Chi Cang is happy about the appearance of a creature that is expected to challenge the quasi-immortal emperor, because only by reaching this realm can he be qualified to solve the dark turmoil.

However, there are too many quasi-immortal emperors who have turned against Wanling and become the initiators of dark turmoil. Therefore, Chi Cang does not want more dark quasi-immortal emperors to appear in the future.

Therefore, he wanted to explore the past of this so-called "counterfeit medicine seller" to determine all aspects of this creature.

If he is the kind of being who is evolution-oriented, cold-blooded and ruthless, destined to fall to the dark side, Chi Cang will not let him evolve successfully.

Since we are destined to be enemies in the future, how can we ignore it?

This is a bit unethical, but Chi Cang can't help it. He has asked the Immortal King of the Immortal Realm in his small world, and they don't know about the past of selling counterfeit medicine. This creature is too ancient, and people only know that he is in the world. They can be called giants in the sea. They live in the elixir and understand all the ways. They don't know anything else.

In the boundary sea, there is a mixture of fish and dragons.

Hearing about it is not as good as seeing it with your own eyes. Chi Cang feels that he took a clone of a counterfeit medicine seller to the ancient times and saw many systems, which has already formed a lot of karma. It should be okay to explore his past and there is no malicious intention.

"Fellow Taoist, I'm offended."

Chi Cang's voice sounded, and then he moved his past body, wandering in the long river of time, going to the mysterious upper reaches, and exploring the past ancient years.

Taking the counterfeit medicine seller as a coordinate, he appeared in the extremely ancient era when he rose to prominence.

Standing on the vast land, Chi Cang's past body looked at this wild world in the distance. The blue dragon roared and the glutton swallowed the sky. This was the place where counterfeit medicines were sold.

At that time, we were in the middle of the fall of the emperor. In the past, there was a peerless butcher of creatures who shocked the world and massacred all the powerful geniuses of the great clans. Later, there was a golden burial warrior who was a stunning woman of the same generation. She shone in the sky and had many possessions. Young people with the qualifications of Immortal Kings are rising up and fighting for their way in the great world.

Each of them has become a king, arrogantly looking down on the heaven and earth, overlooking the cycle of eras, and standing high above.

No one pays attention to the fact that there is such an inconspicuous continent in such a barren ancient world, and no one knows that in the future a supreme powerhouse who will shock the world will come out of here.

Chi Cang came at the right time, just as the counterfeit medicine seller was born here.

The entire vast continent is changing colors, and visions are appearing frequently. Golden lotuses all over the sky appear and grow in the void, and there are also bright rays of light shining from the avenue, which spans eighty thousand miles.

When the counterfeit medicine seller was born, those shocking visions gradually disappeared.

The unknown continent became famous because of this. Everyone thought that the vision was caused by the birth of a shocking treasure, so they flocked here to look for it.

A seller of counterfeit medicine was lucky enough to be spotted by a Taoist force. Because of his special constitution and natural affinity with the Tao, he was made a holy son, and thus began his journey against heaven.

Chi Cang stands high in the sky, silently watching the growth of selling counterfeit medicine. His physique is really special. No matter what kind of Tao he practices, he can quickly get started and get close to the Tao. It is said that he is a ten thousand Tao body. Not an exaggeration.

He quickly rose to prominence and was a leader of the younger generation who defeated all the rival forces in his sect. This place was no longer big enough for him and he needed a broader stage.

So, the counterfeit medicine seller said goodbye to his master, relatives and friends, and embarked on an endless journey.

With a supreme qualification that is close to that of Ten Thousand Dao Physique, he will never be mediocre wherever he goes, and is destined to shine brightly.

In this way, day after day, year after year, the counterfeit medicine seller went through all the obstacles, defeated the destined enemies one after another, broke through the shackles one after another, and finally stood at the top. He became a king and became the most powerful person in the world. The top group of creatures.

At this moment, he has been away from his hometown for a million years. He has wanted to go back many times to see his hometown and relatives, but he has never had the chance.

On this road, there is no turning back until you reach the top.

Fortunately, although his hometown is barren, it is not the end of the Dharma. Slightly more powerful monks can live for more than a million years, and there are great medicines that can prolong life and help people become immortal. Therefore, the young master who sells fake medicines and loved ones, most likely still alive.

Full of expectations, he embarked on his return journey.

After fighting for endless years, the counterfeit medicine seller was alone, leaving nothing behind, no Taoist companions, and no heirs, because he knew that he had formed karma with too many ancient enemies along the way, and it was best to be alone.

He keeps his name anonymous, so others don't know his origins and cannot harm his hometown. This is also the reason why people who sell counterfeit medicine never come home to visit, or even get close to him.

Only in this way can we protect our hometown, relatives and friends from being affected.

The journey home was filled with anxiety and joy. Even though the counterfeit medicine seller had become a lofty fairy king, my mood was ups and downs and I couldn't calm down.

This is completely different from his usual ruthless nature. If his opponents saw it, they would be shocked.

It turns out that this cold man also has a tender side.

However, when the seller of counterfeit medicine returned to the ancient world where his hometown was, he was stunned. The familiar ancient world had already changed. There was an aura of darkness everywhere, and any living being caught in it could be captured at will. Traces of dark matter were found within the body.

Obviously, this place has been infected by darkness, and all creatures in the world have been robbed and covered by boundless darkness.

The counterfeit medicine seller suppressed his anger and returned to his sect. He saw his master and some old friends, their bodies and spirits changed.

They even became part of the Devourer, neither human nor ghost.

At this moment, the counterfeit medicine seller couldn't bear it anymore. His black hair was flying, and the power of the Immortal King was overwhelming, making the whole world tremble.


He was so grief-stricken and angry that he let out a long roar that shook the sky forever. The softness in the deepest part of his heart has always been retained. It was the reason and strength for him to persevere when he was in desperate situations many times. As a result, he was now trampled by the darkness.

The counterfeit medicine seller was angry, and he felt as if the pain in his chest was about to explode.

He went back to the source, saw scenes from the past, and learned who caused all this.

It was actually a foreign land that had dominated the world for eternity, and the dark matter released by the ancient artifacts had eroded this world.

As the descendants of darkness, they are good at fighting and often do so, destroying countless ancient worlds. Over the years, only a few major worlds have been able to confront them and have not been destroyed, and the others have not been spared.

The counterfeit medicine seller had a murderous look on his face and went to the foreign land just like that. With his tyrannical strength, he suppressed many immortal kings. Unfortunately, he had just entered this field and did not have the ability to destroy the origin of the Immortal King in a short time, so , can only be suppressed temporarily.

What he did alarmed the alien beings. A yellow gourd hit the counterfeit medicine seller's shoulder, causing the sound of bones breaking and flowers of blood blooming.

A supremely powerful man from a foreign land has been born, and he wants to personally suppress those who sell counterfeit medicines.

This is a veteran immortal king who is about to reach the realm of giants and is so powerful.

Chi Cang knew who this was, it was the ancient Immortal King Giant Qu Yan. During these years, he had never visited the Giant, never went to sea, and stayed in a foreign land.

Faced with such a powerful opponent, the counterfeit medicine seller was clearly outmatched and crushed. The opponent had accumulated in the Immortal King field for many years and already had the terrifying strength to challenge the giants. How could a person who had just joined the Immortal King compare to it? .

Just when the counterfeit medicine sellers were about to be suppressed, a loud shout came.

"You dare!"

Then, the sound of piercing the sky sounded, and a supreme being shot an astonishing arrow from several realms away.


The arrow hit Qu Yan's gourd, causing it to tremble wildly and away from the seriously injured and dying seller of counterfeit medicine.

"Is it you? Butcher?" Qu Yan looked ugly, knowing that it would be difficult to take away this provocative foreign creature today.

"Butcher, do you still dare to show your face?"

A cold voice came out, and Kundi appeared. His eyes with silver crosses were full of murderous intent and coldness, staring at the sturdy Khan standing in the distance.

"How about just showing up? What can you do to me?" the butcher said, with a joking tone in his tone.

Then, another powerful creature appeared in the world, a woman with incomparable beauty and an indifferent expression, staring at the two powerful men from a foreign land.

"Strictly speaking, the burial place has the same origin as our world. We should become old friends. Your path has gone astray." Qu Yan looked at the woman coldly and said.

"You think too much, Immortal King, I will kill every one I see." The woman's voice was very cold, but it had extraordinary power and was loud and clear.

"What a loud tone, I'm afraid you don't have the strength." Qu Han sneered.

"I heard that you are planning to go to sea? What a coincidence, I will also go to sea, I hope to bump into you." The woman said calmly, her meaning was self-evident, she wanted to kill Qu Yan in the boundary sea.

"Haha, that's what I thought too. If we meet in the sea, I will behead you." Qu An responded with an angry smile.

Kunti walked forward step by step, with dark shadows behind him, all of them were immortal kings. This was the source of confidence for foreign lands to dominate the world.

Butcher and others were not reckless. Their main purpose was to save the counterfeit medicine seller with unlimited potential, and they had no plans to face off against the foreign land.

Therefore, after they seized the dying counterfeit medicine seller from Qu Yan, they withdrew to a far enough location.

"The days are long, and we will meet again one day, and then we can compete again." The butcher put away his big bow, put it on his back, and said to the kings of the foreign lands.

"Butcher, the next time we meet is the day of your death." Kundi shouted, wanting to kill the cold man holding the bow because he had always had ill intentions towards the foreign land. There was an era when all the top geniuses in the foreign land were killed. The butcher killed this man, whose horrific record alone made people's hearts tremble.

Unfortunately, the butcher wanted to leave, so they couldn't keep him and could only watch helplessly.

"Okay, I'll wait." The butcher smiled and didn't take it seriously.

As he said that, he and the woman from the burial ground took away the counterfeit medicine seller.

After some treatment, the counterfeit medicine seller woke up leisurely. The butcher and the woman talked with him for a long time. Only then did he realize that the power of the foreign land cannot be shaken by a newcomer to the Immortal King. Even a powerful giant cannot destroy it. Of.

"As I said, there is only so much time to come. Back then, my elders, who were known as the Emperors of Heaven, could not quell the darkness. They were all creatures who almost defeated the king and became emperor, but in the end, they all died. They wanted to eradicate the darkness. You need to improve your strength." The Butcher informed.

The counterfeit medicine seller nodded and understood what the two of them meant. This time, he was blinded by anger and lost his mind. He will never do it again.

"We are about to go to sea. With your current strength, it is best to consolidate here for a while. The current world sea is not peaceful.

I believe that one day, you will also set foot on the boundless sea, and we are waiting for you in front. "said the woman from the burial ground.

The counterfeit medicine seller nodded.

"Thank you two fellow Taoists for coming to the rescue."

"Nothing, that's right. I don't want to see a man of his generation with amazing potential fall under the knife of a foreign land." The butcher responded.

Afterwards, the two powerful men left and were about to go to the Boundary Sea. After the counterfeit medicine seller recovered from his injuries, he consolidated his cultivation on this side of the dam world. Occasionally, he would have friction with foreign lands, but they were always separated at the first touch. He remembered The words of the butcher and the woman in the burial place are not head-on confrontation with foreign lands.

Chi Cang's past body witnessed all this. Era after era passed, counterfeit medicine sellers grew up, cut off the Wandao body, returned to the original origin of the human body, and finally returned to Wandao.

He became a supreme giant, so powerful that he could be respected in the world. In the process, the counterfeit medicine seller killed many fallen immortal kings, enemies and immortal kings, and established a great reputation.

However, he never invaded foreign lands.

Later, those who sold counterfeit medicine also went to sea. Like Butcher and others, they pursued the road of defeating the king and becoming an emperor. They knew that it was impossible to solve the dark turmoil without breaking the king's realm. The elders of Butcher were a lesson learned from the past.

Endless years passed, and it was difficult for the counterfeit medicine seller to make any progress. He found the famous Celestial Immortal Tree, divided it into four, divided himself into four parts, and sealed him in it. However, he failed. His body was too strong and could not be sealed. As a result, the Celestial Tree has become four ancient trees, and its effectiveness is not as good as before.

Later, he found another immortality elixir, which was the most suitable carrier for him. So, the counterfeit elixir seller divided it into six parts, divided his body into six parts, and sealed them in six immortality elixirs respectively. , spread to all the heavens and all the worlds, realize all the ways, strengthen the soul, and one day in the future, when the body is unified, it will be able to attack the quasi-immortal emperor.

Long years have passed, and the six medicine plants have wandered among the heavens, inscribing the Tao, large and small, inscribed on them, no matter how strong or weak they are.

The more powerful a person is, the more they are afraid of the six medicines. There was once an immortal king who didn't believe it and wanted to take action against the elixir that sealed the body of the fake medicine. As a result, the clone of the fake medicine broke the seal and made the immortal king bleed.

Afterwards, people only saw an intact elixir of immortality continuing to wander in the heavens, while the immortal king who touched the taboo disappeared and ceased to exist, which was horrifying.

From then on, he had a nickname - "The Seller of Fake Medicine". Once he was entangled with that "fake medicine", the supreme powerhouses would let him follow him, not daring to offend him and fearing to follow in the footsteps of the dead Immortal King.

In this way, the counterfeit medicine seller continued to sleep until the years when Shi Hao was born, but it still never merged. In the end, it followed Chi Cang and got a great opportunity.

After arriving here, Chi Cang realized everything. Those selling counterfeit medicines were absolutely trustworthy and clearly distinguished from the darkness. The same was true for the butcher and the woman in the burial ground.

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