The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 367 Brother Huang

"If you don't even look down on my brother Huang, that's really arrogant." The ant said carelessly. In its view, Huang's whole body exuded charm, otherwise there wouldn't be three stunning women who fell in love with him. .

From behind, Yue Chan expressed disdain for this. Apart from Luang's terrifying combat prowess, she really didn't see any charm in Shi Hao, but Se Dan did.

Thinking of what happened in that cave, Yuechan couldn't help but shudder. It was so terrifying, it was like a nightmare.

Not only did the two people do terrible things, but they also did it continuously for more than an hour. Yue Chan felt the same way about all this even though she was far away in the horizon. No one knew how she felt at that time. In short, she hated Shi Hao so much.

"I don't think so. The two of them have never met before. Maybe they can see each other right this time." The Ten-Crown King, who was filled with chaotic energy, suddenly spoke, leaving Shi Hao speechless for a while.

"Emperor, I misjudged you." Shi Hao scolded angrily.

Later, he explained to Qingyi and others that it was impossible to enter the marriage restricted area. Just because he was Huang, no force was qualified to let him enter the family.

Soon, they arrived, standing in the void, overlooking the entire restricted area of ​​life.

This place is also full of bones, and countless lives have died. Although the one-legged old man riding a big rooster did not show a ferocious side when he went to Diguan, he was essentially a strong man who killed people with blood on his hands. , there is no doubt about this.

However, this restricted area is better than other restricted areas and has not interfered with worldly affairs. The only time the one-legged old man came to the Imperial Pass was when he did not interfere with the operation of the Imperial Pass.

Because of this, Chi Cang's attitude towards this restricted area is better than that towards other restricted areas.

"Come in through the front entrance."

He took Shi Hao and others down, along the rugged path, all the way to the mountain gate of the restricted area.

Although it is a restricted area and is not stained by the world of mortals, creatures from other restricted areas occasionally come to visit here, so a mountain gate is erected.

"Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor, we are here to welcome you from afar." Before Chi Cang could say anything, the owner of this forbidden area came, followed by several people.

The one-legged old man riding the big cock stood out, one of his legs was empty.

At this moment, he looked at Shi Hao with a smile and nodded towards him.

In addition, there are also the Taoist monks of the owner of the restricted area, as well as their descendants, two young people, one male and one female, both very young.

The man was as rich as jade, with thick hair and majestic momentum. He had a kind of majesty at a young age, which made some of Jiutian's geniuses feel a pressure.

The woman is of heavenly beauty, tall and slender, with proud curves. She is shrouded in the fairy mist, looming, and extremely seductive.

At the same time, this woman exudes a powerful aura, which is not simple. Even the Ten Crowns, Banished Immortal, Shi Yi and other peerless geniuses also show solemn expressions.

Strictly speaking, the woman's father is the master of the restricted area, comparable to the Immortal King. The power of her bloodline can be compared with the young people of the imperial clan in foreign lands. In addition, she is naturally powerful due to her extraordinary talents.

At this moment, this woman's face was as cold as ice. She spotted Shi Hao at a glance in the crowd and stared at him with an unexplainable expression in her eyes.

"Hey, Huang, that woman is looking at you." On his shoulder, the Skyhorned Ant reminded him.

"I can see it." Shi Hao was startled. The owner of the restricted area was a powerful Immortal King. How could he not hear what the Skyhorned Ant said?

Sure enough, after the lord of the restricted area exchanged pleasantries with Chi Cang, his eyes turned and looked at Shi Hao.

Immediately, Shi Hao felt that his whole body was being seen through. These eyes were so deep and terrifying, and there was a terrifying scene of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers rotating together.

To Chi Cang, an ordinary Immortal King may be nothing, but to a Dunyi cultivator like Shi Hao, the Immortal King is like the bright moon above the sky, unreachable, and a single thought can kill him.

"Is this little friend Huang? You are indeed a young hero. I have heard of your name a long time ago. You are worthy of being a follower of fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor." The owner of the restricted area nodded towards Shi Hao and praised.

"Haha, he has always relied on himself for his cultivation. As a master, I didn't help much." Chi Cang said with a smile.

"Well, from this point of view, Xiaoyou Huang's talent is stronger than imagined." The owner of the restricted area can tell that what Chi Cang said is true. In these years, he has indeed never heard of the rumor that Lei Emperor taught Huang. It was Shi Hao who made his own way.

"This is my little girl Shu Yao. There should be no barriers between you young people. There is no harm in being around more and making friends." The owner of the restricted area smiled gently.

Shi Hao's face was a little stiff. Anyone could tell that the owner of the restricted area had the intention of bringing someone together. Otherwise, why would he only mention his daughter and not his son?

He had already sensed several intimidating glances from behind.

The master of the forbidden area took the initiative to say this, so Shi Hao naturally had to respond. After all, he was just an escape cultivator and needed to respect his seniors.

"Senior, you are so complimentary." He said humbly at first, and then looked at the beautiful and fragrant lady from the restricted area who was the most beautiful woman in the country.

"Shi Hao has met fellow Taoist Shu Yao."

The restricted area lady stared at Shi Hao and did not answer immediately. Her eyes were so straight that Shi Hao panicked.

The one-legged old man next to her showed a "Come on, kid, I'm optimistic about you" smile, which made Shi Hao speechless.

"Are you the famous Huang?"

"If nothing else happens, he should be here." Shi Hao nodded.

"He is indeed very strong, and he is qualified to be my husband." The woman nodded, affirming Shi Hao's strength.

Hearing what she said, the one-legged old man felt that his lady was right, otherwise it wouldn't be the case, so he winked at Shi Hao, hinting that he would work hard.

Shi Hao was speechless and wished he could punch this old guy. Of course, he was definitely no match for him.

"Fellow Taoist Shu Yao is joking, I already have a Taoist companion, more than one." Shi Hao said quickly.

"Oh, those are the four female cultivators behind you who have been looking at you, right? You're a playboy." Shu Yao said, including Yue Chan who was gritting her teeth.

Shi Hao was a little embarrassed, but he didn't refute. Except for Yue Chan, he had feelings for the other three women and couldn't let them go. It's not wrong to say that he was flirtatious.

"I won't embarrass you. It's not that no one wants me, Shu Yao. There are countless men who want to become Tao partners with me. They just want to have a fight with you to see how strong the legendary Huang is." Shu Yao said.

When Shi Hao heard this, he was about to agree. Just a fight would be nothing.

However, at this moment, a message suddenly sounded in his ears, coming from the one-legged old man.

"Boy, do you have any thoughts about my lady?"

"Senior, you have also seen the situation of this junior. It is impossible for me to give my feelings anymore." Shi Hao replied.

The one-legged old man looked at Qingyi, Huo Ling'er, Yunxi and Yuechan, and frowned.

"This boy is really blessed." He muttered in his heart.

Later, the one-legged old man sent a message: "If you have no intention of my young lady, don't accept her invitation to fight. I'm afraid that after she is defeated by you, she will never forget you and be alone in the future."

Shi Hao was in a daze. Fortunately, he didn't agree, otherwise he would feel guilty in the future.

At the same time, he looked at this beautiful woman named Shu Yao and sighed in his heart. This character is too stubborn. Defeating her will make her obsessed with it. Is this a martial arts fanatic?

"Senior, can you ask me something?"

"If you have something to say, please tell me." The one-legged old man's tone was not very good, and he felt that iron was not as good as steel.

"How many times have the noble lady recruited her husband?" Shi Hao asked.

"Almost all the boys in the penalty area have been beaten. None of them are my lady's match. She will naturally look down on the men who are defeated by her."

"This..." Shi Hao didn't know what to say. From this point of view, this woman's talent should not be underestimated, and she was ranked at the forefront among the descendants of the Immortal King.

Suddenly, Shi Hao looked at the ten-crown champion who was walking like a dragon and a tiger. Although this guy looked majestic, in fact, he was very boring. Of course, this was Shi Hao's opinion.

"Senior, I have no chance to meet your young lady, but we still have several talented people here who can defeat your young lady. Do you want to consider it?" Shi Hao said through a message.

"You kid, don't brag. Who else can suppress my young lady besides you?"

"You see, the Emperor with Ten Crowns and Shi Yi with Double Eyes are both people who have defeated the young leaders of the foreign imperial clan." Shi Hao did not mention the banished immortal, because he and the witch were very close, and Shi Hao did not know about them What is the relationship? There is no mention of being banished to immortality.

"What? Are you sure?" The one-legged old man was surprised. The young leader of the foreign imperial clan is on par with the forbidden area.

"Of course, we met the red-haired clan in the Realm Tomb. At the same level, they suppressed their opponents."

The one-legged old man believed it because he had fought against the red-haired clan and knew how terrifying this clan was. Even he did not dare to say he could defeat them.

At the beginning of this era, in order to suppress the red-haired clan, they decided to lure the red-haired clan to the boundary grave. Unfortunately, due to lack of troops, only one senior went there, and they never returned.

"Very good, my master is also worried about the young lady's marriage, and is in need of such young heroes.

By the way, they don't have wives and concubines like you, right? "

Shi Hao rolled his eyes in his heart, what kind of group of wives and concubines? They are all wives to him.

"Senior, don't worry. One is a sultry man. He has been in the Immortal Ancient Relics for ten lifetimes and has been king for ten lifetimes. He never talks about love. The other one is a sullen gourd. You know."

"Okay, okay, I feel relieved now." The one-legged old man secretly rejoiced. He immediately came to Shu Yao, who was already frowning, and whispered a few words in secret.

"You don't want to fight me?" Shu Yao looked at Shi Hao and asked.

Shi Hao nodded.

"I've been studying the Tao recently. I'm ill and it's not appropriate to engage in a big fight. I'm sorry, but my two brothers are in good condition and can discuss it with their fellow Taoists." He pointed at Tianzi and Shi Yi.

Upon hearing this, the Ten-Crown King immediately waved his hand.

"My practice has reached a critical stage. I can't take action. I'd better let fellow Taoist Shi Yi do it."

Shi Yi: "?"

These two people were obviously still very vigorous when they were in the God Burial Valley. Why did they become ill now after just walking a long way?

Shi Yi's mind was full of questions, but he had a certain understanding of Shi Hao and the Ten-Crown Champion. There was definitely no good thing going on with these two people.

He was about to imitate the ten-time champion and wave his hands, but the lady from the penalty area, Shu Yao, said coldly: "Not everyone is qualified to fight me. Your name is Shi Yi, and your surname is Shi. Can you compare to Huang?"

After Shi Yi, who was about to refuse, heard this, he put down his hand that was raised in the air and fell silent. He remembered the two-stone battle on the sky battlefield of the virtual god realm in the lower realm.

That was the battle that shattered the myth of double pupil, which was unforgettable to Shi Yi.

"Miss Shu Yao, you don't know this. Shi Yi is his brother." Cao Yusheng said, revealing Shi Yi's identity.

"Brother Huang? Okay, then I will fight with you to see how strong you are, Brother Huang." Shu Yao said easily. She almost defeated all the invincible opponents in the penalty area, except for Liao Liao. Except for those who have not fought against each other, all the other restricted areas are defeated by her hands, so she naturally has the right to be proud.

Shi Yi was no longer silent, stepped out, and took a deep look at Shi Hao and the Ten-Crown King. He felt that these two people were cheating him, but when it came to the issue of dignity, he could not avoid it no matter what.

"It's normal for young people to be more energetic. It's good to have a competition." The owner of the restricted area nodded, happy to see someone competing with his daughter. If he wins, his daughter's marriage will not be worried.

Chi Cang had already seen the whole story, and he had no objection to the competition, but when it came to recruiting a son-in-law in the restricted area, it was a bit troublesome.

This is a life-long event for a woman and should not be taken lightly. If Shi Yi has no intention of being interested in the other party, wouldn't it be harmful to her?

"Shi Yi, are you sure you want to fight Shu Yao?" Chi Cang said.

He knew how strong Shi Yi was. Along the way, Shi Yi was silently chasing Shi Hao and constantly breaking through himself.

In Chi Cang's view, Shi Yi has a greater chance of winning, and when the time comes, he defeats the opponent...

"Senior Thunder Emperor, I'm sure." Shi Yi replied, with a firm face and calm steps.

"Okay, don't let down these double pupils." Chi Cang nodded and told him that since he wants to fight, he must win.

Under the witness of everyone, Chi Cang and the owner of the forbidden area casually opened up a battlefield, which was indestructible. The two young people could play freely in it without worrying about damage.

Shi Hao and the Ten-Crown King looked at each other, feeling a little guilty. However, Shi Hao knew the reason why Shi Yi agreed to this battle. The man with double eyes had been defeated by him back then, and he had always been grudges about it. Shu Yao sent him away. Compared with him, Shi Yi would definitely not refuse.

A man and a woman went to the battlefield.

The man's face was calm, his aura was restrained and deep, and his eyes were unremarkable, but they were deep and terrifying, as if they could swallow people's hearts.

The woman's appearance is like an immortal, and few people in the world can compare with her. However, she is very proud, as if covered with a layer of frost.

Ever since Shi Yi was defeated at the hands of Shi Hao and died once, he has become much calmer and no longer has the overwhelming aura of a born saint. This is a kind of growth and a change after a great enlightenment.

He even let go of the cause and effect, resentment and hatred of the past, and felt relieved. Such Shi Yi was undoubtedly terrifying.

"Fellow Daoist Shu Yao, take action."

Shi Yi spoke, and his eyes changed. Double pupils appeared, replacing the original eyes, and a heart-stopping aura filled the air.

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