This gate is none other than one of the gates guarding the Immortal Realm. However, for unknown reasons, it was snatched away by a supreme being, refined, and used for its own use.

If Chi Cang was willing, he could forcefully break this portal and explore the dark blood and unknown truth, but he did not do so.

It's best not to act rashly until things are uncertain.

He bombarded the portal again, using just the right amount of force not to damage it.

This time, the portal's reaction was even greater. Black blood rushed out like a fountain, flowing in the void with strangeness and ominousness.

Suddenly, a vague and weak voice sounded, as if it came from millions of years ago, separated from here by countless worlds and a long river of time.

"Who is knocking on my way back?"

Chi Cang responded, communicating with this taboo creature and discussing the matter of moving the land.

After the portal master heard about Chi Cang's astonishing achievements, he was speechless for a while. At their level, they could tell whether what they said was true or false.

Besides, he can also deduce the dead immortal kings such as An Lan and Yu Tuo. If the fog is thick and blocked, it means that they are still alive and on guard. If the result of the deduction is clear, then there is no need for more details. What to say, he must have died.

"Fellow Taoist talent is really rare in ancient times. It has grown to such an extent in just two epochs, which is amazing." The master of the portal sighed. In comparison, these creatures who can be called old monsters in the fall of the emperor The difference is too big. After countless epochs of going to sea, Tao Xing is still stagnant, with no way forward or hope.

Chi Cang shook his head and said, "Fellow Taoist is too modest. I just have a better life."

Then, his eyes became serious and he wanted to know something from the portal owner.

"Why does this portal, Fellow Daoist, keep flowing out of unknown black blood? Could it be that Fellow Daoist is a dark creature? If so, then there must be a battle between us." Chi Cang asked calmly, but his voice There is a coldness in it.

He is inseparable from the darkness. Thunder and darkness are two extremes, and it is natural for them to go towards opposites.

The master of the portal chuckled lightly when he heard this, without any sarcasm or mockery.

"Haha, speaking of it, this has something to do with the general environment above the boundary sea.

In this vast ocean that belongs to the strongest, there are enemies everywhere, fighting each other at the slightest disagreement. The danger is extremely extreme. Even the giants may be destroyed in the sea after repeated life-and-death battles.

I was very strong at the beginning, killing gods when God blocked me, and Buddha when I blocked Buddha, and killed one enemy after another. However, in the end, my gains were not as great as I imagined, and instead I was injured all over my body.

Fellow Taoist, do you know what is the most dangerous thing on this sea? "

Chi Cangming understood what he meant and blurted out: "Could it be that he was injured?"

"Yes, it is injured. Some creatures wandering above the sea achieve their own evolution by devouring the Humanity Fruit of others. If you are found injured by such a being, you will definitely not be able to escape a fierce battle, and you may be killed. Buried in the sea.

After I was seriously injured, I met several groups of such creatures and fought for my life to survive the calamity. Later, I learned to be smart and snatched a blood-stained dark ancient ship from the fallen king. I hid in it and steered it. By sailing on ancient ships, you can avoid many murderous disasters.

It should be noted that the ancient dark ship has a special significance in the Boundary Sea. It is related to the ultimate secret at the end of the Boundary Sea. Ordinary creatures will avoid it. Even if they encounter the existence that is the enemy of darkness, they can show up in time to resolve misunderstandings. .

In short, the blood-stained ancient ship of darkness is very useful in the boundary sea. Since piloting this ancient ship that leads to darkness, I have encountered a lot less fierce battles, which has greatly increased my survival rate. "The portal master said this.

Later, he told Chi Cang that the so-called unknown black blood flowed from the blood-stained ancient ship. This portal has an extraordinary connection with him. Once someone attacks this portal, the black blood flowing on the ancient ship will cross Time and space spurt out, forcing those who come back.

"I see."

Chi Cang suddenly realized that he remembered Gen Yi, the lord of the restricted area. Gen Yi was once so powerful, his white clothes were as beautiful as the snow, and his weathering was unparalleled.

However, after fighting in the Boundary Sea, he failed in the end. He was seriously injured and died, leaving only his obsession and snow-white skull in the world.

The danger in the Boundary Sea is more terrifying than imagined. There are too many kings there to count. They are the protagonists of the world in all great realms and in all periods. Each one has been invincible for a period of time. How can it not be scary when they are gathered together? ?

In the end, the portal owner was too far away from here and could not move the passage by himself like the owner of the black mountain peak. Therefore, Chi Cang did it for him and moved the portal dripping with black blood nine days away. It was still a small chaotic world. In the future, when the forbidden creature that occupies the blood-stained ancient ship returns, it will come here.

Even if there is an enemy ambushes and a bloody fight, it will not affect the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands.

At this point, all the abnormal places in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have been solved by Chi Cang. He removed all the passages, and some of them were destroyed directly. In doing so, he prevented the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths from becoming a battlefield for the great liquidation and avoided it. The fate of being beaten into a hornet's nest by the Immortal King's War.

Chi Cang did not return to the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm, but went to the Imperial Pass and came to the border wilderness.

The terrain here is very special. It intersects with another interface and is adjacent to a foreign land. It is extremely mysterious and hides many secrets.

Chi Cang stepped forward and arrived at the Forest of Heavenly Beasts.

During the Ancient Immortal Era, the Immortal Monk King once led his lineage of ancient monks in the Heavenly Beast Forest to establish reincarnation in the human world. Although they ultimately failed, they did many amazing things.

For example, some creatures can really reincarnate here, but this kind of reincarnation has various restrictions and is considered a defective product.

And the ancient Bodhi tree that symbolizes the Buddha's intention has now become the Blood Bodhi, losing its original Zen meaning, becoming bloodthirsty and weird.

The Immortal Monk King did not come here. Because of the reincarnation of the human world, too many creatures died here, leaving an indelible mark in his heart. Perhaps the Immortal Monk King will come to the Heavenly Beast Forest again in the future, but not now.

Chi Cang ignored the abnormal and incomplete reincarnations that existed in the Forest of Heavenly Beasts and walked straight to the deepest part of the Forest of Heavenly Beasts.

There is a pool in front with an ancient stele engraved with the three characters "Samsara Pool".

Next to the pool of reincarnation, a huge dragon-shaped creature was trapped in a lock, with a rusty war spear stuck in its head, suppressing it. This was a fatal injury.

It was the second in the world that competed with the Ten Fierce Dragons for the "True Name of the Dragon". This creature was very large and had a pair of wings. If you didn't look carefully, you would have thought it was a huge pangolin. It was all white. , with dense scales, very different from the true dragon form today.

Endless years ago, it was inextricably linked to the ten ferocious true dragons, and was defeated with only half a move. From then on, it was known as "the second best in the world."

In the final battle of the Immortal Ancient Era, the second best person in the world also participated in the battle, competing with the kings of foreign lands, and was finally defeated. He was seriously injured and dying, and fell here. In the blink of an eye, an era has passed.


Chi Cang came over and broke the chains on the body of No. 2 Under Heaven. His strength was so powerful and his Taoism was frighteningly powerful. He could easily break the chains that bound the body of No. 2 Under Heaven.


The moment the chain broke, Number Two in the World suddenly opened his eyes and let out a world-destroying roar. If anyone else were here, they would definitely be shaken to pieces by this roar.

However, Chi Cang calmly looked at the roaring No. 2 in the world, his eyes were shining brightly, and the symbol of the most powerful Immortal King was shining.

He saw clearly that the second best person in the world was not dead. There was mana surging in his body and treasures blossoming.

It's just that the main soul has been lost, and only some incomplete soul imprints are left in the body to maintain the vitality of the physical body.

As for the whereabouts of the main soul, Chi Cang already knew that it was Lord Bird who guarded the Virtual God Realm.

Now that I am here, I am here to receive the second body in the world. Soul summoning is imminent, so the body is naturally indispensable.

After Chi Cang broke all the chains, he suppressed No. 2 Under Heaven with great magic power, preventing it from reacting instinctively and causing great damage.

Afterwards, Chi Cang took action again and forcibly pulled out the rusty war spear inserted between the No. 2 Under Heaven's eyebrows. This move made the No. 2 Under Heaven roar and widen his eyes angrily.

After doing this, Chi Cang sealed the second largest body in the world in the small world and left here.

He also climbed to the Divine Medicine Mountain Range outside the border wilderness. There was a peerless formation to suppress him, but to Chi Cang, it was nothing.

Going deep into the Divine Medicine Mountain Range, a golden bull came into view. It was an ancient beast that pulled a cart, and its body was made of zodiac fairy gold. The original soul had died, and now the soul was reborn.

This golden bull is very fierce and has a strong sense of territory. Seeing Chi Cang's arrival, the little golden bull goes crazy and roars at Chi Cang.

Chi Cang only stretched out two fingers to clamp the little golden bull, unable to move.

He walked deep into the underground and saw a hole. Inside the hole sat a short Taoist priest, less than a foot tall, with blond hair and a golden beard, his eyes closed, motionless.

This is the famous Immortal Gold Taoist from the Ancient Immortal Era. His true body is the Immortal Gold of the Zodiac. His body is indestructible and terrifying to the extreme. Ordinary Immortal Kings cannot attack him at all.

Unlike the second best person in the world, Taoist Xianjin's soul was completely gone, not even the mark of his residual soul. Chi Cang didn't encounter any resistance and directly took away Taoist Xianjin's body.

After achieving his goal, Chi Cang headed towards the burial place.

This mysterious world borders on the Jiutian Border Wilderness. There is an intersection. After crossing the area wrapped in heavy chaotic light, Chi Cang entered the burial ground.

Chi Cang had been to the burial ground in the Immortal Era, and was not unfamiliar with this place. Looking into the distance, he could see densely packed ancient tombs standing there. However, it was different from the weirdness he imagined. The ancient tombs were standing there, but they were filled with a peaceful atmosphere, which was more peaceful than the Immortal Era. The king's presence must be auspicious.

He went all the way to the depths without hiding his energy.

Many burial warriors discovered this uninvited guest who did not belong to the burial place. They all sat up from the grave and looked this way.

If it were an ordinary living being, it would probably have been surrounded by the funeral warriors at this moment.

But Chi Cang was different. He was so powerful and terrifying that when he arrived at the burial place, it was reasonable to say that even the Burial King himself would welcome him.

"He is... the Thunder Emperor?"

Some funeral warriors witnessed the battle at the border. They saw Chi Cang kill the supreme immortal king An Lan, and behead Yu Tuo with the Immortal Beheading Platform. They even entered a foreign land. Their ferocity was a mess, which left a deep impression on these funeral warriors who were watching the battle. .

"What? The Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors overthrew the supreme being from a foreign land." The burial warriors were shocked.

The news quickly spread throughout the cemetery, causing a sensation.

In fact, before these news spread, there was a reaction in the deepest part of the burial ground. There were more than one powerful Burial King who woke up from his dream, stood up, and looked at the direction where Chi Cang was walking.

It should be noted that Chi Cang is now a supreme giant who can be respected in the world sea. Such a terrifying creature comes to the burial place. Except for the strongest person in the burial place, no one is his opponent, so naturally he must pay attention to it.

"Please come in, Emperor Lei." A burial king spoke and personally invited Chi Cang to enter the depths of the burial ground.

Chi Cang stepped forward and walked to a large tomb. This area was very extraordinary. Many precious herbs grew there, and the fragrance of the herbs was fragrant. The most surprising thing was that there was a phoenix standing here, with many of its feathers falling off. , looking at the door, guarding the big tomb.

Chi Cang was very surprised. He treated the phoenix as a poultry and raised it in front of the tomb. Isn't this what the legendary creature called "chicken-raiser" did?

Is it possible that today we are lucky enough to meet this supremely powerful man who is as famous as the butcher and the counterfeit medicine seller?

Although this place is a tomb, it is not dark at all. Instead, it is sacred and peaceful. When Chi Cang arrives, the phoenix clears the way, causing the tomb to crack and an entrance appears.

The scene inside the tomb is even more astonishing. It is so gorgeous and full of precious light. The underground world is even more sacred and brilliant than the above-ground world.

In the underground world, Chi Cang saw the Burial King who made a sound. He was very tall, wrapped in a mysterious mist, and unpredictable, comparable to the Immortal King.

In addition to him, there were two burial kings who woke up and came to greet them in person.

"The arrival of the Thunder Emperor is really a blessing to the burial place." A burial king said this to express his goodwill.

Nowadays, Chi Cang's achievements are astonishing, making people cry from ancient times to the present. All parties are afraid of it and want to win over it. Except for foreign lands, no other forces want to antagonize it. This is the case in Burial Ground.

Moreover, Chi Cang is not only Chi Cang, but behind him there is an equally terrifying supreme giant - Liu Shen. When these two people walk together, the world will tremble.

"King Burial's words are serious. Chi Cang came uninvited, which is a bit presumptuous. These Thunder Tribulation Liquids can be regarded as a small apology." Chi Cang responded and gave some super Thunder Tribulation Liquids.

The Burial Kings originally wanted to refuse, but sensing the amazing vitality contained in the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, they swallowed back their polite words and accepted the Thunder Tribulation Liquid.

After careful investigation, the three Burial Kings felt happy. For them, this kind of thing was more effective than the elixir of longevity. The rich vitality of creation was rare in the world and had never been seen in ancient times.

The three of them quietly collected the Thunder Tribulation Liquid. They had good senses about the Thunder Emperor. This taboo creature did not overwhelm others with the behavior of a supreme giant, which made people feel comfortable.

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