After dividing the territory, the immortal kings of both sides retreated. The local immortal kings returned to their own territories, while the foreign immortal kings went to the universe of their own choice and began planning and layout.

They need to build their own Fairy King City, and then establish connections with other universes and build a space hub. This is not a small project.

Chi Cang, Liu Shen and White Bone God will go to the territory ruled by the three immortal kings.

The three immortal kings were suppressed, and their caves were left unguarded, which contained huge treasures.

The collection of any Immortal King is astonishing, especially ancient Immortal Kings like Ao Sheng, Taishi, and Yuanchu who have lived for countless years. They will take any good things into their hands.

Now, they all belong to Chi Cang and the others.

All the Immortal Kings knew this, but no one said they wanted to divide the three kings' treasure trove. That was suppressed by Liu Shen, and she had ownership of the treasure trove.

The three of them came to the immortal realm ruled by Ao Sheng. Chi Cang didn't say anything. He directly used the power of the Immortal King to tell the world and announced Ao Sheng's execution.

Suddenly, the universe was in an uproar. How does Ao Sheng exist? For countless epochs, he has been standing at the highest peak of this universe. There are statues, temples and shrines of Ao Sheng everywhere. There is no clan that does not worship Ao Sheng.

It can be said that Ao Sheng is the belief of these ethnic groups and their supreme god.

But now, a voice suddenly announced that their supreme god and faith had collapsed and been suppressed, which was difficult for anyone to accept.

Especially the huge family that Ao Sheng has established over many epochs. Many of his descendants have become powerful. There are many quasi-immortal kings and true immortals under his command. They all cannot believe that this is a fact and are waiting and watching.

But the next moment, they believed it, because a supreme being took action and captured Ao Sheng's bloodline. If nothing happened to Ao Sheng, who would dare to do this?

The ancient universe was in chaos, and people were panicked and uneasy.

However, with the pressure of the Immortal King spreading throughout the territory, no one dared to act rashly.

Soon, news spread that the order was being restored, and a new king would take over this place.

The creatures and ethnic groups that used to believe in Ao Sheng immediately destroyed their idols and established new gods. For them, as long as their lives were not in danger, it was okay to change their faith.

Regarding Ao Sheng's bloodline, Chi Cang did not choose to kill them all. Some people really didn't know anything and were very innocent.

However, with Ao Sheng's blood flowing in their bodies, they are not innocent.

Chi Cang left the choice to themselves, leaving a mark on everyone's soul. Once they have the idea of ​​revenge for Ao Sheng, the mark will explode.

At this point, he also informed these people that life or death was all up to them.

It was very kind to not cut the grass and root out the problem directly.

After doing all this, the three of them arrived at Ao Sheng's cave. The treasures inside were very rich, and all kinds of divine materials were piled up like mountains. It was the accumulation of Ao Sheng's long years, which was extremely astonishing.

There are two elixirs of immortality alone, and as for magical weapons and secret scriptures, there are even more countless.

The scriptures at the level of the ultimate Immortal King were placed in the cave. They were the ancient scriptures that Ao Sheng had practiced. Chi Cang and Liu Shen just read through them briefly and put them aside without paying attention to them.

They had seen too many such ancient scriptures of the Immortal King during their travels over the years. Now, both of them have their own paths and ancient scriptures, and there is really no need for the scriptures of the ultimate Immortal King.

The White Bone Divine General is very interested. Although he has traveled in the heavens for more than twenty years, he still has read very little of the Immortal King's scriptures. There is a huge difference between the practice system he is familiar with and the system that is now popular in the world. He needs to read more about the current Immortal King. The Dharma helps him understand the various aspects of practice in this life.

"It's such a big piece of world stone, it can be used to refine a big seal." Chi Cang grabbed a piece of world stone and sighed.

"The desktop-sized piece of Five Elements Immortal Gold can be found but not sought." He grabbed another piece of Immortal Gold flowing with the Five Elements Law and whispered.

The treasure trove is very large and has rich heritage, which makes ordinary giants jealous. Now, it all belongs to Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

The Bone God General said bluntly that these fairy materials were of no use and he would not take any of them.

After searching Ao Sheng's cave, the three of them went to the universe ruled by Immortal King Taishi. Like before, they began to reshape the universe and erase all traces of Immortal King Taishi.

They then visited the treasure house of Immortal King Taishi, where they obtained two more immortality elixirs as well as various kinds of immortal gold, divine materials, and scriptures.

The universe and treasure house at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty were also opened, and Chi Cang and Liu Shen returned with a full load.

These are the things they urgently need. The end of the Nine Heavens is coming, and Chi Cang wants to build a pure land isolated from the world to cultivate talented people who will follow the path of immortality in the world of mortals.

He needs a lot of fairy materials, the more the better.

The immortal materials collected by the True Phoenix, Immortal Monk King, Stone King and other powerful people outside the territory have been handed over to Chi Cang. It was not enough at first, but now, the endless years of accumulation of the three top Immortal Kings have filled the gap. Really It's timely rain.

The three major universes began to be reshaped. The quasi-kings and true immortals who originally served the three kings worked hard to destroy all traces of the three kings in order not to be affected and liquidated.

This saved Chi Cang and the others a lot of effort.

"Fellow Bone Daoist, how did you come to the Immortal Realm?" Chi Cang looked at the Bone Divine General beside him and asked.

Because there are only a dozen well-known portals in the Immortal Realm, Chi Cang has already understood them. In recent years, they have only been opened twice from the outside world, and both times were opened by Chi Cang.

Once he entered in the name of Thunder Emperor, and the second time he used the mark of the Immortal King to smash open it.

Other times, the Immortal Realm takes the initiative to open and dispatch creatures to the outside.

If the Bone God General wants to get in, there must be other ways, which means that the Immortal Realm is not an iron barrel, there are gaps.

Liu Shen also looked at the Bone God General, waiting for his answer.

Looking at Chi Cang and Liu Shen, the White Bone God General replied solemnly: "It's a long story. After I left my fellow Taoists, I went straight to the nine heavens and ten places. I visited all the worlds, but I didn't see anyone familiar. The glorious era of this place is really gone.

So, I went to Jiehai, following the ancient palace that felt familiar to me, to trace the whereabouts of Heaven and the Emperor.

Finally, by chance, I found this world. They were right, I came from the forbidden area of ​​​​the Immortal Realm, which is connected to the ancient temple, which is the darkness in your mouth. "

The words of the White Bone Divine General shocked Chi Cang and Liu Shen. Has the hand of the Ancient Palace reached into the Immortal Realm?

The most dangerous darkness is so close, so close to you, that people can't help but feel horrified.

Chi Cang suddenly thought of the four dark kings he beheaded with the Immortal Killing Platform. Did they really fall into darkness? Or is it a dark creature that has been lurking in the fairyland?

The more you think about it, the more you realize how terrifying it is.

"It seems that there is really no pure land in this world, darkness is everywhere." Chi Cang said to himself.

"It can indeed be said that darkness is pervasive." The Bone God General nodded.

Then, he told Chi Cang and Liu Shen a big secret.

"After I went to the area marked with skulls on the fairyland map, I wanted to investigate. As a result, I sensed a terrifying aura. It was really strong. It might have surpassed me, and it had truly reached the end of the giant.

That creature had a brief exchange of breaths with me. Due to some considerations, I didn't rush in rashly. I wanted to come back to find you and explore together. Unexpectedly, as soon as I came out, I sensed the shocking changes that happened in the fairyland, and saw you guys. The scene of the battle with the kings of the fairyland. "The Bone God General said bluntly.

The reason why he turned back was to invite Chi Cang to explore the forbidden area together. It would be dangerous for him alone. There were creatures more powerful than him inside. Once he was surrounded, it would be a disaster.

"I see. No wonder the Immortal King was curious and broke into those forbidden areas before. In the end, there was no news. I'm afraid he was killed." Chi Cang once visited the Immortal Realm and heard some rumors.

"What are you going to do?" The Bone God General asked. He originally wanted to invite Chi Cang, and the two of them were back to back, with someone to take care of them.

Who knows, there are invincible creatures like Liu Shen here. If the three of them go together, there will be no surprises, unless there are creatures beyond the king realm, but that is impossible. If there are, immortals The domain has long since fallen.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts.

"How can we allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed? Since we have settled in the Immortal Realm and regard this place as our base camp, we will not allow the hand of darkness to reach here. I mean, let the skull disappear from the map." Chi Cang He said coldly.

Liu Shen also meant the same thing.

"There is undoubtedly a thorn in the road connected to the ancient Jieyin Palace. If it is not removed now, it may become a serious problem in the future."

The Bone God General nodded.

"Of course, we can't just take action. The local creatures in the fairyland also have the obligation to take action. After the fairyland stabilizes, I will contact Qi Yu and mobilize the giants to send troops together." Chi Cang said.

"Yes, the Immortal Realm is currently undergoing a major reshuffle, and there is a period of turbulence. When the Immortal Realm is stabilized, we will explore the secrets of the forbidden area." The Bone God General agreed with Chi Cang's point of view.

The taboo area has existed since ancient times. It has not exploded for such a long time, and it is not in a hurry.

Having said that, they began to organize the three major immortal realms separately. With the supreme power in charge, the chaos would be reduced a lot.

Three years passed by, and the turbulent fairyland finally settled down. The universe ruled by Ao Sheng, Taishi, and Yuanchu, including the universe occupied by the Nine Heavens Immortal King, returned to normal. The Immortal King City, which symbolizes the rule of the Immortal King, returned to normal. They were also built one by one, and a space hub was established with other Immortal King Cities.

The structure of the Immortal Realm has stabilized in this way.

In the past three years, Chi Cang has been sitting cross-legged in the small world he created to recuperate from his injuries. Liu Shen only left a clone in the outside world, and his real body was here to assist Chi Cang.

Compared with three years ago, Chi Cang's condition is much better. He is breaking away from the chains of cause and effect that are invisible to him. This is the sequelae of summoning spirits, which greatly affects his combat power. Otherwise, he would not be suppressed by Qi Yu. .

However, it will take a lot of time to fully recover.

The Immortal King suffered a heavy blow. If it was serious, it would take thousands of years to eliminate the impact. Chi Cang's recovery ability was far superior to others, but it couldn't be recovered in just a few years.

During this period, immortal kings from the Immortal Realm kept coming to visit, and they were all received by the White Bone God. It just so happened that he wanted to know more about the cultivation paths and methods of the current world.

Every immortal king who came to visit could not escape from discussing the Dharma with the Bone God General. They were all surprised and felt unfamiliar with the methods practiced by the Bone God General, and secretly guessed his origin.

The Nine Heavens Immortal King also came to visit. They knew that Chi Cang was recuperating, so naturally they did not come to disturb him, but came to visit the White Bone God General.

The White Bone God will naturally welcome them and discuss the Tao with them one by one. Gradually, the White Bone God will have a deep and comprehensive understanding of the path of cultivation in this world, which will help him fight against other Immortal Kings.

He understands the other party's Dharma and Tao, but the other party does not understand his. Being able to catch others off guard is an advantage.

Time flies, and another four years have passed in the blink of an eye. During these four years, the Immortal Realm has been stable and prosperous. All kinds of geniuses have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. There are so many talents, which is very gratifying.

Among them, there are also Nine Heavenly Prodigies who have emerged in the vast fairyland. Although they have not been among the top ranks, they have also achieved great fame.

They were all brought by the Nine Heavens Immortal King from the Nine Heavens. Chi Cang and Liu Shen had given instructions that the end of the law was coming, and those who had made meritorious services or had good qualifications in the Nine Heavens were qualified to go to the Immortal Realm. The Nine Heavens Immortal Kings can filter freely.

This screening method is cruel, but there is no way. If all the monks are moved to the immortal realm, the Jiutian practice world will be broken, and there will be no way to cultivate mortal immortals.

Therefore, there must be a selection system. Those who have made contributions to the Nine Heavens will go to the Immortal Realm as a matter of course. Those with strong talents may be unable to recover after being struck by the will of the late Dharma.

There is a difference between being born in a Dharma-ending world and experiencing the transition from prosperity to Dharma-ending. The latter will inevitably be cut down by God's will and suffer heavy losses. It would be a pity to stay in Jiutian, so it is better to bring it to the fairyland.

Following this screening rule, the Nine Heavens Immortal Kings brought many families and creatures, and they gradually took root in the Immortal Realm and stood firm.

On this day, a true immortal who was reborn nine years ago came to visit and brought important news.

Shi Hao's spell creation calamity was coming to an end. Considering that he was a disciple of Chi Cang and Liu Shen, they were entrusted by Xiaota to bring the news to the Immortal Realm and inform Chi Cang and Liu Shen who were in seclusion. .

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk guarding the entrance heard the words and immediately sent a message to the small world.

"Is it over? I didn't expect that a magic creation catastrophe lasted for nine full years." Chi Cang sighed in the small world.

This is why creating a law is so difficult. Many people follow a starting path, branch out, and subtly change the system. There are very few people who directly create a system, and there have been few since ancient times. Because of the mortality rate too high.

"Liu Shen, it's time for us to come out of seclusion. In the past seven years, with your help, I have recovered a lot. There is nothing serious anymore. Next, I have to rely on time to heal." Chi Cang spoke again.

"Well, the apocalypse is coming, just in the past few years, so we should indeed prepare early." Liu Shen's voice sounded, ethereal and melodious.

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