Everyone is filled with emotion. There is great terror in the world. People who don't know the truth will only think that the years are peaceful. People who know the truth will always worry, but they are unable to change anything.

Sometimes, ignorance and ignorance can also be a blessing.

However, talented people like Shi Hao, Tianzi and others are all people who would rather burn themselves in despair than die in confusion.

Despair will stimulate their evolutionary potential and strive to climb up in the years to come.

After sighing, they crossed the stone monument and continued to move deeper.

Not long after walking, I saw bursts of black mist rising, in which six or seven huge creatures stood vaguely. Each one was ferocious and ferocious, and they were immortals from a foreign land.

All the essence in the immortal's body has been lost, and it is dry and disfigured, as if it has been sucked away by something.

Chi Cang didn't stop and passed through the layers of black mist. Finally, the battlefield disappeared and he came to the sacred weather area again.

Grass and trees, giant mountains, spiritual waterfalls, auspicious energy, old medicine... everything is there, forming two extremes from the devastated battlefield seen before.

The fairy mountain is endless, full of elixirs and spiritual herbs, and the void is filled with rich essence, just like the pure land of the fairy family.

However, the strange thing is that there is no spirit, only plants without animals, and plants also have no consciousness.

The ground was also an unknown dark red color, as if it had been infected by blood.

Chi Cang's eyes were deep, looking through the past, present and future, and he saw the old things that happened here in the past.

A stunning woman who did not belong to the human world, her flesh and blood were broken into pieces, and she was beaten to pieces by her opponent. Blood rain flew out, soaking the earth in dark red.

In other words, the source of the dark red earth lies in Immortal King Lengyue, so it is no wonder that plants can grow here.

Suddenly, bursts of fairy music sounded in the void, very melodious, coming from the depths of the earth.

"It's Senior Leng Yue playing the piano." Shi Hao said, they had seen the scene in the depths with their own eyes.


Chi Cang activated the escape light and led everyone across the boundless land and descended to the deepest part of the land.

Ahead, a majestic mountain range stretched across the mountain range. It was more majestic than the mountains seen before, with a height of seven to eight thousand feet, which seemed to be as high as the sky.

On top of the large mountains in the center, there are many buildings standing. It is an ancient fairy palace, with the sacred atmosphere of immortality circulating.

Everyone saw at a glance that the source of the fairy music came from a guqin.

There was a snow-white skeleton sitting on the roof of a huge palace, playing the harp, and on the roof of the huge palace next to it, the fallen blood phoenix that was attacking everyone stood proudly, with eyes as red as blood, straight and straight. Look over here.

It was originally a sacred fairy bird, but it was contaminated and became a fallen blood phoenix. It was hostile to everyone and wanted to devour them.

"Ding ding dong dong..."

The sound of the piano is melodious and melodious, making people feel as if they are about to enter the state of enlightenment after listening to it.

The snow-white skeleton, with slender finger bones, white and crystal clear, looked like the skeleton of a woman.

In a trance, people had the illusion that it was not a skeleton, but a peerless beauty, playing the piano leisurely and playing the most beautiful music in the world.

Shi Hao and others were not fooled by this illusion, because they had been here before and knew how stunning the white bones' true body was, and how truly a peerless beauty she was.

But without flesh and blood, only a red and pink skeleton and a piece of human skin remain in the world.

Chi Cang didn't make any movements, he just looked at the guqin in the skeleton's hand quietly. It was the Fengwu Immortal Qin.

Made through sacrifice, the main ingredient is the heart of the first sacred tree in the ancestral land of the Phoenix clan.

Once upon a time, the Fengwu Immortal Qin was a very famous magical instrument and a rare instrument used to attack music. But now, it is very damaged, with a large section broken, the strings are also incomplete, and two pieces are missing. root.

Suddenly, the blood phoenix screamed, very urgently, communicating with the snow-white skeleton, and looking at Chi Cang and others from time to time.

"This guy must be urging Immortal King Lengyue to take action against us." The geniuses don't have a good impression of the fallen blood phoenix, because this kind of creature is crazy and bloodthirsty, and in the ancient immortal era, the fallen blood phoenix belonged to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The clan betrayed the primitive ancient world, led the way to the foreign land, provided a lot of information, and finally became the guests of the foreign land, which made people angry.

Sure enough, after the snow-white skeleton listened to the fallen blood phoenix's story, the guqin in his hand glowed, and a broken string flew out and struck Chi Cang.

Obviously, she already knew that among those who came, only Chi Cang was a threat, and the others were not even supreme, so they were not a concern.


The broken strings struck like a long whip. However, before they reached Chi Cang, they were immobilized by a powerful field and could not move.

The strings made a dragon roar, and I wanted to pull them back, but how could I move after being trapped in the field around Chi Cang?

The empty eyes of the snow-white skeleton stared at Chi Cang. If there were eyes inside, they must have a solemn expression.

Then, she launched another attack to test the depth of Chi Cang.


A crisp sound, not very high-pitched, but the sound could break the sky.

A ray of light flew out of the guqin in the skeleton's hand, cutting the sky and dividing the world into two halves. Then, one note after another jumped out, appearing silver, and suppressed towards Chi Cang.

There were no surprises in the final result, and it was still resolved. Invisibly, there was a field belonging to the supreme giant, like a swamp, which could not be broken without a strong enough attack power.

The snow-white skeleton seemed to be aware of the gap between the two. No matter how anxiously the fallen blood phoenix screamed, she did not continue to take action.

I saw the crystal white bone palm falling on the remaining strings, playing a ghostly soul song, which seemed to be calling the sleeping god to return.

On the top of the overlapping giant palace, on the magnificent altar, a huge coffin made of fairy wood was laid out.

On top of the coffin, there were even branches with glowing green leaves. They were supposed to be lifeless, but they turned out to be full of life.

The faint fairy music touched the coffin, making it glow and become transparent.

A scene from the past reappeared. People saw a beautiful human skin in the coffin, flawless, dressed in snow, and dust-free.

It is the human skin of Immortal King Lengyue.

Her flesh and blood were blown apart by Luo Mo and dissipated forever, leaving only the human skin and skeleton.

She was dying back then, but after hastily making some arrangements in this world, she passed away.

Later, her arrangement worked. The blood essence of those immortals passed through the altar and nourished the human skin in the coffin. Finally, a new soul was born from this human skin, and the ghost became an immortal.


The beauty's human-skinned head was glowing with light, and a consciousness awakened from its deep sleep.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes, and in her eyes, the world was beginning to open, and the terrifying scene of slaying gods and demons emerged.

"Who is disturbing the peace of the forbidden land? Who is disturbing my eternal dream?" The woman's eyes were cold, looking at Chi Cang and others, filled with cold murderous intent.

Last time, people from foreign lands and nine-day beings broke into this world and woke her up. After giving a certain lesson, she let everyone go and bluntly said that this place would become a restricted area. Outsiders should not disturb them, otherwise they would be killed without mercy.

Who would have known that she had only been lying down for a few years, and before she entered a deep sleep, someone would come uninvited and break into the restricted area she had designated.

In this case, she naturally had the intention to kill.

However, Human Skin did not take action immediately, because from the feedback from the skeleton, she learned that Chi Cang was powerful and that he was a creature in the same realm as her previous life.

When Shi Hao and others saw this beautiful human skin again, they were still amazed. It was simply a miraculous workmanship, and could be called the most perfect masterpiece from God.

"Senior, do you still remember us?" Shi Hao asked.

The woman looked indifferently and replied coldly: "Is it you? Now that I have let you go, why do you come here again and disturb the peace of this world?"

She recognized Shi Hao, Cao Yusheng and others, whom she had met once before. At that time, they even shouted loudly, hoping that the woman would take action to deal with the foreign troops, and informed the woman that the foreign land was attacking again.

It was just that at that time, she had forgotten many things in the past, and she thought it was a bad memory in her heart. She was unwilling to recall it, and she was unwilling to be tainted with the cause and effect of the world. She had nothing to do with the nine heavens or the foreign land.

"We have no ill intentions and come with good intentions." Chi Cang said.

"Does good and evil matter? I just want peace, just don't disturb me here." The woman was very dissatisfied with the arrival of Chi Cang and others. If Chi Cang hadn't been powerful, she might have taken action long ago.

"Do you still remember who I am? Fellow Taoist Lengyue." Chi Cang said suddenly.

The woman frowned slightly. She still remembered that her name was Leng Yue.

Looking at Chi Cang's regal face, majestic figure, and the thunder and lightning swirling all over her body, some information emerged in her mind, remembering this promising rising star.

Back then, Chi Cang had done a big favor in the Immortal Realm, and it was related to the Sea of ​​Laws, and he became famous in the Immortal Realm. Naturally, Immortal King Lengyue also knew that there was such a young man with extraordinary qualifications who was expected to become a king.

Moreover, she had an old relationship with some immortal kings from the original ancient world. She had heard about Thunder Emperor Chicang, and also knew that he was later besieged and died by foreign lands.

"Is it you? Thunder Emperor?" The human-skinned woman spoke, revealing Chi Cang's identity.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Lengyue has not completely forgotten the past." Chi Cang sighed.

"Back then, before I died, I left behind some memories. I eliminated some that I didn't want to remember, but I could barely recall the others." The woman answered.

Then, she continued: "Are fellow Taoists like me, who die and are reborn, using their corpses to become Taoists again?"

This time, she no longer rejected people thousands of miles away, but felt a sense of sympathy for them. Before she entered Jiutian, the news of the death of Thunder Emperor caused an uproar in the fairyland. A genius who was expected to become the king and ancestor in this era , died in the hands of the immortal king of a foreign land, which made people sigh.

Now, the Thunder Emperor has reappeared. In her opinion, it must be that the soul has been conceived again in the flesh, and the corpse has become the Tao.

"Maybe." Chi Cang was noncommittal. His resurrection was a long story. Even if he told it, no one would believe it because it was too bizarre.

"Why are you here, fellow Taoist Lei Emperor? Now, I have decided to stay away from the world of mortals and cut off the bad past. From now on, I will stand in the restricted area and watch the water flow for eternity. The sky will dry up and the world will turn upside down. It has nothing to do with me." The woman. Said calmly.

"It has nothing to do with fellow Taoist? I'm afraid it's not necessarily the case. The ancient monument erected by fellow Taoist also said that to escape, you have to rest for a while, establish a restricted area, and escape from the world. Isn't it a kind of escape?"

"I'm tired, I'm tired. I just want to enjoy this rare peace." The woman didn't refute. She naturally knew that setting up a restricted area was a kind of escape.

When the final catastrophe comes, all the heavens will be overturned, let alone her small restricted area?

But so what? She can't change the overall situation, so she just accepts her fate and enjoys the peace before the destruction of the world comes.

"Fellow Taoist, do you still want to return to the Immortal Realm? Between the lines of that ancient stele, I can feel your Taoist thoughts about the Immortal Realm." Chi Cang asked.

The woman shook her head.

"Let the past be gone. The past is like smoke. If you don't want to think about it again or contaminate it anymore, just sleep here like this and have a dream for eternity."

Chi Cang was speechless. It seemed that the Immortal King Leng Yue really didn't want to join the world anymore. He was completely disappointed with the Immortal Realm. He thought that sending people to fight in the past was a kind of escape. If the Immortal Realm went out on a large scale, I am afraid that the foreign realm would not want to lure him. Sharp Edge would not lose so many Immortal Kings and die in vain in this world.

He persuaded her a few more times, but in the end, there was no change. The woman still didn't want to leave here, even if Chi Cang promised to take her back to the fairyland, it was useless.

During this process, Chi Cang also mentioned Ao Sheng. The woman's performance was very bland and told Chi Cang that she had indeed traveled together for a period of time. Later, she discovered that the two of them had different personalities and naturally did not conspire with each other. They separated from each other for who knows how many eras. There has been no contact, and I have long since stopped thinking about him.

Chi Cang stopped trying to persuade him. He could see that the other party was really tired, and there was a sense of exhaustion in his words.

"In this case, I will no longer say anything to persuade fellow Taoists to be born.

The main purpose of coming this time is to return the karma to fellow Taoist. The half of the world-destroying ancient incense that you gave back then was of great use. Fellow Taoist in the Immortal Ancient Era killed Luomo, the ancient ancestor of the foreign land, which was also a kind of sacrifice to Jiutian. Help, no matter what, you should repay this kindness. "

"World Destruction is a thing from your world. How can I help you if I return it to you? Killing Luo Mo is also what I have to do. There is no need for this." The woman shook her head.

"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to say anything. I will disturb this place again in the future. Then, I will help my fellow Taoist to resurrect his soul." Chi Cang did not specifically say what resurrection is.

The woman didn't ask any more questions. Seeing that the other party was so insistent and showed no ill intentions, she nodded and agreed.

Finally, this flawless beautiful human skin lay back in the coffin made of fairy wood. The fallen blood phoenix seemed to be unwilling to accept it. Looking at the people in Chi Cang, it wanted to devour them.

"This little bird is so evil." Cao Yusheng looked at the fallen blood phoenix with hatred and wanted to beat it up. No one could stand a malicious guy staring at him all the time.

Chi Cang ignored the malice of the fallen blood phoenix and completely ignored it. Even if the blood phoenix was an adult, he would still ignore it because it was too weak.

The boundary wall was torn apart, and everyone walked out of this forbidden area along the old road.

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