The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 372 Return to Stone Village

Turning his head, the black stone tablet, which was a hundred thousand feet high, slowly sank, was submerged by the surging chaos, and disappeared.

Chi Cang has already left an immortal mark on the stone tablet, so there is no need to look for it next time.

Thinking of Leng Yue who was completely disappointed with the world and determined to have an eternal dream, Chi Cang sighed slightly. Maybe the next time he comes, the sealed ancient land will be opened for the last time.

If no one disturbs her, that woman can sleep until the end of the world.

However, there is a restless fallen blood phoenix inside. One day, when this blood phoenix reaches adulthood and possesses great power, it may yearn for the world of mortals. At that time, the tranquility of the forbidden area may be broken.

But all this has nothing to do with Chi Cang.

He led a group of geniuses to leave the chaotic area of ​​​​the Dachitian border, and then went straight to the lower realm.

After entering the Primordial Gate, he and Liu Shen traveled all the way. After going through many hardships, they finally found the Dharma-ending World, fulfilled their wish, and became immortals in the world of mortals.

In total, they have been away from the lower world for six or seven years.

Now that you have reached the supreme giant, it will take tens of thousands of years to take a small step forward, so there is no need to rush, so it is time to go back and take a look.

Shicun is not only Shi Hao's spiritual harbor, but also Chi Cang's spiritual harbor, a pure land deep in his heart.

No matter what he did in the outside world or what he encountered, even if there were hundreds of millions of corpses lying on the ground and blood flowing into the river, a warm and peaceful time would always remain in his mind, and he would often look back and recall the past.

Shi Hao was very happy to know that he was going back to Shicun. After he went back not long ago, he only stayed for a few days. In Shi Hao's heart, it was far from enough. He wanted to spend more time with his family who were getting older.

However, with the darkness and turmoil ahead, cultivation should be the first priority. Therefore, after only ten days of leaving the Imperial Pass, he and a group of geniuses hurriedly hit the road.

He was completely happy to turn around this time.

However, his three confidantes were a little worried and had no choice. The people in the village were too enthusiastic and they couldn't bear it. However, they also knew that the people of Shicun were simple and did not mean any harm.

They just can't stand the aunt in the village holding their hands and teaching them how to have babies as someone who has been through it. This is so embarrassing, especially Qingyi, who has a guilty conscience. She has already been married to Shi Hao once, and every time Whenever an aunt talked about these things, her face would turn red, remembering the scenes that had happened.

But thinking about Shi Hao, they felt that it was no big deal if it was embarrassing. They were not afraid of the ups and downs in the cultivation world. Those things didn't matter. They would have to go through it sooner or later.

As the pride of Shicun, everyone in Shicun pays close attention to Shi Hao's affairs. Several children who dug bird's nests with him back then have offspring. Dahuang's man got married at the age of thirteen or fourteen, but he is the only one. Still wandering outside, wandering, never having a daughter.

Therefore, the villagers hope that he can start a family soon and leave his bloodline.

Shi Hao has always been careless about this, saying that he is not in a hurry, but the villagers see it and are anxious in their hearts.

In fact, Shi Hao has no choice. Qingyi, Huo Ling'er, and Yun Xi are all his inseparable confidants. If they want to get married, they must marry them together, not one by one.

But now, the matter between Qingyi and Yuechan has not been resolved. They were originally one person, and the current separation is only temporary. There will be a day when they will become one. Shi Hao has already had a premonition of this.

He didn't know where things would go by then, and he kept thinking and considering in his mind.

Although Shi Hao hopes that after the two merge, Qingyi's will will dominate, but simply obliterating and suppressing Yuechan's will is too unfair to her.

This woman often wanted to kill him, but Shi Hao had no hatred for her, because in essence, Yuechan and Qingyi were different personalities of the same person. How could he hate Qingyi's other personality?

In short, he is very confused. If the matter between Qingyi and Yuechan is not resolved, he will not consider getting married.

The way to the lower realm is not difficult. The Nine Heavens Immortal King has built a solid and immortal magic circle, which can resist the erosion of rules between interfaces and can be used for a long time.

Even without this magic circle, Chi Cang can go directly to the lower world.

The incomplete world will indeed repel outside creatures, but there is a limit. Obviously, this cannot stop a supreme giant.

The lower realm, the wilderness, is still the same. It is difficult to change anything in just a few years. Everything is the same as when Chi Cang left.

However, there are some changes, and that is the arrival of the three major groups of descendants of quasi-immortal emperors.

More than 200,000 gifted creatures parachuted into the wilderness. It was not difficult to accommodate them. There were more than 200,000 creatures in any city.

The Great Wilderness has a vast territory, often hundreds of thousands of miles away, and if two hundred thousand people were placed in it, it would probably sink into the ocean without even making a splash.

However, the impressive talents of these three tribes have caused big waves in the wilderness.

The golden sacred blood is released like a divine ring, possessing extremely terrifying power. There is no opponent at the same level.

Magic immunity is like a myth. All magic arts will disappear when they come into contact with the body of this clan. Even if the realm is a few steps higher than the other party, the magic skills will be ineffective. What is even more terrifying is that the creatures of this clan , without exception, their bodies are too powerful.

Extraordinarily powerful souls, under the same level of competition, launch attacks from the soul, leaving the creatures of other ethnic groups unable to resist, and can cause their souls to be robbed and directly turn into dementia.

These are the characteristics of the three descendants of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, each with their own unique talents.

Even if their supreme talents are envied by heaven and it is difficult for them to reach a realm, there are always some special creatures who stand out under the huge foundation.

Now, their names have already shocked the entire eight realms of the lower realm. Under the absolute crushing talent, no one can be their opponent in the same level competition.

Including some records in the Void God Realm, which have been broken by the creatures of these tribes. Even the records set by Shi Hao and Shi Yi back then have been broken a lot.

However, the records left by Chi Cang, such as "The strongest in the Blood Moving Realm", "The strongest in the Cave Heaven Realm", "The strongest in the Spiritual Transformation Realm", etc., have never been surpassed by anyone, and they stand there like an eternal monument. .

Now Shi Hao may be able to challenge the title of "The Strongest in the Cave Heaven Realm". His only Cave Heaven has exploded into a sea of ​​​​wheels and has become the starting point of a new system, possessing unimaginable terrifying combat power.

But he felt that the person who set the record was Chi Cang, his master, so even if Shi Hao could break through, he would not do it.

Standing in the sky above the wasteland, the blazing spiritual consciousness spread out, and the entire wasteland was visible.

This place is really too small for him. With the power of the supreme giant, he can crush the eight realms of the lower realm into powder with just a slight grasp.

But this is the place that Chi Cang misses in his heart. The iron-blooded conquests and wars from the outside world are not as peaceful as here.

He missed the time when he was reborn in Nirvana and came to Stone Village. There were no swords and swords, only the simplest life.

At that time, he helped Shicun improve his life and killed numerous wild beasts, all of which were made into dried meat. Chi Cang still clearly remembers that in those days, dried meat was everywhere in the village road.

That time, Chi Cang also subdued the Lihuo Bull Demon, cut off its horns, and released his true blood to build Shi Hao's foundation.

Thinking of this upright and thoughtful cow, Chi Cang couldn't help but smile.

Later, he followed suit and conquered all the ancient relics near Shicun and returned them to Shicun. The life of Shicun improved, and the life of little Shi Hao also improved. Several ancient relics were responsible for cooking for him. Animal milk, the treatment is too good to say the least.

The most important thing is that Chi Cang met Liu Shen here. The two living beings who were suffering from the same disease gradually developed into a Taoist couple-like relationship.

Chi Cang was very grateful for this and thanked fate for allowing them to meet in Shicun.


Shi Hao was as happy as a child. This emotion infected everyone present. It was the joy of returning home.

From a distance, the ancient relics spotted the visitor.


The Lihuo Bull Demon stepped on the divine fire and ran over quickly, shouting excitedly. At this moment, its body was as huge as a hill, with Lihuo all over its body, and it had become a true god.

As far as its bloodline is concerned, it is quite difficult to become a true god in the lower world. Without the help of Chi Cang and Shi Hao, the Lihuo Bull Demon would not even be able to reach the venerable level.

The Bull Demon was already familiar with the Emperor, Banished Immortal, Shi Yi and other talented people, and had been getting along with them for ten days. Therefore, it didn't notice them, and ran directly over to give Shi Hao a bear hug.

Suddenly, the four hooves of the Lihuo Bull Demon burst into flames and stopped the car abruptly in the void, because it saw a familiar person.

Back then, he was the one who brought him back to Shicun, where he enjoyed so many good things, broke through the shackles in his life, and achieved what he has achieved today.

Over the years, Niu Mo has been grateful and hopes that he can come back again.

Now, the dream has come true, that person is really back, nodding towards himself with a smile.

The Lihuo Bull Demon felt that the blood all over his body began to speed up, and he was extremely excited.

"Moo! Moo! Moo..." It shouted excitedly. As a result, after calling three times, it suddenly rolled its eyes, raised its hooves to the sky, and hit the ground heavily. For a moment, the ground shook and the mountains shook. Birds and beasts Scattered.

Shi Hao and Jiutian Tianjiao were stunned on the spot, with questions in their minds, because the Niu Demon was already a true god, why did he faint from excitement?

Chi Cang shook his head and cursed with a smile: "This stupid cow just broke through to the True God not long ago, and the state is still unstable. Because he was too excited, his energy and blood flowed too fast, so he fainted."

"Haha, I came back last time to help purify their blood, brought back many great tonics, and reached the true gods in one fell swoop." Shi Hao said.

"Well, it seems that it has been overdone. Maybe just bloodletting will be enough." Chi Cang responded jokingly.

You know, the former Bull Demon was a mobile blood bank, and the bull blood filled one vat after another.

At this time, other ancient relics also arrived.

A mighty and majestic golden lion, like a giant mountain, slowly came from a distance. It had a single horn that shone under the reflection of the sun. Its long mane fluttered in the wind, and the golden light shone in all directions. Four words "King of Beasts" come to mind.

This is a golden-haired lion. Although he doesn't like to talk much, his gratitude to Chi Cang is no less than that of other ancient relics. If he hadn't followed Chi Cang back to Stone Village, what would he be like now? I'm afraid even the Venerable is far away.

The huge one-horned golden retriever lion came over, rubbed his huge head affectionately against Qian Cang's palm, and let out a soft roar to express his excitement.

Then, the demon ape came, with a pair of fleshy wings spread across its back, but it did not fly high into the sky, but walked forward on foot. When passing by the fainted cow demon, the demon ape even kicked the cow a few times in a subtle way, but There was no response, so it had no choice but to give up and just grab its hind legs and drag them along the ground.


A cloud of smoke and lightning appeared, and the golden light was dazzling. Indistinctly, a huge creature came out. It was the Golden Suanni. It has a nickname, the master of brewing animal milk. It is familiar with all kinds of animal milk combinations. No one knows it better than it. Boiling animal milk, all of this has been practiced by Shi Hao for a long time.

The Golden Suan Ni stepped forward and walked up to Chi Cang, with a look of excitement on his face. He was the one who should be most grateful to Chi Cang, because when he met Chi Cang, the Golden Suan Ni's time was approaching and he was about to reach the end. If he hadn't been lucky, If I catch the last train, I'm afraid I'll die of old age a long time ago.

In the sky, a loud bird call sounded, accompanied by thunder and lightning. A thunderbird with wings that could cover the clouds passed through the clouds, swooped down, and landed accurately in front of Chi Cang, chirping happily.

Back then, thanks to Thunder Emperor Chicang, its Thunder Dao practice had advanced by leaps and bounds, becoming more and more refined.

The red dragon has also arrived. At this moment, it is completely different from what it was back then. Because the True Dragon's Nest airborne into Stone Village and the ground of Stone Village contains True Dragon Qi, the Red Dragon has been "influenced" and becomes more and more like a real dragon. .

Of course, its bloodline is far inferior to that of a firefly compared to a bright moon, but physically, it is very similar.

When the Jiutian Tianjiao came to Shicun, they recognized the red dragon at first sight and thought it was a real dragon.

At this time, all the ancient relics had arrived and gathered in front of Chi Cang. They all respected him from the bottom of their hearts, were grateful to him, and whispered there.

Chi Cang nodded. It seemed that conquering them back then was not in vain. After several ancient relics became strong men in the realm of true gods, they maintained their wild nature and had an extraordinary bond with Shicun.

Although now, Shicun does not need them to protect them, but the people of Shicun have feelings for the ancient relics and regard them as family members. If anyone is missing, they will definitely not get used to it.

The other ancient relics were all normal, except for the Lihuo Bull Demon who still rolled his eyes and occasionally twitched.

Chi Cang was speechless and waved his hand to spread some fairy light. Immediately, the blood flowing in the Bull Demon's body calmed down and stopped convulsing.

"If you don't get up, I will drain all the precious blood from your horns." Chi Cang said calmly.

When the bull demon regained consciousness, he suddenly trembled when he heard Chi Cang's words and jumped up immediately.

Shi Hao couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

Just one update today

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