The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 379 Return to the Dam World (Wish all book friends a happy Dragon Boat Festival!)

After Chi Cang explained clearly, Gen Yi and the three old monsters felt relieved.

They don't want to see a prosperous and powerful person decline because of them.

Now, Chi Cang has to make this attempt, so they will naturally accept it happily. Who doesn't want to live another life?

Thinking back to those days when I stood in the king's realm and looked down at the world, I was so majestic and heroic. Now, all that's left is withered bones and a wisp of obsession. How tragic and desolate.

The tea that Genyi uses to entertain his guests is like a turbulent ocean, containing his endless journey and various valuable experiences on that ocean.

From here it is enough to see Genyi's obsession with the boundary sea. He is eager to cross the boundary sea and go to the source of the turmoil to solve all this.

Because he was no longer alive, all that was left was his cracked skull and obsession, so he accepted apprentices, hoping that his ideas could be realized in the hands of his apprentices. Unfortunately, all the apprentices he accepted died.

Now, seeing the rise of Chi Cang and Liu Shen, and the promising future of Shi Hao, he was secretly happy.

But if he could participate in person, how could he be willing to miss it?

The three old monsters died in a small liquidation. They were very unwilling and hoped to see someone take the lead in the big liquidation. If they could survive, that would be great.

Chi Cang talked with them about the details of the Soul-Calling Sacrifice before leaving.

In the following years, Chi Cang continued to recover from his injuries and repair the terrible sequelae caused by the nine-color beam. His recovery ability was unparalleled. As time went by, those horrific injuries and effects disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

Occasionally, he would take the geniuses to the dam world to accept the baptism of the rules there.

The geniuses adopted the powerful rules in the dike world to refine their bodies, speed up the practice of the Immortal Sutra, and temper their own avenues. The rules here are much stronger than those of the broken Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. After some tempering, people Although his Taoism has not improved much, it has become much stronger.

This is also the reason why foreign creatures are better than Jiutian among the same level. The completeness of the rules of heaven and earth is really important to a monk.

They will also try to touch the thunder sea and train themselves with thousands of thunder catastrophes. With the Thunder Emperor sitting here, they don't have to worry about the thunder sea going crazy and causing a world-ending catastrophe.

Chi Cang didn't bother them, he just sat cross-legged on the embankment, motionless, looking at the boundary sea.

At this time, he was no longer the monk who had not yet ignited the divine fire in this world. He could travel across the sea with his own Taoism, so he could see further.

In the majestic boundary sea, dark storms have begun to appear. In Chi Cang's sight, small dark storms have blown up in some sea areas, coming from the depths of the boundary sea and blowing towards the coastline.

The closer you get to the depths of the Boundary Sea, the greater the frequency of such storms. Although compared to the vast Boundary Sea, this scale is nothing, just like a drop in the ocean.

But this is just a prelude, foreshadowing the turbulence on the other side of the boundary sea.

The ultimate dark storm is coming, the kings wandering on the sea are about to embark on their return journey, and the most terrifying dark chaos in history is about to break out.

Fortunately, Chi Cang already had the confidence to fight. With him, Liu Shen, and a group of Immortal Kings sitting in the Immortal Realm, the great liquidation would not be able to affect that piece of pure land, let alone the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands.

Of course, the level of the supreme giant is not enough. There are actually not a few creatures of this level. They are all gathered in the depths of the boundary sea. Moreover, the dark army is endless, there are many powerful fusion monsters, and there are also dark quasi-immortal emperors. Without transcendence, it will be impossible to resolve the dark turmoil.

Therefore, both Chi Cang and Liu Shen are pursuing transcendence, and they need to continue to accumulate and push their Taoism to the top of the Immortal King, so that they can reach the quasi-Immortal Emperor realm in the distance.

This process is destined to be very long, and this is the way of spiritual cultivation. The deeper you go, the more difficult it is to move forward.

After standing on the embankment for a long time, Chi Cang turned around and returned to the Thunder Sea Abyss.

Shi Hao, Ten-Crown King, Banished Immortal, Shi Yi and others are triggering the lightning in the sea of ​​thunder to hone themselves. They have been at the peak of Dun Yi for a long time, and are infinitely close to the Supreme. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are quasi-Supreme.

However, the five-hundred-year-old taboo line invisibly blocked everyone, including Shi Hao, who could clearly feel the shackles.

However, he is special. He has the confidence and ability to break this taboo line. Others are still far behind.

But Shi Hao didn't do this immediately. He was still accumulating, and wanted to accumulate to the limit. After rushing into the supreme realm, he exploded and skyrocketed.

The Supreme Realm is known as the pinnacle of humanity. It will take an extremely long time to take a step forward in this realm.

Shi Hao is eager to rise quickly, so he has to accumulate enough in the First Escape Realm, and then rush further in the Supreme Realm. This can save a lot of time.

Other geniuses are not as easy as Shi Hao, such as Little Heavenly King, Little Saint, Chang Gong Yan, etc. For them, breaking the supreme barrier is like a flower in the mirror and the moon in the water. There is no hope in the short term, maybe in a thousand years. There is a certain amount of hope after that.

As for the Emperor, Banished Immortal, Shi Yi, etc., who have the ability to break through barriers, it is not known whether they can succeed.

This terrible barrier has blocked too many geniuses. Only through tempering over the years can it dissipate little by little. Even if the descendants of the Immortal King want to ascend to the realm of the Supreme, it usually takes a thousand years. This is already considered a very qualified person. Okay.

Therefore, they still need to continue to work hard, otherwise, they must waste time in front of the supreme threshold and wait patiently for the shackles to disappear.

But at that time, Shi Hao was probably far behind the others. The Emperor, Banished Immortal, Shi Yi, etc. were all outstanding people and had great ambitions. How could they be willing to lag behind others?

Therefore, they were training their skills crazily just to break through the 500-year-old taboo line. It was somewhat impossible to catch up with Shi Hao, but they couldn't be too far behind.

Seeing that they were so strong and still working so hard, others were also infected and worked harder.

Chi Cang nodded, very pleased. He believed that the five-hundred-year-old taboo line does exist, and it is indeed difficult. Since ancient times, few people have been able to break it. However, it is definitely possible to break the taboo line. You cannot break it. , it only means that you are not strong enough.

Just like Shi Hao, after reaching a certain level of strength, this so-called forbidden line can be regarded as nothing.

He did not disturb the young geniuses who were fighting against the lightning catastrophe, but stepped alone into the undulating sea of ​​thunder.

There is only one purpose, and that is to find the thunder pool with the mark of the true dragon in the vast abyss of the sea of ​​thunder.

Back then, Chi Cang, Liu Shen and the two artifacts went to the ancestral land of the Lei Ling tribe on the road behind the original gate. As the king enshrined in the Lei Ling foreign land, Chi Cang gave the Lei Pond that he had collected before. The spirits are food.

As a result, two little guys were lucky enough to get a bite of a special thunder pool. In the world where this thunder pool was born, a family of true dragons once appeared. The true name of the dragon came to this world in a certain period of time, so, then, There is a real dragon mark engraved in the thunder pool of an ancient place.

The Lei Ling clan was originally a true dragon clan in a certain period of time, but later, for unknown reasons, the dragon's true name was changed. This clan missed an important evolutionary stage and was no longer complete. Therefore, their evolution has many shackles. .

Although there are true dragon patterns on the body, there are no horns, claws or dragon scales.

Through the experiences of those two lucky little guys, Chi Cang knew the way to make up for their lack of evolution, which was to find the thunder pool that was born in the ancient world where true dragons were born.

This abyss of the thunder sea has absorbed the thunder punishments of the heavenly tribulations that have destroyed or shattered the ancient world for countless years. The thunder pools are also among them. Therefore, there are countless thunder pools floating in the thunder sea, representing one after another. The vast ancient world that has disappeared in the long river of time can be found by Chi Cang.

All told, there are about five hundred thunder spirits in the world, three hundred of them have gone out to look for Chi Cang's body, and the other two hundred have stayed in their ancestral land.

The birth of this clan is very difficult. It has to break free from the shackles of the long river and rush out. It does not rely on reproduction, so it is difficult for new clan members to appear.

In other words, Chi Cang only needs to find about five hundred thunder pools with the mark of the true dragon.

The Lei Ling clan regards him as their king, and Chi Cang will naturally not treat him badly, striving to make every clan member a real true dragon.

Perhaps after they absorb the mark, their evolved appearances will be different, but they are all real dragons that have been on the stage of history, and they are real dragons.

After making up for the lack of evolution, the five hundred thunder spirits will no longer be restrained and can continue to evolve deeper.

It’s hard to imagine what it would be like when five hundred true dragons stir up mountains and rivers, but it’s very likely to happen in the future.

Chi Cang was alone, slowly diving into the ocean composed of thick lightning and terrifying thunder, and the consciousness of the supreme giant spread overwhelmingly.

At the same time, Chi Cang used the True Dragon Treasure Technique to emit the pure True Dragon breath, which echoed the True Dragon mark hidden inside the special thunder pool.

Relying on this method, Chi Cang took away thunder pools one after another in the endless sea of ​​thunder, all of which were special pools containing the mark of the true dragon.

It didn't take long for Chi Cang to collect more than five hundred people.

You need to know that there is only one name for a true dragon. There is only one world in the world where a true dragon can appear in a lifetime, and this true dragon is at least an immortal king-level powerhouse and can live for a long time.

There are more than five hundred people, and there may be more in the Thunder Sea. It is difficult to imagine how far away the days when the Lord of Heaven was building the dyke world are now.

Chi Cang looked at the dense thunder pool in his hand and let out a sigh. Each mouthful of thunder pool means that a near-dragon race has fought for the true name of the dragon. At the same time, it also means the fall and extinction of a true dragon race, just like one reincarnation after another. , goes round and round, never ending.

He achieved his goal and could ensure that every thunder spirit could take a bite of the thunder pool containing the dragon's true name to make up for the lack of their evolutionary stages.

In this way, the Lei Ling clan hopes to become the most powerful support for Chi Cang. Each of them is a born fighting saint. They are known as invincible among the same level. After rising, they will definitely become a force that can sweep the world. of powerful force.

Moreover, the Thunder Spirits are absolutely loyal to the Thunder Emperor and will not betray them, which is the most valuable thing.

He put away the thunder pool and looked at the red sea of ​​order in the land of thunder sea.

You can vaguely see that there are bright red guillotines floating up and down in the ocean of order. They are bloody and murderous. It is terrifying and terrifying. There are those who specifically punish the Supreme, and there are also those who punish the True Immortal and the Immortal King. Anyone who sees it will be shocked. To change color.

At that time, Chi Cang could only hide his aura and walk around, but now, he does not need to do that. The guillotine has a spirit, and he knows that nothing can be done to him, and he will not target Chi Cang in any case.

His own weapon is the Immortal Killing Platform, with a bloody guillotine hanging high on it. So far, it has made several kings bleed. It is so powerful that many strong men from foreign lands have deeply remembered this great killing weapon. They know that, Once pulled to the guillotine by the chains of order, death is inevitable.

Chi Cang thought for a moment, then summoned his weapon and threw it into the vast ocean of order.

Immortal Killing Platform felt like returning home, wandering in the ocean of order where even the Immortal King had to stop, absorbing those terrifying rules of order.

When they meet the bright red guillotine, they will tremble slightly, as if they are communicating.

Chicang is connected with the Immortal Immortal Platform and can understand what it is doing. This is like a discussion between monks, which is good for the Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Platform.

He did not care about the Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Platform, but turned around and let Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Platform wander around in the ocean of order. While absorbing the rules of order, he also communicated with those forbidden weapons of the same kind, which was equivalent to being kept here.

After leaving the Thunder Sea, Chi Cang continued to sit cross-legged on a dilapidated embankment, repairing his injuries, and often looking into the distance, as if looking through the past, present and future.

I still remember that when I lit up the world, I looked at that tough man from a distance and nodded in greeting. Maybe we can really meet each other this time during the great reckoning.

In addition to butchers, there are also people selling fake medicines.

The longevity medicine known as "the first spiritual root in the wilderness" is still by Chi Cang's side at this moment.

Ever since the last time Chi Cang and Liu Shen traveled through the ages in a place where they could connect ancient and modern times, this usually active "No. 1 spiritual root in the wilderness" had been silent.

The strange little man no longer jumped around, but sat quietly under the small tree, motionless, surrounded by fragments of time and countless principles. It was very mysterious and seemed to be doing some amazing thing. Metamorphosis.

Back to the most ancient era, the first spiritual root also followed, and together with Chi Cang, he witnessed countless civilizations and systems.

This is a greater and inestimable gain than what he gained when he was divided into six parts, hid in the immortal medicine, traveled all over the heavens, and realized all the ways since the emperor's reign.

Because the number of systems in the world is far less than imagined, and many systems radiate from the Immortal Realm. Those who sell counterfeit medicine mostly observe the ways of others, no matter how strong or weak they are, and remember them all.

But in the distant past, what he witnessed were all kinds of systems, and there were so many of them. The counterfeit medicine sellers had achieved a true understanding of the ten thousand ways. His gains were too great, so after returning, he has been in a state of mystery. in the midst of transformation.

Chi Cang could see that this creature was changing subtly. To be precise, it was accumulating and seemed to be preparing for something.

What else could a creature at this level prepare for? Of course, it is to defeat the king and become the emperor.

In the next extremely long period of time, the clone selling counterfeit medicine will remain in this strange state. Until it has transformed and accumulated enough, it will trigger the other five clones to merge into one and attack the quasi-immortal emperor.

Chi Cang watched for a long time and thought that this creature had the possibility of success. The experience of following him and Liu Shen to the ancient times had greatly touched and helped him sell counterfeit medicine. He was very likely to find a way forward. Now he only has the chance to succeed. It takes a certain amount of time to complete all preparations before attacking the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

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