The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 391 The Resurrection of the True Dragon


Upstream of the vast river of time, those ancient histories that had been settled and calm were now fluctuating, creating ripples in circles.

The blazing past body wanders in the long river of time, surrounded by taboo symbols in the past, present and future, and steps into those ancient times that have passed away.

In his eyes, it was as if there were thick history books floating in the vast river. When the last page was turned, they slowly sank to the bottom of the river and stayed there forever, covered in dust.

The sinking of every history book means the end of a life, and the life of a creature is fixed at a certain moment.

Chi Cang's past traveled up the long river of time and came to the time node of the final battle of the Immortal Era.

Here, he saw one history book after another turning over its final chapter at this point, and then sinking to the bottom of the river, motionless, becoming part of the bed of the long river of time.

The long river of time flows forward in an indomitable and endless stream, and the river bed it relies on to move forward is the history book that represents a period of life, settling at the bottom of the river. Some are unknown and forgotten by future generations, and some are everlasting and powerful in ancient and modern times. future.

And Chicang himself has a story that belongs to him alone. It collapsed and sank in the ancient times, and then restarted. Now it is still flowing with the long river of time, shining brightly, and opening up the supreme myth that belongs to him. .

Under the protection of ancient and modern scriptures, Chi Cang sank to the bottom of the river and stepped on the river bed. In an instant, a life that had been sealed for endless years appeared before his eyes.

That was the experience of the creatures who fell in the Immortal Ancient Era. It may have been forgotten by the people of this world. However, over time, regardless of the strong or weak, they were all recorded and written into ancient histories.

Chi Cang was searching and feeling at the bottom of the river. Suddenly, he stopped, squatted down, picked up a thick ancient history book, and slowly opened it. It recorded the life of the real dragon, the leader of the ten evils, which was magnificent. It was heart-wrenching, but it was a pity that in the end, it fell in the last years of Immortal Ancient, which makes people sigh.

He caressed the ancient history book belonging to the real dragon with his palms, the taboo symbols on his body glowed, and the whispering sound sounded, as if it came from the most ancient source, but also seemed to float from the vague future, mysterious and endless, like the whispers of the gods, The heavy ancient history in Chi Cang's hand shook slightly.

This is summoning the soul, calling the true dragon soul that existed in the past, skipping the vacuum period of an era, and setting sail again in the present world.

This approach sounds simple to say, but it is extremely difficult to actually implement it. In the eyes of others except Chi Cang, it is simply impossible to achieve, because there are forces in the long river of time to maintain the order of ancient and modern times, and any behavior that disrupts the order of time and space Everyone will pay a terrible and painful price.

There is a saying that goes like this: Those who mess with time and space will eventually become empty.

Even the most amazing Immortal Kings have a deep respect for time and space. Facing the people who have passed away, they can only sigh. Even if they can walk in the long river of time, it is useless and cannot interfere with the past era and what has happened. thing.

The only thing that has a chance to do it is to slightly interfere with the uncertain future. However, doing so will have to pay an extremely heavy price, and it is very likely that the person will die. The Red King in the foreign land is a good example.

But now, Chi Cang is doing something against heaven, using the characteristics of his past body to live in the past and the power of ancient and modern scriptures to forcefully summon the soul of the true dragon.

In the history books, the vivid pictures are shining and shining, and I really feel something. In a trance, it seems that a real dragon is about to rush out from it, breaking away from the fate of sinking to the bottom of the river and being immobile.

However, there is an inexplicable force of order that blocks all of this, forming shackles that trap the soul of the real dragon. It has long since passed away in the past and should not break through time and space and appear in the present world.

On the Immortal Killing Platform, the body of the real dragon sitting in the mist moved slightly. Through the passage connecting the long river of time, it sensed the soul of its past. Suddenly, the body of the real dragon's mark produced a desire, that It is the desire of the soul to become complete.

So, according to Chi Cang's words, it used the mark and some real dragon bones scattered in the world that it had found over the years as coordinates, and called the soul of the past to return the next day.

Of course, it is impossible to do it on its own. Chicang's body has been prepared for a long time. Under his control, the stars suspended above the Immortal Immortal Immortal Platform began to rain down their mighty power, wrapping the true dragon, making that call suddenly amplified by countless numbers. times.

The real dragon trapped in the ancient history book sensed the strong soul-calling power and attacked the shackles of order even harder.

Unfortunately, the power of order is too powerful. It is this power that keeps time in order and prevents it from falling into chaos.

Chi Cang saw this in his past body and recited taboo scriptures. At the same time, his present body, which had been integrated with his true body, and his fuzzy future body sitting cross-legged on the flower of the avenue, together transferred the secret power to the past body and blessed it.

The past and future sutras he recited turned into a fairy sword and slashed at those shackles. The past soul of the real dragon trapped in ancient history was also blessed by the sound of the sutras, becoming stronger and wrapped around him. With the power of the past, present and future, violently attack the shackles of order.


Ripples erupted at the bottom of the river upstream of the long river of time, and the power of causality swept in from all directions, trapping Chi Cang's past body.

His eyes were bright, with taboo symbols lingering around him, and time did not enter his body, blocking out all the power of cause and effect.

As Chicang's chanting became louder and louder, the shackles that bound history and the past were broken layer by layer. The true dragon soul inside saw hope and fought hard.

However, the backlash of cause and effect is becoming more and more terrifying, gradually approaching a limit.

"The backlash of cause and effect is too terrible, as if the entire ancient history is about to collapse, so this can only be done." Chi Cang turned around and spoke to the True Dragon Soul.

Then, he asked the True Dragon Soul to make a final push. He would take action and penetrate part of the shackles.


The mysterious and powerful ancient and modern sutras and Chi Cang's extraordinary past body gave Chi Cang the ability to take action in the past. He penetrated through the layers of shackles, causing dense holes to appear. The spirit of the True Dragon Soul was shocked, and it was huge. His body was broken into pieces and turned into countless tiny real dragons, rushing out of the hole.

Ancient history was shaken, and things unprecedented in ancient and modern times occurred. There were extinct creatures, and souls escaped from the dusty history.

In just an instant, the power of the order of cause and effect reached a peak, making the world of heaven and earth tremble and overturn.

Those holes quickly closed, and most of the true dragon's soul escaped, while a small half was too late and was re-sealed.

The ancient history books glowed, and chains appeared out of thin air, sealing them tightly, flying directly out of Chi Cang's hands, and sinking to the bottom of the river again.

The escaped true dragon souls merged together in the river of time and turned into complete true dragons, but their sizes were smaller than the complete ones.


Bloody lightning flashed across the sky of history, trying to destroy the souls of the creatures that had escaped from the shackles of time. Chi Cang immediately stopped him, resisting the backlash of cause and effect that attacked him, taking those powers away and giving them to the true dragon. The soul creates space for escape.

There was no obstacle for it anymore, and it went down the surging river, following the call in the chirping, and came to a passage. In front of it, a vast Immortal-killing Platform was very close at hand. The ten ferocious true dragons in this world were The imprinted body is sitting cross-legged on the stage, calling out from time to time.

At this moment, the real dragon's heart couldn't help but beat wildly. Even if it was an invincible giant-level creature, it couldn't remain calm.

Because it sensed that a group of true dragon souls with strong soul light had returned from an era ago and was approaching at an extremely fast speed. One million years, one hundred thousand years, ten thousand years...

"How is it possible? Is it really...successful?" Zhenlong couldn't believe it. Is this true?


Under the attention of everyone, a bright light burst out from the time channel, illuminating the long river of time and illuminating the past, present and future.

A true dragon soul rushed out, its body was hazy and stained with the water of time, as if it had just stepped out of the long river.

"That is……"

The owners of the restricted area who were watching from a distance were shocked, their mouths were opened wide and they were speechless. They were shocked beyond measure.

For all the creatures of the Immortal King to be like this, it shows how shocking this scene is.

In the dull eyes of everyone, the soul of the true dragon rushed into the mark of the true dragon like a meteor.

You need to know that this is the soul, not something like obsession or imprint, it is truly alive.

In an instant, the place where the real dragon sat cross-legged burst into brilliant light, with endless vitality, as if it could create all living beings.

With a living soul, it is only a matter of time before the body is rebuilt.

The leader of the ten evils, the giant True Dragon who shocked the past and the present, resurrected today.

"hold head high!"

The real dragon roared across the sky and the earth, and the most powerful fluctuations burst out, overwhelming the sky and the earth, dimming the stars and rivers, and making the sun and moon lack light.

"The real dragon is alive, my God, the Thunder Emperor can really bring living beings back to life. This is so unbelievable, I can't believe it..." The owners of the restricted area were trembling, they witnessed history.

The resurrection of the real dragon subverted their definition of life and death, and also subverted their understanding of time. It turns out that the past and the present are really reversible.

Other creatures watching from a distance were also shocked. Did they really do it? Thunder Emperor, what else can't he do?

Stone King, Little Alicorn Ant, Qilin Xiaobai, etc. were excited and full of hope. Their relatives and friends had real hope of resurrection.

As the real dragon's parent and child, the little real dragon was even more excited and shed tears.

Just when everyone was shocked or overjoyed, the backlash came quietly.


The Immortal Killing Platform suddenly shook, and an inexplicable blade of order came from the direction of the river of time. It was blocked by the foundation cast by Blazing Cang, which was a defensive array composed of numerous fairy gold and taboo symbols.

This was not over yet, the terrifying blades of order fell like a downpour, causing the Immortal Slayer Platform to tremble.

Chicang's body stared at the realm of nothingness above the sky. He seemed to see the furious ocean of order, and he was about to rain down monstrous punishments and wipe out the omissions.

Fortunately, he shocked the world in advance. What awaits the real dragon is not a dead end, but a glimmer of hope.

The external tribulations and punishments were all blocked by the defensive array and the indestructible Immortal Killing Platform, while the internal tribulations and punishments could only rely on the real dragon himself.

Its mark merged with the true soul and was completely resurrected. However, soon, the true soul withered completely, like petals about to wither. The power of time was eroding it, even if the giant's soul was immortal, it could not stop it.

Fortunately, Chicang gave the true dragon enough super thunder tribulation fluid, which inspired it, and infinite vitality of creation emerged to resist those terrifying erosions.

In the fierce confrontation, the soul of the true dragon dried up at a speed that could be detected by the naked eye. Silence returned here, while in the outside world, lightning and thunder roared, the sky wept with blood, various strange phenomena emerged, and countless words appeared The lightning strike struck down, and even the creatures watching from a distance had to retreat and fall outside the desert.

"Reverse yin and yang, reincarnate into death, this violates a taboo, and the disaster it causes will be beyond imagination." Someone sighed.

Not only the real dragon, but Chi Cang, who was the instigator, was also robbed. His past and present bodies were all entangled and attacked fiercely.

He attacked in all directions, completely fearless, and resisted punishment and backlash.

I don’t know how long it took, everything calmed down, the sky gradually returned to calm, and the Blades of Order and Forbidden Tribulation all disappeared and disappeared.

"What's going on? Success or failure?" The owner of the restricted area said to himself, opened his eyes, and stared at the center of the desert. Unfortunately, it was surrounded by the ocean-like Dao and could not be seen clearly at all.

On the Immortal Killing Platform, where the real dragon sat cross-legged, the ashes piled up into a hill, completely devoid of life, which seemed to indicate the end of the giant real dragon.

However, Chi Cang was very calm. Under his gaze, a small true dragon struggled to crawl out from the ashes, his whole body filled with vitality.

The true dragon has survived the catastrophe and backlash, and has truly come to life. It has transformed from its original imprint into its current living soul, and has undergone a qualitative change.

It is no longer a dead creature, but a living creature.

"Thank you, Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor, for your help." Trumpet True Dragon sent a message, thanking Chi Cang for his help.

After the Immortal Ancient War, the True Dragon never thought that it would be resurrected one day in the future. Although the process was really difficult, it was on the verge of extinction many times. If it weren't for the blazing Thunder Tribulation Liquid, it would be saved from death time and time again. If you pull it back, it will have perished long ago, not even the mark will be left, it will die completely.

Fortunately, in the end, the real dragon survived, survived the punishment of order, and gained that glimmer of hope.

"It doesn't have to be like this. The resurrection of Taoist True Dragon Fellow is my great blessing." Chi Cang said. He was injured in the karma backlash. However, because of the defensive array and Immortal Killing Platform to resist external attacks, his injuries were not serious. so serious.

"By the way, how do fellow Taoist True Dragons feel? Some of the dragon souls failed to break through the shackles and remained in ancient history." Chi Cang asked.

"I feel that the integrity of the life mark is not as complete as it was at the peak. When I recover completely, my combat power may also be affected. Moreover, the permanent loss of the most original mark of life makes me ineligible to continue evolving.

But, so what? Being able to come back from the dead is already rare, how can you ask for more? "The real dragon replied.

Hearing this, Chi Cang sighed secretly. After all, it was his lack of Taoism that prevented the soul-calling from being carried out thoroughly. In addition, the coordinates provided by the real dragon were limited, which affected the soul-calling effect. The current situation was already very good.

Next chapter later.

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