The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 408 Certificate of Surrender

Looking at the quasi-immortal king of the Mu tribe who looked remorseful and frightened, Chi Cang and Liu Shen did not show any emotion, and just shook their heads lightly.

"It's just a small cause and effect, just let him face the wall for a thousand years." Chi Cang said, but he did not kill this quasi-immortal king.

Upon hearing this, the quasi-immortal king of the Mu tribe, known as the "Second Ancestor", felt as if he had been granted amnesty and his restraints were lifted, and he quickly apologized to Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

He was glad in his heart that he could still survive after offending two invincible giants. It can only be said that he was too insignificant in front of the invincible giants. Chi Cang and Liu Shen didn't even think about it. They just gave the punishment of facing the wall for a thousand years. This For a quasi-immortal king with endless longevity, this is not a severe punishment.

The Immortal King of the Mu Clan angrily scolded his own grandson and ordered him to retreat. Then he once again apologized to the Blazing Willow God, saying that he owed them a favor.

To Chi Cang and Liu Shen, the favor of a supreme Immortal King was nothing. The Mu Clan Immortal King also knew this, and the reason why he mentioned favors was to close the distance between the two.

After the cause and effect of that year disappeared, Chi Cang and Liu Shen were welcomed in by the five immortal kings and treated with the highest standards. Various magical medicines and fruits were placed on the table. The immortal energy was thick and dense, as if they were in a fairyland on earth.

The kings sat down and discussed the upcoming great reckoning. This is a big crisis that all creatures in the world must face. Especially the king realm opened by the five kings is more likely to become the target of creatures returning from the realm sea.

Powerful ancient worlds such as Immortal Realm and Foreign Realm are generally difficult to conquer because their foundations are too deep.

If the kings who return from the Boundary Sea encounter obstacles in the big world, they will set their sights on the smaller ancient world. Therefore, the strongest men in these small ancient worlds have a sense of urgency.

This is a situation where people who have no grievances and just want to capture a place to stay, and there are supreme beings who have enmity with the five kings, must come to settle matters after returning from the boundary sea.

In short, the situation is not optimistic.

This place is close to the Boundary Sea and is definitely the place where the Great Reckoning will first break out.

Before Chi Cang and Liu Shen arrived, the five supreme immortal kings were already discussing countermeasures. They were preparing to join forces with the immortal kings also distributed on this ancient road to form an alliance to jointly fight against the great liquidation.

However, the creatures on this road are not easy to deal with. Which one is not killed from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood? Once the danger comes, who will care about each other's life and death?

Every Immortal King has evil intentions and regards the life of the alliance as his own shield. It is foreseeable that when they really fight, facing the Sea of ​​Immortal King who often fights and battles and has gone through many hardships, it will be difficult for them to withstand the impact. As a result, It means that the defense line collapses and everyone runs away.

Even so, they have to try to form an alliance. This is the only way out.

The great liquidation cannot be endured by the five supreme immortal kings. Once a powerful giant arrives, one person can overthrow the world.

Now, the visit of the two supreme giants Chi Cang and Liu Shen not only surprised the five kings, but also brought them surprises.

Because Chi Cang and Liu Shen represent invincibility, who doesn’t want to ride on this invincible chariot?

In the past, I had no way to gain the trust of the Immortal King of the Immortal Realm and was not allowed to enter the Immortal Realm. But now it is different.

The leaders of the two immortal realms are here in person. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the kings will naturally not miss it.

After talking about the horrors of the Great Reckoning, the five supreme immortal kings began to test Chi Cang and Liu Shen, hoping to catch the super warship of Immortal Domain.

Not to mention anything else, after joining the Immortal Realm, with the foundation and deterrence of the Immortal Realm, it is already a kind of guarantee. Not only can it dissuade its enemies in the Boundary Sea, but it can also resist the impact of the Immortal King of the Boundary Sea.

However, the Immortal Realm is not a shelter. It is impossible to accept the joining of an outside fairy king casually because the risk is too great. The Immortal Realm is not their mother world. They come to the Immortal Realm just to take refuge and use this big tree to block the wind. Block the rain. If the fairyland really reaches a desperate situation, outsiders will not protect it with their lives.

Therefore, the hut at this moment is like an iron barrel, isolating the outside world and sealing itself off. It is almost impossible for the Immortal King from outside the realm to join the Immortal Realm unless he knows the basics and has a deep intersection.

Moreover, with the addition of the Nine Heavenly Kings, the strength of the Immortal Realm has greatly increased, and there is no need for these unreliable foreign kings.

"Two fellow Taoists, the great reckoning is coming. If the five of us stick to this world, our future will be unpredictable.

There is no way, this place is too close to the boundary sea. After the king of the sea returns, this place will bear the brunt.

Therefore, we want to change the family, even if we live under someone else's roof, it doesn't matter. We just want to save our lives in this catastrophe. I wonder if there is still room for the five of us in the fairyland? The five of us are not the kind of people who turn their backs on others. If they can join the Immortal Realm, they will definitely work hard and show their due value. "A supreme immortal king opened his mouth and asked sincerely.

After the words fell, the other four Immortal Kings all looked over eagerly, waiting for the two's answers. This was related to the fate of the five people and the families behind them.

The participants of the Great Reckoning are all the best in each era. Even if one of them jumps out in one era, it will be difficult to stop them. In this precarious era, even the Immortal King cannot protect himself and is in danger of overthrowing at any time.

You must know that there are only a few normal immortal king creatures who cross the boundary sea. Most of them are rushing to defeat the king and become the emperor. They are addicted to devouring the Dao Fruit of the creatures of the same level. The more chaotic the world, the happier they are, because they can fish in troubled waters. , rising in troubled times.

By then, I don’t know how many immortal kings will be killed in the chaos, and they will die. Who is not anxious in this situation?

Chi Cang and Liu Shen had already expected this situation, and they had this purpose in coming this time.

The five supreme Immortal Kings are also considered a considerable force. Pulling them into the Immortal Realm can enhance the strength of the Immortal Realm.

The most important thing is that the Star Clan Immortal King once showed kindness when Chi Cang and Liu Shen were weak, and they are worth winning over.

"Liu Shen and I already know what the five fellow Taoists mean. As we all know, the Immortal Realm is powerful and has unfathomable foundations. There are many Immortal Kings in the realm. Strong men have emerged in large numbers since ancient times. It is not easy to join the Immortal Realm.

Although the two of us have a certain say, the Immortal Realm is not ours.

Therefore, if the five fellow Taoists want to join the Immortal Realm, they must show enough sincerity. They must win the trust of the kings before they can board this big ship. Chi Cang said bluntly.

When the five kings heard the words, they felt hopeful and looked happy. It was easy to say sincerity. They all joined sincerely. They could take any blood oath from the Immortal King or submit a letter of name.

"Two fellow Taoists, would you like to ask how to be sincere? Can you point out a clear path?" The Immortal King of the Mu Clan spoke up and asked the thoughts of the other four kings.

Chi Cang thought about it for a while, discussed it with Liu Shen Chuanyin, and finally replied: "Let's do this. The five of you only need to suppress the two immortal kings from the foreign land, escort them to the gate of the fairyland, and then make a decision. The Immortal King's blood oath to never betray the Immortal Realm is enough.

In this way, the kings of the Immortal Realm will be able to feel the sincerity of the five Taoists. When the time comes, the door to the Immortal Realm will definitely be open to all the Taoists. "

After receiving the standards, the five people began to discuss and agreed that the conditions were not too harsh.

Chi Cang said that the five of them only need to suppress the two immortal kings. The blood oath of the other immortal kings is even easier. They only need to pay some immortal king essence and blood, which is harmless.

"Okay, fellow Taoists, it's settled, let's get started immediately."

"Of course, I, Chi Cang, have kept my word to the letter and never broken my word." Chi Cang nodded.

Seeing Chi Cang like this, the five of them were inexplicably excited. By riding on the invincible chariot of the Immortal Realm, they had hope of surviving the great liquidation. Even the Immortal King's city couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"This move is very good. While weakening the strength of the foreign realm, it avoids direct conflict between the foreign realm and the fairy realm. The foreign realm is also afraid of the great liquidation and does not dare to take action against the fairy realm at this time. Of course, it is not necessarily the case if they are forced into a hurry. .

If they only lost two immortal kings, they wouldn't go to war. "Liu Shen conveyed the message and praised.

"Haha, Kundi can't figure out the extent of our injuries, so he definitely won't dare to take action, so he can only suffer the loss of being dumb.

If there are still people who want to join the Immortal Realm in the future, they can implement this method of submitting a certificate of name. However, the conditions must be increased, and the head of the Immortal King can be exchanged for a quota. Chi Cang said with a smile.

He is not afraid that the Immortal Realm will become a mixed bag of fish and dragons. With two supreme giants sitting in charge, who dares to mess around? They all have to be honest.

The Great Reckoning is not only a danger but also an opportunity for foreign lands, because there are many kings from foreign lands who have left the Boundary Sea. They know in their hearts that they are the descendants of darkness and have a desire for the power of darkness, which prompts them to go out to sea and seek the support of the Boundary Sea. End crossing.

If these kings return one by one, the strength of the foreign land will definitely skyrocket, and this must be guarded against.

Using the life of the Immortal King as a certificate of submission to join the Immortal Realm will attract those powerful kings to hunt the Immortal Kings. By then, Kundi will be angry not to mention dying of anger.

After everyone finalized the conditions for joining the Immortal Realm, they discussed some matters in detail before leaving.

The five supreme immortal kings began to make plans to hunt the Immortal King in foreign lands, while Chi Cang and Liu Shen went to the Star Clan territory.

Here, they met Xingchu. Decades later, Xingchu had not changed at all. His white skirt fluttered and he looked as graceful as a fairy. He bloomed like a fairy flower and was independent from the world.

Seeing Chi Cang and Liu Shen, Xing Chu smiled and greeted them, but did not call them seniors. This made Chi Cang feel comfortable. If Xing Chu called them seniors, it would give them a sense of belonging.

How many people in this world can talk to them and be considered friends?

As the years pass by, Chi Cang and Liu Shen hope that after the endless era, they can still see familiar faces and figures and sit together to reminisce about the past. That would be the most wonderful thing.

"Xingchu, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Brother Chi, Willow God."

The three of them sat face to face in the small pavilion, brewing three cups of the Ancient Enlightenment Tea. The aroma was fragrant, and the charm of the Dao was permeated. The complex weapons of the bell, the tripod, and the tower were jumping in the teacups, intertwining the ripples of the sacred Dao.

Just the aroma of ancient tea can make people fall into a state of enlightenment.

However, for Xing Chu in the True Immortal Realm and Blazing Willow God in the Supreme Giant Realm, this level of Enlightenment Tea is not enough for them to realize the Tao. They really just drink it as tea.

Unless Chicang digs up the other half of the immortal root and fuses it with the one from the foreign land to complete the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment.

The tea leaves produced at that time can help the Immortal King attain enlightenment and are extremely precious.

Under the influence of Enlightenment Tea, the atmosphere around the pavilion became ethereal and hazy. The three of them spoke like friends they had not seen for many years, with no barriers.

"I would like to thank my two Taoist friends for helping me and protecting my incompetent brother and all the clan members. After that trip to the Immortal King's Secret Realm, they all became immortals. The entire Star Clan is thinking of these two Taoist friends. ." Xingchu thanked him.

Once, the last two corners of the reincarnation disk were found in the secret realm, and after the six-path reincarnation disk was completed, it gave everyone the opportunity to reincarnate for hundreds of lives.

Chi Cang relied on hundreds of reincarnations to push his practice of Dharma in this life to the peak of the extreme, laying a solid foundation for his subsequent attack on the Red Dust Immortal. Liu Shen also benefited a lot, and the supreme stars of the Star Clan who were traveling with him, in a hundred lifetimes, They gained great opportunities in reincarnation and tried the Immortal Tribulation in advance, which greatly increased their probability of becoming immortals. In the end, all the Supremes became immortals, including Xingchu's younger brother.

"It's nothing, everything is caused by cause and effect. The supreme beings like the Mu clan and the other three clans have no chance of this." Chi Cang replied.

The three of them talked for a long time before saying goodbye and leaving. They agreed to meet again in the Immortal Realm. The next meeting should be in the Immortal Realm. The five top immortal kings were hunting two immortal kings. As long as the giants were not alarmed, there would be no surprises.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen returned to the Immortal Realm and did not go out again. Instead, they meditated in seclusion to repair their injuries. They were about to face the tyrannical Immortal King of Jiehai. Being injured meant that there were all kinds of constraints. This was a big problem for them. Said it was very unfavorable.

Moreover, there is a terrifying dark giant hidden in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Immortal Realm, which needs to be solved. The White Bone God General only sensed it briefly at the beginning and did not really explore it. God knows how many powerful people are hidden in it. To be safe, it is better to go there after recovering from the injury. as well.

For nine days and ten places, Shi Hao struggled to survive the apocalypse, silently moving forward along the secret realm system he had opened up.

The world of mortals is colorful and the road has no end.

The five secret realms of the human body, the Wheel Sea, the Dao Palace, the Four Pole, the Dragon Transformation, and the Immortal Platform, build a road to the sky.

Shi Hao already knew that Shi Cun had been transferred to the Immortal Realm. With Chi Cang and Liu Shen here, Shi Cun was naturally safe and sound. After he no longer had any worries, he devoted all his attention to practice, like an ascetic monk.

Perhaps, in this cruel apocalyptic era, he is the only one who is facing the wind and waves, and everyone else can only struggle. After all, the killing by the sword of God's will is not a joke, and has left indelible trauma to this era.

At the same time, the Immortal-breaking Curse left by Chi Cang erupted in Shi Hao's body from time to time, meticulously cutting into Shi Hao's Taoism and sharpening the foundation of his Dao.

Years passed, and gradually, Shi Hao returned to the Supreme Realm. This time, he was even more powerful.

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