The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 407 Returning to the old place

Above a vast sea of ​​thunder, Chi Cang and Liu Shen stood tall. Their auras were as intimidating as the scorching sun, and they could be easily sensed.

In the distance, a large group of long snake-like creatures rushed over. They were of different colors, some were as red as blood, some were pure white, and some were golden. Each one was filled with tyrannical energy.

This is Lei Ling, a true dragon clan from a certain era. It was once extinct. The true name of the dragon was shifted and fell on other near-dragon races. Later, because of a long river involving the laws of time and destiny, it appeared in the world.

However, due to the shift of the dragon's true name, the true dragon characteristics of the Lei Ling clan have been greatly degraded. Only the dragon patterns on the body are still lifelike, containing powerful secret power. Parts such as dragon horns and claws have been It disappears, so it looks like a long snake.

They excitedly crossed the sea of ​​thunder and rushed towards Chi Cang and Liu Shen. Since the Ancient Era, this clan has followed Chi Cang and regarded him as the king of the Thunder Spirit clan. Now, Liu Shen is regarded as the king by this clan. Taoist couples are naturally highly respected.

It had been decades since the two of them last came to the ancestral land of the Thunder Spirit Clan. When they returned again, the three hundred Thunder Spirits who had gone out to look for Blazing Cang's body had returned. In addition to the two Whiteheads who had stayed behind, there were a total of five. Hundred-headed Thunder Spirit.

At this moment, everyone rushed over to greet their two kings.

Among them, the two thunder spirits are the most special. They are the two little thunder spirits that took the mark of the true dragon. They grew horns and claws, and their long snake-like bodies were covered with dragon scales, which looked very similar to the true dragon. But not exactly the same.

After all, the real dragon mark they eat is from a real dragon from countless epochs ago, so it is naturally different from the real dragons of the current era.


The two special Thunder Spirits were valued by the Thunder Spirit clan and regarded as treasures. The other Thunder Spirits walked behind with a tacit understanding, leaving the two little guys at the front.

They rushed over. Chi Cang originally wanted to reach out and touch the two little guys, but to his embarrassment, two small dragon-like thunder spirits surrounded Liu Shen, chirping excitedly, and nuzzling Liu Shen with their heads from time to time. hand.

He was speechless, who was the king of the Lei Ling clan? However, Chi Cang was not angry. Seeing the Lei Ling clan getting close to Liu Shen, he was also very happy and couldn't help but think of all the interesting things that happened that year.

Liu Shen liked the two little guys very much, stretched out her white palms to stroke their heads, and she was observing the avenues in the bodies of the two little thunder spirits. Compared with the past, they are no longer bound by shackles, and they are in the evolutionary stage. The shortcomings have been made up, and future achievements will be limitless.

But this time, she and Chi Cang returned to the ancestral land of the Thunder Spirit Clan in order to help the entire Thunder Spirit Clan get out of the constraints of the lack of the true dragon mark.

When Chi Cang led Jiutian Tianjiao to practice in the Dam Realm, he had already captured enough Lei Chi with the mark of the real dragon, but he had been delayed by various things and could not come back.

After dealing with the issue of the end of the Nine Heavens this time, he first returned to the Immortal Realm, and then rushed here immediately.

"Hi! Hello, haven't you forgotten me?" A white bone tower appeared. It was crystal clear, filled with chaotic energy, and possessed immeasurable divine power. It was the small tower that had returned to its peak.

The so-called spring breeze is proud of the horse's hoof disease. Since the small tower merged with the last layer of remnants, it has been in high spirits wherever it goes. Now that it has arrived at the ancestral land of the Lei Ling clan, it can't wait to show up, wanting to show its complete tower body to the Lei Lings. .

However, the Thunder Spirits ignored it just like last time. Most of the five hundred Thunder Spirits surrounded Liu Shen, and a small number surrounded Chi Cang. They kept chattering, and no one paid any attention to Xiaota. The only few that glanced at it ran towards Liu Shen.

Xiaota was suspended there, stunned, feeling a little embarrassed, and wanted to leave here immediately.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk secretly laughed, but fortunately it had self-awareness. The Lei Ling clan only recognized their king, Chi Cang and Liu Shen, and no one else.

The two of them were surrounded by thunder spirits, and every one of them had tears in their eyes, especially the three hundred thunder spirits who came back from behind. They had been searching outside for an unknown amount of time. They had searched all over the sky, but they still couldn't find them. Who knew that thunder spirits were there? The emperor did not die, and finally brought a Taoist companion back, which made them cry with joy.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen calmed the emotions of the thunder spirits. After they calmed down, Chi Cang told the thunder spirits to give each of them a mouthful of thunder pool containing the mark of the true dragon.

When the Thunder Spirits heard this, they were inexplicably surprised. It was the only treasure that could make up for what they were missing in their evolutionary stages. There was no other way. Originally, only two little Thunder Spirits had that opportunity, but now, every Thunder Spirit has it.

One mouthful of ancient thunder pools appeared on the sea of ​​thunder, more than five hundred of them, each mouthful was surrounded by lightning and mist, and was extremely mysterious.

This is the thunder pool that Chi Cang picked out from the abyss of the Thunder Sea. It once belonged to the world where true dragons were born. Therefore, there is the mark of the true dragon in it. This is what the thunder spirits need.

When more than 500 thunder spirits saw the thunder pool, they rushed forward excitedly. Each one selected a bite and started to gnaw at the wall of the pool.

Thunder light surged, rules filled the air, and this sea of ​​thunder became turbulent.

"It's too luxurious. This is a thunder pool. It's hard to find in ancient and modern times. It's hard for others to get a bite. When it comes to Chi Cang, it will become the thunder spirit's ration." Xiaota exclaimed, this scene is too spectacular.

As the thunder spirits ate the thunder pool, their aura changed and became as dazzling as the sun, just like the two little thunder spirits who had eaten the mark of the true dragon before.

Their scales are shining, the true dragon's markings are activated by the mark, and they have a tendency to grow horns and claws.

"Very good, the gaps in the evolutionary stage have been made up. In the future, each of them can grow into a powerful true dragon." Chi Cang nodded, very satisfied with the state of the Lei Ling clan.

"More than five hundred true dragons... are too defiant. They won't be suppressed by heaven and earth like the three major ethnic groups, right?" Xiaota asked in surprise.

"Probably not. Strictly speaking, the true dragon marks they eat are different. They belong to different eras. The evolved horns, claws, etc. are all different. They are not considered the same family.

Therefore, every thunder spirit is considered a race, but they are very close to each other. " Chi Cang explained.

"Hiss, it turns out that's the case. It's really outrageous." Xiaota said in shock.

"It's true that they are contrary to heaven. They eat different true dragon marks, which makes this clan perfectly avoid the constraints of the rules of heaven and earth. Unlike the other three clans, they were suppressed because of too much blood and it was difficult to rise.

It is hard to imagine what it will be like in the future when more than five hundred thunder spirits will grow into powerful real dragons. I am afraid that the whole world will tremble. "The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk sighed, and at the same time, it was also looking forward to this scene.

Such a powerful force can definitely become the Dinghai Shenzhen that resists darkness, and perhaps there is no need to fear the Great Reckoning.

However, it will take countless years for all Thunder Spirits to grow into Immortal King-level creatures. Even if the Thunder Spirits have incredible combat power and extraordinary talents, they will not be able to reach that level in a short time. Have to wait slowly.

The Thunder Spirits received great benefits and were extremely happy. They gathered around Chi Cang and Liu Shen and expressed their gratitude and respect to them in the unique Thunder Spirit language.

Finally, Chi Cang and Liu Shen left without taking the Thunder Spirit clan with them. This is their ancestral land and the most suitable place for their growth. More than five hundred Thunder Spirits have made up for the lack of the evolutionary stage. It is best to practice here. Consolidate and evolve.

Chi Cang promised that he would come back and next time he would take the Thunder Spirits to the Thunder Sea Abyss to help the Thunder Spirits accelerate their evolution.

The two men and two weapons walked out of the entrance of the Lei Ling clan and erased all traces of themselves.

They followed the path they took back then and arrived at the territory of the five imperial clans.

Decades ago, Chi Cang met here Xing Chu, the female fairy he rescued on the boundary sea. With the help of Xing Chu, he entered the fairy king's secret realm and obtained the last two corners of the six-path reincarnation disk. This was a big cause and effect. Even if Chi Cang saved Xing Chu's life, in his opinion, he still owed Xing Chu a lot.

Therefore, he brought Liu Shen to this king's realm again.

The two of them did not hide their Qi, and the terrifying aura of the supreme giant filled the air, causing the sea of ​​stars to churn and the universe to crack.

The supreme beings sitting in the King Realm sensed this powerful momentum, opened their eyes one after another, and looked solemnly outside the King Realm.

"Which fellow Taoist is visiting this realm?"

The voice of the Immortal King rang out, loud and clear outside the territory.

This world was created by five supreme immortal kings, and Xingchu's Xing Clan was just one of them.

Chi Cang responded: "My name is Chi Cang, you can call me Thunder Emperor."

"Thunder Emperor?"

The five supreme immortal kings were all shocked to find that it was actually the Thunder Emperor. Now, the name of the Thunder Emperor has spread throughout the world, not only in the Immortal Realm, Nine Heavens, and Foreign Realms, but also in the entire ancient road. Decades ago, , the Thunder Emperor and the Ancestral Sacrificial Spirits almost penetrated the foreign land, and their terrifying combat power shocked the world, and almost no one knew about it.

"The arrival of the Thunder Emperor will bring glory to our world." A supreme immortal king spoke, expressing his goodwill towards Chi Cang.

Being able to almost penetrate the foreign land that has dominated the world for eternity, there is no doubt about the strength of the Thunder Emperor. With their five supreme immortal kings, it is really difficult to stop the Thunder Emperor.

All five of them knew that before the foreign land was destroyed, the Thunder Emperor and the Jiutian Ancestral Sacrificial Spirit had passed through this world, and they had not yet recovered at that time.

StarClan even formed a good relationship with the Thunder Emperor.

However, there were also disharmonious things happening. Among the five people, the most nervous one was the Mu Clan Immortal King, because he was in a critical moment of seclusion and had no energy to deal with external affairs. At that time, the Mu Clan's genius Muchuan targeted Chi Cang. He and Liu Shen also plotted against the two of them, but were finally killed by Chi Cang in the reincarnation domain.

Although there is no direct evidence that it was Chi Cang who killed him, anyone with a discerning eye can guess it.

Now, Chi Cang has become a supreme giant, and the Immortal King of the Mu clan not only has no intention of seeking an explanation for Muchuan, but is also thinking about how to expose this matter.


The King's Realm shook, the most majestic portal opened, fairy light surged, thousands of rays of light, thousands of auspicious colors, all kinds of ways soared into the sky and filled the void. This is the highest courtesy for welcoming guests in the King's Realm.

Afterwards, the five supreme immortal kings led a group of quasi-immortal kings and true immortals to the portal to welcome the arrival of Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

The creatures in the entire King Realm were inexplicably shocked. The five ancestors came out with all the immortals to welcome the visitors. How powerful a creature must be to receive such a standard of treatment?

Chi Cang and Liu Shen stepped through the pass and set foot on the King Realm for the second time. This time, there were no annoying flies. They came back in another identity, and no one dared to offend them.

Below, countless creatures looked up at the sky and saw clearly the appearance of the two creatures greeted by the ancestors and immortals. One was majestic and tall, like a supreme emperor. It was so oppressive that it was almost suffocating. The other was. She has a slender figure, wearing a long snow-white dress, slim and quiet, with a veil, and her stunning beauty can be vaguely seen.

"That's it, brother-in-law?"

Xingyu was quick-witted and shouted out. Xingchu next to him changed color and immediately covered his mouth.

"What are you doing...sister?" Xingyu was puzzled.

"Be careful, he is the supreme power who asked the five ancestors to come out to greet him in person. Don't talk nonsense." Xingchu warned, very seriously.

However, Xingyu still saw a hint of loss deep in his sister's eyes.

His sister was definitely interested in Chi Cang, but not only did she have a Taoist companion, she was also unparalleledly powerful.

The two of them are no longer in the same world. If it weren't for the cause and effect back then, it would be difficult for them to have an intersection.

Xingyu sighed secretly, knowing that no matter what he did, it was useless, the gap was too big, and the most important thing was that Chi Cang had no intention of Xingchu, otherwise, no matter how big the gap was, it would not matter.

"Two fellow Taoists, we have missed each other."

The five supreme immortal kings spoke at the same time, giving the Blazing Willow God the greatest respect.

"It's us who took the liberty of visiting." Chi Cang said with a smile.

He looked at the ancestor of the Star Clan. He was very young, like a young man in his golden years. However, the corners of his eyes were filled with endless vicissitudes. Obviously, this ancestor of the Star Clan had lived for countless epochs. A veritable old monster.

"Thank you so much, fellow Taoist, for making it happen." Chi Cang said.

Decades ago, the number of places to enter the Immortal King's Secret Realm was changed. Two people were kicked out and replaced by him and Liu Shen. At that time, there were many objections from the Star Clan, but they were quickly suppressed. Only this Star The clan ancestor has this ability.

You need to know that behind every quota, there is the majesty of the Quasi-Immortal King.

"Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor has said before, everything has a cause and effect. That place is destined to you, I am just following the trend." The ancestor of the Star Clan replied.

He also felt lucky in his heart that he had done so and thus formed a good relationship.

Looking at it now, the value of Chi Cang and Liu Shen's good fortune is boundless, and their reputation alone can intimidate the kings.

"Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor, I'm sorry for what happened back then. The younger generation was ignorant and did stupid things, so they deserve to be punished. This was the quasi-king who was so bold and plotted against two fellow Taoists back then, and he was left to his own devices." The Immortal King of the Mu Clan said, He imprisoned one of his descendants and placed him in front of the Blazing Willow God.

This person is the "Second Ancestor" that Xingchu and the others call him, a powerful quasi-immortal king and the grandson of the Mu Clan's Immortal King.

If it were other things, the Immortal King of the Mu Clan might turn a blind eye to his descendants, but what does blood mean when it comes to the cause and effect of a supreme giant? He had to bear the responsibility for what he had done, and it was too late for him to cut off the blood relationship.

Cavan, just one chapter.

After beating the three kings, people have almost run away, and I am thinking about how to write more climaxes later.

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