The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 370 Immortal Tomb and Inscription

Hearing what Shi Hao said, Chi Cang shook his head slightly.

"Even so, she should be saved. Leng Yue fought for nine days and died together with Luo Mo. She is worthy of respect. Moreover, she also gave half of the remaining incense, which played a major role in warning the foreign land of the battle. This is all cause and effect. I want to pay it back."

When Shi Hao and the other geniuses heard this, they couldn't help but nod. Indeed, no matter what kind of close relationship the Immortal King Lengyue had with Ao Sheng, she helped Jiutian after all and paid her life for it. Two things, one code and one code. .

"Let's go in and take a look. I'm afraid she has forgotten most of her old memories. In a sense, she is no longer the Immortal King Lengyue, but a new creature." Chi Cang greeted.

Then, he took action, and powerful power filled the air, breaking the seal in an instant. Without any surprise, the tall black stone tablet made a "clicking" sound, and cracks suddenly appeared, and blood flowed from them, which was strange and terrifying. .

Everyone's eyes were solemn. It was the blood of immortals. It contained many immortal substances and substances that were harmful to human beings, as well as part of the essence of true immortal beings during their lifetime. If they had not been protected by Blazing Cang, they would have been hit by the dripping immortal blood. , maybe he will die immediately.


With a loud noise, this dusty ancient world was once again opened. A huge crack appeared in the void, emitting a bright divine light, and the tip of the iceberg was exposed in a vast world.

Vaguely, everyone seemed to hear the loud birdsong, resounding throughout the sky.

"It's the fallen blood phoenix!"

They were no strangers to this cry. They had followed the Great Elder Meng Tianzheng into this sealed ancient world and saw a true phoenix with blood-red eyes and feathers.

The crack was huge, and sacred light shot out from inside, bright red and dazzling.

This is the blood of immortal creatures, deep red with red haze, like blood diamonds and coral rolling out.

The aura of immortality is shocking and murderous, making people's scalp numb, as if it wants to extinguish all life.

Shi Hao and other geniuses have been exposed to fairy blood that has been refined with harmful substances and murderous intent. It is very gentle and is of great benefit to cultivation.

Unlike the fairy blood in front of me, it is in its most primitive state and its lethality is extremely terrifying.

Chi Cang releases supreme pressure and eliminates all dangers. The place under his feet is the pure land.

He led everyone straight forward, through the rich immortal blood flowing from the cracks, and headed towards the sealed ancient world.

When they were about to cross the boundary wall and truly descend into the world inside, a boundless sea of ​​​​blood suddenly surged in front of them, composed of the blood of true immortal creatures, and it was terrifying.

Everyone looked behind the sea of ​​blood. There, red clouds were rolling, the fire was soaring into the sky, and it was extremely hot. There was a divine bird suspended above the sea of ​​blood, spitting out flames.

The blood sea was formed due to its stimulation.

Shi Hao and others naturally recognized this sacred bird. It was the fallen blood phoenix they saw back then.

This creature was originally a member of the sacred True Phoenix clan. Unfortunately, before it was born, the fairy egg was soaked in blood, and the life mark inside was also contaminated. Finally, the little True Phoenix that was born was affected by the pollution of blood and changed from the original. The extremely sacred True Phoenix clan has turned into the bloodthirsty and crazy fallen Blood Phoenix.

This fallen blood phoenix is ​​still underage, but it is very powerful. It flaps a pair of phoenix wings and stirs up the immortal flames, sweeping across the place to drive away the intruders.

"Hey, little blood phoenix, do you still recognize us? We are here to visit, there is no harm." Cao Yusheng felt good about himself and waved towards the fallen blood phoenix.

Unexpectedly, the fallen blood phoenix looked at the little fat man Cao Yusheng with murderous intent in his eyes, opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of immortal flames.

"I'll go, this guy is a little crazy and doesn't recognize people." Cao Yusheng was startled and complained.

Following the action of the fallen blood phoenix, the sea of ​​blood formed by the blood of immortal creatures surged into huge waves, one after another, sweeping over Chi Cang and the others.

If it were the Supreme Being who came here, facing the erosion of so much immortal blood, it would probably be a disaster.

However, the big waves of immortal blood are of no use to Chi Cang, and they are not even considered as drizzle. He only needs to release a trace of breath, and he will be safe and sound, and the waves of blood cannot hit him.

Seeing that his methods were useless, the fallen blood phoenix became fierce and let out a sharp scream, like a fairy sword vibrating, filled with dazzling sword light, reaching everyone's ears.

It can be seen that this magical bird flaps its wings violently and begins to chant a very mysterious spell.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​blood rose up, no longer forming waves, but began to take shape. Each different kind of blood came from creatures of different races.

Under the spell of the fallen blood phoenix, the immortal blood revived and transformed into its previous form. Various ancient creatures appeared in the world, roaring towards the sky and the earth, killing Chi Cang and the others.

"This blood phoenix does not miss the past. Its owner once gave us half an ancient incense." Someone said.

Facing the menacing creature transformed from immortal blood, Chi Cang said nothing, just waved his hand, and in an instant, everything ceased to exist, dust returned to dust, dust returned to earth.

No matter how powerful those creatures were in life, or what glorious past they had, it was useless. They would all vanish into thin air under the blow of Blazing Cang.

Not far away, the fallen blood phoenix let out a soft cry, with a look of shock in its bloodthirsty eyes, as if it did not expect that the visitor would be so terrifying.

The blood sea was broken, and the fallen blood phoenix had consumed all its mana and could no longer proceed.

It walked away without hesitation and without looking back, deep into the ancient world.

"This guy was like this last time, he ran away after letting go." Cao Yusheng said bitterly.

Chi Cang had no intention of pursuing him, but just hung far behind.

They gradually penetrated into this bloody ancient world and saw many tragic scenes.

On the vast land, the rivers meander and flow endlessly. What is shocking is that they are all made of blood. God knows how many people have died here.

On the distant horizon, there are large tombs standing one after another. The aura of immortality is strong and lingers around the large tombs. Obviously, these are the tombs where true immortals sleep.

When they passed by the sky above the big tomb, a sudden change occurred. The big tomb suddenly glowed, and a terrifying suction force came out, trying to drag Chi Cang and all the geniuses in.

"My God, are there any living creatures inside?" Jiutian Tianjiao was shocked. The last time he came, out of caution, no one touched these immortal tombs. Unexpectedly, this time, several large tombs dripping with blood took the initiative to attack them. In a daze, they seemed to see two blood moons in the dark entrance of the tomb.

That was not a bloody moon, but the eyes of some unknown creature, which was very scary.

Just a thought from Chi Cang shattered all the suction power, and then he snorted coldly. Suddenly, the light on all the immortal tombs dimmed, and the peace of the past was restored.

The strange creatures in the big tomb retreated after knowing the difficulty, and did not dare to take any more chances with their group.

"Did Leng Yue, who was still alive, arrange it back then?" Chi Cang whispered, with some understanding.

He could see clearly that the Immortal Tomb was not built to bury the immortal beings and let them rest in peace, but to allow the corpses of the former immortal beings to channel spirits and give birth to the soul again.

An era passed, and each of those corpses that had been sleeping for a long time came back to life. They had weak consciousness, but they still needed to rely on those tombs and could not be easily reborn.

Chi Cang led everyone to continue moving forward, passing by the huge mountains. These mountains were emitting white mist, which was wisps of fairy mist. Immortal creatures once lived on them, so they were dyed with the true charm of immortality.

Just smelling that smell makes me feel comfortable, as if I am about to become immortal and ascend.

Around the hazy mountain, rivers full of spiritual energy flow quietly, and various rare plants and trees grow among them. It is sacred, peaceful, and looks like a pure land of fairy family.

This area is completely different from the previous horrific scene of rivers of blood, one hell and one paradise.

But soon, the situation changed drastically again.

After thousands of miles, the earth became dilapidated, with no grass growing, hundreds of thousands of miles of bare ground, and deathly silence shrouded the place, without a trace of life at all.

Looking around, you can see many remnants, which are still filled with the aura of immortality.

"This is the area that was swept away by the Immortal Law. All life was extinct, and all the original spirits were turned into ashes." Chi Cang's eyes flashed with bright light. With his past life, he even saw the scenes of the old battles. This kind of tracing back to history is effortless for Chi Cang.

Continuing to move forward, Shi Hao and others once again saw the magnificent and desolate scene. The remains of one big star after another stood on the earth, so densely packed that they could not be seen at a glance.

Some of the stars were even covered with fingerprints, which looked like they had been captured.

"It was Luo Mo who did it. When he was struggling to his death and on the verge of despair, he reached out and grabbed several star fields and laid them out here." Chi Cang said after witnessing the scene in the past.

The Nine Heavenly Prodigies were so shocked that they were on the verge of death. They were still able to capture several vast star fields, and countless stars were buried with them. Is this the power of the Immortal King's creatures?

They quickly passed through the battlefield, and on the way, they saw the king's blood of Luomo spilled on the world, showing five colors. Legend has it that the color of the blood represents the strength of a group of creatures.

Five-color true blood is already a very strong performance, but in foreign lands, there are still people who have evolved seven-color true blood.

As for Chi Cang, he has not evolved in this direction at all. Although he is a supreme giant, the color of his blood still remains the original bright red, which is a manifestation of returning to nature.

Not long after, they saw the blood of Immortal King Lengyue again. This extremely ancient female Immortal King also had five-color true blood, but the difference was that the blood was filled with chaotic energy.

"Leng Yue is stronger than Luo Mo, but unfortunately, Luo Mo fought hard from the beginning and was not afraid of death. In the end, he pulled Leng Yue to die together.

However, the final endings of the two are still different. Leng Yue can leave his body and give birth to a new soul, while Luo Mo disappears into thin air, leaving only the immortal king's undying fighting spirit and a trace of heroic spirit. " Chi Cang sighed. While crossing this area, he had already gone through the past and learned more about the battle that year.

They arrived at an ancient monument. It stood on the horizon. It was not high, only a few feet. It was densely engraved with words written by Immortal King Lengyue.

“Unfortunately, I was chosen to take the shot and there was no going back.

Victory can be expected.

But, the way back has been cut off.

Looking back at the ancestors, their bones were buried in the wilderness. Our generation has followed the old path, and our fate is destined.

A nap lasts for a hundred thousand years. When you open your eyes, you will see the vicissitudes of life. Is it a wasted death or a meaningful contribution? I do not know.

If the chess player is not holding the position and cannot see the chess board clearly, I can cut off the chess player's finger, but what will happen after that?

One day you will find that when you wake up from your big dreams, they are all empty, and what is supposed to come will eventually come.

Escape, only a moment of peace!

Who dares to cross the sea, who dares to break through?

When that day comes, humans will no longer be human, ghosts will no longer be ghosts, immortals will no longer be immortal, and all heavens will be overturned.

Perhaps, that is rebirth, an end point, and another origin. "

Seeing these pessimistic words again, Shi Hao and others can still feel a kind of psychological resonance, which is despair and helplessness.

You can imagine how sad Immortal King Lengyue felt when he carved these words.

"Uncle Chicang, does crossing the sea mean crossing the boundary sea?" Shi Hao asked.

Chi Cang nodded.

“Who dares to cross the sea, who dares to break through?”

This sentence expresses Leng Yue's helplessness. Everyone knows that foreign lands are pawns of darkness, and the kings also know that the source of darkness is on the other side of the sea.

However, who dares to cross? Who dares to touch the darkness and cross the line between life and death?

"Senior Lei Emperor, what does the last sentence mean? It always makes people feel chilly." Cao Yusheng said.

Humans are not human, ghosts are not ghosts, immortals are not immortals, all the heavens will be subverted. Perhaps, that is rebirth, which is both an end and another origin.

This sentence is very profound. When you read it carefully, it is inexplicably creepy. Is this a sign of the end of the world?

As both immortal kings, Chi Cang could naturally understand the meaning of this sentence. He said solemnly: "Leng Yue is one of the oldest immortal kings in the immortal realm. Although her strength has not reached that of a giant, it is undeniable that she knows There are many secrets.

What she wanted to say was actually dark turmoil.

We believe that one day, the owner of the ancient artifacts of foreign origin will take action to reshape the world. At that time, the heavens will be overturned, everything will be destroyed and become history. An entire era will be buried, leaving nothing but some fragrance. The seeds continue to take root, sprout, and multiply on the soil of the rest of the world.

One splendid era after another has been destroyed and replaced in this way, and only some special secret places can still see the scenes of the past. "

Although Shi Hao and others were only escape monks and could not even reach the Supreme level, they could still feel a great terror from Chi Cang's words.

An ancient artifact of foreign origin, it is a terrifying artifact that can suppress the invincible Immortal King. It is related to the Immortal Emperor. Its owner is most likely the Immortal Emperor. When these creatures try to reshape the world, I am afraid that no one will be spared. They will all become Robbery ashes.

No wonder, Immortal King Lengyue, who knew some of the truth, felt helpless and desperate.

In her opinion, the foreign ancient ancestor Luo Mo was just a chess piece of the chess player. She could kill the opponent and cut off one of his fingers, but it was of no use at all.

However, in Chi Cang's view, Luo Mo is not even a chess piece and does not have the qualifications. To be a chess piece, it would have to be an entire foreign land.

Next chapter, one o'clock ago, I recently wrote about the red-haired clan, and I feel like I have been possessed by the power of a curse.

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