Next, all the Nine Heavenly Prodigies Chi Cang will be individually guided one by one and asked to choose a supreme method.

Yu Wudi is here. Although he looks ordinary and unremarkable, in fact, he is very strong. He once fought with Shi Hao in the Heavenly God Realm for the title of No. 1 in the Heavenly God Realm. His true body is Jiuyouzhan. , extremely powerful.

However, since his defeat to Shi Hao, Yu Wudi has been very low-key, rarely taking action, and has never even fought against the young prodigy of the red-haired clan, giving people a sense of reticence.

"Uncle Thunder Emperor."

Yu Wudi opened his mouth and saluted Chi Cang. He really respected this uncle of the Ten Evils for no other reason. He was an invincible giant in heaven and earth. He had overthrown the immortal king of a foreign land and reversed the course of nine heavens and ten earths. An ending that should have been a failure.

With such brilliant achievements and terrifying strength, Yu Wudi naturally admires and respects him from the bottom of his heart.

"Wudi, you're here." Chi Cang nodded slightly, very accommodatingly, and motioned for Yu Wudi to sit down opposite him.

After Yu Wudi sat cross-legged, Chi Cang asked, "Can you tell me your ambitions?"

He asked this because Yu Wudi had been very silent all the way and almost didn't speak. Only the Little Heavenly King who was in the same courtyard with him back then could say a few words to him.

Therefore, Chi Cang wants to know what Yu Wudi is thinking in his heart and what kind of creature he hopes to become in the future.

His elders have all passed away, and there are no bones left. They can’t even find their remnants. They dedicated their lives for Jiutian and died. In other words, since Yu Wudi was born, he has no blood relatives to teach him. It is the immortal who teaches Yu Wudi. The great elder of the courtyard accepted him as his second disciple.

Yu Wudi has always lacked care. He was born with the name of the descendant of the Ten Evils. He is regarded as an important fighting force in the future of Diguan. To put it bluntly, he is a big killer. Everyone hopes that he can regain the glory of his ancestors. Great expectations to fight for Jiutian in the future.

Growing up in such an environment, Yu Wudi's withdrawn character is predictable.

Hearing Chi Cang's question, Yu Wudi was stunned. He had actually been thinking about this question, where would his future be?

To be honest, he was very disgusted with the definition of himself by the people around him. He did have the blood of the Ten Evils and was a parent of the Ten Evils, but that didn't mean that he should be like that, that he should be respected, isolated, and regarded as a future leader. A murder weapon, he is a creature of flesh and blood, longing for a free world to fight in the sky, instead of being tied to a chariot and having his future determined in advance.

Therefore, Yu Wudi faced the world with silence, and his belonging to Jiutian was not as strong as he imagined. Moreover, he was used to the darkness inside Jiutian, and secretly felt unworthy for his blood relatives who died in the Immortal Era.

What's the point of guarding such a rotten Nine Heavens?

This was Yu Wudi's previous thought, and he did not intend to shed his blood for this land.

However, the arrival of Chi Cang changed everything drastically. He cleared away the darkness and the corrupt classes in this world with lightning speed.

Today's Nine Heavens and Ten Earths look much more comfortable and no longer as dark as before.

Yu Wubai's attitude toward Jiutian also gradually changed.

If what needs to be protected is the current sky, Yu Wudi is willing to fight for it.

He said it truthfully, and his love for today's Jiutian was revealed between every line.

"I see." Chi Cang nodded, understanding what Yu Wudi was thinking.

Although he is taciturn, he still cares about this world and will not deviate from his future path.

The two of them sat opposite each other, Chi Cang pointed out Yu Wudi's shortcomings one by one. Every note he uttered implied the supreme avenue, like a big bell in Huanglu, which was deafening and alert.

Yu Wudi listened silently, sometimes asking questions, sometimes frowning in deep thought.

He originally thought that he had reached the extreme and was already quite perfect in all aspects. However, after Chi Cang gave him some advice, Yu Wudi discovered that there is no end to progress. There is no such thing as perfection, only more perfection.

Yu Wudi began to reflect. He was a little overconfident before, but now this level is not the limit, and it can be stronger.

"Thank you, Uncle Lei Emperor, for your advice." Yu Wudi thanked him, sincerely thanking Chi Cang for providing him with a feasible way to become stronger when his path to the Supreme Being was cut off.

Now, it is difficult for him to shake the taboo line of being a 500-year-old supreme being. However, if he can continue to become stronger, he will eventually break the shackles one day. Of course, it is too difficult to achieve this.

Even the heirs of immortal princes with powerful bloodline must "obey" the five-hundred-year-old taboo line.

Those who can achieve supreme perfection in about a thousand years can be said to be of peerless beauty.

For Yu Wudi, he has an obsession with the word "strongest", so breaking the 500-year-old taboo line is his ultimate goal.

"Choose a method, don't spread it easily." At the end, Chi Cang asked Yu Wudi to choose the supreme method.

He listed light groups one after another, with dense symbols inside. There were supreme methods lost in ancient times, as well as famous invincible techniques and Taoist methods in modern times.

Yu Wudi used his spiritual thoughts to browse and scan among these light groups, and it didn't take long before he selected a light group.

That is the grass-character sword technique.

A nine-leaf sword grass was born in the chaos. Its leaves are like swords, with nine leaves. When it is rolled up, the sword energy soars into the sky, cutting open the sea of ​​​​stars, and cutting down the sun, moon and stars with a single thought.

This is a supreme sword technique, ranked among the three supreme sword techniques. It is very terrifying. Once it is used, the sky will be dark, the earth will be dark, and the sun and moon will lose light.

When Chi Cang saw Yu Wudi choosing the grass-shaped sword technique, he immediately understood what he was thinking.

The Jiuyouzhan clan has nine extremely ferocious tails, and the tip of the tail is like a dragon's head. Once bitten by the nine tails, it will be torn to pieces in an instant.

If Yu Wudi learns the grass-shaped sword technique and uses it on the nine tails, the situation will be extremely terrifying.

"Very good, continue to practice hard. We are supporting Jiutian now. You don't need to have any psychological burden." Chi Cang said.

Yu Wudi's heart warmed and he was very moved. This Uncle Lei Emperor was completely different from those people. One put layers of shackles on him, which made Yu Wudi hate him, while the other lightened his burden and made Yu Wudi feel grateful.

"Uncle Lei Emperor, don't worry, Wudi will definitely live up to your uncle's expectations." Yu Wudi said firmly, showing his determination.

"Okay, I think about it, Daoist fellow Jiuyou will also feel gratified to know that his descendants are so motivated under the underworld." Chi Cang nodded and responded with a sigh.

Finally, Yu Wudi said goodbye and left here, going to the place where he practiced to digest what he had gained.

Not long after, a little golden ant came over. It was really small. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see it at all. You would ignore it, just like a golden bean.

Back then, when Cao Yusheng and others first arrived at the Underground Immortal Mansion, they ignored the existence of the small apicorn ants, and were then punched away.

"Uncle Thunder Emperor."

The little horned ant called him respectfully.

It already knows that Chi Cang will be summoning souls in the near future, calling the souls of the dead to return from the past years. By then, its fallen old father will have hope of resurrection.

Therefore, the little alicorn ant is very grateful to Chi Cang.

Of course, it's not just because of this, but also because Chi Cang solved the problem of foreign lands and brought hope to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, which were on the verge of being broken, back on track.

"Well, Xiao Jin, come here and sit down here."

After hearing this, the little golden ant was very well-behaved and obedient, and came to sit cross-legged not far from Chi Cang.

His blazing eyes were shining brightly, fully observing the little Skyhorned Ant's current situation and practice.

The bloodline of this clan is really transcendent. Even though the little horned ants are as big as peas, the power hidden in the blood is terrifying to the extreme.

Once it breaks out, it can help it fight enemies across borders, and its soul and body will be greatly enhanced. This is the unique innate secret technique of the Skyhorned Ant, madness.

As before, Chi Cang pointed out all the shortcomings of the little Alibaba ant. The little Alibaba ant opened its eyes wide and listened carefully. It was really rare for a supreme giant to personally guide him in his cultivation.

Soon, it was time to choose the magic technique.

The little alicorn ant looked at those light groups and was in trouble, not knowing what to choose.

Suddenly, it seemed to have thought of something, and its eyes turned red, showing signs of going crazy.

"Uncle Thunder Emperor, is there a supreme method that can defeat the "immortal killing technique" and break the "all methods become void"? I want to learn this." The little Alibaba Ant said with a trembling voice.

When Chi Cang heard this, he immediately knew what the little horned ant was thinking.

"The Art of Killing Immortals" is a supreme secret technique mastered by He Wushuang, the leader of the young generation in the foreign land and a disciple of the ancient giant Kundi during the Ancient Immortal Era. It was specially developed for the purpose of killing immortals.

"Everything becomes empty" is a defensive method mastered by He Wushuang, which can dissolve all the enemies' magical powers and disintegrate all rules of order.

Back then, Little Alicorn Ant's brother and sister encountered He Wushuang, and a war broke out. As a result, He Wushuang Wupi used these peerless secret techniques to kill Xiao Jin's brother and sister. This kind of hatred made Little Alicorn Ant unforgettable.

However, there is a huge gap between it and He Wushuang. Even Shi Hao back then had no advantage against He Wushuang. That creature was too powerful, even more powerful than the Immortal Prince.

The little Alicorn Ant has always targeted him and vowed to avenge his brothers and sisters.

Therefore, it hopes to get a method from Chi Cang that transcends "immortal killing technique" and "all methods become empty", and can come to deal with He Wushuang.

Chi Cang thought for a while and replied: "Xiao Jin, you must understand that it is always people who are invincible, not the law. No matter how strong the law is, it is useless if people are not strong. You should focus on yourself.

Speaking of which, you are much stronger and better than your father when he was young. I believe that one day, you can surpass your father's generation and create your own glory. "

When the little horned ant heard this, the redness in its eyes slowly faded away. How could it not understand this truth? After following Shi Hao for so long, how could I not know that a person's own strength is truly powerful?

Being a species explains this very well.

However, the little Alicorn Ant has always had a kind of anxiety. He Wushuang was so powerful back then. After an era, He Wushuang may be even more terrifying. How to catch up?

"As for He Wushuang, after an era, he is at most a quasi-immortal king. If he wants to become a king, it is impossible without hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation. By then, you will have caught up with him." Cang comforted.

The little horned ant nodded. It was a little impatient. There is only so much time to come, so why rush?

"Besides, this is not just your cause and effect. Your brothers and sisters are also your father's sons and daughters. When I let him reappear in the world, fellow Daoist Sky Horned Ants will also come looking for him."

Speaking of the old ant, there are tears in the eyes of the little ant, because it is the credit of the old ant that it can be born smoothly. Without this father, it may have been stillborn, and it would not be able to do this. so complete.

"Thank you, Uncle Lei Emperor, Xiao Jin understands." The little Alicorn Ant said.


Your physical body is very strong. Not only is it blessed by the Immortal Sutra, but you also have the secret skills of "madness" as your trump card. What you lack is the secret skills of the soul. "Chi Cang gave suggestions.

The little horned ant hesitated for a while, and then chose the ten evil methods to beat the gods.

This precious technique is the same as the art of peace and chaos. It not only includes the method of attacking the soul, but also the means of warming and strengthening the soul, so that the soul will remain the same and immortal forever.

After obtaining the treasure of the soul, the little horned ant was satisfied, said goodbye to Chi Cang and left.

Then, a cute little girl with red eyes like rubies walked towards Chi Cang holding Bai Qilin in her arms.

It is the Taiyin Jade Rabbit and Qilin.

"Hehe, hello, senior." The Taiyin Jade Rabbit jumped up to Chi Cang and said hello to Chi Cang.

The little Qilin in her arms also sent out spiritual thoughts and called Chi Cang Uncle Thunder Emperor.


Chi Cang nodded and smiled. This little girl from the Taiyin Jade Rabbit clan was very lively and lovable.

She once said that she "never" eats meat. However, after getting drunk, she feasted on it and ate more happily than anyone else. She also liked to pull out "radish" to eat. When she saw "radish", she would become jealous and grind her teeth. Shi Hao often guarded against the Taiyin Jade Rabbit. , Afraid that she would eat the grass on the edge of the nest, he gave Huo Huo the great medicines in Shicun.

Moreover, the Qilin auspicious beast that others longed for friendship and bondage, she regarded as a brick wall and threw the Qilin away whenever they disagreed. She had a very forthright personality, but she was a bit drained of the Qilin.

When she faced Chi Cang, she was not afraid at all. Others were afraid of Chi Cang's majesty, but she was not and liked to act coquettishly with Chi Cang.

Of course Chi Cang didn't take it seriously and pampered him as a descendant.

"The reason why I asked you two to come here today is to test your practice and see if there are any deficiencies in your practice."

Taiyin Jade Rabbit and Bai Qilin nodded when they heard this. They were as powerful as the Thunder Emperor and gave personal guidance. This was definitely a rare and great opportunity.

"Well, your physique... is somewhat interesting..." Chi Cang had been studied in detail before, but now after careful inspection, he realized the special constitution of the Taiyin Jade Rabbit.

As long as she eats more "carrots", which are elixirs, she can become stronger, and she is destined to be a big foodie.

This is the case in the Immortal Ancient Relics. The little rabbit eats wherever it goes and can't stop at all.

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