The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 374 Darkness is born

After passing through a vast battlefield ruins, Chi Cang arrived at the Beginning Land, where there were numerous people, all of whom were young people who had just come to the Void God Realm and were trying to get familiar with this strange world.

Returning to the Virtual God Realm, Chi Cang's attention was no longer on the people and things here, but on the original structure of the Virtual God Realm.

The gods, that is, the immortal kings of the Ancient Immortal Era, built spiritual worlds in the Nine Heavens, Ten Earths and the Eight Realms of the Lower World to temper the younger generation, refine soldiers, and prepare for war in foreign lands.

For countless years, countless geniuses have benefited from the spiritual world. This place provides a platform for the geniuses to compete. Not only does it have settings such as "records" to encourage people to move forward, but there are also various evolutionary level areas for monks to practice. , a battle on the same level, and a stage for monks to show off under the spotlight.

In the spiritual world, if a monk dies normally, the monk's body in the real world will not die, but will only be weak for several months. The price is not high.

This provides the geniuses with the opportunity to start over and try boldly, unlike in the real world, where death is death and there is no possibility of rebirth.

However, there are also things that can break this, such as soul-killing needles, soul-shaking towers and other spiritual weapons known as "forbidden weapons".

But this is only a very small number. Generally speaking, few people will use these forbidden devices.

In short, from Chi Cang's point of view, such a training ground is very meaningful. He is considering whether to build such a spiritual world in the Nine Heavens of the End of the Law in the future to provide a platform for the geniuses to display themselves and hone their combat skills and practice.

An ancient world is too small for Chi Cang and can be crossed in one step, but for ordinary low-level monks, it is so vast that it would take an entire lifetime to travel to all places.

Therefore, it would take a long time for a genius from one place to meet a genius from another distant place. If there is a spiritual world that covers an entire world, then the world will be close to each other.

Therefore, Chicang's eyes shone brightly, observing the various structures of the Virtual God Realm.

When the spiritual world was built back then, Chi Cang was not qualified to participate in the construction because his strength was far from the realm of the Immortal King. Otherwise, he would not need to carefully observe it now, as all aspects should be clear to him.

If future generations really want to build a spiritual world that covers the whole world, they will definitely not copy it like the False God Realm or the Spirit Realm. It is inevitable to take the essence and discard the dross. The ideas of Chi Cang and the kings will be added to it. Strive to achieve perfection.

Just as Chi Cang was observing various things in the Virtual God Realm and thinking a lot in his mind, two old men appeared and noticed Chi Cang's arrival.

Since the last time Chi Cang broke through major records one after another and the two men's memories recovered somewhat, Master Bird and Master Jingbi have understood their missions and have been guarding the dark palace that stands deepest in the virtual god world.

The number of times they appear in front of people is much less. There is no way. The four dark kings and their tribes imprisoned in the dark hall have been thinking about escaping and spreading their influence to the outside world. God knows if one day they will suddenly Rush out and cause harm to the world.

You must know that Master Bird and Master Jingbi are only guarding the periphery, but they will be invaded and affected by the dark atmosphere. This shows how terrifying these creatures are.

The last time Chi Cang helped them recover part of their skills, the signs of demonization had temporarily subsided, but now, those signs have reappeared, intensifying.

It can be seen that the bodies of Master Bird and Master Jingbi are no longer pure spiritual bodies, and there is dark breath flowing, which affects their sanity. If they are not temporarily suppressed, the consequences will be disastrous.

If the erosion continues like this, one day they will fall into darkness.

Chi Cang came back to his senses and saw the two old men with somewhat cold eyes, and immediately knew the cause and story of the matter.

Without saying a word, he took action directly, and the Super Thunder Tribulation Liquid flew out and dripped into the eyebrows of Master Bird and Master Jingbi.


Blazing thunder burst out, and the unique Qi of the Thunder Tribulation Liquid filled the bodies of the two old men. The dark aura had no escape and was destroyed by lightning.

In just a moment, Master Bird and Master Jingbi woke up and were no longer so confused.

They looked at Chi Cang, their eyes showing shame and gratitude.

"Alas, we two are useless. If you don't come again, we will probably be assimilated by the darkness." Master Bird sighed.

Uncle Jingbi nodded and began to tell Chi Cang about the changes in the deepest dark palace.

The four most powerful figures seem to have sensed something. They are no longer as calm as before. Instead, they are desperately attacking the seal, trying to break free. They are worried that the seal will break and have been guarding it there, so the erosion is getting more and more serious.

Chi Cang nodded gently, indicating to the two that he already knew.

"Don't worry, I'm here this time to solve this matter completely. These scum in the darkness are also a scourge even if they are sealed. It's better to get rid of them once and for all." Chi Cang spoke with murderous intent, making the two old men tremble with fear.

You must know that the owners of the four ancient stone statues are the most powerful people of the Immortal King level. It is not easy to kill them.

In just over ten years, does Chi Cang have the ability to destroy the Immortal King?

They didn't believe it because it was impossible no matter how they looked at it.

"Thunder Emperor, can you... kill the Immortal King?" Lord Bird asked noncommittally.

Chi Cang nodded with a smile, his eyes flashing, and the two old men immediately imagined the terrifying scene of Chi Cang and Liu Shen marching across the foreign land, killing each other.

In the end, Chi Cang resisted the erosion of the nine-color beam, stretched out his big hand, crossed the universe, caught the immortal king giant Wushang, and brought him back to Jiutian.

After seeing all this, the two old men were so shocked that they stood frozen on the spot.

Although they have lost many memories, those faces still feel familiar to them and have left an indelible impression.

Especially Wu Shang, who was captured by Chi Cang, was a game-breaker and killer in the great battle of the Immortal Era. No one could check him, which led to the defeat of the primitive ancient world.

"I have the impression that I hate him from the bottom of my heart." Master Bird said seriously.

Even if my memory is incomplete, I still remember that the executioner is Wushang.

"This is Wu Shang, a powerful giant with the innate divine power of being immune to such horrors. This is his capital among the immortal kings. Back then, he went to war in our world and caused many world-shattering killings. He was exhausted. The Everlasting Immortal King fell at his hands.

But now, he is suppressed by me. Chi Cang said calmly.

Master Bird and Master Jingbi looked at each other and didn't know what to say. In the past ten years or so, both Chi Cang and Liu Shen had made unimaginable progress. The two of them had defeated a powerful foreign land. This was simply unbelievable. Real.

They finally believed that Chi Cang had the ability to purge the dark creatures suppressed by the Virtual God Realm.

"This time, I'm not only here to solve the dark king here, but also the mystery of their identities."

"Our identities?" Master Bird and Master Jingbi were in a daze. They only remembered that they were severely injured and then sent here to guard the Dark Hall. They couldn't remember the details. Now that Chi Cang mentioned it, they also wanted to Know who you really are.

"Speaking of which, you two were the two indispensable main forces in the ancient Immortal War. Unfortunately, due to the many tricks in the foreign land and the overwhelming number of people, you were defeated in the end."

"Ah? Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor, can you tell me in detail?" The two old men were a little surprised that their identities and backgrounds were so big?

Chi Cang nodded.

"Let's go, let's talk as we walk."

With that said, he and the two old men headed towards the Chaos Zone. The dark palace stood deep in the Chaos Zone, very remote.

"I conquered all the forbidden areas above Jiutian and made the owners of those forbidden areas submit to Jiutian. I also went to the Boundary Tomb and saved the Immortal King who was about to die.

From their mouths, I learned all the details of that battle and its aftermath.

The two were originally the two most powerful immortal kings in the primitive ancient world. Bird Master was from the primitive dragon clan. He once competed with the leader of the Ten Evils for the true name of the dragon. However, he was defeated by the real dragon by just one move, so he was known as the second best king in the world, Master Jingbi. It is the Immortal Gold of the Zodiac who has attained enlightenment, and is known as the Immortal Gold Taoist.

In the last battle of the Ancient Immortal Era, you were surrounded and killed, and were seriously injured. Fortunately, you survived until reinforcements from the Immortal Realm arrived. When they saw that you were about to die, they detained your souls and placed them in the False God Realm. The caretaker of this place.

An era has passed. You have been away from your body for too long. In addition, you were already injured, so you forgot the past. Slowly, the second best person in the world became the Bird Master, and the Immortal Gold Taoist became the Jingbi Master. "Chi Cang said softly.

He had already asked the owners of the restricted areas about these matters and knew the whole story.

After learning that the two unscrupulous old guys were the two famous supreme immortal kings back then, Chi Cang was very happy, because if they could be resurrected, then there would be two more powerful supreme immortal kings in the nine heavens and ten places. An important force.

"So I'm a dragon?" Master Bird said to himself, very surprised.

"So I am immortal gold?" Uncle Jingbi was speechless. No wonder he always wanted to make money from Jingbi, so he was also called Uncle Jingbi.

"Speaking of which, these two are my seniors, much older than me.

I already know where your bodies are, and there is a way to resurrect you two. I just need to wait quietly for a while. "Chi Cang informed.

Mr. Bird and Mr. Jingbi are indifferent to the matter of resurrection because they are used to the life in the virtual god world. The young people here are nice to talk to and easy to deceive. They deceive and deceive and enjoy it.

However, they also knew that this was because the two of them had lost too much memory. Resurrection was a good thing, but today's Nine Heavens needed the appearance of powerful Immortal King creatures.

"Then thank you very much, Emperor Lei." Master Bird and Uncle Jingbi thanked them in unison.

At this time, the three of them came to the depths of the Chaos Zone, in front of the dark palace.

The dark hall at this moment was shrouded in a thick black mist, and it was almost impossible to see the five fingers. It was very different from the last time Chi Cang came. As Lord Bird and Uncle Jingbi said, the four dark kings Sensing something, he began to attack the seal desperately, trying to escape.

Chi Cang was not surprised by this, because the Immortal King has the ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil, and can occasionally sense the secrets of heaven. These dark kings may have noticed changes in the secrets of heaven and had a premonition of the crisis, so they became so crazy.

After staying in this environment for a long time, it's no wonder that Master Bird and Master Jingbi tend to fall into darkness, and their minds become muddled.

Looking at the thick black fog, Chi Cang's eyes became cold. He wielded thunder and was naturally repelled by darkness.

"There is no need for this seal to exist anymore. Even if these four dark kings were once people from the Immortal Realm and have made contributions to the Immortal Realm, they cannot change their dark nature." Chi Cang said coldly.

Later, he used his supreme magic power to erase the layers of seals that suppressed the Dark Hall in the Virtual God Realm.


In the dark hall, the thick rune chains locking the stone statues snapped. The stone appearance of the four dark stone statues began to blur, and gradually transformed into flesh and blood.

Of course, this is the Virtual God Realm, and what is suppressed is the soul of the Dark King. The so-called flesh and blood refers to the soul, not the real body.


The mouths of the earthen jars with the dark warriors sealed were blown away. Suddenly, black mist surged across the sky.

The altar that sealed the earthen jar was broken and collapsed inch by inch, and no longer existed.

The dark warrior who suppressed for endless years was born.

The entire dark palace was wrapped in black mist, and the king-level aura was overwhelming.

Even though the four dark kings have been suppressed for a long time and their spiritual power has never been replenished, the immortal king's origin is immortal and they are still powerful.


A sneer sounded suddenly in the void, like a poisonous snake, making people's hearts palpitate. Moreover, there were ripples spreading out layer by layer, which was frightening.

"Who is it? It turns out to be that kid from back then." A cold voice sounded, implying the impact of the immortal king's soul.

The bodies of Master Bird and Master Jingbi couldn't help but tremble. They were no longer at their peak and fell down. It was difficult to withstand the impact. Fortunately, the main target of the Lord of Darkness was Chi Cang.

However, he was calm and unmoved, like the breeze blowing on his face, he was not affected at all. A mere Immortal King, not even at the top level, naturally could not shake a supreme giant. Even if four creatures attacked together, the result would be It won't change either.

"You dare to release us, you are very brave. Just a dozen years have passed, so what if you have returned to your peak?" The King of Darkness sneered.

Although they are the bodies of primordial gods, their bodies were sealed by the kings of the Immortal Realm in the underground of the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm, but they are genuine Immortal Kings, and there are four of them. Even if the Thunder Emperor returns to the peak of the Ancient Immortal Era, Considered a true Immortal King.

Therefore, they are confident.


Chicang Gujing replied calmly.

"Darkness will eventually come to the earth, and all the worlds will eventually return to darkness. Why don't you surrender now? We can guide you." A king who fell into darkness spoke, taking a fancy to the talent of the Thunder Emperor. After all, he is known as the youngest of the Ten Fierce Ones. exist.

When Master Bird and Master Jingbi heard this, they couldn't help but laugh. This king who was eroded by the darkness was a little too naive. The Thunder Emperor was the person least likely to fall into the darkness, because he was completely at odds with the darkness.

Chapter 2 is a little later, but there will be one

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