The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 402 The First Immortal King

In the Dharma-ending world, it is difficult for even immortal creatures to be born, and there is no external force that can destroy the ascension platform.

Even the punishment at the top of the extreme realm cannot damage the ascension platform at all.

As long as there are no external forces intervening in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, this ascension platform will not be robbed and will remain in existence forever.

Many immortals are integrated into one body, and the supreme giant personally carves an array to absorb the essence of the outside world, continue to grow, and resist the erosion of time. In this way, the ascension platform can be guaranteed to be immortal, and every enlightened person will have the opportunity to try to ascend.

The ascension platform is completed, with both solidity and durability. The only thing left missing is the connection to the Immortal Realm.

This is not so easy. Chi Cang traveled between the two realms for this purpose. He first went to the fairyland to settle the stone village, and placed the captured continent in an area that looked similar to the wilderness, and then made some arrangements there. , to prevent accidents in Shicun.

After settling in Stone Village, Chi Cang found the Ten Fierce Crickets who were unique in the way of space. Now the crickets are truly immortal king-level creatures, proficient in the ways of space and time.

Hearing that Chicang had built an ascension platform, Xiao was very happy. He had always cared about Jiutian.

When Chi Cang asked him to help build a passage connecting the two worlds, Xiao agreed without saying a word and started working on it immediately.

Although Chi Cang's combat power is much stronger than that of Chi Cang, he has to admit that since he specializes in martial arts, Chi Cang's attainments in "space" are still better than Chi Cang's.

After spending a lot of money, the cricket successfully opened the road between the Immortal Realm and the ascension platform in the center of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Qingweitian, and built a space passage.

After the blessing of the supreme giant symbols of Chi Cang and Liu Shen, this space channel has stabilized and is indestructible. As long as there is no strong external force to interfere, this channel will remain intact.

At the same time, they also set up numerous magic circles in the passage to intercept the rules and aura of the End of Law and prevent the aura of the Age of End of Law from spreading to the Immortal Realm.

After opening this passage, Chi Cang asked Xizhi to open another one as a way for non-enlightened people to go to the immortal realm.

The creation of this path of survival is not simple. It requires engraving many magic circles to intercept the rules and atmosphere of the Dharma-ending world. At the same time, it is necessary to set up checkpoints to test the character, combat power, talent, etc. of the passers-by.

With the experience of the ascension platform passage, Xiao became familiar with it and quickly completed the opening of the space passage. Chi Cang and Liu Shen also completed the creation of a way to survive.

The entrance to the second space passage is also set in Qingwei Sky, making it look like an ancient cave, filled with chaos, deep and unfathomable.

Chi Cang thought for a moment and cast an ancient stele next to the Ascension Platform. He stood there and engraved the three characters "Ascension Platform", injecting the laws of immortality. Suddenly, the immortal mist was misty and shrouded in mist. Looking from a distance, this place seemed like a human world. wonderland.

He carved many immortal inscriptions under the three characters "Ascension Platform" to inform future generations that this platform leads to the immortal realm and cannot be crossed by non-enlightened people.

Next to this ancient stele, Chi Cang set up another ancient stele, written in immortal characters, describing a difficult and difficult road, which is the immortal road in the world of mortals. Those who become immortals on this road are better than other true immortals. I don’t know how many times there is hope of reaching the top.

After finishing the writing, Chi Cang left in the stele the energy that a man should have to become an immortal. At the same time, he left the word Thunder Emperor and Liu Shen the word "Liu Shen" in the blank space of the stele. This name is like a bright scorching sun, in which their energy and energy have been poured into, indicating that the two of them have successfully walked the path of mortal immortals. In the future, only by becoming mortal immortals can they leave their names on the ancient monument. Last forever.

In this way, future generations will pursue this path tirelessly. Even if they fail in the end, they can still open the ascension platform and try to ascend, so as not to die of old age in despair.

As for the ancient cave of chaos prepared for non-enlightened people, Chi Cang also erected an ancient stele. It was ordinary and the handwriting was different from the ancient stele of Feixiantai. He felt something about it, so he wrote these few words on the stele. sentence.

"The sea has turned into dust for tens of thousands of autumns, and the Taoism has turned white and has eternal sorrow. A dream lasts for thousands of years. Where can I travel on the rugged road to immortality?"

The four sentences engraved on it have no astonishing momentum, only ordinaryness and mystery, indicating that the ancient cave is a fairy road. The rest depends on how future generations will understand it.

After thinking about it, Chi Cang made some arrangements around the ancient cave of chaos to block the escaping creatures and prevent it from becoming a tourist destination. Since it is an ancient cave that leads to the fairyland, there must be a certain threshold. The same is true on the Ascension Platform. Within a certain range, one needs the aura of an enlightened person to continue to approach.

At this point, the ascension platform and the ancient cave have been built. They will accompany the long years of the end of the Dharma and become a way of life for those creatures who have failed to survive in the world of mortals.

Of course, if someone successfully walks through the immortal road in the world of mortals and becomes an immortal in the Nine Heavens, he will also pass through the ascension platform and go to the immortal realm.

"It's too difficult to become an immortal in the world of mortals. I don't know if anyone will come in the future besides you." One of the Ten Evils, the cricket, looked at the majestic ascension platform and sighed.

"Yes, Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng both have hope. The system currently circulating in the world is not suitable for the Age of Dharma Ending. When Shi Hao passes on his secret realm system to future generations, there will definitely be people who take that step and catch up with their predecessors. Chi Cang said with certainty.

He had a premonition that there was a stone tablet in front of the ascension platform introducing the Red Dust Immortal Road. In the future, someone would definitely embark on the Red Dust Immortal Road and succeed. All he had to do was wait slowly.

Above the nine heavens, where the old fool and Cao Yusheng lived in seclusion, a handsome young man walked over. It was Shi Hao who had come from afar. He was looking for traces of Cao Yusheng.

This is an ordinary valley, unremarkable, without any mysterious magic circle, which is a little different from what Shi Hao imagined.

He found the place where Cao Yusheng's master and apprentice lived. There were huts and ancient caves, but they were all empty, and the buildings had long been deserted.

Fortunately, he did not find nothing. He found the imprint left by Cao Yusheng in an ancient cave, which was specially left for him.

This lineage is proficient in the art of deduction, and perhaps Shi Hao will come here long ago.

There is Cao Yusheng's voice in the imprint.

"Brother, the Age of Ending Dharma is coming. I guess the Emperor and the others have already gone to the Immortal Realm. I also want to go, but Master and Master Lei Di both say that it is difficult for me to become an Immortal. My path is in the nine heavens and underground, and it will take me one lifetime. Transformation, only then can there be hope of ascending to the immortal path.

The master said that the land of reincarnation is suitable for raising corpses. Lord Lei Di also said that places related to reincarnation have my chance, so I went to the land of reincarnation, and that is where I will be buried. Say goodbye to you. Don’t read it. "

This was the message left by Cao Yusheng. Shi Hao originally wanted to laugh, but he couldn't. He could only find a way out by burying himself in the ground. Thinking from his perspective, Shi Hao sympathized with Cao Yusheng. He was obviously a living person, but he couldn't. You have to bury yourself in the earth like a burial mage.

He thought about it and decided to meet Cao Yusheng, because he was buried in the soil, like a burial man, and it lasted for an era or half an era. He didn't know when he would see him next.

So, Shi Hao followed the information left by Cao Yusheng and searched all the way.

It is said that the place of reincarnation is the cave of the reincarnation immortal king in the previous era. There is also a theory that the friend of the reincarnation immortal king, Wu Zhongxian Wang, also opened a mansion there for retreat. There are even legends that regard it as a real place. The land of reincarnation has nothing to do with the Immortal King.

After searching all the way, Shi Hao finally found his destination in a dense primitive jungle in Sanqian Daozhou.

In front of a mountainous area, Shi Hao stopped. After observing for a moment, he stepped in. There was mist around him, and there were various magic circles at his feet. He broke through one by one and stepped into a semi-sealed pure land, which was only a small square. world.

As soon as he entered, he saw a scene that made people stunned. Cao Yusheng, from the original fat man, turned into a seven or eight-year-old little fat man. He was white, tender, chubby, and rejuvenated. At this moment, he was being fucked by a Puppies as big as palms chased them.

Yes, Shi Hao read it right. Cao Yusheng was running wildly on Sayazi, screaming as he was being chased. Shi Hao couldn't help but hide his face. This was too embarrassing, to be chased so far by a little puppy.

"Give me back the steamed stuffed buns stuffed with dragon meat. They are for my reincarnation." The little puppy yelled with murderous intent and fire in his eyes.

Shi Hao felt dizzy, what kind of steamed stuffed buns stuffed with dragon meat?

He looked towards Cao Yusheng and really saw a snow-white bun, which was held tightly by Cao Yusheng and brought to his mouth.

However, the dog behind opened its mouth and attacked.

"You damn bitch, who are you lying to? You are the brother of the Emperor Wu Ending, the reincarnated Immortal King. You think I'm stupid for tricking me into giving you the dragon meat buns. Isn't that a meat bun that beats a dog and never comes back?" Cao Yusheng shouted.

The latter sentence directly angered the little puppy.

"You dug up my grave and dug up my uncle. You agreed to be my pet, but you still want to deny it. You stole my dragon meat buns to see if I don't cook you today." The little puppy went crazy and chased after him. Cao Yusheng howled.

"Shit, the longevity medicine my master kept here was originally prepared for me, but now it's gone. You, the dog, must have eaten it secretly. You return the longevity medicine to me first, otherwise, Baozi will not be able to Here you go." Cao Yu hugged the dragon meat bun tightly and wouldn't let go.

"Okay, okay, tremble, my pet." The puppy went on a killing spree, opening its mouth and spitting out a bolt of lightning.


Although Cao Yusheng was not weak, he couldn't bear it. He was hit by the lightning, flew out and fell to the ground.

The puppy was so fast that it rushed over and landed on Cao Yusheng's chubby face, grinning and threatening him.

"This time, let me show you how powerful I am. If you are a pet, accept the punishment." The puppy looked like a magic stick, showing his white teeth and looking at Cao Yusheng fiercely.

Not far away, Shi Hao couldn't stand it anymore and walked out of the darkness.

Seeing Shi Hao coming, Cao Yusheng almost burst into tears, as if he had seen a savior.

However, before he could speak, the puppy spoke first.

"Who are you?"

"Let him go first." Shi Hao said, and he walked forward.

"Don't move, don't come over." The puppy was very vigilant. Apparently, it noticed how powerful Shi Hao was. As it spoke, its paw pressed on Cao Yusheng's forehead, and the force became heavier and heavier, almost causing a bloody mark. .

"It's almost done." Shi Hao revealed his Qi. Although he had already split his Supreme Body, and his Dao Xing had dropped to Escape One, his momentum was so unparalleled that it made even the puppies extremely dignified.

"Hiss, it's so scary. He is the scariest person I have ever seen at this stage." It said in horror.

Then, its eyes swept around Shi Hao's body, as if it had seen a peerless treasure.

"You are truly a peerless monster. You are clearly less than a hundred years old, and your blood is immature, but you have the aura of that realm."

Cao Yusheng under the dog's paw looked as if he had seen a ghost. Didn't Shi Hao become a supreme being? Why is it downgraded to Dunyi now? What is happening outside?

"Why does he have the aura of that realm? My brother is a thirty-year-old supreme." Cao Yusheng retorted.

The little puppy stared at Cao Yusheng as if he were a fool. Is the thirty-year-old Supreme dreaming? I don't believe it at all because it's too outrageous.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Why did you fall below the Supreme? Did something happen to the outside world? No, my master said that the overall situation has been determined and the destiny will not change." Cao Yusheng asked Shi Hao.

"Nothing happened. After you left, I survived the catastrophe of creation, the nine-year catastrophe, and reborn from the ashes in one year. I should have reached the top of the extreme path, but I took the wrong path, so I started over again and tore myself apart. Supreme Body, cultivate the system I created." Shi Hao told the truth.

Cao Yusheng suddenly realized that Shi Hao had successfully created a method and opened up a system of his own, but now he was just rebuilding it.

The puppy beside him was stunned, his eyes as wide as bells.

"Did I hear you correctly? The thirty-year-old Supreme then opened up a system and spent nine years to overcome the tribulation of creation and creation?" When I woke up, I met such a perverted young man. Isn't it a dream?

"You heard it right, my brother was already a Supreme Being when he was thirty years old. Now he is fifty years old and has opened up a cultivation system. Alas, that's it anyway, just so-so." Cao Yusheng pretended.

The puppy was shocked. Is there really such a scary young man? It's just like a myth. There was no such genius in the brilliant era in which it lived.

However, after carefully observing Shi Hao, Xiaozizai felt that this might be true. There were traces of the Supreme on Shi Hao's body.

"It's really good. At such a young age, you can compare with the king of the past. You guys can be taught. Are you willing to worship me as your teacher and teach you the supreme Dharma?" The little puppy raised his head, looking down at the world.

Shi Hao and Cao Yusheng looked at each other and wanted to kick it. This puppy was really arrogant. You know, Shi Hao was a disciple of the supreme giants Thunder Emperor and Liu Shen.

"I forgot to introduce you, I am the number one Immortal King of Immortal Ancient times." Xiao Xiaozai said solemnly with a serious look on his face.

Shi Hao's eyelids twitched slightly.

"As far as I know, there are several candidates for the number one Immortal King in the Ancient Immortals, including the Reincarnation Immortal King, the Everlasting Immortal King, and the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit. Which one are you?"

Alas, let the pigeons go. Cavan is not easy to write.

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