The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 386 Discussion of Burying the King

After some conversation, Chi Cang knew the names of these three burial kings.

Huo Heng, Han Zhuo, Yue Ren.

They became enlightened in extremely ancient times and had already become Burial King-level powerhouses. During the Immortal Ancient Era, several Burial Kings had heard of the names of the Ten Evils and knew that there was a Ten Evil-level powerhouse who could control the punishment of heaven. In the name of the emperor, it will be stunning forever.

But later on, the supreme genius who countless people were optimistic about becoming king and ancestor died outside the territory. After hearing about it, several burial kings sighed with regret.

They don't wake up much, and spend most of an era sleeping. This is a characteristic of the burial monks' practice. One dream lasts for a million years, and one sleep lasts for eternity.

Maybe when you wake up, you will find the world has changed, and the whole world has been overturned.

It is undoubtedly a blessing to be able to witness the rise of a supreme genius in the waking hours. Unfortunately, in the end, I could not see the emergence of a supreme figure, and the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors still died.

Unexpectedly, things took a turn for the worse. An era passed, and the supreme genius who died that year, the Thunder Emperor, returned as a king, invincible in the world.

People don't know what to say. All they can say is that things are fickle and you will never know the ending or answer until the last moment.

Chi Cang sat upright and took a sip of the ancient tea specially made by King Burial. It was related to dreams. After entering his throat, he only felt that his soul was wrapped in a hazy mist. There was light flickering in front of his eyes, dimming and brightening, and the scenes were changing. .

He seemed to have turned into a butterfly, dancing gracefully and flying proudly in the heavens and the world. It was wonderful to personally experience and travel in those strange and bizarre worlds.

When Chi Cang came back to his senses, the ancient tea had not left his lips. In other words, the thousands of years spent traveling around the world were actually just a moment.

He knew that this was the ancient tea that belonged exclusively to King Burial, which could make people dream for eternity and sharpen their soul.

However, Chi Cang's soul is incredibly powerful, and this ancient tea alone cannot make him go any further.

However, transforming into a butterfly and traveling thousands of thousands of people is a wonderful experience for Chi Cang. Perhaps the Burial King likes to sleep and is immersed in this experience. This is also a way of practice for them.

"Three Burial Kings, Chi Cang came here to understand Burial Land's attitude towards the Great Reckoning and its attitude towards foreign lands. This is related to the future pattern of the heavens and the fate between Jiutian and Burial Land." Chi Cang spoke frankly and stated his intention.

The three burial kings Huo Heng, Han Zhuo, and Yue Ren looked at each other, and the smiles on their faces faded away, leaving only solemnity. They knew that the next conversation with the Thunder Emperor was related to the future of the burial place.

"The Great Reckoning is too terrifying. This is the most terrifying and weird era in history. It has happened in ancient and modern times. What you see and hear in the future may not be true. Only by personal experience can you understand the truth. Because of this, We call this era the ancient times of chaos.

Regarding the great liquidation across the ancient era, our attitude is to avoid the world and try not to participate in it. Of course, if the moment of necessity comes, we will not be afraid of the burial place. "Huo Heng opened his mouth and answered Chi Cang's question about his attitude towards the Great Liquidation.

Chi Cang nodded and understood the views of these burial kings on the great liquidation. The burial site is adjacent to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. If the supreme beings in this world have the idea of ​​taking action, it will inevitably affect the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. This is something Chi Cang does not want to see. .

Then, Hanzhuo spoke up.

"Thunder Emperor asked me about the relationship between the burial place and the foreign land. Is it because of the previous exploration of the burial place by An Lan and Yu Tuo in the foreign land?"

"Exactly!" Chi Cang nodded.

Previously, Shi Hao had brought back a rotten wooden box from the burial ground, which had been snatched from the jaws of the two most powerful immortal kings.

The foreign land is frantically searching for the seeds that can unlock the origin of ancient artifacts. Among them, the rotten wooden box is an object of suspicion, so An Lan and Yu Tuo's idea of ​​breaking the wooden box is to retrieve the rotten wooden box from the burial ground.

Later, the rotten wooden box appeared, and An Lan and Yu Tuo were about to snatch it away. However, the Burial King appeared to stop it. Shi Hao took this opportunity to snatch it away from the young people of the Imperial Clan.

In the end, the rotten wooden box fell into Chi Cang's hands. For now, he couldn't open this strange box, so he could only store it for another day.

After the fight over the rotten wooden box, An Lan and Yu Tuo teamed up with a certain burial king to explore the ancient burial world and unearthed many shocking secrets.

It seems that the relationship between the foreign land and the burial place is not bad, and Chi Cang, Liu Shen and the foreign land are sworn in and are destined to fight to the death. Therefore, the attitude of the burial place is very important. Chi Cang came here just to make sure Friend or foe here.

"As far as I know, a powerful creature from your realm had a grudge against a foreign land and had a great cause and effect. However, in the end, the burial place cooperated with the foreign land. It is really puzzling."

"Thunder Emperor's words are wrong." Hanzhuo explained.

“No matter whether a community has been united for many years, there will always be differences, and the same is true for burial places.

The Burial King who contacted An Lan and Yu Tuo and invited them to explore the ancient burial world was not on good terms with us and had disputes. There are many such Burial Kings.

However, Lei Di can rest assured that although there are different voices at the burial site, the decision-making power lies with this party.

The powerful creature that Lei Di mentioned should be the man who claims to be raising chickens. Fellow Taoist Brother Lei Di also saw the chickens raised by this man. They are adjacent to the place where we sleep. I think Taoist Brother Lei Di can understand what this means. . "

"Yes, the Burial Ground is not monolithic. The senior who ventured into the Realm Sea did not return, leaving the Burial Ground without a leader. Therefore, some arrogant Burial Kings wanted to become kings and hegemons, causing waves here.

Not to mention the Burial King. In history, there were also Burial Warriors who were not Burial Kings but wanted to dominate the burial place. As a result, they were slapped to death by the awakened Burial King. "The third burial king spoke, his name was Yue Ren.

Chi Cang nodded and understood the meaning of the three burial kings. In the burial ground, they also had to take sides. It was obvious that the three burial kings in front of them were on the side of the chickens. In other words, they were enemies of the foreign land.

However, this is not the case for some burial kings. They take advantage of the absence of the chicken keeper to cause trouble in the burial ground. Those who are more aggressive will definitely be liquidated in the future.

After understanding the positions of the three Burial Kings, the conversation between the forbidden creatures became much easier. They knew in their hearts that they might ride in the same chariot in the future.

Chi Cang mentioned the true ancestor of the Buried Warriors lineage. This creature was extremely ancient, even older than the group of creatures that created the Immortal Realm system.

The blond woman's grandfather's group had also come into contact with the ancestors of the buried warriors, and recorded the incident in ancient books. When Chi Cang and Liu Shen climbed to the ancient sun tree in the lower realm, they read through it and learned many secrets.

The ancestor of the Buried Warriors was most likely the first creature to come into contact with the ancient artifacts originating from the Burial Ground, and also the first creature to become the Buried King.

Chi Cang clearly remembered that the bone book left by the blond woman's grandfather said that if the Burial Warrior clan is immortal, this creature will live forever. Moreover, although this creature's evolutionary journey is inseparable from dark matter, it is He has his own position and is secretly an enemy of darkness.

He asked about the ancestor of the buried warriors because he wanted to pull this extremely powerful ancient creature into the same chariot.

After hearing Chi Cang's question, the three great burial kings all showed embarrassment.

"Fellow Daoist Thunder Emperor, I don't know how many eras have passed since the ancestor of the Buried Warriors clan has appeared. At least during the years when the three of us rose up, I only heard about it and never saw it. I have never even seen this great person left behind. The traces are just a legend.

Some people say that he has fallen and disappeared in the long river of history, while others say that he is still there, hiding in an unknown corner, and will return one day. There are different opinions, and it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

Maybe the senior chicken farmer knows this secret, but I won't know. " Han Zhuo informed tactfully.

Then, another Burial King spoke.

"Fellow Taoist, you can take a look at this vast underground world. There are countless ruins buried in it, layer after layer. It's so vast that even we, the Buried Kings, can't explore it.

In some burial places, after going deep, you will even encounter dangers that can threaten the burial king. It is difficult to tell how many layers there are. "

When Chi Cang heard this, brilliant symbols flashed in his eyes. His gaze was extremely penetrating, but it was actually blocked by layers of underground world, and he could not see the deepest part.

During this process, Chi Cang saw countless ancient corpses sleeping in the tombs, transforming into burials, and also saw golden burials that reproduced in the same way as normal creatures.

Even if a layer of the underground world was buried in two or three epochs, it is unknown how many layers have been buried since the birth of the Buried Warriors lineage. The older the soil layer, the more dangers and secrets there are.

No wonder even the Burial King would invite the Immortal King from a foreign land to explore the ancient Burial World together.

"I see, I understand." Chi Cang withdrew his gaze.

He believed that the ancestor was still alive because he knew the dangers and secrets behind the ancient artifacts. Therefore, the ancestor of the burial warriors did not touch the taboos like the blond woman's grandfather and ended up dead.

"There is another question. I want to know the origin of the Buried Warriors. I wonder if it is convenient for the Buried Kings." Chi Cang said.

Although he had speculations and many facts pointed to the truth, he wanted to confirm it himself from the mouths of these buried kings.

"There is nothing to hide. The origin of ancient artifacts created the lineage of Burial Warriors." The three Burial Kings said in unison, very calmly.

"That's true." Chi Cang got the affirmative answer. What he heard before corresponded and was true.

"Not only do we burial warriors come from ancient artifacts of origin, but foreign lands also come from ancient artifacts of origin. Although the two ancient artifacts of origin are different, the result is the same, which makes the two great clans prosper."

"It is said that the ancestor of the Burial Warrior clan was originally a corpse, but it was awakened by contact with the ancient artifact of origin, and turned into a golden Burial Warrior. Later, some Burial Warriors were born, and they bred offspring, so this clan gradually became prosperous.

However, not every corpse that comes into contact with the ancient artifacts of origin can come back to life. After contacting a large number of corpses, only a handful of them will eventually become golden burial men, and doing so will cause unpredictable dangers and variables.

The properties of the ancient artifacts of foreign origin are different. According to legend, in the beginning, a mortal came into contact with the ancient artifacts of exotic origin. As a result, a mutation occurred and he became a super evolved person. His soul seemed to no longer belong to him, as if he had been replaced by another. Man, his strength increased by leaps and bounds, and he became the Immortal King, thus kicking off the rise of the Immortal lineage. "

After the words fell, the brilliance of his blazing eyes changed, as if he was thinking about something.

Two origin ancient artifacts, one came into contact with the dead and created the lineage of burial men, and the other came into contact with the living and created the lineage of immortals. Just two ancient artifacts created two great clans that have dominated the ages. They are quite weird and evil. .

Judging from the content of the bone book left by the blond woman’s grandfather, the original ancestor of the Burial Warrior lineage was almost ready to break through the king realm. If he was so powerful, then the ancient artifact that created him must have come from the hands of a stronger person.

The origin of exotic artifacts is the same.

There is no doubt that it is inseparable from those quasi-immortal emperors who fell into darkness for inexplicable reasons, and it must be their work.

"What is the purpose of creating two powerful clans? I can understand that the immortal lineage from a foreign land is the minions of darkness, but what is going on with this lineage of buried warriors who are faintly standing on the opposite side of darkness?" Chi Cang was confused and a little confused. Puzzled.

However, he did not say it out loud. Instead, he thanked the three great burial kings and told them all. This was a sign of goodwill.

Later, Chi Cang told the three great burial kings that when he and Liu Shen entered the foreign land, they were irradiated by the nine-color beam emitted by the ancient artifact, and were seriously injured as a result.

The three burial kings were shocked when they heard this. Being illuminated by the light from the ancient artifact was almost like a death sentence.

In history, many immortal kings died because they were close to ancient artifacts of foreign origin. In the burial place, there were also buried kings who experienced a sudden change after coming into contact with ancient artifacts of origin and died.

Even they don't dare to approach the ancient artifacts easily and avoid them like snakes and scorpions.

"Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor and Taoist Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit are amazing. They can survive without any serious problems, which is enough to show how powerful you are." The three great burial kings sighed.

"The road to the Immortal King is long, and I have not yet reached the pinnacle of this realm, but one day I will.

At that time, I would like to borrow some ancient artifacts from the burial site to verify some things. "Chi Cang stated his purpose. The ancient artifacts of foreign origin must not be borrowed, and he would have to conquer them when they meet.

Instead, you can study the origin of ancient artifacts from foreign lands. Of course, you must obtain the consent of these burial kings.

"The ancient artifacts of origin have created our clan and are of great significance to our clan. The three of us alone cannot agree to this matter. Please forgive me, Emperor Lei." The three Burial Kings did not respond immediately.

Because the origin of the ancient artifact is the foundation and source of their lineage of buried warriors, its importance is self-evident. At the same time, this artifact is extremely evil and can threaten the life of the buried warriors. They do not want to see Chi Cang because of this weird ancient artifact. The weapon was robbed.

"It doesn't matter. The three fellow Taoists can just write down this matter and discuss it with the other Burial Kings. They'll tell me the answer next time. It's still early anyway, so there's no rush." ​​Chi Cang responded.

He also informed the three great burial kings of his plans for the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The implication was that he hoped that the burial site would not interfere with the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The two realms bordered each other and overlapped. Relatively speaking, it was not difficult to travel between the two realms.

"Of course it's no problem. I'll restrain the funeral corps later."

Having achieved his goal, Chi Cang immediately bid farewell to the three burial kings, left the burial place, and returned to Jiutian.

The next chapter will be later, Cavan.

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