After learning about the position of selling counterfeit medicine, Chi Cang no longer worried and decided to protect the clone beside him.

At this moment, those selling counterfeit medicines are at a critical moment of transformation. If anyone disturbs them, they may be in trouble.

Perhaps this is the reason why he chose to stay with Chi Cang for transformation. Since the lower world, this "first spiritual root in the wilderness" and "the first spiritual root in the upper world" has followed Chi Cang. Along the way, he Although he is sleeping, he is also aware of what is happening in the outside world and has been recorded.

Therefore, the counterfeit medicine seller also knew the Thunder Emperor's position, and he was relieved to undergo the ultimate transformation by the Thunder Emperor's side.

After settling his worries, Chi Cang continued to repair his injuries. As time went by, the day of summoning souls was getting closer and closer. He must try his best to erase his injuries before then. Only in this way can he truly summon souls. At that time, there was greater certainty.

The years flew by, and ten years passed by in a flash. On this day, Chi Cang told the geniuses who had been training in the sea of ​​thunder that their return date had come.

Shi Hao, Emperor, Banished Immortal, Shi Yi and other powerful geniuses walked out from the thunder. All of them were scarred, leaving only skin and bones. Their bodies were covered with scorch marks from the thunder, and even their bones were blackened. , looks very miserable.

However, their eyes were extremely bright, like two bright golden lamps, shining with energy, which was a sign of successful cultivation.

During the past ten years, they would challenge their limits every day, go deep into the thunder-filled area, and arouse those violent thunder and lightning to sharpen themselves and traverse the gap between life and death.

After tempering themselves in this way, they finally made progress in their difficult-to-reach skills and broke through the so-called limits.

Among them, Shi Hao gained the most. People like the Emperor, Banished Immortal, Shi Yi and others could only see Shi Hao's blurry figure in the Thunder Realm. He could hardly see clearly. He was too far ahead of them. In this regard, they also I can only sigh, Huang is really too strong. Even if I give them time to catch up, I can't even see him.

They are both at the peak of escape, but the gap is huge. It is hard to imagine how strong Shi Hao will be after becoming the Supreme.

They trained their bodies day and night with terrifying thunder, which also promoted the practice of the Immortal Sutra. Everyone had practiced at least two levels. Shi Hao, who had started practicing early, had broken through to an extremely deep level. level.

In the past ten years, he has also used the seeds of the Five Elements to delve into the secret realm of the Tao Palace, and has completed the cultivation. At this moment, his five internal organs are filled with "gods", which is mysterious and unpredictable. The so-called Tao Palace has gods, this is exactly what it is.

I don’t know if it was Shi Hao’s illusion, but he felt that at this time, he could go back and defeat the Supreme Being. Of course, it was not the Supreme Being who stood at the top of the Supreme Dao like Meng Tianzheng and Wang Changsheng, but those who had just entered the Supreme Realm and had not gone deep into it. of creatures.

This was confirmed after Shi Hao asked Chi Cang. Whether it was his understanding and application of the Dao, or the strength of the Dao and his fighting consciousness, Shi Hao had the capital to defeat the Supreme.

Moreover, Shi Hao was absolutely sure that he could break the taboo line of five hundred years old.

"Let's go back to the lower realm." Chi Cang was very satisfied with Shi Hao's achievements and nodded.

When Shi Hao returns this time, he will attack the Supreme. With his power, there is no chance of surprise.

The emperor and others looked at each other and knew that a miracle might be born. He reached the Supreme Realm under the age of fifty. This shortened the so-called taboo line by more than 90%, and people didn't know what to say.

Under the leadership of Chi Cang, they returned to the wilderness and Stone Village.

After meeting the people of Shicun and reminiscing about the past, Shi Hao chose to attack the Supreme on the spot. The reason why he chose to attack the Supreme in Shicun was because the birth of a Supreme would bless the clan and make it prosperous. The blessing of heaven and earth means too much.

Chi Cang took action to imprison Shicun and the wilderness world to prevent them from being destroyed due to Shi Hao's Supreme Tribulation.

Using his body as a seed to open up a new practice system. Such an unnatural act, coupled with touching taboos, and becoming a supreme before the age of five hundred will make Shi Hao's supreme disaster even more difficult. The scale will definitely exceed Imagine.

The other geniuses stood in Shicun, looking at the majestic figure standing in the sky. They were filled with emotion. The Supreme Being who is less than fifty years old has never been seen in the fairyland for eternity. To be able to witness such a miracle with one's own eyes is said to be three lives. It's not an exaggeration to say I'm lucky enough.

"Shi Hao, we must succeed." Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er had Shi Hao in their hearts and prayed for him there.

Qingyi seemed calm on the surface, but she was actually very nervous inside, and her jade fingers were entangled together.

Yuechan, who was not far away, sensed Qingyi's state of mind and was very angry and crazy. She scolded Qingyi in her heart. However, after ten years of getting along, Yuechan no longer hated Shi Hao so much.

What happened back then has already happened, and it's a done deal. Even if she kills Shi Hao, she can't regain her innocence. Besides, she can't kill Shi Hao either.

Thinking of this, Yuechan sighed and sent a message to Qingyi: "Qingyi, let's become one."

Qingyi was stunned.

"Do you agree to make me the master?"

"The beauty of your thoughts depends on your ability." Yue Chan said tit for tat.

"Then let's wait a little longer. For now, we still have room for improvement. I want to break the supreme barrier. If we can't attack alone, then we can merge." Qingyi replied.

Yuechan nodded, and her primary and secondary bodies reached the peak of escape, extremely close to the Supreme. Under such circumstances, if they merge into one, they might have a chance to rush into the Supreme realm in one fell swoop.

"As expected of my brother, he is about to become a Supreme Being at such a young age." Cao Yusheng, Little Skyhorn Ant and others were happy for Shi Hao from the bottom of their hearts.

Breaking the five-hundred-year-old taboo line, if successful, will be the greatest inspiration to people like them.

I saw Shi Hao standing in the sky above Shicun, his whole body wrapped in the rules of the avenue. They were like phoenix feathers, turning into chains of the order of the avenue, shrinking into Chi Cang's body, forming a big cocoon.

He entered a state of nirvana and awaited rebirth.

Slowly, the supreme aura spread out from the big cocoon, making the Nine Heavenly Prodigy below open his eyes wide.

"Supreme Breath, is he really going to succeed?" Little Heavenly King and others exclaimed.

It's really a miracle.

"It's not that simple. How can the road to supreme be so easy?" Chi Cang said, making everyone feel nervous.

"However, as long as he succeeds, he will break the eternal myth and become the youngest and most powerful humane supreme in history." Chi Cang commented.

He did not count himself, because although his time to become the Supreme Humanity in this life was extremely short, he should not abandon his previous life. In total, he lived for an era.

"Breaking the eternal myth!"

Everyone recited this sentence silently in their hearts. This sentence came from the mouth of the Thunder Emperor, so naturally there was no water in it.

At this time, there was a fluctuation in the sky. It was the arrival of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone and three old monsters. Shi Hao wanted to attack the Supreme Being in his early thirties, which alarmed several ancient beings.

They have never seen a creature who has reached the supreme level at such a young age. At the same time, they have never seen an escape genius with such a solid foundation. As former Immortal King creatures, they were also surprised and shocked. They doubted in their hearts that there really was such a thing. Does such a genius exist?

At this moment, Shi Hao was wrapped in a Dao cocoon, his energy was restrained, and he was accumulating strength. His state was very strange, hazy, ups and downs, neither birth nor death, his soul seemed to be extinct, as if it had already Sitting down, but in fact, Shi Hao is still alive and undergoing some kind of deep transformation.

In history, many creatures who tried to challenge the Supreme fell at the first step. Once they failed, the essence exploded, and the entire world would be affected. It was common for the stars and moon to dry up and the sky to collapse.

What's more, after the failure, blood splashed across the sky and the earth, steamed up the ocean, burned endless mountains and rivers, triggered a great thunder disaster, and destroyed all living things.

In short, it is very dangerous to attack the Supreme. Generally speaking, there will be true immortal level monks watching over to prevent accidents.

Now, with Chi Cang, the supreme giant, sitting in Shicun, no accidents will happen.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth trembled, and Shicun shook nine times in succession. Then, essence was like a sea, drawn from outside the territory, and endless starlight gathered into a river, forming a waterfall, and fell down.

This is a kind of wonder of heaven and earth. Between the universe and the universe, all the essence of the sun and the moon have accumulated. It is obviously daytime and the sun is shining high, but there are stars emerging and shining in the sky, which is incomparably magnificent.

One after another, the essence waterfalls hang down from outside the territory and gather above the stone village.

Everyone just felt a huge amount of energy rushing towards their faces.

"This is an opportunity. Let's all sit down and understand our own Tao and Dharma." Chi Cang said.

Naturally, the Jiutian Tianjiao would not miss this opportunity. The men, women, children, and ancient relics in Stone Village also followed Chi Cang's words and immersed themselves in cultivation.

Before the Supreme Being attains enlightenment, he needs to collect the energy from the origin of the universe and refine the supreme essence. This kind of thing is of great benefit to the creatures under the Supreme Being and should not be missed. Especially those children who are growing up. The essence of the origin of heaven and earth is infused into it. The body is helping them temper their muscles and bones.

Stone Village is covered by a soft holy light. With Stone Village as the center, there is a layer of ripples like water waves. It is not violent at all, but very peaceful. This is the profound blessing brought by the impact of the Supreme Being, which can nourish all people. spirit.

The power of a supreme family is not only because of the supreme being, but also because of the supreme blessing that all the creatures in this family have been greatly improved, their potential has been enhanced, and they have been reborn. The success of one creature is also an evolutionary feast for other creatures.

Not only does it impact the Supreme, it also impacts the True Immortal. When a True Immortal is born, the overflowing divine light and original energy are even more astonishing.

This is the truth that the strong will always be strong.

Just like in a foreign land, there is an endless supply of creatures such as the Immortal King, the Immortal, and the Supreme. There are constantly beings being baptized, cleansing their muscles, having endless potential, evolving their talents, and achieving amazing achievements in the future. This is a virtuous cycle.

Shi Hao's impact on the Supreme brought a massive amount of heaven and earth energy, which brought great benefits to everyone.


The stars are shaking together, this vision of heaven and earth is a blessing to the powerful on the road to the Supreme.

Subsequently, the laws of heaven and earth also shook, and together with the stars, nine times in a row, this was "Dao Zhen".

"Star earthquakes" and "dao earthquakes" appear frequently, which is a good sign, indicating that the creatures who have broken through the realm are approaching the completion of their merits.

"My Taoism is actually increasing?" The emperor and others were surprised. Who are they? The Taoist practice is profound, the magic power is astonishing, and they have gone deep into the realm of escape. However, now, the blessings brought by Shi Hao's impact on the Supreme, actually made their Taoist practice increase, which has been unchanging for a long time. This is a bit surprising.

Suddenly, some creatures appeared on the horizon. They came from the descendants of the three major quasi-immortal emperors. They were specially brought here by Chi Cang. They were bound by the shackles of heaven and earth in their respective fields and could not make any progress. At this moment, the supreme blessing came to the world. This is Great opportunity and opportunity.

Sure enough, as soon as they arrived here, someone broke through, and their energy, blood, and spirit soared.

There were exclamations in the crowd, and they all looked up to the sky. They remembered that it was the "Young Master" holding the Sword of the Emperor of Heaven. Among the three major ethnic groups, Shi Hao was regarded as the "Young Master" because he was known as the "Young Master". Daluo sword is a weapon.

As the impact on the Supreme King came to an end, the gifts of the great avenue became more and more fierce, which surprised the emperor, the banished immortal and others. Can the shackles be broken like this?


A ray of red light fell and hit Shi Hao's head. It was like thunder, but very bright red. It came from outside the territory and wanted to penetrate Shi Hao's head.

The Supreme Tribulation, even at the end, is still in great danger.

Shi Hao was injured. As powerful as he was, it was difficult for him to withstand such a strange and tricky attack. However, with his strong Taoism, Shi Hao withstood it and did not fall down.

Then, a purple light came, majestic and overlooking all living beings.

This was a torture from heaven and earth, with a will that made Shi Hao frown slightly, but he was not afraid.

After resisting the purple light aimed at the soul, another golden light fell from the sky, burning a raging fire of karma, with will, judgment and the cruel suppression of the Great Universe, to destroy Shi Hao.

He broke through all these, the charred flesh shell cracked and fell off, the dry flesh was slowly moisturized, and he was reborn in Nirvana, flowing with golden vitality, like an immortal golden body.

Shi Hao truly stepped into the realm of the Supreme. His Taoism skyrocketed. Looking down at all human beings, he finally understood why the Supreme was so powerful.

At this moment, he only needs to reveal a ray of Qi, which is enough to make the flesh of the creatures under the Supreme tremble and burst.

The absolute dominance and oppression in this realm are indescribable and can only be known by truly ascending to the Supreme.

Nowadays, it seems that escaping a single attack from the Supreme Being is simply a fantasy. It is simply impossible. However, Shi Hao can do it. This proves that he is powerful and rare in ancient times.

"Is this over? No! Not yet." Shi Hao said to himself, looking up at the sky. Relatively speaking, the disaster he encountered was not as difficult as imagined, and his energy and spirit had never reached their peak.

Therefore, Shi Hao guessed that the Supreme Tribulation was not over yet.

Sure enough, a special road appeared, covered with the bones of the Supreme.

Shi Hao didn't think much and walked straight up.

Chi Cang also encountered this when he attacked the Supreme. The dangerous road to the Supreme blocked many people.

In particular, the willful origin of the avenue in the final land is extremely bewitching.

However, it was nothing to Shi Hao.

After waiting for a long time, all the visions in the sky disappeared, and a huge aura swept across the sky and the earth. It was the aura of the Supreme. Shi Hao broke through the five-hundred-year-old taboo line and became a A supreme humane.

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