The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 389 Events that shook the era

Pieces of divine materials appear in Chi Cang's hands, shining brightly, with the laws of the great road flowing, sacred and extraordinary. Each of these divine materials has its own characteristics, distinct and extremely precious. It is difficult to find them all over the world.

There is light fairy gold, which exudes dazzling light, like a sun, there is dark fairy gold, which is dark and deep, mysterious and endless, there is five elements fairy gold, the five origin laws are flowing, endless, endless, and colorful. Fairy gold, void fairy gold, zodiac fairy gold, etc., the seven-colored light shines, the air is filled with air, and the golden light shines...

It was too extraordinary, the world was vast, all the immortal gold that appeared in the world had been gathered by Chi Cang, and it was taken out at this moment, surrounding him, slowly rotating, as if he was the center of the universe, the supreme one. king.

Chi Cang's expression was solemn and solemn. He used his finger as a knife to carve words in the void, each stroke with great force. These were extremely ancient characters, and the carvings contained the strange power of heaven and earth.

Following the blazing words, the sky was filled with dark clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, and bloody lightning streaked across the sky, dyeing the sky like morning glow.

There is no doubt that the characters he carved touched taboos and made the rules and order respond.


When all the carvings were completed, they rumbled around Chi Cang, like one big bright star after another.

Chi Cang then opened his mouth and spit out the flames of the avenue, stained with traces of lightning, falling on the brilliant and magnificent fairy gold.


The light fairy gold melted and turned into a liquid, with the Great Dao symbol flashing inside. Immediately afterwards, the dark fairy gold, the five elements fairy gold, the colorful fairy gold, the void fairy gold, the zodiac fairy gold, etc. were all refined and presented in a liquid state.

Under Chi Cang's control, the star-like symbol rushed into the liquid fairy gold and blended with it. In the end, all the liquid fairy gold also gathered together and became one.


The light soared into the sky, as if to illuminate the past, present and future. All the immortals in the world, together with the taboo symbols engraved in the sky, formed a stunning defensive formation that even the giants could not break.

Even if Chi Cang takes action himself, he won't be able to break through it in a short time.

Chi Cang nodded with satisfaction. He used this defensive array as the foundation and the indestructible Immortal Killing Platform as the altar. This combination was enough to resist some of the karmic backlash.

The desert shook, and a simple Taoist platform emerged in the void, quickly grew in size, and landed on the foundation built by Chi Cang, making a huge roaring sound.

On the Tao platform, there is endless blood, extremely gorgeous and bright red. It is the blood dripping from the immortal king who was decapitated, and now it has become a part of the Immortal Killing Platform.

There is also a bloody and sharp guillotine hanging high above the platform, as if it may fall down at any time for execution and beheading.

In addition, there are still some images of the past on the Immortal Killing Platform. To be precise, they are immortal marks. Yu Tuo and the immortal kings who died on the platform appeared one by one, with their eyes wide open with anger. The big head was lying there, making people feel horrified.

Chi Cang sat cross-legged on the platform quietly. He still had to make many preparations. For example, the time and space running through this place bordered the long river of time to provide an unobstructed passage for the returning soul light and maintain it.

This requires a lot of effort. Not every place is like Tianyuan. Time and space are weak and easy to penetrate.

In addition to opening up a passage to the long river of time and maintaining it, Chi Cang also wants to make the time and space in this area chaotic, and the past, present and future are mixed together.

At that time, just sitting cross-legged on the Taoist platform, you can see many ancient strange things, as well as a corner of the future. Such an environment will help Chi Cang display the ancient, modern and future scriptures.

He started, with the terrifying strength of the supreme giant, forcibly opened up and changed, various rules and orders of the avenue emerged, and taboo symbols were arranged here, shining.

Thunder surged and lightning struck down, hitting the nearby desert from time to time, creating bottomless abyss that was staggering.

Soon, the place was enveloped in chaotic fog, and everything inside was unclear.

Time flew by, and three months passed by in a flash. On the day of summoning the souls, the incomplete strong men of the Nine Heavens arrived one by one.

Three generations of the Kunpeng family returned from the fairyland, the Ten Fierce True Dragons and his child Ge Gu, Gen Yi, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, three old monsters, the Skyhorned Ant, one of the Ten Fierce Ones, and the Kirin, who also belongs to the Ten Fierce Ones. There is no obsession left, but the body is still there, brought over by the alicorn ants.

The Immortal Kings with complete Dao Fruit have also returned from outside the territory, the Immortal Monk King, the True Phoenix, and the Stone King. Twenty years ago, they went nine days away to look for various heaven-defying immortal materials for the blueprint drawn by Chi Cang.

Twenty years later, they have gained a lot and returned home with a full load.

Someone also arrived from the Stone Village in the Lower Realm. Little Skyhorned Ant, Qilin Xiaobai, and a group of geniuses all rushed here. This time it was a matter of life and death for the fathers of two descendants of the Ten Evils.

Others came here to witness this major event that was destined to be engraved in the history of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Not only them, but the two old guys stationed in the lower realm of the Void God also came here, and the Dark Hall was destroyed by Chi Cang. , there is no need for them to guard, and besides, they are one of the protagonists of this spiritual summons, so they will naturally be present.

The great elder Meng Tianzheng, the old man Qingmu, and the powerful men from the Changsheng family all came after hearing the news. This was a soul-summoning ceremony related to the future pattern of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and it touched everyone's heartstrings.

In the distance, a golden-haired spirit walked step by step from the void. It was extremely handsome, with the aura of time and space lingering all over its body. It was none other than the ten evil creatures that had traveled to the homeland of nine heavens and ten places for twenty years. Now, it is far away from the fairyland. The king is closer and can break the shackles at any time.

Obviously, Zhu has let go of those obsessions and his mentality has returned to normal. Maybe after this soul summoning festival, he will challenge the Immortal King.

Suddenly, an excited bird song came from the horizon, and then, the red glow dyed the sky red. It was a divine phoenix with blood-red eyes, soaring with wings spread, holding a huge coffin on its back, made of fairy wood, full of It was full of life, and green shoots even sprouted from the coffin.

Next to the coffin, there is a snow-white skeleton, sitting there quietly, its slender finger bones caressing the strings, playing beautiful music.

"This is..." Genyi, the master of the restricted area, stared at the incoming man, and a flawless and beautiful face appeared in his mind.

"Leng Yue?"

He traveled through the Immortal Realm back then, leaving endless legends there, and had interactions with many Immortal Kings. For example, the ancient Pan King owed him a great favor. In front of him, in the coffin, was the most beautiful Immortal King Lengyue, the most beautiful person in history. , Genichi also had a causal relationship with it.

In addition to Gen Yi, the three old monsters also recognized Immortal King Lengyue and had met him before.

"Hey, the Iceberg Fairy Queen that countless fairy kings wanted to pursue back then has now become a pile of withered bones and dry human skin. Sure enough, the red and pink skulls and all the love and love are just the smoke of the past." The crystal head faintly said. said.

The bloody eyeballs and hand bones also sighed. Female fairy kings are rare to begin with. Who wouldn't want to have such a Taoist companion by their side? Every peerless hero will probably have this idea. Who doesn’t want to taste the splendor of the world? Unfortunately, although there were many suitors, no one succeeded, and only Ao Sheng and Leng Yue had a history.

When the fallen blood phoenix arrived, it felt the peerless creatures in front of it with astonishing abilities. It didn't dare to scream louder anymore and restrained itself a lot.

When he saw the Ten Fierce True Phoenix, the supreme power of the True Phoenix clan, this bloodthirsty and crazy fallen blood phoenix was even more nervous and had a kind of natural fear.

The true phoenix also saw it, but he didn't say anything. There are more than one true phoenix clan in the world. This fallen blood phoenix originated from the fairyland and was not native to Jiutian. There was also a strong divine phoenix in the burial ground. , was treated as a poultry by a peerless female burial king and kept free in front of the grave.

For the Ten Fierce True Phoenixes, since they were contaminated by blood before they were born, they are no longer one of their clansmen. The fallen blood phoenixes are considered another species.

At this time, there was a huge fluctuation in the sky, as if a prehistoric giant had awakened and was staring here.

The fallen blood phoenix and all the creatures who were not as good as the Immortal King could not help but tremble, and their souls trembled. They knew that the Immortal King was coming.

In one direction, golden light shot into the sky, and the sky was filled with golden clouds. The aura of the Immortal King shocked the world, causing cracks in the heaven and earth.

A golden-robed figure slowly walked towards him. His figure was majestic and his eyes were so sharp that even a true immortal could not look at him. He was the Lord of the Death Immortal Ridge, and his body was a golden-haired dog.

In the other direction, the Immortal King's pressure was overwhelming and sweeping across the universe. The Lord of the Tomb of All Souls, the Lord of the God Burial Valley, Shu Yao's father, the owner of the Tianfeng Clan, and many owners of restricted areas who chose to submit to Jiutian, all arrived.

The number of complete Immortal King-level experts here instantly reached more than double digits. They were an extremely powerful force, gathered together because of the soul-summoning ceremony led by Chi Cang.

Each of them was a leader of their era, otherwise they would not have achieved what they have today.

As Immortal King-level creatures, they also want to see how the Nine Heavens leader in front of them resurrects the dead. This is simply a fantasy to them. Many owners of the restricted area do not believe it and think that today's Chicang General Will end in failure.


Just when people were observing each other, or sending out messages to reminisce about the past, a vast and boundless wave of reincarnation broke out, affecting the inside and outside of the universe.

Between heaven and earth, a chaotic divine disk emerged, with six corners in total, rotating in the void, emitting the mighty sound of reincarnation.

The Valley Master of the God Burial Valley sighed secretly when he saw this familiar giant magical weapon. He once controlled two corners of it. Unfortunately, he was taken away by his descendants and went to the lower world to harvest the sacred. Finally, he was acquired by Chi Cang. Later, because of This cause and effect involves many things.


The six-path wheel of reincarnation continued to rotate, opening up a passage of reincarnation in the void, leading directly to the desert.

Under the gaze of everyone, a graceful figure shrouded in fairy mist and wearing a long skirt walked out of the passage. It was Liu Shen who had awakened from the supreme and taboo method of the Great Dream.

She wears a veil and has a pair of beautiful eyes, with the sun, moon and stars rotating in them.

Behind her, there were brilliant light groups floating one after another, ten thousand in total. This was Liu Shen's experience. Behind the light groups were connected to vast divine kingdoms, with endless innate gods and creatures sitting cross-legged. In it, Liu Shen's true name is chanted to bless her.

"Fellow Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, how is your injury?" True Dragon, True Phoenix and other former Nine Heavens Immortal Kings asked with concern.

They saw it. When Liu Shen returned from a foreign land, her whole body was stained with dark matter. Most of the light groups behind her were dimmed a lot. She was seriously injured. She didn't even show up for the nine days of reckoning later.

"It's okay." Liu Shen responded, his voice empty and ethereal.

When the Nine Heavens Immortal King heard this, he immediately felt relieved.

If something goes wrong with Liu Shen, Jiutian's strength will definitely be reduced a lot. You need to know that this is a supreme giant even more powerful than Chi Cang, and he was already a giant in the Immortal Era.

At the same time, Liu Shen's appearance also shocked the owners of the forbidden area. At present, they may not necessarily surrender to Jiutian sincerely. Many of them were convinced by Chi Cang's force and the promise of returning to the fairyland. .

If something unexpected happens to Chi Cang during the Soul-Calling Sacrifice, there's no telling what will happen to the owners of these restricted areas.

With Liu Shen in charge, even if they all take action, they will only be suppressed.

On the Immortal Immortal Immortal Platform, Chi Cang, who had been sitting cross-legged for a long time, opened his eyes. At this moment, the Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Platform already had a different scene. Time fragments were flying around, and a majestic long river could be vaguely seen, traversing the entire ancient history.

From time to time, ancient scenes emerge and appear on the Immortal Killing Platform. The fog of history spreads. Occasionally, you can glimpse the tip of the iceberg of the future, like meteors, fleeting and impossible to catch.

The time and space there are completely chaotic and extremely weak. If the Immortal King fights in it, it is very likely to shatter the time and space and alarm the powerful people upstream or downstream of the time river.

Moreover, Chicang has stabilized a channel that connects to the long river of time. Those fragments of time that fill the void are caused by the water vapor above the long river floating along the channel.

This is the most suitable environment for summoning spirits, disrupting time and space, confusing the past, present and future, and concealing the truth.

Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid cause and effect by reversing the past and present, and there will definitely be backlash. Chi Cang is just doing his best to reduce the backlash.

He stood up and looked at the people below with different expressions. Some were looking forward to it, some were doubtful, and some thought it was impossible.

Chi Cang doesn't care about these things. He practices ancient and modern scriptures and knows clearly what he is doing and what he can do. His previous promises are not without purpose.

He and Liu Shen looked at each other. There was no need to say anything more. Everything was said without words. Chi Cang took a deep breath and started the soul summoning ceremony.

Resurrecting a group of powerful Immortal Kings from the dead and returning from the past, whether successful or not, will be a major event that shakes this era. If future generations read this piece of history, they will be deeply shocked and will re- Understand what ancient chaos is.

Chapter 2 later.

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