The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 369 Immortal King Leng Yue

"Okay, okay, little friend Huang, you really didn't lie to the old man. This Shi Yi is very motivated, and there is hope that he and the lady will get together." The one-legged old man saw this scene and laughed happily.

The owner of the forbidden area and his Taoist companion also smiled and nodded. Their daughter was looking for a son-in-law. After many battles, she couldn't find the person she liked. There was no way, none of the people in the forbidden area were Shu Yao's opponents. This time Shi Yi was very good.

"It's a fair fight. There's nothing wrong with it. It's the last blow. Thank you fellow Taoist for keeping it."

Shu Yao looked at the calm man close at hand, her pretty face turned red, and she responded softly.

Shi Yi nodded: "You and I will discuss each other until the point is reached. Since my fellow Taoist is fine, Shi can rest assured."

With that said, he was about to return to the people of Jiutian. However, Shu Yao reached out and grabbed him tightly.

Shi Yi turned around with doubts in his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Shu Yao, is there anything else you can do?"

"Well, Shi Yi, you can just call me Shu Yao."

No matter how stupid Shi Yi is, he can see something at this moment, but he doesn't believe that the two of them just met, and after a fight, the other party fell in love with him.

Besides, he was determined to quell the dark turmoil and had no intention of having an affair with his children. Having a confidante around would make him scruple.


Shi Yi nodded and tried to withdraw his palm, but Shu Yao pulled her hard.

"Shu Yao, is there anything else?" Shi Yi asked.

"Shi Yi, I once swore that I would marry a man who could defeat me at the same level in this life. Now, this oath has come true and I have been defeated by you.

Can you stay and be my husband-in-law? "Shu Yao was very bold and spoke directly like this.

When Shi Yi heard this, he felt confused. He never thought that the daughter of the Immortal King would be so direct, because if she lost to him, she would form a Taoist companion with him.

Instead, he was allowed to stay, obviously because he wanted to put him in the marriage restricted area.

For Shi Yi, like Shi Hao, it is impossible for him to get married no matter what.

Therefore, Shi Yi replied without thinking.

"Shu Yao, I'm sorry, it's impossible for me, Shi Yi, to get married."

"Then I'll marry you, and I'll go wherever you go."

Now, Shi Yi couldn't help it. He originally thought that it was impossible for a girl from the restricted area to marry outside, so he said this. Who knew that Shu Yao had such determination.

Suddenly, Shi Yi seemed to have thought of something and turned to look at Shi Hao and Tianzi. The latter both smiled in return. This made Shi Yi very angry. When he accepted the challenge, no one told him that he was looking for a son-in-law.

Looking at the heavenly beauty in front of him, in front of so many people, Shi Yi didn't want to embarrass the other party too much. He actually admired this powerful woman, but only for her combat power.

He responded softly: "Shu Yao, my ambition is far away. My wish in this life is to quell the darkness and turmoil. This road is full of thorns, like dancing on the tip of a knife. It may lead to catastrophe at every turn. Such a precarious road, I I don’t want to get you involved.” He said it very euphemistically, which meant rejecting the other party.

As a result, this made Shu Yao more interested in him.

"It doesn't matter, I said, I will go wherever you go." Shu Yao said stubbornly, seeming to recognize Shi Yi.

Looking at this woman with a firm face, Shi Yi was a little scared. She didn't really want to follow him, right?

"Huang, Emperor, you killed me." Shi Yi roared in his heart, wanting to punch each of those two smiling faces.

"Shu Yao, listen to me. My path is really dangerous and is only suitable for one person. If you follow me and something unexpected happens, how can I explain it to Senior Immortal King?

It is impossible for the senior Immortal King to allow his daughter to fall into a place of no return. "Shi Yi declined again.

However, something happened that left him speechless.

The superior master of the penalty area actually responded to his words.

"When a daughter grows up, she will eventually get married. She has no regrets about the person she chooses and the path she chooses. The water thrown out by a married daughter will only be known to her when the time comes. She should also know whether it is cold or warm. Bear it yourself.

However, if you have difficulties in the future, I will not stand idly by. "The master of the restricted area said, with an obvious meaning, supporting the two of them to get married.

Shi Yi was completely confused. Is this restricted area owner so Buddhist?

Seeing that Shi Yi was in a daze and did not respond immediately, Chi Cang didn't want Shi Yi to offend the Tianfeng clan, so he coughed and came up with a compromise.

"It's not sweet to be forced. Let's let Shu Yao go with us and try to get along with Shi Yi. If they get along and both parties are interested, then naturally good things can be expected. If they don't get along, there's nothing we can do. It’s said that it’s fate but not fate.”

Thunder Emperor's words were naturally very weighty, and the owner of the restricted area immediately nodded and agreed to Chi Cang's suggestion.

Shi Yi also came to his senses and quickly saluted Chi Cang and the Lord of the Forbidden Zone and responded.

When Shi Yi came back with a sullen expression, Shi Hao, the Emperor, and all the nine heavenly geniuses all congratulated Shi Yi and congratulated him on bringing back the beauty.

Shi Yi was very angry, but there was nothing he could do and didn't say anything. He didn't want to embarrass Shu Yao.

At this moment, the princess of the Tianfeng tribe was like a weak girl, following Shi Yi, never leaving. Although Shi Yi was used to being alone, he was a little uncomfortable with it, but he couldn't feel disgusted by such a peerless beauty.

I just sighed secretly, thinking about how to make it clear to others and end this undeserved fate.

Next, Shu Yao's brother also came to the end, and wanted to challenge the emperor by name and have a discussion.

After repeated invitations, the emperor agreed, and he did not want to offend the son of the restricted area.

However, Shi Yi on the side was very depressed. Didn't the emperor just say that it was not appropriate to take action at a critical moment in cultivation?

Why would the emperor be fine as soon as he finished fighting?

In the end, the emperor was even better in this battle. His dragon fist was extremely heavy, and he was blessed by the world tree seedlings. Except for Shi Hao who could stabilize him, who else in the world would dare to say that he would definitely be able to defeat him?

During this period, Chi Cang and the owner of the restricted area also discussed the removal of the restricted area.

In the end, the owner of the restricted area made the same choice as the owner of the God Burial Valley, following Chi Cang and throwing himself into this magnificent and troubled world. In the future, he would follow Chi Cang and Liu Shen to enter the fairyland and return to the hometown of the Tianfeng clan.

After everything was done, Chi Cang and all the geniuses were ready to leave.

Shu Yao's relatives held her hand and told her that she had never traveled far away and must protect herself when she was outside. The same was true for the owner of the restricted area. He looked very majestic, but he also cared about his daughter.

"Don't worry, Shi Yi will protect me." Shu Yao said.

Shi Yi, who was not far away, naturally heard it. When he saw the owner of the restricted area and others looking at him, Shi Yi nodded.

"Senior, don't worry, no matter whether Shi Yi and Shu Yao can get together, we will keep her safe." Shi Yi is sincere. A woman is willing to leave the safe restricted area and follow him with an uncertain future. No matter how hard-hearted he is, she will Touched, it is not difficult for Shi Yi to protect the safety of a woman. As long as the Supreme does not attack, he can deal with it calmly.

Finally, Chi Cang said goodbye to the owner of the restricted area, and Dun Guang gathered a group of geniuses and left here.

They rushed to other restricted areas, which were located in various parts of the Nine Heavens. Some restricted areas were truly untainted by the mortal world, always closed, and did not interfere with the operation of the world.

However, such a restricted area is even more worrying, because they are afraid that the cause and effect of the past will come to their door.

The Great Reckoning is coming. Wherever these creatures with great karma end up, they will suffer disaster. Maybe tens of thousands of years later, a hand will suddenly fly from outside the territory and knock this place apart, along with the ancient world.

The more people have big karma, the more afraid they are, so they are more honest and cautious in hiding.

Fortunately, Chi Cang learned from the owners of several restricted areas that he conquered that year the distribution of all restricted areas, and he could find them one by one.

In this way, he visited one completely closed restricted area after another, awakening one sleeping ancient creature after another.

These old guys are very smart. They can't go back to the fairyland, so they choose to set up a restricted area here, sleep, and don't interfere in human affairs, just to survive the most powerful liquidation in history.

Unfortunately, Chi Cang came and woke them all up.

Under the intimidation of the supreme giant, how dare these immortal king creatures disobey? They all promised to move out of Jiutianshidi immediately.

Later, Chi Cang proposed that if they surrendered to Jiutian, they would be brought back to the Immortal Realm in the future. When these immortal kings heard this, they chose the latter without hesitation. The so-called trees are so big that they can enjoy the shade. Who doesn’t want to board the chariot of the Immortal Realm?

In just one day, Chi Cang made all the restricted areas rooted in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths vanish into thin air, and this became history.

At this point, the transcendent forbidden area no longer exists, and there is no longer any man-made forbidden area of ​​life.

Standing on the vast mountains and rivers, looking down, Chi Cang felt much more comfortable. This is what the Mother Realm should be like.

"Uncle Chicang, I remember that there is another restricted area, which was established by a supreme powerhouse who became a ghost and became an immortal. It is in the chaotic zone on the border of Dachitian, and there is a fallen blood phoenix living there.

Back then, the Great Elder held the Shroud of the Immortal King and took us to the sealed ancient world. At the last moment, the woman in the forbidden land gave us an ancient incense called "Jiejie Destruction". "Shi Hao said this.

Other geniuses also remembered this incident and spoke out one after another.

Of course Chi Cang will not forget this matter. Even if they don't say it, Chi Cang still has relevant memories in his mind.

The reason why he did not go to that place was because the sealed ancient world was only adjacent to the Great Red Sky and was in the Chaos Zone. Strictly speaking, it was not considered a restricted area within the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Now that Shi Hao and the others mentioned it, Chi Cang felt that there was cause and effect.

Maybe it was the ancient world-destroying incense that helped him intimidate the foreign land and make them honest, or maybe it was the owner of that place who fought to the death with the ancient ancestor of the foreign land, Luomo, and perished with him, thus helping the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

The Immortal Domain reinforcements who died in the Immortal Ancient Era are all worthy of admiration, whether they were voluntary or not.

Chi Cang sighed and said to Shi Hao and others: "Let's go. Since we mentioned it there, there is no reason not to go and take a look."

With that said, he led everyone back to Dachitian. Not long ago, they leveled the Death Immortal Ridge in this realm, and Chi Cang took action to subdue the golden haired beast.

This time, they did not go to the hinterland of Dachitian, but to the frontier of Dachitian.

This place is adjacent to a foreign land and was one of the main battlefields of the Immortal Ancient War. The Immortal Turtle Armor Showdown that represented the end of the Immortal Ancient Era was here.

Reincarnation and no end, the two leaders of the primitive ancient world died here, leaving the Immortal King's shroud empty, regretful and desolate.

Arriving at the borderland, Chi Cang first stayed in silence for a long time, lit incense, and paid homage to his dead ancestors and old friends.

After doing all this, he stepped into the Chaos Zone and looked for the bloody ancient land.

The divine consciousness of the supreme giant level unfolds overwhelmingly, and even chaos cannot stop it.

After a period of searching, Chi Cang's eyes suddenly moved and he found some clues.

He used his supreme magic power to create a new world in the chaos. The pure air rose and the turbid air sank, and a lifeless ancient world emerged.

The geniuses who were traveling with him were extremely shocked. Is this the supreme Thunder Emperor? A vast world opened up casually.

In the center of this world, stands an ancient monument with a height of 100,000 feet. It is black, bloody, cracked, and dripping with horrible bloodstains.

"That's it." Shi Hao and others were surprised that they had actually found it. The coordinates here were buried by chaos. It was really not easy to find them.

The stone monument is tall and reaches the sky. It is extremely majestic and strange. It suppresses this place invisibly and seals the ancient world.

"Uncle Chicang, does the supreme being here come from the fairyland?" Shi Hao asked curiously.

After they entered that year, they saw a lot of emotions from that supreme being, written in fairy script, which showed a lot of unwillingness, sadness and confusion, and even mentioned crossing the sea, which made people think a lot.

Dugu Yun, a descendant of the Guardian, guessed that she came from the ancestral land of the Guardian lineage, which is the hometown of immortals. However, this guess has never been confirmed. Except for the ancient immortal creatures, no one else knew about this old incident.

Chi Cang nodded.

"Yes, she comes from the Immortal Realm. She is an extremely powerful ancient Immortal King named Leng Yue."

"Leng Yue Immortal King!" Everyone knew the woman's name for the first time.

"Her origins are very ancient, almost as old as some giants. She stands in the fairyland, overlooking the cycle of eras, and watches the changes of the great world, life and death.

If Immortal Gu hadn't died in the first battle, she would have continued to live and coexist with the world.

Unfortunately, time is also destiny. Chi Cang said with a sigh.

Then, he told another secret: "Speaking of which, Leng Yue, Liu Shen, and I have a certain cause and effect.

Back then, when I was wandering around the Immortal Realm, I heard about something. There was an unknown past between Leng Yue and Ao Sheng, but they broke up later on.

After that, Ao Sheng married a wife and had children, and passed on the family line. The rumors about the two of them gradually faded away. Moreover, Ao Sheng did not want to hear anyone mention this matter. Due to his strength, the rumors gradually disappeared.

Era after era passed, the people who knew about this and were still alive were either true immortals or immortal kings. I also heard about it from the mouth of an immortal king.

There is a huge cause and effect between Ao Sheng and Liu Shen, and they will never stop fighting. Since Leng Yue is Ao Sheng's confidante, it means that she, Liu Shen, and me have a certain cause and effect.

It’s just that I don’t know what the cause and effect is. No one knows what kind of relationship there is between her and Ao Sheng. It is said that after Leng Yue died in the battle, Ao Sheng caused many killings in foreign lands in a rage. It seems that in Revenge for Leng Yue.

However, he only killed one or two immortals, which was not a big deal to Foreign Land. "

"The female senior in the restricted area turned out to be Ao Sheng's confidante? If Uncle Chicang helped her, wouldn't he indirectly help Ao Sheng?" Shi Hao naturally knew the hatred between Ao Sheng and Liu Shen.

He didn't hesitate to say Ao Sheng's real name directly. The place was enveloped by the blazing aura of the supreme giant. Even if he called Ao Sheng's real name directly, Ao Sheng, who was far away in the fairyland, would not notice it.

Count it from yesterday

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