The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 375 Drinking all the blood of the Immortal King


Chi Cang still responded coldly with one word.

The Immortal King was certainly not a fool. They could tell that there was a joking tone in Chi Cang's words, and he had no intention of surrendering to the darkness.

"If you don't know how to lift yourself up, only destruction awaits you." A king who fell into the darkness spoke out, with a fierce murderous intention.

They no longer try to persuade Chi Cang to step into the darkness, because it is useless. They can only take action. After defeating Chi Cang and then leading him, they will definitely get a super dark seed.

"Why do you think I let you out? Is it because I let you come into the world to cause harm to the world?" Chi Cang said with a smile, and released the terrifying energy of the supreme giant.

A terrifying aura enveloped the dark hall, causing the void there to freeze and no longer flow.

The Dark King, who was confident and sure of victory just now, was suddenly shocked. He couldn't believe that the Thunder Emperor, who was so weak more than ten years ago, has now become an invincible giant. This is simply like a dream.

This pressure was so terrifying and suffocating that the Dark King could hardly breathe.

Back then, they fell into darkness and together with the dark creatures attacked the fairyland, causing heavy losses to the fairyland. Many fairy kings shed blood and countless universes turned into dark continents.

Later, such actions finally alarmed the most powerful giant in the fairyland at that time. After the Supreme Being was born, he defeated the dark creatures with thunder and suppressed them.

In the end, because they had made great contributions to the Immortal Realm, they were not immediately wiped out, but sealed. Of course, there is another theory, that is, the Immortal Realm giant hopes to pry out the origin from them. The secret of the ancient artifact, that’s why it was left untouched.

Now, they encountered the terrifying Thunder Emperor again, which put even greater pressure on them than the giants of the Immortal Realm at that time.

The four dark kings suddenly despaired, because they knew better than anyone else how powerful the invincible giant was. One person could suppress multiple immortal kings. The gap was too big. With their way of doing things, it was difficult for them to withstand the giant's attack.

"How is it possible? Who are you?" There was a dark king who didn't believe what he saw.

There is no way. It has only been a short ten years since I last saw the Thunder Emperor. What can I do with this little time? It would take ten thousand years for the Immortal King to go into seclusion at will, and a dozen years might only take a blink of an eye.

In such a short period of time, a creature not only returned to its peak, but also became a king and ancestor. It even jumped up to the level of a supreme giant and became unattainable. How is this possible? It's totally illogical and unreasonable.

They once thought that they wanted to break free from the cage so much that their eyes were hallucinating.

But after numerous verifications, the final results show that everything happening now is real.

"You are not the Thunder Emperor. No matter how talented he is, there is no way he can do it."

The Dark King whispered, thinking that the creature in front of him was not the Thunder Emperor, but someone else. Only in this way could he explain why he was so strong.

"I understand. You are a giant in the Immortal Realm. You deliberately pretend to be a person from this world and want to get something from us."

"Is it Hunyuan or Qi Yu? Anyway, don't have any wishful thinking. You will never get any secrets from us."

In the darkness, the king was roaring. They believed that Chi Cang was transformed by the giant of the fairyland and had ulterior motives.

Chi Cang was speechless. He simply wanted to kill these dark kings and all the generals and war marshals they commanded. He had no other intentions at all.

Who cares about the secrets in their minds? As long as the power is strong enough, anything can be broken. If it is not strong enough, what will happen even if the secret is known?

"I can only say that you are overthinking. It's better for you to stop guessing and go to the underworld to get together. Remember to stay away from darkness in the next life, otherwise you will still die." Chi Cang said helplessly.

Then, he took action, and he was a big killer from the beginning, with no intention of warming up.

Above the dark hall, a sea of ​​thunder suddenly appeared. It was vast and boundless. Thick lightning flashed across the horizon, and it was actually more majestic than a galaxy.

And such lightnings are everywhere, intertwined, and surrounded by chaos. The four kings, their generals, and war commanders all have a feeling of impending disaster.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but they felt a chill on their necks, as if they would be dead in the next second.


The sky thunder rolled, the chaos energy exploded, and a simple Taoist platform slowly sank from the sea of ​​thunder. A bright red dazzling beam of light shot out, with a horrifying bloody smell, and a sharp sword light, as if to Cut off the past, present and future.

"What is that? Immortal Killing Platform???" The king in the darkness widened his eyes, his blood-red eyes trembling.

They actually saw the Immortal Killing Platform that made people proud in ancient times. Since ancient times, no one who encountered such a thing could survive. Even if there were, it was unknown to the outside world.

In short, killing the Immortal Platform means an execution-style execution with no chance of survival.

"Did you summon the Immortal Killing Platform?" The Dark King realized that this was Chi Cang's method.

Because normally, it is possible to attract such a thing only if they have made a major event that shook the era. At the moment, they are just escaping from the seal. It is impossible to trigger the Immortal Killing Platform, and they do not have the qualifications.

"Yes, this is my weapon.

I had a hunch when I was refining it that the guillotine was destined to drink all the blood of the Immortal King. "Chi Cang nodded.

"Drink all the blood of the Immortal King?" The Dark King couldn't help repeating this sentence, and felt a chill, as if he saw a blood-stained Taoist platform rising and falling in the ocean of the Immortal King's blood. scene.

The bright red dazzling beam of light came from the guillotine in Chi Cang's mouth. It hung high on the Immortal Killing Platform, dripping with blood. There was still colorful blood on the blade of the guillotine, coming from the Immortal King.

On the platform below, there are still old statues of the past, and several heads and headless corpses of the Immortal King emerge one by one, representing the glorious achievements of this immortal killing platform.

"What? That face, is it Yu Tuo?" The four dark kings were inexplicably shocked.

Yu Tuo, an ancient creature who has the potential to challenge the giants, is also a super dark evolver. His growth is inseparable from the ancient artifacts of origin and the ultimate dark matter. He is very famous even in the fairyland, and everyone knows that there are people in foreign lands. Such a terrifying and immortal king.

But now, his head fell casually on the Taoist platform, dead. His soul was chopped off, and he could no longer die.

"You also go on the road and execute each other one by one." Chi Cang's words came out, like the cold voice of Dao Tianyin, judging the world.

The next moment, the sound of metal clashing sounded on the Immortal Killing Platform. It was actually a chain of order composed of four avenue rules, containing the power of a supreme giant, which was extremely terrifying.

The chain of order fell in response, bringing with it a supreme giant-level field that could imprison everything.

In the dark hall, the dark kings who had just been lifted from petrification and restored to their souls were entangled by the chains of order falling from the sky before they could react.

The terrifying field imprisons everything. It is the embodiment of Chi Cang's Taoism. Among the Immortal Kings, except for the giants, who can resist it?

They were unable to move for an instant, with a look of horror on their faces. After being entangled in chains, they could not even cast spells.

Even if he burns the Immortal King symbol and shakes the source of darkness in his body, he cannot shake the chain at all.


In the darkness, the king was unwilling to give up, roaring and roaring, but it was all in vain.

Even the supreme immortal kings such as Yu Dana couldn't escape despite all their efforts, let alone the four dark kings who were not at the supreme level and only had soul bodies?

Soon, a dark king was pulled up by chains and watched helplessly as he was sent to the guillotine.


He didn't want to die. He had just escaped from trouble and was beheaded before he even got his body. How could he be willing to do so?

However, in the face of absolute power, no matter how hard you struggle, it is useless.

The sword was radiating with light, so cold that it was finger-piercing. Under Chi Cang's control, it fell from a high place. With a metallic trembling sound, the guillotine hit the groove, and the middle part of Dahao's neck was severed in two.


A head rolled down and merged into the heads of the dead immortal kings.

Seeing this, the three dark kings below struggled even more fiercely.

This is an Immortal King, whose origin is said to be immortal. If you want to completely kill the creatures of the same level, you need to be fully prepared, and it may not be possible to kill them all.

But now, under that guillotine, immortality and eternity are all a joke. With one cut, the person dies and the lamp is extinguished. There will be no accidents at all.

They were horrified and frightened from the bottom of their hearts.


The sound of chains sounded, and the second king was sent up. The end was the same as the others who were sent up. His body and head were separated, his origin was destroyed, and he could not be reorganized. The Immortal King Daoguo passed away.

The two remaining kings realized that there would be no miracle, and they would not escape death today.

"Haha." A king sneered and chose to give up the struggle.

"What if we kill us? In this life, the fairyland and other heavens and realms are destined to be destroyed, return to darkness, and turn into the land of eternity."

"Darkness is everywhere, and darkness is the destination of all heavens."

The two kings roared crazily, their faces extremely ferocious.

"I don't know if it's my destination. Anyway, I will crush all the darkness I see." Chi Cang responded domineeringly.

Then, without any incident, the last two Dark Kings were executed.

Black blood flowed on the guillotine, mixed with the colorful blood, making the guillotine look even more terrifying.

In just a few dozen breaths, four more king-level dead souls were added to the guillotine. This weapon's murderous intent became more and more intense, and it was worthy of being called a great murder weapon.

Chi Cang's original intention of refining it was to use it for attack. One day, this artifact will become the nightmare of the Immortal King's creatures. Just as Chi Cang said, the Immortal Killing Platform and the Immortal Killing Guillotine are destined to drink up the Immortal King. Blood.

After the four dark kings were solved, the dark atmosphere in the dark hall dropped sharply. Only some immortal-level generals or war commanders could not hold up the stage.

Chi Cang no longer used the Immortal Killing Platform, and the sea of ​​thunder lingering above the dark hall slowly dissipated, and the terrifying Immortal Killing Platform also disappeared without a trace.

Before the dark generals could breathe a sigh of relief, a big hand covered with thunder struck, and unparalleled power poured out. Dozens of dark generals and war commanders were slapped before they even had time to grunt. Became nothingness.

At this point, the ultimate darkness suppressed by the Virtual God Realm has disappeared and ceased to exist.

Chi Cang took action again, cleaning up all traces of darkness and eliminating hidden dangers.

When they saw that there was no trace of darkness in the dark ancient palace that they used to guard, Master Bird and Master Jingbi couldn't believe it.

Is that the solution?

They no longer need to guard the ultimate secret of the Virtual God Realm, which is something to be happy about, but the two old men feel a little disappointed, always feeling that they have played no role.

However, they had a good mentality and recovered quickly.

"Well, since there is no hidden danger of darkness, then the old man can help those young people." Master Bird showed a lewd smile.

Uncle Jingbi nodded repeatedly, like a chicken pecking at rice.

Whenever they thought of tricking these newly arrived young people into losing their pants, the two old men became inexplicably excited.

In the past, they were bound by the Dark Ancient Palace, so they had to come back here from time to time, but now they don't have to, and they can completely live in the original place.

Looking at the two old men with lewd smiles, a sentence popped up in Chi Cang's mind: The bad old man is very bad. I don't know how many fledgling boys will be tricked by these two guys in the future.

Of course, they have no malicious intent, they just like to deceive and deceive others and will not hurt anyone.

Teaching those stupid young people a lesson will also help them in their future.

On the road to spiritual cultivation, the most taboo thing is the kind of fool who doesn't even know he's been betrayed.

In the False God Realm, there is no harm in being tricked by two old men.

However, they are not 100% able to trick people. Back then, the "favorite eating animal milk" made two old men frustrated many times. In the future, it may be difficult to have another one like Shi Hao that both old tricksters couldn't do anything about. What a naughty kid who took advantage.

Later, Chi Cang discussed the matter of resurrection with Master Bird and Master Jingbi.

"It's okay. You just need to recuperate. There's no rush to resurrect." Uncle Jingbi said with a smile.

Master Bird also nodded in agreement. They couldn't wait to set up a stall in the original place.

"Oh, I really miss my bird. The boys who have arrived at the Beginning Land now are all terrifyingly powerful, even stronger than the Twin Stones back then. Without the bird, it would be difficult to control the scene.

Moreover, now whenever I meet an acquaintance, they will ask me, Master Bird, where did your bird go? Every time I am speechless.

A Lord Bird without a bird is still a Lord Bird. "Master Bird complained helplessly.

However, he also knew that the bird on his shoulder was the remnant soul of the True Phoenix, and it could not stay in the Virtual God Realm forever. After merging with other remnant souls and returning to its peak, the True Phoenix had more important things to do.

Hearing this, Chi Cang couldn't help but laugh and said, "Why isn't he Lord Bird? A dragon with wings is naturally Lord Bird."

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