The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 395 Nine Heavens - Immortal Realm

More than thirty immortal king creatures, this is a frightening force that sweeps across the sky and the earth.

The gods and true immortals couldn't help crying. They thought of the war-torn Immortal Ancient. It was an extremely brilliant era. Now Jiutian has restored the glory of the Immortal Ancient and has even become stronger.

The supreme creatures of Jiutian were dizzy and felt as if they were dreaming. A few decades ago, they were still worried about the invasion of foreign lands. At that time, there were not even true immortals in Jiutian and Ten Lands.

In just a few decades, there were real immortals and immortal kings, and their numbers were astonishing.

Today, the Immortal Kings are gathering together to enter the mysterious Immortal Hometown. All the Supremes have a kind of pride in their hearts. Even if they are just waving flags and shouting, they are also participants in this battle.


A true immortal holds a stick made of immortal gold and pulls up the battle flag. The flag is covered with blood, and there is a sense of desolation and sadness. It is the shroud of the Immortal King.

During the Ancient Immortal Era, it was the battle flag, commanding thousands of troops to fight in foreign lands. The battle flag would not fall down and would remain undefeated for nine days.

Now, wrapped in the giant's corpse and returned, soaked in the giant's essence and blood, this flag represents even more meanings.

"Go to war!"

Chi Cang waved his big hand and announced the start of the journey. This journey is destined not to be peaceful, but is destined to cause the world to collapse and stir up turbulent waves in the silent fairyland.

In fact, in these years, Ao Sheng and other Immortal Kings have never given up sending envoys to the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands to inquire for information. However, they were all discovered and suppressed.

Thinking about it, the three supreme immortal kings also realized that there would be a day of reckoning and were already prepared.

Maybe they feel that with the support of the Immortal Realm, they can turn big things into trivial matters, but for Liu Shen, cause and effect cannot be resolved.

The Nine Heavens are united in their determination to destroy the three great Immortal Kings.

The mighty army arrived in front of a long-dusted portal. This was a fairyland fortress connected to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. However, due to the invasion of foreign lands in the Immortal Ancient Era, the fairyland fortress had been sealed in dust for an era.

Occasionally, I would open it and send the so-called messenger from the Immortal Realm to inquire about Jiutian's information.

The true immortals and quasi-immortal kings of Jiutian have been keeping an eye on this place for a long time. They came down one by one to suppress them, and they did not let go of any fish that slipped through the net.

However, there are many passages from the Immortal Realm to the outside world, and no one will notice if they get into the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths through other means.

But Chi Cang and Liu Shen didn't care. No matter how much Ao Sheng, Taishi, and Yuanchu knew, it was useless. In the face of absolute strength, all struggles were in vain.


Chi Cang released the thunder pool and bombarded the silent starry sky gate. This thunder pool was of great significance and had long been remembered by the fairyland. After hitting the starry sky giant gate, the dead giant gate reacted, and the grooves and lines on it were little by little. It lit up, as if red-hot molten iron was flowing, and soon covered the entire portal.

Some powerful powers of law filled the air, drawing lines in the void to form the appearance of a fortress.

Not long after, a majestic fairyland fortress appeared. It was so huge that the stars seemed as small as dust in front of it.

It can be seen that the fairyland fortress is full of creatures, all wearing armor, holding cold halberds, looking like war attire, and filled with murderous intent, which is very different from the fortress that Chi Cang entered before.

Obviously, this fortress was instructed by Ao Sheng and others, and they had long expected that someone would attack here in the future.

"Haha, you are indeed Ao Sheng." Chi Cang sneered.

"Who knocks on the fairy door?"

A misty voice came from the towering tower, coming from a powerful quasi-immortal king.

There are more than a dozen portals to the outside world in the Immortal Realm. Generally speaking, they are guarded by quasi-immortal kings, because there will be no powerful enemies invading those portals when it is not at war.

Through many laws, Chi Cang saw that the quasi-immortal king who made the noise was a subordinate of Ao Sheng and the others.

This portal is on the only way to enter the Immortal Realm from Jiutian. Ao Sheng and the others replaced the guardians here with their confidants in order to report any changes in time.

"I, the Thunder Emperor, open the city gate."

Chi Cang said coldly, there was a kind of great majesty and momentum that ordinary immortal kings would not dare to face directly.

The same is true for the quasi-immortal king above the Immortal Sect. In fact, he was already frightened when he saw Chi Cang and Liu Shen. Word had spread in the Immortal Realm for a long time. These two people turned the powerful Foreign Realm upside down, and finally returned. Retreat safely.

Seeing the majestic ancient figure behind them again, the quasi-immortal king's heart stopped beating.

He wanted to turn around and run away, because this was the cause and effect and war in the Immortal King's realm. A quasi-Immortal King like him was not even worthy of being cannon fodder. If he was caught in it, the outcome waiting for him would be to be wiped out in ashes.

However, Ao Sheng and the other three were already prepared and left a mark on the body of this quasi-immortal king. He couldn't help himself and said with a trembling voice: "Thunder Emperor? You are not from my immortal realm. Retreat. Now the world sea Turmoil, the world is restless, and the Immortal Realm does not welcome outsiders. The door to the Immortal Realm will not open until the turmoil is over."

After finishing speaking, the quasi-immortal king only felt chills running down his spine, and his soul was trembling as he was stared at by the Thunder Emperor's eyes.

Not only him, but the True Immortal Supremes guarding the fortress nearby were all frightened. This was the Thunder Emperor, leading a group of Immortal Kings to knock on the door. Who dared not to open it? Anyway, they are already preparing to run away. They are not in the same level at all. There is no point in resisting.


Chi Cang said nothing more. A mark appeared in his hand, exuding an astonishing aura. It belonged to the king. It was left behind after he killed those immortal kings. Some of it was used in the Soul-Calling Sacrifice, and there was still some left. .

He stared at the trembling quasi-immortal king, directly used the Immortal King's mark as a stepping stone, and blasted it on the entrance to the Immortal Domain Fortress.

"Ah! Thunder Emperor, you must die a good death." The mark shattered, erupting with power like a mountain roar and a tsunami. The owner of the mark, an immortal king, let out a miserable howl, and the immortal mark was also fading away at this moment.

No matter how much he screamed in fear, it was useless. He could only become a sacrifice for Chi Cang to open the immortal gate.


There was an earth-shaking loud noise, and cracks appeared in the immortal gate. Chi Cang made up for it with a blow, and it completely collapsed.

A mysterious, vast, mysterious, and magnificent world appeared in front of the kings. The rich essence and complete rules of heaven came to their faces. They were no strangers to the fairyland. They had visited it before, but now they were just returning to their old place. tour.


The generals guarding the fortress were horrified. They sacrificed the mark of an immortal king just to open a door. How could this not be shocking?

"The Immortal Realm cannot be calm anymore, there will be big waves today."

The mighty and majestic immortal warrior general could not raise any resistance in front of the nine-day kings, so he gave up the resistance directly, while the quasi-immortal king turned around and ran away.

Before Chi Cang could take action, the True Dragon, the head of the Ten Evils, let out a roar that shook the Immortal Realm. The symbol of the Immortal King soared into the sky. The quasi-Immortal King didn't even hum, and was annihilated in the roar of the True Dragon on the spot.

The Immortal Realm war generals were so frightened that their dead souls fled, and the birds and beasts scattered in all directions. Chi Cang and others ignored these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and the army rushed in from the broken Immortal Gate, roaring to the heaven and earth.

In the distant universe, three majestic figures slowly opened their eyes. They were wrapped in chaotic energy, surrounded by various symbols, and were extremely mysterious.

It is the supreme immortal king Ao Sheng, Taishi, and Yuanchu.

The mark left in the body of the quasi-immortal king was shattered by the roar, and they immediately knew what happened.

"Thunder Emperor and the willow tree are coming to kill us. They really don't take my fairyland seriously."

"Do you think you are invincible? There is no shortage of such arrogant creatures in this world. Unfortunately, they all died in the end." Taishi said to himself, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"After all, it is an invincible giant. It is difficult for us to resist it now. It is time to call on those Taoist friends for help." Ao Sheng sat there cross-legged, his energy and blood were terrifying, and he destroyed a galaxy with a slight shock.

He muttered words, and the Immortal King symbol burned, releasing amazing secret power.

At this moment, the entire Immortal Realm was shocked, and Ao Sheng's voice spread throughout the universe and starry sky.

An Immortal King rules a universe, and in the Immortal Realm, except for the mysterious area that no one has touched, the universe is endless and immeasurably vast, so there is naturally no shortage of powerful Immortal Kings.

Under Ao Sheng's earnest call, one ancient creature after another woke up from their slumber.

The sea has changed, the years have changed, and eras have passed. Only these stalwart beings standing at the top can be immortal. There are too many immortal kings, and they are no less impressive than those in foreign lands. Among them, many are old antiques, more than Ao Sheng. There are many ancient creatures.

The three of Ao Sheng, who had long expected this day, had greeted these Immortal Kings in advance and paid a certain price to ask them to take action.

They were originally from the Immortal Domain camp and had made an oath to advance and retreat together. Now that they had taken advantage of Ao Sheng, they naturally could not stand aside.

A series of terrifying auras rushed up, all of them were immortal kings, with fluctuations like stormy waves, all of them were eternal overlord creatures, with unfathomable Taoism and unfathomable cultivation.

Every living being is invincible for a period of time and belongs to a different era.

The fairyland is boiling. The ancient kings have not been born for a long time. Only their statues and names are spread in the world. I never thought that on this day, they would collectively appear and shake the past, present and future.

The creatures in the fairyland are shocked and confused. What are they going to do when they wake up so many kings at once? Is it possible to have a final battle with a foreign land?

The frictions in the past few eras had been very restrained by both sides. They had always been petty fights on the scale of a dozen Immortal Kings. This time it seemed to be serious.

"What? The Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor and the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirits are coming to kill them?" Someone got the news and was inexplicably horrified.

The names of the Thunder Emperor and the Ancestral Sacrificial Spirits have long been resounding throughout the Immortal Realm, and their deeds of defeating the foreign lands are widely circulated. Although the three top Immortal Kings tried their best to suppress this matter and did not want the reputation of these two people to be spread. Throughout the Immortal Realm, however, paper cannot contain the fire, and almost all the monks have heard of it.

Now, these two majestic beings who were regarded as synonymous with invincibility came to kill each other, which made people tremble.

"I know, there is a cause and effect between Jiutian's ancestral sacrificial spirit and Immortal King Ao Sheng and others. This time he must come to settle matters." A true immortal said to himself, his eyes full of solemnity, as if he had seen the terrifying scene of the battle between the immortal kings. .


In a vast ancient city of the Immortal King, an ancient chariot drove out. It was very old, and the years had left too many traces on the chariot.

Under the chariot, there is a golden avenue stretching into the distance.

A tall figure rides on a chariot, shrouded in chaos, blurry and ethereal. It can be vaguely seen that he is wearing an ancient Taoist robe.

This is King Pan. Like Ao Sheng and others, he is at the top level of the Immortal King and is one of the few strong men in the Immortal Realm.

At this moment, King Pan was born, driving his chariot towards the broken fairy gate.

The chariot roared, the speed was too fast, and pieces of the universe were left behind, like streams of light, descending into a vast universe in an instant.

Here, it is very quiet, but not peaceful. At the center of the universe, there is a wide area filled with the terrifying murderous intentions of the Immortal King. From time to time, the void collapses and stars fall. This is the result of the collision of the Immortal King's murderous intentions.

On both sides of this wide area, tall and fuzzy figures stood one after another, all of them were Immortal Kings. They were separated on both sides, their swords were at war, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

At the same time, there were also sounds of surprise and suspicion, coming from the kings of the Immortal Realm.

Because they saw something unbelievable. Those supreme beings who had been confirmed to have perished have returned at this moment, and they still have the fighting power of the Immortal King. It seems weird no matter how you look at it.

King Pan drove his chariot to the scene, and at a glance he saw a familiar figure among the kings on the opposite side. He was extremely handsome and fluttering in white clothes. He died before the Immortal Era. He had helped King Pan and formed a great cause and effect with him.

"Genichi, you..."

King Pan spoke up, his tone filled with surprise, confusion, and also happiness. It repeatedly probed to confirm that this was not an illusion. A person who had been dead for many years was really reborn and still retained his strong fighting power.

"Pan King, long time no see."

Gen Yi smiled and said hello, but there was no sign of tension between the two armies as they faced each other.

King Pan hesitated and wanted to ask the reason for Genichi's resurrection, but it seemed inappropriate in this situation.

The kings of the Immortal Realm are all full of doubts. How can dead creatures be resurrected? Even the famous Resurrection Pill has various limitations.

This matter was strange and definitely not simple. However, they were all powerful Immortal Kings and knew that this was not the right time to ask such questions, so they all remained silent.

At this time, the leader of the Immortal Realm, the ancient giant Qi Yu, spoke out.

"Fellow Taoist, I know that there is a big cause and effect between you and Ao Sheng, and there is resentment in your heart. However, the great reckoning is coming. It is the time for the Immortal Realm to hire people. A top Immortal King is rare. If you die, it will be a huge loss. , Therefore, I hope you will stop fighting for the time being and wait until the catastrophe passes."

Qi Yu, a highly respected figure, is one of the most powerful giants in the Immortal Realm. He is not weaker than Kun Di. With this powerful man speaking, Ao Sheng and the other three felt relieved and looked at Liu Shen and Chi Cang. There was something hidden in their eyes. With a sneer.

In their opinion, although there are many Nine Heavens Immortal Kings, apart from Chi Cang and Liu Shen, the only giants and powerful ones are Zhen Long and Gen Yi, and their auras are not at their peak.

Taken together, there is still a big gap between Jiutian's strength and the current Immortal Realm.

Therefore, Chi Cang and Liu Shen are destined not to get what they want today, and they will naturally be safe and sound.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen stared at the three supreme immortal kings, their sharp edges revealed and their murderous intent undisguised.

"Qi Yu, I respect you as a peerless strong man. Today's cause and effect is unexplainable and you are destined to be liquidated. Don't make mistakes and get into trouble." Chi Cang responded indifferently, without any intention of giving in.

"You dare to say disrespectful words to Senior Qi Yu, Chi Cang, do you really think you are invincible?" Ao Sheng scolded.

Faced with the provocation, Chi Cang was speechless. He didn't say anything more and just took action.

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