The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 394 Killing in the Immortal Realm

When Liu Shen heard this, her eyes flashed with astonishing brilliance. She recalled the time when she returned from the Immortal Realm and looked at the devastated Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. With grief and anger, she went to the foreign land, entering and exiting nine times. As a result, she suffered heavy injuries. At this time, the three most powerful immortal kings from the Immortal Realm came to kill her and besieged her, causing her to fall into the abyss of thunder and almost suffer from hatred.

Later, when she re-cultivated her body in Nirvana and passed through the True Immortal Tribulation, she was intercepted and killed by three supreme Immortal Kings. There was also a strange attack, and the leader of the three thousand Daozhous attacked. In a desperate situation, she fell to the lower world, and Nirvana Stone Village.

The entanglement between the three supreme Immortal Kings from the Immortal Realm and her is too deep and cannot be resolved at all.

Now, Liu Shen has become the supreme giant, ruling among the immortal kings. It is time to take revenge for the inflicted insults.

However, the current structure of the Immortal Realm has been finalized, and the great liquidation is coming. The Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm will definitely stick together and share the same hatred.

A single move can affect the whole body. If Liu Shen wants to liquidate the three supreme immortal kings, it is impossible for the Immortal Realm to turn a blind eye.

The power of the Immortal Realm is obvious to all, and it has competed with the eternally dominant foreign realm for many years without falling behind.

Even if the supreme giant enters the fairyland, it is impossible to be truly invincible.

You know, if the Immortal Realm did not have the means to fight against such peerless creatures, it would have been annexed by the foreign realm long ago.

Among those methods, the most terrifying one is the world-destroying formation of the kings of the Immortal Realm, which is enough to suppress the supreme giants. This is the confidence and capital for the confrontation between the Immortal Realm and the foreign realm.

The great formation uses the Immortal King as the banner and giants as the eyes of the formation, condensing the power of the kings and exerting unimaginable power. Ordinary giants have no power to resist when facing this kind of great formation. Even if a foreign land takes out ancient artifacts of origin , and cannot defeat it, unless the ancient artifact of origin cracks and exposes a corner.

However, with the control Kundi and the Immortal Kings have over the origin ancient artifact, there is no way they can crack it. This is why Foreign Land has not been able to get a bargain here in Immortal Realm for so many years.

If they could reach the point where they could control the ancient artifact to crack it and expose the contents inside, they would have conquered the world long ago. It should be noted that it was an artifact involving the quasi-immortal emperor. Once the internal energy and dark matter were leaked, , all the kings’ world-destroying formations are hard to stop.

This is also the reason why Chi Cang and Liu Shen did not immediately enter the fairyland when they returned.

They recover their injuries first, and then summon the souls to strengthen the power of the Nine Heavens Immortal King. Once they have enough confidence to go to the Immortal Realm, the situation will be much better.

If you rush forward recklessly, you might end up defeated. The three Immortal Kings, Ao Sheng, Taishi, and Yuanchu, are not stupid. They have been paying attention to the situation in the lower realm. They must have received the news about the return of King Liu Shen Chi Cang and made full preparations. .

"Okay, it's time to settle those old scores." Liu Shen answered, with a cold tone in his tone that seemed to freeze everything in the world.

"Before that, let's give the resurrected Taoist friends some time to recover. There is no need to rush." ​​Liu Shen continued, and then glanced at Chi Cang. Obviously, Chi Cang is the one who needs to recover from his injuries the most.

Chi Cang nodded. His injuries would not recover for a while, mainly due to the resurrected Immortal King and the Ten Evils.

Looking back and looking into the distance, the vast desert in front of the abyss has disappeared without a trace, leaving only a bottomless abyss that cannot be seen to the bottom at a glance.

There was no way, the punishment caused by summoning souls was too terrible. Even the Immortal King could not withstand the blade of order. Even the immortal gold defense formation carefully prepared by Chi Cang was riddled with holes, not to mention a vast desert.

"This day is destined to go down in history and shake up the past and present and the future." The owner of the restricted area sighed secretly.

The ten evil spirits and the Immortal King who have passed away have returned one after another, from the past to the present. This is beyond common sense and is simply shocking. Even though the soul-summoning sacrifice has ended, the heroes in the restricted area are still in a deep-seated state of mind. The shock was hard to calm down for a long time.

In one day, Jiutian's strength increased greatly, and the number of Immortal King-level creatures increased by double digits. Together with the masters of the restricted area who surrendered to Jiutian, as well as the two supreme giants Chi Cang and Liu Shen, Jiutian and Ten Earths had restored their immortal power. The brilliance of the ancient era is even greater than that.

The reason for this situation was all caused by Chi Cang. His reputation had reached a peak invisibly, and every move he made touched people's hearts.

True Dragon, Gen Yi, Kun Peng, Sky Horned Ant, Qilin, five of the Seven Border Kings, the Second Under Heaven, the Immortal Gold Taoist, three old monsters, two kings from the Immortal Realm, as well as the major gods and those real Immortals have all received the Thunder Tribulation Liquid given by Chi Cang, and the infinite vitality of creation contained in it can help them recover quickly.

Many powerful people's bodies are incomplete and need to be rebuilt. The secret of the beginning of all things is hidden in the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, which is of great help to them. There are also many great medicines to help ensure that these powerful people can recover smoothly.

Due to the limitations of soul summoning, many people are unable to return to their peak, and have lost the ability to continue evolving. However, they are already very satisfied, and with their current abilities, they can form a considerable force.

The strong men left one by one. The owner of the restricted area said hello to Chi Cang and then went back home. Zhenlong and others also had their own places to go. As for Da Chi Tianzhu and others, their caves had long been destroyed in the ancient battle. , so I stayed in Diguan and temporarily stayed with the seven kings of Border Pass.

After being silent for an epoch, the current Nine Heavens and Ten Lands felt strange to them. The gods all wanted to go out for a walk and take a look. However, they were about to enter the Immortal Realm. They did not want to be held back and had to do their best to recuperate.

The two immortal kings from the Immortal Realm have long lost their feelings for the Immortal Realm. They have seen through the world. Since Chi Cang saved them, their lives belong to Chi Cang. Besides, following Chi Cang will have a bright future. .

The immortal kings left, leaving only Chi Cang, Liu Shen and Xiao.

This handsome blond young man could still see traces of tears falling on his face.

"With no end and reincarnation, is there no hope of resurrection?" Cricket came to Chi Cang and Liu Shen and asked.

He really hopes that these two former leaders can reappear in the world.

Hearing this, Chi Cang fell into silence and answered after a long time.

"I'm not sure, because the ancient history books of the Immortal King of Reincarnation are a little weird, and I can't shake them even with all my strength. Maybe he didn't die, and maybe he's still alive.

The ancient history books of the Everlasting Immortal King are also a bit strange and cannot be used to summon souls. I guess that he may start sailing again at some point in the future. "

The cricket is proficient in the way of time, and it understands it as soon as Chi Cang describes it.

"In other words, they didn't really die."

"That's almost the meaning. One doesn't know where he is, and the other may live in the future. The so-called no beginning and no end. The Immortal King of No End may be practicing another way. If he succeeds, it will be a qualitative change, with endless The Taoist fruit that will be verified by time must be extraordinary." Chi Cang's eyes sparkled as he said these words.

Zhu nodded, indicating that he understood.

"When will you advance to Immortal King?" Chi Cang asked.

The breeze blew, and Xizhi's golden hair fluttered in the wind. He was so handsome, with an indescribable temperament.

"At this moment, at this moment." Cricket replied.

"Okay, when you become king, we will kill the Immortal Realm." Chi Cang nodded heavily, and his words were sonorous, like a sword fighting with each other.

Hearing this, Xiao felt the blood boiling in his chest. One after another, the dead immortal kings returned from the years and followed the leader to fight in the immortal realm. What kind of excitement is this? One can't help but feel excited.

He no longer hesitated and released the tyrannical Taoism that he had suppressed for a long time. The body of the cricket had been tested as early as the Immortal Era and reached the level of the Immortal King. The Yuan Shen also took a step further on the basis of the quasi-Immortal King and was far away from the real Immortal King. The Immortal King is only missing a layer of window paper.

After an era of precipitation, the unraveling of the knots in his heart, and the ups and downs, his soul was baptized and he met the conditions for advancement. Now it is just a matter of course.


Chaos surges in the sky above Bianhuang, and various tribulations and punishments are coming from the past and the future, testing the man's soul and making the final stop.

However, it had been prepared for a long time and was not afraid at all.

The cricket roared angrily, with space in one hand and time in the other, the soul left the body and shot up to the sky.

At this moment, the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths felt something. It seemed that an invincible creature was about to rise. The pressure spread and all souls were palpitating.

"It's the cricket." The immortal kings who had just left soon turned their heads and looked at Bianhuang. Their eyes were deep, and they saw the golden soul who was fighting in blood and undergoing a test across hundreds of millions of miles of starry sky.

The breath of time and space permeates the sky, splitting the endless sky. The creatures who practice these two avenues are always so extraordinary. Once they become kings and ancestors, their fighting power will be unimaginable.

People know that another powerful Immortal King is about to rise, the Ten Fierce Mantis, who is destined to be anything but ordinary.

The final result was not surprising at all. The cricket succeeded. The soul pierced the last layer of window paper. Both the physical body and the soul became kings, truly transforming into a powerful immortal king.


Chi Cang and Liu Shen congratulated each other, and Xiao responded and left. He wanted to consolidate the Immortal King's cultivation, which would take some time.

When the Ten Fierce Crickets also left, only Chi Cang and Liu Shen were left here. In front of Liu Shen, Chi Cang no longer concealed his face, and his face turned pale instantly. He coughed up blood in his mouth, which turned a scary black color. His back also bent, as if pieces of the ancient universe were pressing on Chi Cang's body.

Upon seeing this, Liu Shen quickly supported Chi Cang.

"Why are you trying to be strong?" Her tone was very calm, but actually there was a hint of sullenness.

"Haha, it's okay, it's not life-threatening...cough!" Before he could finish his words, Chi Cang coughed up another ball of blood, which was bright in the darkness.

This is the blood essence of the Immortal King. Only an Immortal King who has been severely injured would cough up this kind of thing.

Knowing that the matter was serious, Liu Shen immediately took Chi Cang away from here, opened up a small world, and retreated in it.

She stretched out her hands, touched Chi Cang, and felt his injuries. Slowly, Liu Shen frowned slightly. The previous injury was not completely healed, but now there was a new injury, and it was not light. At this moment, Chi Cang, inside his body, It's so bad that it almost hurts the source.

For a supreme giant to be injured to this extent is enough to show how terrifying the backlash caused by the spirit summoning is.

This is just the original body. The past body wandering in the long river of time is more serious than the original body. How can it be possible to bring the Immortal King back to life without paying some price? In the late stage of the soul-calling, Chi Cang even threw out Immortal King Marks one after another to deal with the calamity on his behalf, and he managed to survive. Otherwise, he would most likely be destroyed physically and mentally.

Liu Shen's beautiful brows were slightly frowned, and her lips under the veil were mumbling. After a while, the small world was wrapped in green brilliance. A giant willow tree stood in the center of the small world, with countless brilliant light clusters suspended one after another around it. All the innate gods and creatures sat in it, silently chanting sutras.

Time flew by, and two years passed by. During this period, the resurrected kings used the heaven-defying Thunder Tribulation Liquid to almost recover from their injuries. Although they were not at their peak, they were still enough to fight.

The newly promoted Immortal King Mantis has consolidated the Immortal King Daoguo and established a stable position in this field.

The time has come to attack the Immortal Realm, and all the kings are waiting for the call from the two leaders.

They didn't wait too long. Chi Cang and Liu Shen appeared, sending messages to the nine heavens and ten earth, summoning all the creatures that had reached the supreme level.

Because after they invaded the Immortal Realm and liquidated the three supreme Immortal Kings, the vast area they ruled was a vast territory that accommodated nine heavenly beings. Someone needed to clean up and maintain order, and the Supreme and True Immortals were very suitable.

Hearing Chi Cang's call, the kings shouted, and instantly traveled through the world and came to Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

The ancestral sacrifice spirit willow god, the seven ten evil spirits including Chi Cang, six of the seven border kings, Gen Yi, the second in the world, the immortal monk king, the immortal gold Taoist, three old monsters, and two from the fairyland The Great King, King Kunpeng from two eras ago, and the nine masters of the restricted area, a total of thirty-three immortal king-level experts.

In addition, several quasi-immortal kings brought back by the Immortal Monk King, major gods, a group of true immortals, and the supreme beings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths headed by Meng Tianzheng.

This group of people is vast and powerful, capable of destroying a whole world. They are gathering now to kill the Immortal Realm.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen sensed for a moment and knew the state of Shi Hao in the chaotic area of ​​the lower world. He was still suffering from the spell creation calamity for two years. Shi Hao was very tenacious and tried his best to survive in the cruel ordeal. , At this time, he can only rely on himself, and no one can help him.

"Today, we will go to the Immortal Realm to settle the cause and effect. If gods block, they will kill gods, and if Buddha blocks, they will kill Buddha." Chi Cang said decisively, setting the tone for the upcoming war.

When the kings heard his words, their blood couldn't help boiling. Many of them had resentment towards the Immortal Realm, especially those Immortal Kings who had been abandoned by the Immortal Realm and could only establish their own restricted areas. They wanted to Returning to the Immortal Realm, it is their hometown and the safest place to withstand the coming liquidation.

However, the way back was blocked. They fought with the Immortal King all the year round, and their bodies were inevitably contaminated with some dark matter. The kings of the fairyland were afraid that the dark matter would pollute the holy fairyland, so they prohibited them from coming back.

Now, after serving for nine days, following Chi Cang and Liu Shen, they had the opportunity to return to the Immortal Realm, and they returned in a proud manner. All the owners of the restricted area were inexplicably excited.

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