The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 388 Before Soul Calling

This was an unprecedented catastrophe, which made all the old monsters tremble with fear.

It was more terrifying than all the disasters Shi Hao had experienced before combined.

Chi Cang, Gen Yi, the three old monsters, and Xiaota all stared at the catastrophe of annihilation ahead.

The situation inside was too terrifying. As powerful as Shi Hao, he was still bleeding. His body cracked, plasma splattered, and his soul was filled with cracks, like a porcelain that was about to break.


Infinite lightning surged in, wrapping up Shi Hao's spirit and pulling him out of his body, while his body was struck by another bloody lightning, a two-pronged approach to destroy both his body and soul.

Shi Hao was robbed. This was an unprecedented tribulation he had encountered since he embarked on the path of spiritual cultivation.

Not long after, Shi Hao's soul fire dimmed, his body was covered in blood, his bones were burnt black, and his bone marrow was spattered everywhere. It was extremely tragic.

However, he persisted and was not willing to fall here.

At this time, the small success of the Immortal Sutra helped Shi Hao a lot, giving his body the characteristics of immortality. This is the fundamental reason why his physical body has never been destroyed.

As for the soul, he has been honed and nurtured by the magic of fighting gods, peace and chaos, making his soul powerful and extraordinary, able to turn danger into safety and survive in the most cruel environment.

However, the scenes in the Calamity of Nirvana were still unbearable to watch, with bone marrow drying up and flesh and blood burning... People couldn't help but sweat for Shi Hao.

This is absolutely no way for people to survive.

Xiaota took a breath, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. To be able to push a powerful creature like Shi Hao, who was invincible at the same level, into a desperate situation is enough to show the horror of the disaster.

Creating a law is so unnatural that it triggers the strongest backlash in history. This is not an expansion along other people's systems or a small-scale reopening, but the creation of a complete and shocking system. If it succeeds, it will be Ancestor of a Dao, any creature that does this will be killed by the Great Universe.

The source of the Immortal Realm system was created by a group of supreme beings known as the Heavenly Emperors. They worked together and shared the disaster when resisting the calamity of magic creation. Unlike Shi Hao, who had to bear it alone.

This is not only a thunder catastrophe, but also a backlash from the heaven and earth. Chicang is known as the Thunder Emperor, and the thunder catastrophe is not involved. However, in the face of the magic catastrophe, he cannot interfere or act rashly, which will lead to unpredictable consequences.

Therefore, he can only be a bystander.

"This catastrophe of creating magic will be longer than imagined. If you survive it, the sea and the sky will be brighter. If you cannot survive it, you will turn into powder or a pile of withered bones. Everything depends on Shi Hao himself." Chi Cang whispered.

He did not continue to read. If his predictions were correct, the killing of the Great Universe would last for many years. The catastrophe of creation was so terrifying, involving the birth of a new system, and it was not like Shi Hao's breakthrough of Ten Caves and Heaven.

Over the years, the cultivation system of the Immortal Realm has been constantly changing and improving under the leadership of the Immortal Kings and Geniuses. Its essence and origin can be traced back to the Immortal Realm method created by the blond woman's grandfather. evolved.

Including the laws of this world that are spread in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, strictly speaking, they are also the laws that have been passed down from the Immortal Realm.

Creating methods, performing methods, and expanding methods are two different concepts, and the tests they undergo are also very different.

In short, there is no turning back. If Shi Hao wants to survive, he must rely on himself and get through it no matter what.

"Xiaota, you watch here. I have important things to do. Once there are results here, let me know as soon as possible." Chi Cang said.

"Okay, I understand." Xiaota could tell that Chi Cang's words were solemn and he responded quickly.

"Fellow Thunder Emperor...could it be that you..." Hearing this, Gen Yi and the three old monsters had their suspicions and couldn't help but feel excited.

"Yes, twenty years of preparation is enough. I will start the soul-calling ceremony." Chi Cang nodded.

Later, he told a few people to bring something that could be used as the coordinates of the soul, and he would summon the soul in Jiutianbianhuang.

Doing such an unnatural thing is just like the calamity of creating a law. You will encounter extremely terrifying punishments, or backlash. You must choose an uninhabited area. Borderlands where wars often occur are very suitable. In many places there is no grass. Due to constant wars, it has become a vast desert.

"We know it." Gen Yi is dressed in white as snow, with an unparalleled temperament. He has an unrivaled elegance, and his expression does not change even when a mountain collapses in front of him. He can't hide his hesitation at this moment.

Resurrection from the dead is a beautiful dream, can it really come true?

The three old monsters were the same, and they were dubious about this. If the person who spoke it was not the supreme giant Thunder Emperor, they would definitely think that the speaker was crazy.

Before they had time to think more, Chi Cang told them that the clearer the coordinates, the greater the chance of successful soul summoning, and the four of them needed to be well prepared.

Chi Cang told them that the deadline was three months. During these three months, Chi Cang still needed to make some preparations, such as building a soul-calling altar and setting up many forbidden formations.

This is the harvest and result of Chicang's review over and over again, and nothing can be careless.

Gen Yi and the three old monsters went back respectively, and Chi Cang also left this vast chaotic territory and returned to Stone Village.

As soon as he appeared, everyone in Shicun gathered around him and asked him about Shi Hao's situation.

Shi Hao's breakthrough was too sudden and there was no warning. In order not to affect Shi Cun, he moved out in an instant. Many of Shi Cun's geniuses had no time to react.

The emperor, the banished immortal, Shi Yi, Dugu Yun, Shu Yao, Tianjiao Yi and other talented people stared at Chi Cang, waiting for his answer.

In addition, there are Yun Xi, Huo Ling'er and Qingyi who have already merged. In the past ten years, Qingyi and Yuechan have reached the peak of escape, and they chose to fuse as they could hardly make any progress.

After the fusion, it is impossible to say who is the main one, because they are originally one. In terms of attitude towards Shi Hao, she is still Shi Hao's confidante. This can be seen from the fact that she uses the name "Qingyi".

Except for Cao Yusheng, all the geniuses who followed Chi Cang to practice twenty years ago were there.

At this moment, Cao Yusheng may have found a place to bury himself and lay peacefully on the ground. I wonder if he chose a treasure land related to the Immortal King of Reincarnation as Chi Cang said.

Looking at the concerned eyes of everyone, Chi Cang did not hide anything and informed them of the dilemma Shi Hao was facing at the moment.

All the geniuses frowned and were worried, but they all believed that Shi Hao would survive this catastrophe simply because it was a wasteland.

Knowing that Shi Hao was overcoming the catastrophe of creating magic, the geniuses were greatly shocked and stimulated. They could not even cross the threshold of supreme, but Shi Hao had already reached the top of the extreme realm.

Today, Shi Hao is only in his early forties, and he has already reached this point, which is simply breathtaking.

While the geniuses sighed, they also made up their minds to try their best to attack the Supreme Being. Even if they risked their lives, at least they would not be left behind too much.

Sensing their determination, Chi Cang shook his head slightly.

"The easiest way to become a supreme being is to do it naturally. The practice of monks is to go against the will of heaven and suffer backlash. In order to conform to the heaven and earth and comply with the destiny, we have the saying that Tao follows nature.

The thought of attacking the Supreme is entrenched in the heart. The stronger it is, the more terrifying the shackles are. Unless one has absolute power and can break through all obstacles, otherwise, the obsession is too deep and it will not be possible. Chi Cang said.

After hearing this, some people suddenly realized that in recent years, they had indeed been too obsessed with breaking through the five-hundred-year-old taboo line. The more they couldn't break through, the more irritable they became, and they even began to doubt themselves.

In fact, compared with those amazing descendants of the Immortal King in the Immortal Realm, where are they now? It will take thousands of years for the descendants of the Immortal King with powerful bloodline to become supreme, and they should follow this standard.

However, beings with lofty ambitions such as the Emperor, the Banished Immortal, and Shi Yi will not be discouraged by temporary setbacks, doubt themselves, and let go of their obsessions.

"Huang created a system, and within a short period of time he reached the top of the Ultimate Dao, comparable to the Great Elder and Wang Changsheng back then. Can we also start with the system?" the emperor said to himself.

These words touched the hearts of Banxian, Shi Yi and others. They opened up an extraordinary system, which was extremely dangerous but also had unimaginable rewards. They had been unable to break through the supreme taboo line for a long time and wanted to find another direction.

Chi Cang can see that they are eager to make a breakthrough. The great age is coming, and the dark chaos sweeping the world is about to come. Everyone has a sense of urgency. If they are stuck here for too long, it will turn into anxiety.

However, there is a reason why the taboo line is a taboo line. Not everyone is Shi Hao.

When the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths enter the End of Law, Shi Hao will be left behind to fight for their way through the End of Law, while the Nine Heavens' Geniuses can go to the Immortal Realm. The people there are basically "normal" Geniuses, and there will be no abnormal ones like Shi Hao. , their mentality will gradually change and they will no longer be so anxious.

When you practice next to Shi Hao, you will inevitably compare yourself with Shi Hao. This will make them look inferior, but in fact, they are not inferior. They are all top-notch in the Immortal Realm.

“Creating a law is not that simple, but it is indeed a way to rise.

It is much more difficult than you think. Everyone has his own situation. I won’t stop you, but you should do what you can. "Chi Cang issued a warning.

The ten crown champions and the most powerful geniuses all nodded solemnly, thinking secretly about their future direction.

Afterwards, Chi Cang left and went straight to Jiutian.

In the ruins of the Tianshen Academy, in the underground fairy palace, a head filled with golden light shook slightly. Soon, a majestic middle-aged man walked out of it. His eyes were extremely weathered, and when he opened his eyes, it seemed that the world had changed.

He is the father of the little Alicorn Ant, one of the Ten Ancient Ancient Evils.

Because of the Blazing Thunder Tribulation Liquid, his condition was much better than before and he was no longer on the verge of destruction.

At this moment, the horned ants appeared because of a sound transmission that came from a distance and reached his ears.

The horned ant looked into the distance, its eyes flashing with blazing light.

"Three months, has this day finally come?" He murmured to himself, with endless flames of war flying in his eyes. It was the splendid Immortal Ancient Era. It was a pity that it came to an end, but he was still thinking about it and nostalgic for this world.

Nine days above, in an ancient ruins, the little true dragon Gegu sat upright, practicing in a light rain, while the ten evil true dragons were guarding outside.

Suddenly, the real dragon standing in the mist of chaos paused slightly. It heard a blazing voice, telling it that it was about to summon souls.

As the leader of the ten evils, it stood stunned for a long time after hearing the news.

In the fairyland, in an unknown black ocean, Kun Pengzi soars above the sky, sometimes becoming a Kun, sometimes transforming into a Peng, the water hits three thousand miles, and soars up to ninety thousand miles.

This is the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan. If it is the birthplace, if a Kun seedling is born, it will definitely come here. It hides the most original secret of the Kunpeng clan.

In the Nine Heavens, Kunpengzi was known as an immortal creature, and his talents were feared by everyone. But in fact, this was not all of the Kunpeng clan. He needed to return to his ancestral land, evolve and awaken, in order to truly display the terrifying power of the Kunpeng clan. talent.

The ones who brought it here were none other than the Ten Fierce Kunpeng and the King Kunpeng from two eras ago. There was a three-generation relationship between them. The Ten Fierce Kunpeng was the daughter of King Kunpeng, and Kunpengzi was the son of the Ten Fierce Kunpeng.

At this moment, King Kunpeng and Kunpeng received Chi Cang's message at the same time. The supreme giant's methods were unimaginable, and he could still transmit the message even across the boundary wall.

"It's time to go back." Ten Fierce Kunpeng said.

Then, the three of them embarked on their return journey.

At Jiutian Border Gate, Chi Cang walked silently alone. He crossed the endless mountains and rivers and came to the borderland and the vast desert.

Now, Tianyuan has fallen into the ocean of order, blocking Jiutian and the foreign land. In addition, Chi Cang ignited the ancient incense of world destruction in the foreign land, giving it a shock, making the foreign land very restrained, and no living thing can cross the barrier.

The warriors in the Imperial Pass returned home one by one, leaving this land of splendor, pride, and sadness. It could be said that the borderlands were empty of people.

The desert, which was regarded as a battlefield for fighting, was also deserted and there were no traces of life anymore.

However, the scene of the confrontation between the two worlds and the millions of murderous soldiers is still vivid in my mind. Killing An Lan, slaying Yu Tuo, defeating Kun Di, and suppressing Wu Shang, this scene seems like just yesterday.

Chi Cang was walking on the desert and sensed the astonishing concentration of essence in the desert, which was concentrated in the area where An Lan's headless body fell.

After all, he was an extremely immortal king, and the desert was stained with his blood and became extremely extraordinary.

However, no one is practicing there. The Immortal King's reputation is so great that even if he has been dead for many years, it still makes people feel nervous.

When Chi Cang arrived, he immediately noticed the changes in this area. An Lan's blood soaked into the bottom of the desert and dripped on a plant growing underground, causing the plant to grow against nature and become the climate.

It can be seen that its roots and leaves are stained with a faint black air and covered with strange magic patterns.

Devouring the blood of the Immortal King is naturally not that simple.

Especially an extremely immortal king like An Lan, who often remains dead but not stiff, just like the Immortal King here in Jiutian, many of them have left behind regrets.

Chi Cang did not hesitate, and took action to purify the dark atmosphere in the plant, allowing the magic patterns to dissipate and return to normal. Since he had caught him, he must not ignore it.

After doing all this, Chi Cang chose a desert with higher terrain, stopped there, took out the immortal materials and divine materials that he had prepared, and began to set up the soul summoning platform.

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