The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 376 Teaching the Dharma

After solving the hidden dangers in the Virtual God Realm, Chi Cang began to explore the composition of the Virtual God Realm and the spiritual world.

Although with his ability, it is not difficult to open up and build a vast spiritual world, but it is good to have a little reference first.

He went to many places, but only stayed briefly and did not observe them carefully.

For example, the Initial Land, the Cave Heaven Blessed Land, the Spiritual Transformation Realm Blessed Land, etc. His eyes swept over every divine chain of order and every profound avenue pattern, constantly analyzing and thinking about it.

The spiritual world is a spiritual world that is vaster than the Virtual God Realm, covering the entire three thousand states.

The young geniuses in the upper world can compete among the heroes in the spirit world and hone their skills. Back then, when the ancient flower buds were blooming, they relied on the spirit world to select the genius creatures who were qualified to enter. In short, the spirit world has no influence on the three thousand Daozhou's gains are so great that they cannot be described in words.

For Chi Cang, the spiritual world also has great research value.

In the following time, he spent most of his time studying the construction of the spiritual world.

Shi Hao and a group of Tianjiao who followed Chi Cang stayed in Shicun. After experiencing the thrilling journey to the boundary grave and the restricted area, it would be nice to calm down for a while.

Chicang stored the six supreme seeds obtained in the world tomb in a small world. These geniuses can take turns to merge with them and gain enlightenment.

The six seeds are, respectively, the heavenly seed that even the foreign giants regret missing, the perfect five-element seed, the astonishing Ten Thousand Dao Tree, the blood seed that can stimulate the potential of blood and make people reach a higher level, and the blood seed that can make living beings enlightened. Understanding the true meaning of bones, forging an eternal and immortal bone seed, and a stunning perfect universe seed, can help people understand the development of the universe, the vast world, and how to create something from nothing. Everything is here.

The great roads are connected, and these seeds are of far more benefit to the monks. They can invisibly improve their Taoism little by little.

In addition, these geniuses are also fortunate enough to practice the Immortal Sutra.

This supreme body-refining treasure scripture cultivated by nature has a total of nine levels, just like a ladder to heaven. When you reach the ninth level, it is said that you can refine the body and become immortal, eternal and immortal, even if the soul dies. , the body will not be destroyed.

Even the ten ferocious Sky-horned Ants of that year had only cultivated the first four levels and had no chance of the next five levels. Even so, the Sky-horned Ants were powerful and terrifying, their bodies were indestructible, and they roamed the world among the Immortal Kings.

Everyone yearned for the legendary immortal body and mind, so they naturally worked hard to practice. With the help of supreme seeds such as blood seeds and bone seeds that can develop qi, blood and bones, their progress was very fast.

These nine-day geniuses who have gone through the baptism of war are gradually growing up and becoming stronger than their original selves.

If we were to fight against a foreign royal family now, I'm afraid there wouldn't be a single loser here.

However, compared to the royal family from a foreign land, except for a few people such as Shi Hao, Emperor, Exiled Immortal, Shi Yi, Shu Yao, and Dugu Yun, the others were still far behind.

Originally, Dugu Yun was slightly inferior, but with the help of the blood species, he completed the bloodline awakening that could only be completed in the ancestral land of the fairyland. The golden blood in his body boiled, golden light surrounded his body, and his divine ring shone brightly.

The terrifying power of the Guardian bloodline, known as one of the four most powerful bloodlines, has completely exploded. Although it is still not as good as the descendants of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, it is already comparable to the Imperial bloodline.

Everyone is working hard to practice and dare not neglect at all, because they know that in the future, the Thunder Emperor will lead them into the Immortal Realm and stir up waves in that vaster and more exciting world. There is no one who can match the top of the Immortal Realm. As for the young man's strength, he would not be able to dance at all.

Therefore, they took advantage of this rare opportunity to practice and accumulate their knowledge, waiting for the day when it will explode and shock the world.

On the other hand, the barren environment of the eight lower realms and the lofty avenues made them realize a kind of cruelty, which would be of great benefit to their future.

Chi Cang suppressed the captured alien imperial clan, namely the wind creatures of the red-haired clan, in the False God Realm. Like the previous supreme beings from the lower realm, they became a ruler for the prodigies to fight and test themselves.

As an imperial clan from a foreign land, the red-haired clan is naturally full of people. It is set by Chi Cang at the ultimate level. It is difficult for ordinary monks to reach it. They can't even break through the levels guarded by the Supreme. They only have the Nine Heavenly Prodigy and the three. The living beings of the descendants of the Great Immortal Emperor can be touched.

Since then, a mysterious legend has begun to circulate in the eight realms of the lower world. In the ultimate gate of the Prodigy Corridor of the Void God Realm, there is a strange and unknown red-haired clan imprisoned. Anyone who sees it will grow long red hair all over their body. hair.

Later, red hair became a household name, it could stop children from crying at night and make adults change their expressions upon hearing it.

Time flies, and seven days fly by. These days, Chi Cang has been studying the method of constructing the spiritual world. With such finished products as the Virtual God Realm and the Spirit Realm, the ideas in his heart are gradually perfected. He only waits for nine days and ten earths. The day of fusion comes.

Chi Cang returned to Stone Village and saw the young prodigies who were practicing hard. Some of them went to the small world to fuse the seeds of perfection, wandering in the rules of the avenue and comprehending the infinite mysteries. Some of them had just been fused and were digesting those Harvest, there are also people who are working hard to practice the Immortal Sutra, hoping to complete this level as soon as possible, and then obtain the next level of supreme sutra.

Before, Chi Cang only taught them the purest ancient immortal method to make up for the flaws in the Tao method, and never taught them anything else.

After thinking about it, Chi Cang decided to give each genius individual guidance and give various suggestions based on their current situation.

Of course, it was just a suggestion. Chi Cang would not force anyone to do what he wanted, except for letting Shi Hao stay in the Dharma-ending world.

He just stood at the height of a supreme giant and analyzed the future direction and path of a group of escaped beings as well as their existing shortcomings, allowing them to have a clear positioning of their current selves, how to practice it, and how to go about it. It all depends on these young talents themselves.

The first genius that Chi Cang mentored was naturally Shi Hao. On the surface, Shi Hao was his true disciple.

For this disciple, Chi Cang did not hide anything. He taught Shi Hao all the ten evil treasures, pacifying chaos, etc.

Now, Shi Hao's path is clear, and there is no need for Chi Cang to say anything. When he was called here this time, it was still about opening up a new system.

The most difficult first step has been accomplished. Shi Hao stormed through the barrier fiercely, causing the pole of the only cave sky to explode, exploding the secret realm of the wheel and sea, and derived the two qi of yin and yang. The next five internal organs and five elements, including that The perfect Five Elements seeds should be available soon.

What Chi Cang and Shi Hao talked about were all the secrets of the origin of the human body. After becoming the supreme giant, Chi Cang's understanding of the human body reached an unprecedented level, which Shi Hao could not compare to.

At the same time, if Shi Hao has any questions, he can also ask Chi Cang, and he will answer everything he knows.

The two sat cross-legged at the place where Liu Shen originally took root, and talked for a long time. In the end, Shi Hao returned with a full load. He got the exact answers to many mysteries from Chi Cang, and his mood became clear and bright.

The second person is the Emperor. This man has been king for ten generations in the Immortal Ancient Relics. He is sitting on the saplings of the World Tree. He is as powerful as a dragon and a tiger. He has the terrifying strength to defeat the leaders of the royal family in foreign lands. That is equivalent to defeating the descendants of the Immortal King.

In other words, even in the vast immortal realm, the emperor will be the most amazing group of people, destined to be brilliant.

When the emperor came to Chi Cang, he could not hide the excitement in his eyes, because the Thunder Emperor sent a message and wanted to guide him alone. This is undoubtedly a supreme honor and a great opportunity that can only be met but cannot be asked for.

After the master-disciple ceremony, the emperor sat down cross-legged and listened quietly to Chi Cang's words.

I saw the blazing eyes, emitting a sharp light, as if they could see through the past and present.

Everything about the emperor is invisible to Chi Cang.

He thought thoughtfully and pointed out the emperor's current strengths and weaknesses, as well as the areas where his practice was not in place. In the eyes of the supreme giant, the Dunyi cultivator was naturally full of flaws.

However, compared to monks of the same level, the emperor's practice is already perfect.

However, it is not perfect yet, so it needs to be corrected. You must know that the gap between the top geniuses often comes from details that are easily overlooked.

The Emperor himself also understands this truth. After reaching the realm of escape, among the top creatures, whose way is much worse than the other? Many times the competition is about invisible details, so he strictly demands himself and strives for excellence.

At the end, Chi Cang said: "I have many methods here. I can teach you one. You choose one. No matter which one you choose, you can't teach it to others easily."

When the emperor heard this, he immediately became solemn. The Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors wanted to teach the Dharma, and it must be the most precious and top-notch Dharma.

Among the light groups listed by Chi Cang, the emperor carefully perceived it, combined with his own situation, and finally chose the True Dragon Treasure Technique.

This True Dragon Treasure Technique is not that True Dragon Treasure Technique.

This kind of method given by Chi Cang is the true dragon's method from endless years ago, which has disappeared in the long river of time.

The true name of the dragon has changed owners countless times, and the true dragon magic has naturally changed again and again.

The Ten-Crown King is called the Son of Heaven, and he has a special liking for the true dragon magic. In the Immortal Ancient Relics, he relies on his pair of dragon fists to defeat everything and conquer all directions.

"There is a saying about the True Dragon Emperor in the world, and you are destined to have the True Dragon Art." Chi Cang said thoughtfully.

Subsequently, he did not only teach the emperor one of the dead true dragon methods, but also passed on all the supreme methods related to the true dragon that he had mastered to the emperor. This is a series that spans many ancient eras. .

As if the emperor had obtained a treasure, he was satisfied and thanked him repeatedly. Then he left here and went back to his residence. He wanted to study those real dragon treasures deeply and realize the true form of the dragon. Since ancient times, the name of the real dragon has always existed. The dragon clan was changing, and there must be some unknown secret in it, and he was very interested in it.

The third person is the Exiled Immortal. Just like before, Chi Cang pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of the Exiled Immortal and pointed out the direction for him to strive for excellence. At present, he is not at his strongest state. He can become stronger as he works hard to improve.

When the banished immortal chose the supreme method, he hesitated for a long time, and finally chose a supreme secret method related to the way of flute music. It came from a giant and was inherited by Chi Cang unintentionally when he traveled in ancient times.

Now is the time to banish an immortal.

The fourth person is Shi Yi. This resolute man has a pair of eyes. He once had a life-and-death feud with Shi Hao. But later, after dying once, he was relieved. The relationship with Shi Hao was no longer enemies. Moreover, he was resurrected. , showing the terrifying aspect of the talent of double pupils.

The left eye is alive and the right eye is destructive. Not only does it possess two sharp ancient swords, it also contains a massive amount of power to open the sky. Practicing double pupils can also strengthen the physical body.

In short, he is practicing what he said, "Double pupils are the road to invincibility."

Chi Cang nodded to Shi Yi, expressing his affirmation. He and Shi Hao were cousins ​​with close blood ties, but they both had the qualifications of an Immortal King. It was hard to imagine how amazing it was to have two Immortal Kings in one sect.

The Golden Crow clan in the Immortal Realm, known as the Celestial Clan, has many immortal kings in the clan, but they are not of the same generation. The difference in seniority can be measured in eras.

The biggest reason for all of this is the result of Shi Yi's own efforts. Talent, talent, and luck are indispensable, otherwise he cannot be called an Immortal King.

He took note of the shortcomings and deficiencies mentioned by Chi Cang, and finally, among the techniques Chi Cang showed, he chose the Ping Chaos Jue.

Previously, Shi Yi had two heaven-opening swords in his eyes. Once they were born, the world would inevitably fall apart.

Now, he chose the Pingluan Jue just because he wanted to raise two more swords of the soul.

In this case, Shi Yi has many options to compete with others. The Sword of Kaitian can cause substantial horrific damage, and the Sword of Yuanshen can directly take away the soul and kill people invisible.

The two supreme swords can be used alone or complement each other. Moreover, no one knows the nature of the killing sword that bursts out of Shi Yi's eyes, and it is impossible to guard against it.

Chi Cang nodded secretly, Shi Yi was indeed a teachable person, he knew what he needed and in what direction he should develop.

Shi Yi in the future must be terrifying, and the top young people in the Immortal Realm will deeply remember this creature's name.

When he arrived at Dugu Yun's place, he chose the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art. This ancient Heavenly Art can control six kinds of treasures. It rotates endlessly and has overwhelming power. Coupled with Lonely Yun's huge golden and brilliant Qi and blood, he can completely control this domineering Heavenly Art. The power is brought into full play.

When she arrived at Shu Yao, the restricted area princess was quite uneasy. She joined this team because she followed Shi Yi, and was not selected by Chi Cang personally. Therefore, after hearing Chi Cang's message, she felt a little bit in her heart. Hesitant.

But soon, Shu Yao lost that mentality. When he heard Chi Cang's shortcomings about her, the martial arts idiot immediately became serious and immersed himself in it.

In the end, Shu Yao chose the Kunpeng Technique. Although the Tianfeng clan had extreme speed, they were not as fast as the Kunpeng clan. She had long admired the speed of this clan. Now that she had the opportunity to get the Kunpeng Technique, Shu Yao would not miss it.

When Chi Cang told him not to spread the word easily, Shu Yao nodded solemnly. A supreme giant would naturally keep this instruction in mind.

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