The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 384 My name is Thunder Emperor

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Chi Cang stopped staying and left after informing the owner of the Immortal Tomb that he needed to ensure the safety of the Great Demon God and Ah Man.

Changes occurred not only in this place, but also in the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Places.

This broken world has become the coordinate for those immortal kings to return to the heavens.

Of course, there is cause and effect. For example, the owner of the Immortal Tomb was a creature born in the primitive ancient world during the Emperor Luo period. At that time, Jiutian did not have the immortal kings from the Ancient Immortal Era, nor did it exist. It is not as harmonious as the Immortal Ancient Era, with constant battles and turbulent times.

Going back to the origin and restoring it, the supreme existence that left behind the passage and anchor was originally a creature of this ancient world.

However, after traveling in the world sea for countless epochs, they have long lost any feelings for this broken world. For them, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are just a place to stay.

Therefore, there is no need for Chi Cang to be merciful. The owner of the Immortal Tomb is just an exception. There is a cause and effect between him and Shi Hao's little sister Aman. They may stand on the same chariot in the future. Only then does Chi Cang tolerate him. The island is used as the coordinate of return.

Others won't be so lucky.

The Immortal Killing Land is a vast world filled with blood. Chi Cang descended here and took one step directly to the sky above the center of the Immortal Killing Land.

Below, at a glance, there is red blood. Because there were too many corpses piled up and endless blood seeped out, the ground is red.

Originally, there was nothing unique about this place. It was just that the smell of blood was a little stronger. In some areas, the true blood of immortal creatures was stored. It was considered a dangerous area with murderous intent. Apart from that, there were no other abnormalities.

But now, the vast land in the center of the Immortal Killing Land has become a huge altar. Countless blood soaked in the soil is used as a sacrifice to activate the altar, in order to call out the supreme beings far away in the horizon and communicate with them. To establish connections and open channels.

When Chi Cang arrived, he could already see the torn apart earth, thanks to a bloody spear.

In the void, there is a long river flowing. A demon-like warrior is holding a spear and raising one arm to the sky, trying to break through the boundary wall and return to this world.

It's a pity that he failed in the end, maybe because he was too far away, maybe because the boundary wall was too strong. The general finally returned in defeat, leaving only a mess.

However, this creature will not give up. Besides, he is just a true immortal, and there is a supreme being sitting behind him.

On this day, Chi Cang came and climbed over the broken bloody continent. He stood there with a majestic figure, overlooking the bottom.

Staring at the bloody earth that had turned into an altar, Chi Cang saw the powerful ancient symbol, which was left by the supreme being behind the warrior.

Extremely ancient, like the owner of the Immortal Tomb, he came from the reign of Emperor Luo.

This is the horror of the Great Reckoning. There will be creatures jumping out of those ancient times that have passed endless years.

From the current point of view, only the supreme beings from the original ancient world have appeared, and there are countless forbidden creatures that have been destroyed in the mother world. They need a foothold and a place of practice to return to nature. New and old hatreds are gathered together, like A powder keg is about to explode.

Chi Cang probed out his huge spiritual consciousness and touched those symbols. As the saying goes, be courteous first and then fight. He didn't want to make enemies in vain.

After sending out the message, there was a response without waiting for long. The voice of a supreme being sounded, very cold and arrogant.

"Trespassing on my return path will cause great consequences."

"Just move this altar to another place. Jiutian will become a pure land, standing outside all the worlds. The great reckoning will not affect this place." Chi Cang responded indifferently.

"Haha, who do you think you are? Does it mean that it is a pure land? The most terrifying dark turmoil in history has spread to all the heavens. Where is the pure land?"

"I said yes."

"You creatures who dare not go out to the sea and huddle in the windless harbor have never experienced the majestic world sea, but you dare to speak arrogantly here. Let me say it again, touching the altar without authorization is seeking death."

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with a drink."

Chi Cang shouted coldly, no longer hesitating, stretched out his big hand, grabbed it downwards, grabbed those bright and immortal symbols of the Immortal King, and crushed them into pieces.


As the symbols left by the Immortal King exploded, a huge burst of will came from distant time and space, infinitely far away from here.

"Who are you, seeking death?" A cold voice sounded. It was so cold that even though it was hundreds of millions of time and space apart, one could sense the anger of this creature.

"I have remembered your life breath. When I return, I will send you to reincarnation." The owner of the altar is very powerful, and he has enough confidence in the world sea.

"My name is Thunder Emperor. Come to me and wait for you in the Immortal Realm." Chi Cang responded, without fear at all. Through the mark in the Immortal King's symbol, he also remembered the life breath of this creature, even if the other party did not come to come. He, he also wants to find the other party.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Thunder Emperor, I remember you."

As the altar collapsed, the connection with the depths of the boundary sea was severed. The warrior holding the bloody spear could no longer ride the boat and follow the mysterious river to attack the boundary wall.

After solving the anomaly in the central area, Chi Cang looked at other places in the Immortal Killing Land. Under the cover of his extremely powerful divine consciousness, any abnormality was invisible.

After confirming that there was no problem, Chi Cang went to other realms of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands.

In front of a vast passage, Blaze stands, and a man confronts the supreme race at the other end of the passage.

Countless flags flew across the sky and were planted on the magnificent warships. The fact that they could sail in the boundary sea clearly showed how terrifying these warships were.

One after another, cold warriors wearing blood-stained armor looked at Chi Cang coldly, as if they were about to rush over in the next second.

"No one dares to touch our clan's return path after hundreds of millions of years have passed." The forbidden creature deep in the warship spoke out, expressing an attitude.

Their clan stretches across the boundary sea and has a great reputation. Once they return to the heavens, they will definitely be one of the protagonists of the world. Now, someone actually wants them to move and return to another place. This is simply ridiculous.

"Times have changed. I have the final say in the heavens now." Chi Cang said indifferently.

"What a strong tone." The taboo creature's pupils shrank, but it did not underestimate Chi Cang. They were separated by endless time and space, and the two could not fight. They could only rely on an intuition to sense the strength of the other party.

He believed that Chi Cang was indeed very powerful and worthy of attention.

After thinking about it carefully, this creature finally agreed to Chi Cang's request and moved away.

Because if Chi Cang insists on destroying the passage, he has no choice but to take a step back temporarily and change places. This can greatly save the time for his return and gain the upper hand.

As for the cause and effect, whether it is big or small, we will talk about it after the return.

Chi Cang didn't care what these creatures thought. No matter what, they were once creatures of this world. They had left a passage a long time ago as a coordinate for their future return. It was impossible for him to say nothing and just come up. Their coordinates were destroyed.

In short, be polite first and then attack with force.

After the subsequent return of these taboo creatures, if they want to cause trouble for him, Chi Cang welcomes them with both hands. A big killing weapon like the Immortal Slayer Platform was created for the strongest dark turmoil in history. It is destined to kill everyone and drink all the blood of the Immortal King.


Chi Cang took action and used great magic power to move the coordinates of this passage to a small chaotic world beyond the nine heavens and ten earths. In this way, when this clan returns, it will descend on that small chaotic world, and the cause and effect will be the same, affecting Less than nine days and ten places.

After doing all this, Chi Cang rushed to the next place.

A large mountain, as black as ink, appeared in the sky, like a sword reaching the sky stuck there.

Originally, this mountain peak that resembled a black sword was hidden in nothingness and had not appeared. However, Chi Cang, who was passing by, noticed the abnormality and used his methods to make it manifest.

Obviously, this is also a passage. If left alone, it is destined to become a terrible battlefield in the future, with hundreds of millions of corpses lying on the ground, bleeding and drifting.

Chi Cang stared at the black mountain, which seemed to represent a long sword weapon, perhaps the outline of an ancient weapon of a forbidden figure.

He activated his spiritual consciousness and touched the motionless black mountain peak. Sure enough, the will of a forbidden creature was sleeping inside, and he was awakened by Chi Cang at this moment.

"What do you have to say, fellow Taoist?"

The owner of the black mountain peak realized that Chi Cang was a strange immortal king and had never seen his aura, so he asked cautiously.

"I don't take it seriously. I just hope that fellow Taoist friends will give me a face and return to another place. This is the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, and it is my homeland. I don't want it to be shrouded in war and beaten to pieces." Chi Cang said bluntly, redundantly. words.

"Give fellow Taoist some face? It's not impossible, but it depends on whether the fellow Taoist has the qualifications." The owner of the black mountain peak was not arrogant and told the truth.

In this troubled world, strength is everything. If your fist is big enough, I will give you face. If your fist is not big enough, I will ignore you.

"I killed Anlan, killed Yutuo, suppressed Wushang, defeated Kundi, and killed people in foreign lands. Is this enough?" Chi Cang opened his mouth, his words were extremely sharp, as if a heavenly knife was cutting through the world, making him People are shocked.

"What? Fellow Daoist, you..." The master of the Black Mountain Peak was extremely shocked when he heard this. An Lan, Yu Tuo, and Wu Shang were all famous immortal kings, especially Wu Shang, who made even the old monsters deep in the sea fear. , is being suppressed now?

The taboo figure didn't know what to say for a while, and was silent for a long time. It took a long time before he responded.

"In this case, I have to give you this face, fellow Taoist."

Chi Cang nodded. He didn't want to do this. Those were all past achievements and there was nothing to mention. However, each of these taboo creatures were arrogant. When they were in the sea of ​​​​the world, when they faced the Immortal King in the heavens, they had a kind of feeling. Indescribable sense of superiority. If you don't feel shocked, you won't know how high the world is.

He was about to take action to move the black mountain peak out of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. As a result, the will of the taboo creature in the black mountain peak spoke up: "No need to bother fellow Taoist."

After saying that, the black mountain peak trembled lightly and let out a clanging sword cry. Then, the mountain peak like a black sword broke through the air and disappeared quickly. Chi Cang knew with a moment's notice that it was no longer within the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Afterwards, Chi Cang went to another place. Some of the supreme beings behind those passages were extremely powerful. Before Chi Cang could say anything, they threatened to suppress Chi Cang. For this kind of thing, Chi Cang was very direct. If you don’t say anything, you will shatter their path to return.

The other taboo creatures fell into silence after hearing about Chi Cang's horrific achievements, and finally chose to step back and not become enemies with Chi Cang.

At the end, Blaze descended on the ground. This was a vast star, very famous. From a distance, it looked like a living creature, swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon. All this was because of a tower above the star known as the Ancient Taichu. The veins of the mine, where many unknown secrets are buried, are synonymous with mystery and weirdness.

Shi Hao was targeted by the Feng family because he was a descendant of the sinner clan, and was sent to the Taichu Ancient Mine by Yuan Qing in an attempt to delay his life for ten years. Moreover, he hoped that Shi Hao would die in the Taichu Ancient Mine.

Because this place is very strange, miners often die tragically for no apparent reason, and many horrific bloodsheds have occurred.

Since the nine days of Chicang's liquidation, the situation of forced mining here has improved. All families have restrained themselves and no longer wantonly transport innocent people here to die in vain.

Nowadays, those who come to the Taichu Ancient Mine to mine are basically unable to survive, and those who come here to gamble do so voluntarily.

If they dig up something precious, they might be able to change their fate.

However, in recent days, Taichu Ancient Mine has not been peaceful. From the depths of the mist-shrouded ancient mine, bursts of fairy music can be heard, bright fairy lights rise, and blurry figures emerge, as if they are flying immortals.

In this kind of place, the more sacred the vision is, the more terrifying it is. At this moment, visions are happening one after another, and weird voices are appearing, and everyone is in danger.

At that time, the descendants of the guardian came here, trying to find a way back to the hometown of immortals. As a result, a large amount of black blood was drawn deep in the ancient mine, and Lonely Yun finally escaped in embarrassment.

Later, because the black blood was unknown, the various religions teamed up to seal the ancient mine and only opened some peripheral areas. They did not dare to dig deep into the ancient mine for fear of causing big trouble.

Now, Chi Cang is here, ignoring the weirdness in the ancient mine, and heading straight to the area where the black blood broke out. The abnormality in the Taichu ancient mine came from there.

He has also heard people say that there is a path for a forbidden character to return deep in the ancient mines of Taichu.

Below, it was like a maze, with all the roads intertwined. It was easy to get lost, but it was nothing to Chi Cang.

In a secret place, Chi Cang found a door. The smell felt familiar. Surprisingly, this door was exactly the same as the door to the fairyland.

No wonder Dugu Yun found this place. He wanted to return to the Immortal Realm through this portal to find his ancestral land. Unfortunately, in the end, he failed and returned, drawing a lot of black blood.

Chi Cang used his spiritual consciousness to contact the portal, but received no response. He thought for a while, and then directly bombarded it.

In an instant, an inexplicable aura surged, and black blood seeped out of the portal, gurgling.

Chi Cang frowned, this black blood was full of ominousness, what did it mean? Could it be said that the owner of this portal is a dark creature?

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