The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 400 Start over again

After walking out of the small world where he had been recovering for seven years, Chi Cang spread out his huge spiritual consciousness, covering the entire ancient universe at once.

All living things and things are under his sight. This is the supreme giant. With a single thought, all worlds will be destroyed and time will be overturned.

This was the ancient universe ruled by Taishi, which was extremely vast. Now, it has been returned to Chi Cang, and the original Taishi Domain was renamed the Thunder Emperor Domain.

In the center of the ancient universe, there stood a majestic city of the Immortal King, so huge that it was unparalleled, and the stars were all dust in front of it.

When Chi Cang came to this Immortal King City, he saw the Immortal Gold Plaque hanging on the main entrance, with the three characters "Lei Emperor City" written in ancient immortal script, which was natural and majestic.

These three characters were written by the Bone God General and contained the energy and spirit of a supreme giant. Most immortal kings would be frightened by them.

The city is in good order, with monks coming and going, and everything is peaceful and peaceful. Some of the quasi-immortal kings and true immortals guarding Thunder Emperor City are the original team of Taishi Immortal King, and some came here because they heard the name of Thunder Emperor. A strong man in the fairyland.

Their loyalty has been tested by the Bone God General and there is no need to question it.

Today, the reputation of Thunder Emperor and Liu Shen is widely spread in the Immortal Realm, no one knows about it, and they have vaguely become the leaders of the Immortal Realm.

In this world, strength has always been respected. Liu Shen's powerful combat power was already reflected in the battle between the two realms seven years ago. He surpassed the veteran giant Qi Yu and became the number one monk in the Immortal Realm.

Chi Cang didn't give in too much. As long as he recovered from his injuries, he would be able to surpass Qi Yu. In addition, there was an extremely powerful White Bone God General behind him who only followed his lead.

It is no exaggeration to say that they dominate the Immortal Realm. In this case, respecting him and Liu Shen as leaders is a matter of course. Even the original leader of the Immortal Realm, Qi Yu, also showed that he wanted to respect the Blazing Cang Willow God. Meaning, other giants and Immortal Kings will naturally have no other ideas.

Entering Lei Emperor City, Chi Cang did not hide any traces and was instantly discovered by the monks from Lei Emperor City.

It was like dropping a huge boulder on the calm water. The stone stirred up thousands of waves. Everyone was excited and gathered outside the Thunder Emperor's mansion, wanting to see the true face of the leader of the Immortal Realm.

Chi Cang walked step by step, and a long and turbulent river emerged under his feet. He looked majestic, and his every move was filled with great majesty.

In this ancient universe, all ethnic groups converted to the Thunder Emperor and built various statues of gods for him.

Invisibly, Chi Cang could sense the power of faith that was constantly gathering, but he did not take any of it and did not use it in his soul and Taoism. Instead, he stored it and built a body of faith when he accumulated enough in the future. .

Under the spotlight, Chi Cang entered the Thunder Emperor City.

On this day, the immortals were busy, and a new king took over. There were too many things to report, and the king of this ancient universe took charge.

Chi Cang responded one by one and gave some quasi-immortal kings rights to maintain the order of the ancient universe. At the same time, he also gave them some instructions and warnings so as not to cause trouble in the world.

After doing all this, Chi Cang began to check the messages left by the immortal kings who came to visit. Many of them were good intentions, including the fairyland groups who were originally close to Chi Cang, such as the Golden Crow tribe and so on.

He browsed briefly and found that there was no major matter that needed to be dealt with urgently. He could put it down first and postpone it later. The top priority was to return to Jiutian.

The end of the world is coming, and there is so much to do.

Chi Cang left a few transmissions and left his own mark in Thunder Emperor City. He could manifest himself in a short time and exert his supreme combat power. Then he went away and descended into the Immortal Gate that leads to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Liu Shen arrived almost at the same time, and she also finished handling the affairs in her ancient universe. As rulers, they must show up once.

The two people arrived hand in hand, which surprised the guardian of this fairy gate. They were frightened and quickly opened the fairy gate without delay.

Seven years ago, the Nine Heavens Army entered the Immortal Realm through this portal. At that time, the quasi-immortals did not open the door, and Chi Cang directly smashed it open with the mark of the Immortal King, causing the Immortal Gate to fall into pieces.

Seven years have passed, and the Immortal Sect has been rebuilt, and its strength is only stronger than the Immortal Sect of the past.


The Immortal Gate opens, and a strange aura hits the face. The spiritual energy dries up, the rules of the avenue disappear, the universe shakes, and there will be a sudden change.

This is a sign of the end of the Dharma, making all beings frightened and horrified.

The quasi-immortals and true immortals guarding the Immortal Sect frowned slightly. They had a natural aversion to the aura of the End of Dharma. When the End of Dharma comes, even those who have stepped into the Immortal Path will be greatly affected.

There was a time when the Immortal Realm was eroded by the aura of the end of the world, causing heavy losses and almost spreading to a small half of the Immortal Realm. In the end, the giants took action, and the strong men cut off their wrists to cut away the universes affected by the end of the law. Only then did the other universes of the Immortal Realm be saved. .

There is no doubt that the Dharma Ending is terrifying. When the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths enter the Dharma Ending, this portal may be permanently sealed and welded to death. It will not be reopened until the Dharma Ending passes.

At that time, if you want to go to Jiutian from the Immortal Realm, you will need to take other routes.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at each other, no longer hesitated, and stepped into Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Seven years is neither long nor short. During this period, the changes in the nine heavens and ten earth became more and more drastic. The heaven and earth were turbulent, and all souls felt it. Many old monks who had lived for endless years had a premonition of themselves. life will wither.

A "cold winter" is coming, and the whole world will be silent.

After crossing the endless mountains and rivers, Chi Cang and Liu Shen saw too many trembling old monks. They had never made any achievements and were not qualified to go to the fairyland. They could only wait silently for the end to come.

In this regard, they have no pity, because when Jiutian is in trouble, these strong men want to avoid it. At the end of the Dharma, it is natural that they are not qualified to go to the fairyland. There is no need to pity, just like the late autumn before winter comes. Fallen leaves and yellowing will return to their roots, just treat it as the natural norm.

It is impossible to move all living creatures to the fairyland.

The two passed through many boundary walls. With their supreme giants' eyesight, they could naturally see the anomalies in the boundary wall between nine heavens and ten earth. It was in a state of dispersion. Moreover, there were signs of movement in the world of heaven and earth. Maybe the next moment It's about to begin.

When the nineteen pieces of heaven and earth merge into one, it will be the moment when the end of the law comes. At that time, everything in the world will be struck by the will of heaven and suffer heavy losses.

Even the immortal creatures are afraid of such a tragic environment and do not want to be contaminated.

However, Chi Cang is different from Liu Shen. Whether it is the cruel end of law or the more terrifying lawlessness, it has no impact on them, because they are monks who became immortals in the end of law environment and are already immune to the harsh environment.

They passed through the layers of boundary walls, arrived at Three Thousand Daozhou, and then passed through the immortal formation and returned to the eight realms of the lower realm.

In just an instant, the two of them appeared in the chaotic territory where Shi Hao was crossing the tribulation.

The terrible aura of heavenly punishment is still there, but it has come to an end. This catastrophe has lasted for a full nine years, which is surprising.

The small tower appeared, and the white tower body emerged in the void. It had been waiting here for nine years, and had witnessed with his own eyes Shi Hao's process from death to rebirth, then death, and then rebirth...

During the nine-year catastrophe, if it were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago. However, Shi Hao managed to endure it and did not perish.

Even though Shi Hao was no longer in human form at this moment, only the remains of his body and the light of fire were still burning in the thunder and punishment, like an immortal fire.

"He is so tenacious. It's heart-wrenching to watch. He was completely wiped out several times. If it weren't for the thunder and punishment, I would have thought he was dead. Finally, a spark ignited and he revived from death. .

It was simply unprecedentedly tragic, and Shi Hao had survived until now. "Xiaota said with a sigh.

"After going through this kind of ordeal, he will get a lot of benefits." Chi Cang whispered.

Finally, the disaster was over, the calamity of creating magic subsided, and this chaotic territory gradually calmed down.

However, Shi Hao did not come out, and was still inside. There, the firelight gathered, interpreted into mysterious symbols, and then turned into the furnace body, with blood and bones burning in the furnace.

It took a whole year for the remains in the furnace to slowly recover, as if they were reborn from the ashes.

After nine years of robbery and one year of rebirth, the system developed by Shi Hao finally withstood the test. He survived the most difficult moment and reappeared in the flames.


The furnace body shattered and Shi Hao reappeared, immediately coming to the two division commanders.

"Very good." Both Chi Cang and Liu Shen were very satisfied with Shi Hao's achievements. It was really a blessing to have such a disciple.

Shi Hao paid tribute to the two teachers. Ten years of hard work was too long for him. He was constantly being tortured and punished. Fortunately, he survived.

"Uncle Chicang, Liu Shen, the path I took before was flawed. Now, it seems that it is not a path that is completely suitable for me. The system I created is the most suitable for me, so I am ready to start over." Shi Hao suddenly Said something like this.

Having already reached the pinnacle of the extreme realm, he chooses to start all over again and follow his own path, which requires great courage.

Xiaota was speechless, standing at the top of the extreme Tao. How many people dare to give up on Taoism and start over again? Shi Hao's courage is really admirable. This kind of courage makes people involuntarily believe that he will achieve great things in the future.

"Go according to your own ideas." Chi Cang said.

"The best path is the path that suits you. You have created such a world-shattering system. You should have moved in this direction. Starting over is the best choice." Liu Shen said.

After receiving the teacher's affirmation, Shi Hao nodded and immediately sat down cross-legged. Then, with a "click", something in Shi Hao's body seemed to break. Then, his body began to glow, and his Taoism was violently turbulent.

Both the physical body and the soul were cracking, and all the hard work of Taoism was dispersed, and the immeasurable energy rushed out from the cracks in his body and merged into the universe of heaven and earth.

Shi Hao's aura suddenly dropped, and he reached the first level of escape. At the top of the extreme path, he could already see the immortal path in the distance. As a result, he died and fell below the supreme level.

Splitting the supreme body and starting over again is undoubtedly a crazy move.

Shi Hao was coughing up blood at the corner of his mouth and was covered in scars, but his eyes were shining with an inexplicable brilliance.

"Uncle Chi Cang, Liu Shen, I want to travel across the nine heavens, realize the great road in this world of mortals, and return to the top."

"Go, the end is coming, this is a rare tempering." Liu Shen nodded.

At this time, a ray of black light appeared in the palm of Chi Cang's hand, flashing with a chill that made people's souls tremble and their hair stand on end.

"Is this... the Immortal-Breaking Curse?" Shi Hao felt a chill running down his spine, and the pores all over his body stood up.

The Immortal Breaking Curse, a remnant immortal from the Bronze Immortal Palace, was once used on Kunpeng, causing this ten evil-level creature to drink in hatred and die in pain and endless torture. It is said that there is no cure for creatures below the Immortal King level.

"That's right, it's the Immortal-breaking Curse." Chi Cang nodded, and then he couldn't help but guide the black light into Shi Hao's body.

Shi Hao was startled, but did not dodge. He could vaguely understand what Chi Cang meant.

After entering the body, the Immortal-breaking Curse did not burst out immediately, but lay dormant.

"This kind of forbidden curse scares all creatures below the Immortal King. It can even destroy the Taoism of a true immortal. If you can make it useless to you, it means that your Taoism has really reached its extreme." Chi Cang said. .

Then, he gave Shi Hao some Thunder Tribulation Liquid. If he couldn't hold on any longer and was about to die, he could use the Thunder Tribulation Liquid to resist the curse.

However, this was just a precaution. Judging from Chi Cang's eyes, Shi Hao now has the ability to resist the Immortal Breaking Curse, and his Taoism is so profound that it is unimaginable.

But there are still some flaws, and the Immortal Transformation Curse can help him find those flaws.

Shi Hao accepted the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, said goodbye to Chi Cang and Liu Shen, and then left here, passing through the Immortal Formation, and went to the Nine Heavens.

He wanted to personally experience the cruel end of the law and practice his own unparalleled system. In addition, he also wanted to confirm the status of some old friends, such as Cao Yusheng.

Over the years, Cao Yusheng has not appeared again since he returned to the upper world. I don't know what happened now, and Shi Hao wanted to confirm it.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen sent Shi Hao away, and first returned to Shi Village to bring back the news that Shi Hao was fine to the people who had been worried.

The geniuses who had previously practiced with Chi Cang are still in Shicun and have never left. They already know what happened in the Immortal Realm. Many of the geniuses' fathers have established a foothold in the Immortal Realm, but they have not left Shicun. While waiting for Chi Cang to return, he is also making final considerations.

There are two roads in front of them. One is the Immortal Realm, which is full of vitality and full of immortal substances. After entering, with their extremely high level of escape, their life span will be worry-free, and they will not be restricted by the big world and the environment. Much better than the previous nine days.

The other way is to stay here and rise in the end of the Dharma. Those who have practiced with Chi Cang already understand that the end of the Dharma does not represent a desperate situation. There is a way to find it. Once you achieve enlightenment in this cruel environment, your future achievements will be unimaginable.

Chi Cang had already given them a choice, to go to the Immortal Realm and achieve enlightenment normally, or to stay in Jiutian and fight for their way through the mortal world of the Dharma-ending world.

The first way is obviously much easier. With their qualifications, it is almost a matter of course and they are bound to succeed. The second way is gambling with their lives. The end is difficult and no one can guarantee that they will succeed in this environment.

Three more chapters tomorrow.

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