The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 401 Ascension Platform

Now that the Blazing Willow God has returned to Shicun, they don't have much time to think about it, because the Immortal Gate will be closed, and those who choose to go to the Immortal Realm should hit the road immediately.

The Ten-Crown King Emperor, Banished Immortal, Shi Yi and other talented people hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed and made the choice to go to the Immortal Realm.

Ten years is enough time for them to confirm and understand many things. Practicing in a cruel environment is too restricted by the universe. Except for the system where Shi Hao originated from the body, all other paths will encounter the most terrifying of blocking.

Moreover, in the Age of Dharma Ending, during a period of time, only one person can become enlightened. The enlightened person's great path will suppress all the ways, leaving others with nothing but hatred.

Shi Hao is destined to stay in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and now he has embarked on a journey of reconstruction. When the end of the world comes, the first one to become enlightened will definitely be Shi Hao, and it will be difficult for them to fight for it.

However, they were overly concerned about this. Shi Hao's power cannot be measured by ordinary standards. Even if he regains enlightenment, he will not suppress others.

However, even if they are not suppressed, there is a high probability that they will achieve nothing if they stay, spend their time in vain, and lose the best opportunity to open up a path.

Not every system is a secret realm law. It does not need to rely on the big world. If they want to eliminate the influence of the end of the world to the greatest extent, unless they modify Shi Hao's system.

However, the Emperor, the Banished Immortal, and Shi Yi are all ambitious geniuses. They all want to create new methods and become the ancestors of a new world. They are unwilling to follow Shi Hao's system. They can learn from it, but it is impossible to follow directly behind it. .

Considering these factors, they made up their mind to leave Jiutian and go to the Immortal Realm to study their own path in an environment suitable for practice.

It's really not worth it to stay in Jiutian and practice the Dharma. It will be a waste of good time.

Chi Cang respected their decision and gave them guidance one by one before leaving. After ten years of practice and tempering, many people have gone one step further and have the hope of hitting the 500-year-old taboo line. As far as Chi Cang is concerned, ten crowns Wang and other top young creatures all have the possibility of success.

"Whether you go to the Immortal Realm, the path that suits you is the best." Chi Cang sighed.

"Even if we go to the Immortal Realm, we won't be any worse. I firmly believe that we can achieve the supreme way in any environment." The emperor said to himself as he walked like a dragon or a tiger.

The other geniuses nodded, convinced of this.

Chi Cang also agrees with this view, because many powerful people in this world grew up in an environment suitable for cultivation. There is no saying that they must achieve enlightenment in the Dharma-ending world to become an immortal or an immortal king.

As for Shi Hao's confidante, Qingyi, Yunxi, and Huo Ling'er, the three of them communicated with each other to discuss their own ideas.

In the end, the three of them reached an agreement to follow a group of geniuses to the Immortal Realm. Their qualifications were not bad. If they continued to practice Taoism, they would not stop at the first level of escape.

No one wants to be a vase, they all want to practice to a higher level and be closer to Shi Hao.

Knowing that the three prospective daughters-in-law were going to the Immortal Realm, Shi Hao's parents and the people of Shicun were very reluctant to leave.

As a result, Chi Cang informed everyone that he planned to move the entire stone village to the fairyland.

Time is ruthless, and the coming cruel apocalypse will make people in Shicun pass away one after another. Birth, aging, sickness and death are the natural ways.

However, Chi Cang, who has feelings for Shi Cun, does not want to see his old friend wither. He is a supreme giant and has become one of the leaders of the Immortal Realm. He has the ability to make Shi Cun settle down in the Immortal Realm, so why not do this? Woolen cloth?

Moreover, Chi Cang's disciple Shi Hao is a very emotional person, and he definitely doesn't want to see his relatives grow old and turn into loess.

"Going to the Immortal Realm?" The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng was a little surprised. Under the influence of the village genius, he roughly knew where the Immortal Realm was. It was the hometown of immortals. Can ordinary people like them go?

When the villagers heard that they were going to the Immortal Realm, they were a little hesitant and uneasy, because these two words sounded majestic and boundless. Compared with the wilderness where they lived, it was countless times vaster.

“Although the Immortal Realm is big, Stone Village will always be Stone Village, so you don’t have to worry about this.

The chaos is coming, and Shi Hao needs to rise quickly. He practices outside and often counts thousands of years. If Shi Cun stays here, even if the elixir of longevity and many holy medicines take root, everyone's lifespan will be exhausted.

It should be understood that when the sword of God's will cuts through all things, the efficacy of the elixir of immortality will be reduced by one level. If it becomes a magic medicine, the magic medicine will become a holy medicine, and so on.

When the time comes, Shi Hao returns from practice, but there is no old friend, only the grave soil. He must be so sad at that time. We might as well go to the Immortal Realm, where there is abundant immortality material, and there are many ways to extend life. Even if it is difficult to die, everyone will have enough time to wait for his return. "Chi Cang explained patiently.

Hearing this, Shi Yunfeng sighed and said: "Well, I always feel that living too long is not a blessing. Leave when it's time to leave. People will die one day. Every day we live longer is from Whatever God strives for, there will definitely be cause and effect in the future.

However, when I think of Xiaohao returning home without any acquaintance to greet him, I feel sad, so I might as well go to the fairyland. "

The people in the village were convinced by the old patriarch, and they were also imagining that scenario.

When Shi Hao returned to the village, all he saw were unfamiliar faces. His grandparents, uncles, aunts, and playmates were all turned into graves and buried behind the village. What kind of desolation and sadness was this?

Everyone knows that Shi Hao is an emotional person. When he was a child, he would go to the village to fight against any good things he had. This was also the case when he grew up.

The current situation of Shicun is the result of Shi Hao's careful construction.

If one day this place is no longer the home he is familiar with and Shi Cun is still absent, Shi Hao will definitely be very sad.

Thinking of this, everyone in the village sighed and accepted the matter of going to the fairyland.

Shi Hao's parents naturally have no objections. They haven't seen Shi Hao have a child yet. Looking at it now, the eldest son has hope. The second son Qin Hao is too dull in terms of relationships. Unlike Shi Hao, he got three children at once. The heart of a fairy.

"That's very good." Chi Cang nodded. If the villagers didn't want to go, he wouldn't force them to go. Fortunately, Shi Hao changed the minds of the villagers.

Chi Cang thought for a while and decided to directly take away the entire area of ​​​​the wilderness where the villagers moved. This was not difficult for a supreme giant.

The ancient relics that are close to the village are naturally not left behind. They have long established a deep bond with the villagers and cannot let go.

"Without further delay, let's start now. It's just time for you to hit the road. The end of the law is coming at this time, and it's not far away.

You go to the Immortal Realm as soon as possible and become familiar with the environment there. " Chi Cang told the Ten Crown Kings and the others.

The geniuses nodded and said goodbye to the villagers one by one. After staying here for decades, they also had feelings for Shicun.

When the geniuses left Shi Village and embarked on the road to the Immortal Realm, Chi Cang and Liu Shen rose to the heights of the wilderness. He directly stretched out his palm and grabbed an extremely vast continent with Shi Village as the center and placed it in the sky. In the small world opened by the Immortal King, he will settle down when he returns to the Immortal Realm.

During this period, the continent was ups and downs in the Immortal King's small world and would not affect the lives of the creatures on the continent.

After doing all this, Chi Cang settled a matter on his mind, and then he and Liu Shen entered the Virtual God Realm to explore the formation process of this spiritual world.

As the ancestral sacrifice spirit of the original ancient world in the Immortal Ancient Era, she participated in the construction of the spiritual world and the virtual god world. In other words, Liu Shen is a member of the "gods". Until now, Liu Shen still has Some privileges.

Chi Cang wants to build a spiritual world covering the whole world in the nine heavens and ten earths that will be integrated into one in the future to assist monks in their practice. In the Dharma-ending world, the difficulty of practice will reduce the overall strength of the monks a lot. By then, a region It is difficult for monks to go to another area, and it is difficult for Tianjiao to meet Tianjiao.

The great world is bright, and the geniuses compete for hegemony. Only in this way can they gather into a golden world.

The spiritual world allows monks from the same world to live next to each other. Even if they are infinitely far apart, they can meet and compete in the spiritual world.

After Liu Shen's description, Chi Cang roughly understood the process of opening up the spiritual world and the virtual god world.

It is not that simple to build an immortal spiritual world in the end of the Dharma. It is difficult to achieve it by just one person, because everything will decay under the erosion of the end of the Dharma.

Fortunately, there are many Nine Heavens Immortal Kings. Their strength may not be as strong as Chi Cang and Liu Shen, but with their joining, the construction of the spiritual world will be easier and stronger.

It is always better to work together than to do it all.

The construction of Jiutian is not Chicang’s job alone.

Looking at the bustling virtual god world, Chi Cang and Liu Shen were thoughtful.

"We can use the Virtual God Realm and the Spirit Realm as a starting point, and build a spiritual world based on them. Many rules can be retained, but the specific ones need to be considered." Chi Cang spoke, and Liu Shen nodded lightly.

With the pearls and jade in front, the role of the virtual god world and the spiritual world is obvious to all, and can help the geniuses grow quickly. This is really important for the geniuses who are fighting for their lives in the end of the Dharma era.

They talked about some of the process and details of building a spiritual world, and then left the False God Realm.

In addition to the construction of the spiritual world, Chi Cang also wants to build an ascension platform.

The ultimate goal of building Jiutian is to cultivate supreme geniuses who will take the path of becoming immortals in the world of mortals. However, in this process, there will definitely be many amazing people who fail and will be regretted for eternity. These creatures are rare, leaving them helplessly struggling in the apocalypse. It would be a shame to die.

Building an ascension platform can greatly prevent this situation from happening.

According to Chi Cang's idea, the ascension platform is prepared for those enlightened people who have reached the top of the extreme realm. They cannot follow the immortal path in the world of mortals, and their lifespan is only ten to twenty thousand years. Even if they take the weakened longevity medicine, they will only be able to survive. After living out the second life, when the time comes, you can only grow old silently in the world of mortals and turn into a handful of loess.

With the Ascension Platform, these monks who have no hope of immortality in the world of mortals can ascend on the Ascension Platform and go to the vast world like the Immortal Realm to continue the broken path.

To be able to achieve enlightenment in the Age of Ending Dharma and reach the top of the Ultimate Dao, one can imagine the qualifications of a monk. If he is placed in a suitable environment for practice, he will advance by leaps and bounds and be out of control.

Compared with building a spiritual world, building an ascension platform is more difficult, because the essence of the ascension platform is to test whether the ascended monks are qualified. If they pass, they can go to the fairyland and start a new journey.

To do this, it is necessary to open the barrier between the Immortal Realm and Jiutian, open a passage between the two great realms, and ensure that the aura of the end of the law is not allowed to erode into the Immortal Realm, which is not easy.

Fortunately, Chi Cang has already studied this aspect deeply and has an idea.

In addition to the ascension platform, Chi Cang also plans to build another passage, which also leads to the fairyland, but is prepared for living beings other than enlightened people.

In the dazzling golden world, there are many amazing people, but in the end, there is only one living being who becomes enlightened, and the others are all stepping stones. Their qualifications are not bad. After going to the fairyland, it is not difficult to become a strong person, but they were born in the wrong time. If there is a passage to the fairyland, many regrets can be saved.

However, the ascension platform and the passage to the Immortal Realm are not easy to pass, and the standards set by Chi Cang will be very high.

There are two roads, one in the light and the other in the dark. The road in the light is known to the world. As long as you achieve enlightenment, you can try to ascend on the ascension platform and have the hope of entering the fairyland.

The road in the dark is relatively obscure. No one can be sure whether it leads to the fairyland, but there is hope. Moreover, the test in the passage is beyond imagination, and character, fighting power, talent, etc. are all indispensable.

The creatures who take the dark passage must be people with great courage, great perseverance, and great determination. After all, no one can be sure where the end of the dark passage will lead. Walking on this road means risking your life.

Chi Cang was ready to start the construction of the ascension platform immediately. After all, the fusion of the nineteen pieces of heaven and earth would not change the landscape on a large scale. The result of the collapse of the sky and the earth would only be the turbulence of the universe.

Now is the time to repair and cast.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen began to deduce, using the power of the supreme giants, to deduce where the center of the world would be after the fusion of nine heavens and ten earths.

In the end, they determined a world, Qingwei Tian, ​​which is surrounded by the Great Red Sky, the Infinite Sky, etc., and when it merges, it will become the center of the ancient world.

The Ascension Platform, such a solemn place, naturally has to be built in the center of the ancient world. This place has special significance.

After finding the place, Chicang looked at the terrain, looked at the star veins, and found the best place. He took out the fairy materials found outside the territory by Zhenhuang, the Immortal Monk King, and the Stone King, as well as searched the treasure troves of the three top Immortal Kings. With the precious materials obtained, repair and casting began.

Liu Shen is carving the symbols of the avenue of the supreme giant level very carefully. Each symbol can trigger the rules of heaven and earth, while Chi Cang is refining the fairy gold and rare earths.

After Liu Shen finished carving the foundation formation under the Feixian Platform, Chi Cang built the Immortal Platform according to the style of this era. He did his best in every step, and engraved immortal symbols from time to time.

This can help the Ascension Platform resist the erosion of time, and at least be immortal in the Dharma-ending world.

Not long after, a magnificent Immortal Platform was built, towering into the clouds, higher than the mountains. It was simply a behemoth.

Nothing can be seen on the surface, but in fact, this ascension platform is full of powerful symbols. Coupled with its own materials, even if the giant comes, it will be difficult to destroy it in a short time.

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