The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 390 The soul returns

"Everyone, please return to your seats."

Chi Cang spoke with great momentum, majesty and inviolability. At this moment, he seemed to be a ruler, dominating all order in the world.

This kind of momentum made the owners of the restricted area who came from afar secretly feel frightened.

Regardless of whether the soul summoning was successful or not, Chi Cang's power and majesty were deeply imprinted in their minds and could not be removed.

Some of the lords of the restricted area who had old relationships with the three most powerful immortal kings, Ao Sheng, Taishi, and Yuanchu, originally had other ideas in their minds, but at this moment, they gave up completely. The Thunder Emperor was invincible, and the ancestral sacrificial spirits were invincible. This became their consensus.


On the vast Immortal Killing Platform, there was a loud noise, and a giant dragon that looked like a pangolin appeared out of thin air. It had two wings on its back, and its armor was ferocious and hard. As soon as it appeared, it opened its eyes with no emotion, and opened its huge mouth. There was yelling.

"Second in the world!"

All the immortal kings present recognized the name of Bird Master. He was once a member of the original dragon clan, ancient and powerful. If he had not lost half a move to the current true dragon, causing the name of the true dragon to fall by the wayside, he might have become the giant true dragon now. it.

As the second most dominant spirit in the world, the moment the dragon body appeared, Lord Bird sensed a call from that body, calling it to return to its place.

Without hesitation, I came here just for this moment.

In the surprised gazes of all the geniuses, Lord Bird smiled and turned into a stream of light, rushing into the brow of the huge dragon body.

The next moment, the cold and ruthless eyes immediately changed and became emotional. And, I don't know if it was everyone's misunderstanding, but there was a trace of wretchedness in it.

"The dragon corpse in the Forest of Heavenly Beasts is the true form of Lord Bird?" The nine heavenly geniuses were shocked. They often went to the Virtual God Realm and got along with Lord Bird a lot. Although they noticed that Lord Bird was mysterious and knew that it was not simple, they did not I thought that its true form was actually a dragon.

"That's right, looking at that wretched look, it's undoubtedly Master Bird." Someone said.

Suddenly, a blazing golden light burst out from the Immortal Killing Platform, and a golden Taoist statue with closed eyes appeared. It was not big, it could even be called short, less than a foot tall, and had blond hair and a golden beard.

In front of the second largest body in the world, this golden Taoist can only be regarded as an ant in terms of size.

However, no immortal king dares to underestimate it. The Taoist Huang Dao Immortal Gold has been famous in the past years. After all, there are very few people who have become Taoist with the body of Immortal Gold, and those who have reached the level of Taoist Immortal Gold are... Less.

Its combat power is on par with Daoxing and the second best in the world. They are all top immortal kings. However, it cannot compete with powerful immortal kings such as Ao Sheng, Taishi, and Yuanchu. It is far beyond the comparison of the Lords of the Forbidden Zone present.

Especially the Immortal Gold Taoist's Immortal Gold body is indestructible. Even if he stands there motionless, ordinary Immortal Kings cannot hit him.

Standing alone in the void, Uncle Jingbi felt something. It was his enlightened body, calling him to return to his place.

A bright golden beam of light flashed across the horizon. Uncle Jingbi looked at the young geniuses who were getting along day and night, showed his trademark wretched smile, and suddenly rushed into the short Taoist's Tianling Cap.


Golden light burst out, and Taoist Immortal Gold slowly opened his eyes, as if he had opened a monument that had been covered in dust for endless years. Everything was so vicissitudes of life.

The two supreme immortal kings revived at this moment. However, their souls had experienced that battle and were already riddled with holes and hidden diseases.

Otherwise, Master Bird and Master Jingbi would not be so weak and could not be corroded by the dark atmosphere in the dark palace.

Most of their souls perished in Immortal Ancient. This was due to the giants from the foreign land. Their methods were too cunning, and the injuries were almost permanent and difficult to recover from.

Resurrection pill is one way, but now, Chi Cang does not have this pill in his hand. He only has the past and present, and only the past body wandering in the past years.

Not only Master Bird and Master Jingbi, Chi Cang also released the incomplete immortal kings he met along the way.

The three kings who once sat in the original imperial city volunteered to be the fuel of the original imperial city, providing it with energy. They burned their bodies for endless years, and their flesh and blood dried up to the point of being beyond appearance. At this moment, they were released by Chi Cang, Standing tall and majestic on the Immortal Killing Platform.

A bearded man, dressed in animal skins, with his upper body naked, rough and wild, as if he came from an ancient tribe, is one of the Stone Kings, the oldest Stone King.

The second person was only skin and bones, but he was still bathed in the blazing fire, like a vast ocean, with a pair of divine wings like true phoenix feathers on his back. This was the ancestor of the Fire Tribe, the Suzaku King.

The third person is their comrade, and his body is flashing with various strange phenomena. Wind, rain, thunder, and lightning all appear. Although his energy and blood have been burned out, he is still majestic and majestic.

The Stone King below saw his deceased comrades and couldn't help but his eyes were wet and he almost shed tears.

Once upon a time, the seven of them, side by side, supported each other, fought against the immortal kings of foreign lands, and resisted the darkness and chaos. But in the end, he was the only one left alive, with only one breath left to hold on until Chi Cang arrived.

This summoning of souls was their chance to come back to life. Thinking of this, King Shi's heart surged.

He took out two majestic bodies from his small world. One was scarred and full of traces of weapon attacks. It was the king who went to Jiutian alone, caught up with the blood-stained ancient ship, and suppressed the darkness with his body. The other The tool was covered in blood, motionless and lifeless. It was found by King Shi from the inheritance site of the Supreme Palace of Taichu Ancient Mine, and he was one of the seven kings.

In addition to these, there should be one person among the seven kings, but it is a pity that he fell in the hands of the Red King and was taken into the Red King's Furnace. His bones were gone and he was regarded by the Red King as the nourishment for the Nirvana of the Great Way.

The two upright bodies were sent to the Immortal Killing Platform, alongside the old Stone King wearing animal skins, the Suzaku King bathed in fire, and the king surrounded by wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

In the distance, the eyebrows of Shi Yi, Huo Ling'er and other descendants of the Sin Clan glowed, sensing something. The eyebrows of the seven kings on the Immortal Killing Platform also glowed, and symbols representing glory appeared, echoing them from afar.

"Ancestor!" Huo Ling'er was in a daze, looking at the old man whose flesh and blood were withered and bathed in flames. His cheeks were sunken, but he could still feel a kind of majesty. He was not angry but he was majestic. There are rumors in the world that the Suzaku King His temper was the most fiery, which can be seen from his expression after death.

Shi Yi looked at the old man wearing animal skins, the king of the stone tribe who was covered in wounds, and the king who was surrounded by the vision of the Storm and Thunder Emperor. These creatures all made his blood flow faster, and his heart There is a throbbing.

This is the feeling hidden in the deepest part of the bloodline, which cannot be let go. Shi Yi understood that his father was from the Stone Clan, and his ancestors had three Stone Kings, belonging to different eras. This lineage is comparable to the Golden Crow Clan in the Immortal Realm, and he His mother is from the Rain Clan, and its origin should be the majestic king shrouded in four major weather phenomena.

In addition to a few of the seven border kings, there are many incomplete immortal kings released by Chi Cang. For example, a creature who guards the Wandao Tree for a top king in the immortal realm uses heavenly seeds as bait to lure the red-haired tribe to come and pick them. In the end, one person suppressed the supreme beings of the red-haired clan.

Their appearance made the owners of the forbidden area open their eyes wide, because like these two immortal kings, they belonged to the same immortal realm and had had friendships.

Seeing that the two kings were listed as one of the protagonists of the soul summoning, the owners of the restricted area had a lot of thoughts in their minds, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

At this time, on the vast Immortal Killing Platform, bloody heads appeared one after another, all cut off by sharp weapons, and the wounds were smooth.

"Qingwei God, Dachi God, Wuliang God, Yuyu God, Lihen God..." Elder Meng Tianzheng whispered, revealing the identities of these bloody heads, with a look of surprise on his face.

The old man Qingmu and a group of powerful men from the Immortal Family next to him were also extremely surprised. Those powerful men with great reputations, who ruled and managed the vast heaven, had already died in the ancient battle, and they did not expect to see them here again. arrive.

Chi Cang also released a wisp of the remaining souls of the major gods found in the bronze coffins of the third generation, and the souls returned to their heads.

However, some heads have no remnant souls left, and some remnant souls have no heads as a place to stay and can only float in the void.

The battle that year was too tragic and the situation was extremely chaotic. It is normal for this situation to occur.

After doing this, Chicang released some true immortal corpses, which came from the ruins left behind by the war, such as Immortal Hill and other places.

During the Ancient Immortal Era, Chi Cang was one of the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors and one of the most powerful immortal kings in the original ancient world. He had interacted with these powerful true immortals and was considered an old friend. Therefore, whenever he met, he would put it away. On the occasion, they all appeared on the Immortal Killing Platform, waiting for the soul summoning ceremony.

The incomplete immortal kings in the audience also began to move. The true dragon, the head of the ten evils wrapped in the mist of chaos, the Kunpeng King from two eras ago, Kunpeng, one of the ten ancient evils, the Sky Horned Ant, the body of the unicorn, the cross yin and yang. Gen Yi, the owner of the restricted area, three old monsters who died in a small liquidation - crystal skull, blood-stained eyeballs, golden hand bones, and the Immortal King Leng Yue from the Immortal Realm...

They stepped onto the stage one by one, passed through the strongest defensive array, as well as the hazy fog and time fragments, and arrived at the Immortal Killing Platform.

As conscious "living people", they can clearly sense the vast power of the guillotine. Only by personally boarding this guillotine can they understand its horror.

The ubiquitous smell of the Immortal King's blood, the taboo chain of order, and the bloody guillotine hanging high above the head are all frightening.

Fortunately, they and Chi Cang were comrades in the same tank, not enemies. Otherwise, what awaited them would be an execution-style beheading.

The strong men each found their own place, sat cross-legged on the spot, silently calmed down their mood, and put themselves in an extremely ethereal state.

This is Chi Cang's requirement for them. In this way, it will be easier to perceive the changes in the long river of time and communicate with the past "self".

The dead don't have so many requirements, everything depends on Chi Cang to cast spells.

Looking at the dead and "living" people on the stage, Chi Cang took out another blood-stained flag. It was the famous Shroud of the Immortal King, which belonged to the Xu family of the Immortal Dynasty. Later, Chi Cang used the Immortal King's treasure, the Immortal War Halberd. They were exchanged in order to use the blood of the giants soaked in it to resurrect the two leaders of the primitive ancient world of the Immortal Ancient Era, reincarnation and endless.

The shroud flutters in the wind, representing a kind of unyielding will and glory. Meng Tianzheng, Old Man Qingmu and other Nine Heavens experts as well as the Nine Heavens geniuses are full of respect for this shroud. During the period when Chi Cang did not return Over the years, it has helped Jiutian too much.

All the protagonists are here, just waiting for Chi Cang to start the soul summoning ceremony.

The creatures outside looked nervously at the Immortal Killing Platform and waited anxiously. The little Alibaba Ant, Qilin Xiaobai, etc. were worried about their fathers and couldn't help clenching their fists. The Stone King's eyes were wet, eager to be with his comrades and clansmen. Fight side by side again to recreate the supreme glory of the seven kings... The masters of the restricted area want to see if Chi Cang really has the ability to bring people back to life. If it is true, doesn't it mean that following this creature, Even if you accidentally die in battle, can you come back again?

At the moment when everyone was watching nervously and their nerves were tense, Chi Cang began to cast the spell.

His face was serious, extremely solemn, and his Taoist robes were fluttering, surrounded by the power of taboo order. He was extremely majestic, like a master standing on the top of the mountain.

The sleeves and robes trembled, and a piece of decree that had been written long ago was held in Chi Cang's hand. It was golden, woven with silk threads cast from the avenue, and possessed indescribable mysterious power.

On it, neatly engraved are lines of strange ancient characters that do not belong to any era and are uniquely created by Chi Cang. Each character contains the power of the origin of the universe of the Dao. It is the deepest understanding of the Dao by a supreme giant. .

Chi Cang grasped the decree and stood in the center of the Immortal Killing Platform. His aura overwhelmed everything, as if he was the only one in the vast world.

He opened his mouth and spat out ancient and mysterious syllables. Each syllable possessed indescribable power. Like the sound of heaven, it told the cause and effect of the heaven and earth and issued orders to the rules and order.


The crimson thunder of chaos suddenly struck down on the desert next to the Immortal Slayer Platform, instantly sinking an area of ​​ten miles around, creating a bottomless pit that was simply an abyss.

The kind of destructive energy that remains in the void makes people feel hairy and terrified from the bottom of their hearts.

The reason lies with him. This is the supreme power of heaven, which is beyond the reach of human beings. Chi Cang talks about cause and effect to the heaven and earth, issues orders to the rules and order, and wants to resurrect the dead creatures, which is undoubtedly a taboo.

The reason why it was struck near the Immortal Killing Platform was because the universe of heaven and earth gave a warning to let Chi Cang retreat in the face of difficulties.

However, this was impossible. Chi Cang ignored it and continued to speak, reading out the ancient characters above the decree.


The forbidden thunder became more and more dense, and finally, thousands of thunders struck the top, splitting the place where the Immortal Slayer Platform stood into a single seedling, surrounded by a dark, bottomless abyss.

For some unknown reason, the Immortal Immortal Immortal Platform has never been robbed, it is safe and sound, as if it is an inviolable pure land.

Only Chi Cang himself knows that this is because the Immortal Slayer Platform can avoid thunder punishment, and he is the origin of the Great Dao that was conceived in the Thunder Pond. In essence, Chi Cang is also a part of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, but he has transcended it. Not bound and enslaved by the order of heaven and earth.

Soon, Chi Cangyong finished reciting the ancient characters engraved on the decree. He stretched out his palm, and a blazing flame ignited in the palm of his hand, igniting the decree. The decree, which was originally woven from the silk of the great road, quickly burned, and along with those ancient characters, Integrated into the avenue.

After completing the shock to Heaven, Chicang sat down cross-legged, his head glowing, a flower of the avenue emerged, with a vague figure sitting cross-legged on it, as if living in the future, the petals are beautiful, blooming with brilliant light, this is a symbol of The flower of the great road that bears the future body is still far from being completed, otherwise it would not be the image of a flower.


A figure wrapped in the power of time slowly walked out and headed towards the long river of time. It was Chi Cang's past body who appeared at this moment to build a bridge between ancient times and the present world.

And the blazing body emits the light of the great avenue, which is sacred and transcendent.

He recited shocking sutras, and after spitting out the ancient and mysterious sutras of the past, present, and future from Chi Cang's mouth, they turned into Dao symbols, which rose to the sky above the Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Platform and lay horizontally above them, like brilliant stars. They are also like bright beacons, illuminating the way back to the soul.

The densely packed taboo symbols constitute an extremely terrifying field, present in the past, present and future. They are intertwined, making the already chaotic area even more disorderly. The power of the field is along the path opened up by Chi Cang. This channel has connected the long river of time, making the distant upper reaches no longer calm, and the waves are rolling and rolling.

"The soul is back!"

The blazing black hair on his head is flying, and he uses his past life to call the remaining souls wandering in the past years to return to this life, and then transmits the message to the "living" creatures, allowing them to calmly sense the long river of time.

His current body is staring at the vast sky, waiting for the imminent boundless catastrophe.

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