The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 406 The overall situation is decided

The Age of Ending Law has begun. This is the first wave of impact. God's will slashes at Shi Hao, but he resists stiffly.

Shi Hao himself was not damaged, but a large area of ​​the sky and the earth were damaged and in a mess.

At the same time, in this newly integrated world, all the monks were struck by God's will. There were no exceptions, only the difference between light and heavy.

The higher the cultivation level of a monk, the greater the demands of heaven and earth, and the more terrifying the power of the sword of providence.

Therefore, those once-splendid great religions suffered the most heavy losses. Where old antiques sat cross-legged, mountains and rivers collapsed, stars fell, and the horror was overwhelming.

Needless to say, most of the old antiques inside died tragically and died directly.

This was much more terrifying than the previous destiny-stealing. In just one day, there were shocking and horrific casualties. Fully 10% of the monks died in this catastrophe. Most of them were highly skilled and powerful. Creatures that have lived for a long time are too insignificant in front of the ruthless knife of God's will and cannot bear it.

"What is this? It's too scary. The Dharma-ending era is too scary." Someone's face turned pale and he shouted in fear.

"The great road is backlashing, heaven and earth are at an end, this is the worst era!

The door to the Immortal Realm, the only way to survive, has been closed before the end of the world. The next time it opens, it may be when the end of the world ends. Therefore, there is no hope of escape. No one can escape, so just accept the disaster honestly. "

In addition to the 10% of the monks who were killed by the first wave of the sword of providence, another 10% of the monks fell to their original realm. After falling, their Taoism was greatly reduced and they were almost crippled. This is an extremely serious Taoist injury, and it is difficult to recover from it in the world. It is foreseeable that these monks who have been injured by the Great Dao will languish for a period of time in the future, and eventually their injuries will attack and they will die painfully.

Moreover, this is only the first wave. The end of the law is coming. The most terrifying part is not the environment of heaven and earth that makes it difficult to practice after the end of the law is enveloped. It is the process of the end of the law. The ruthless avenue killings and the backlash of heaven and earth again and again are simply... The Monk's Resurrection.

“The supreme hometown of immortals, where immortal matter is everywhere, true immortals appear in the mortal world, and the immortal king can also be seen, but we missed it.

Life is like a dream and an illusion. If you don't want to go through reincarnation, just treat this life as an illusion.

goodbye! These are terrible times. "Someone yelled sadly.

Some people were laughing, but they looked like crazy people. They had lived for tens of millions of years. They were still old and strong and had many years to live, but in one day, they aged hundreds of thousands of years, and their life was exhausted. Ku, what kind of life regret is this?

The terrifying influence continues to spread, and the world becomes more and more terrifying, absorbing all the heaven and earth and absorbing all the innate essence in the world.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen, who were sitting cross-legged in the chaotic area, witnessed this terrifying scene. At the same time, they were also killed by the sword of God's will, but they were easily resolved by the two.

"Huh? The heaven and earth merged, and some small worlds hidden in the chaotic void opened up. I seem to sense a familiar energy." Chi Cang said, staring in one direction to confirm whether his feeling was wrong.

Liu Shen was also silently sensing this.

After a long time, Chi Cang stood up, his eyes shining with deep and sharp eyes.

"I felt it right, there is indeed something familiar there."

Liu Shen next to him also stood up, and the two walked hand in hand, heading in the same direction.

How fast is the escape speed of the supreme giant? The destination was reached almost instantly.

"right here."

Chi Cang opened his mouth and took action directly, hitting a certain space node. Previously, the nine heavens and ten earth collided and merged. It was here that a corner was cracked, and the energy that Chi Cang was familiar with came out, although it was only for a short moment. , but was still keenly captured by Chi Cang.


The power of the supreme giant exploded, the void cracked, and a huge abyss emerged, connecting to a small world that had been destroyed.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen released their huge spiritual consciousness and instantly understood the situation of this small world.

There may have been some amazing innate treasure that was conceived in the past. After it was born, the foundation of the universe was broken, and the entire small world was destroyed. Now, it is in ruins.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is what Chi Cang is familiar with.

A pure white bone tower floats amidst the ruins and chaos, emitting wisps of white light, very soft.

To be precise, it is a ruined tower with only one floor. The other eight floors are intertwined with laws and patterns, which are illusory and incomplete.

"Ah, what's left of me?"

An eight-story bone tower rushed out immediately, trembling with excitement, the chaotic sword energy soared into the sky, opened up the world, and rushed over.


The holy radiance fell like raindrops, and a brilliant sun rose in the ruined small world.

The small tower met its last level, colliding together and bursting into endless light.

At this moment, the aura of the small tower was rising steadily. In the process of fusion, it consumed a lot of stored fairy materials in order to achieve perfect fusion.

In the end, like the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, it returned to its peak state.

"Haha, finally, I have finally waited for this day, and I will shine with unparalleled light in the great reckoning." Xiaota is high-spirited and ambitious.


Chi Cang, Liu Shen, and Liu Dao Samsara opened their mouths to congratulate each other. It was a great joy for Xiao Ta to find all the remaining bodies and merge them into one. Chi Cang also fulfilled the promise he made back then.

They returned to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The big world has been integrated, and it's time to make some arrangements.

If the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are repaired before the second wave of Dao Dao kills, the casualties of the Nine Heavens monks can be reduced.

This kind of extortion and beheading is also defined based on the degree of damage to the universe. The more damaged it is, the more powerful it is, and the more ruthless it is to kill.

However, Chicang's repairs cannot reverse the general trend.

Within a few days, all the creatures in the world, except ordinary creatures, were wailing. After the first wave of killings, countless more creatures sat down and died.

They themselves had hidden wounds, and the knife of God's will caused the hidden wounds to explode. They died just like that with bitterness and unwillingness.

For most people, this is a bleak world with many geniuses and geniuses, but they can only sigh that they were born at the wrong time.

A month later, almost all the monks who had lived for more than a million years died. Ninety-nine percent of them died, transforming into heaven and earth. Only a handful of creatures with peerless good fortune were lucky enough to escape.

If there was no creation and immortal matter, their physical bodies would decay immediately and their souls would collapse.

Some people saw with their own eyes that the old supreme being who was invincible in the world and overlooked the earth was struggling and wailing in the apocalypse, and finally disintegrated and turned into the most original essence and matter.

There are even some living beings who thought they could survive the catastrophe unharmed by preparing magic medicine, but they miscalculated.

The magic medicine failed and lost its original effect. The entire magic medicine became dull and the pearl was covered with dust.

This world has drawn a red line for all living beings, even the elixirs of longevity and magic that are loved by heaven and earth are no exception.

What was once a peerless medicine, under the attack of the End of the Dharma, all of them have lost their spirituality and can no longer speak like they used to. They only have vague consciousness, as if their souls have been deceived.

Especially the elixir of immortality has also degraded, and the immortal matter and immortal charm contained in it have decreased sharply, and are not as good as before.

Chi Cang stood on the sky and began to repair. He took out a large ball of original material, which was extremely bright. Even if there was a seal, he could sense amazing vitality and energy.

It is composed of the essence of many immortal kings and immortal kings, and there are many top kings in it.

If it is sprinkled into a dry world, it will definitely bring about amazing changes.

Chi Cang started, using his own avenue as a bridge to communicate the vague rules of the avenue, establishing a connection between this large mass of original matter and the origin of heaven and earth, and directly injecting it into it.


The infusion of the king's origin caused the heaven and earth to tremble, and the avenues trembled, affecting the heaven and the earth, and the entire nine heavens and ten earths were in turmoil.

"What's wrong? It's only been a month since the sword of God's will struck me. Will it happen again?" Some monks who survived lamented, terrified.

The monks were panic-stricken and stared uneasily at the rioting sky.

Fortunately, in the end, the second beheading of God's Will did not come down. Instead, the demands of the Great Universe weakened a bit, as if the light had returned.

"What's going on? The trend of energy drying up has eased. What does this mean?"

As the source mass in Chi Cang's hand disappeared, the repair was completed this time, which slowed down the backlash of heaven and earth and gave all living beings a chance to breathe.

However, what is supposed to come is still coming, but it is delayed a little, giving countless creatures enough time to prepare.

Soon, the second wave of killings came, with countless casualties again, but it was much better than the first time...

Time flies, a year flies by, and now, the monks in this big world have experienced five waves of great killings, and the overall number has dropped by nearly 50%.

In the future, the end of the law will become more and more brutal, but it is no longer the fatal beheading of God, but the drying up of essence and the disappearance of the rules of the great road.

Just when the surviving monks breathed a sigh of relief and thought that the world would be peaceful, another shocking change occurred in the world.


A strange sound came from the sky, and then, golden roots appeared one after another, taking root in the center of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

The turbulent mountains and rivers immediately stabilized, and the chaotic Tao began to calm down. In just an instant, the world changed, and the broken Tao rules began to be slowly repaired.

All this is due to the appearance of a golden ancient tree that reaches the sky. This is the World Tree, and its appearance means too much.

It means that the rules of heaven and earth of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are beginning to be restored, and the rules will gradually be completed.

The golden roots are dense, and the towering ancient tree is tall. From a distance, it towers into the curse. Each leaf holds a star. It is so big that it is terrifying. The tree body is as bright as if it were poured out of gold.

On top of the tree crown, there stood an ancient temple of chaos. A blond woman stood in front of the ancient temple, her gaze penetrated the layers of void, she looked at the Blazing Willow God, and nodded.

She fulfilled her promise and returned when the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths merged, integrating the World Tree with the rules of this world and gradually repairing the imperfections.

At the same time, the place where the World Tree takes root is very particular. It is the location of the Chicang Cultivation Ascension Platform. This place was originally the Qingwei Heaven, but now it has become the center of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

The World Tree is so big that it’s hard to see it standing there.

Countless monks looked at the golden World Tree in shock and rushed here. As a result, the rules around the World Tree were vast, like a vast ocean, forming a sea of ​​rules. If they wanted to get close, they had to cross the sea of ​​rules.

However, the sea of ​​rules is so powerful and boundless that ordinary creatures find it difficult to cross and can only look at the ocean and sigh.

"Oh my god, this is the World Tree, a complete World Tree." A monk exclaimed, with fanaticism in his eyes.

The World Tree is full of treasures, and whatever you get can be used throughout your life.

It's a pity that they can only watch from a distance and cannot get close.

"Huh? There is also a vast stone platform under the World Tree. Did it come with the World Tree?"

"No, that stone platform has appeared a long time ago. Some people have discovered it, but they can't get close to it. There is a stone tablet standing in front of the stone platform, which explains the origin of the stone platform. It seems to be cast by the supreme Thunder Emperor and the ancestral sacrificial spirit. It is known as Ascension The platform is for the strong to ascend to the Immortal Realm.”

"What? Can you ascend to the Immortal Realm? Is this such a good thing?"

"Don't be too happy, that ascension platform is prepared for the Supreme, and it's not just any Supreme.

Before the end of the Dharma came, a Supreme Being found him in front of the ascension platform. As a result, he could not even board the ascension platform. He could only shake his head, leaving the words "There is no hope of ascending in this life" and left. After the end of the law came, someone saw the Supreme Being. The old Supreme held the dim magical medicine and died under the fourth wave of divine killings. "

When the monks heard this, they all secretly sighed. That was the Supreme Being, so powerful that it was unparalleled. However, it would have to perish if it did not have enough immortal material to resist erosion.

Even if they can withstand the sword of God's will, the lifespan of a creature of this level will be greatly reduced, and they will become old and die soon.

The news of the sudden fall of the World Tree and the Ascension Platform quickly spread throughout the nine heavens. People knew a way to go to the Immortal Realm, become the Supreme Being, and then ascend on the Ascension Platform.

This is difficult and elusive, but there is always hope.

Many people have expectations, but the cruel fact is before them. After waves of backlash from heaven and earth, the cultivation environment is no longer what it used to be.

The system of moving blood and cave heaven is becoming more and more difficult in this dry world. It is difficult to move forward even one step. In the past, there was still a lot of longevity to build up. Now, time waits for no one. , If you don’t keep up your cultivation, you will die of old age.

All the monks feel a sense of urgency. They can no longer practice leisurely and leisurely. Now, they need to race against time. Time, the god of death, is chasing behind them. If you take one step slower, you will become A handful of loess.

The World Tree merges with the great avenues of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The overall situation has been decided, and it is only a matter of time before the rules are complete.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen began to arrange the new boundary walls in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to resist foreign invaders. After doing all this, they returned to the fairyland.

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