valley sighed.

The owner of the restricted area decided to return to Jiutian and follow Chicang, which meant that their clan would no longer hide from the world, and the young people would naturally no longer have the restrictions they had before.


The young man in the penalty area clenched his fists and was very excited. He was a direct descendant of the Immortal King. After he was born, he would definitely become famous all over the world and sweep the world.

Not long after, Chi Cang appeared. He had already finished all the instructions, so there was no point in staying. They still had a restricted area to go, and Chi Cang didn't want to delay.

"Let's go to the next place."

After saying that, a blazing blue light appeared, covering Shi Hao and others, and disappeared in an instant.

The Valley Master of the God Burial Valley stared in the direction he left and remained silent for a long time.

"Clan Leader, what are you worried about? Did he put any excessive conditions?" A true immortal appeared and asked.

The Valley Master of the God Burial Valley shook his head and sighed.

"The fate of our clan has been staked on this decision. If we join this world, we may end up in catastrophe. I hope that my choice is correct and that our clan can survive the catastrophe safely."

On the way, the geniuses teased Shi Hao because the restricted area they were going to this time was the restricted area where the one-legged old man riding the big cock was.

Recalling that year, Shi Hao had just survived the nine heavens and ten earth tribulations, and moved a thunder pool out of the great tribulation. The old man from the restricted area came riding a big rooster. After hearing that the thunder pool was moved out by Shi Hao from the heavenly tribulation, he fell in love with Shi Hao. With his unique talent, he immediately wanted to recruit Shi Hao as his son-in-law in the restricted area.

He also assured Shi Hao that even if the foreign land invaded and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were destroyed, he could be kept safe.

Shi Hao naturally refused, but this incident left a deep impression on everyone. Even the restricted areas were interested in Shi Hao's talent and wanted to recruit him as their son-in-law. You can imagine how unbelievable he is.

"Huang, during this trip to the restricted area, have you ever thought about what will happen with the lady in the restricted area? They want to recruit you as their son-in-law." Cao Yusheng asked with a smirk, deliberately speaking loudly to make Qingyi , Huo Ling'er, Yun Xi and others heard it.

"Miss restricted area?" Huo Ling'er and Yun Xi asked in confusion as they didn't know.

Shi Hao felt dizzy and glared at Cao Yusheng.

"Anything that doesn't happen is the old man's own fault. Moreover, he also said that their lady is very arrogant and doesn't look down on me."

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