The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 409: Detaining the Western Heaven Gate

His Dao fruit was so flawless that it eclipsed the supreme beings in history.

At this moment, Shi Hao transcended the realm of the Jida and truly reached the top of the Jida. He had the same aura as Meng Tianzheng and Wang Changsheng back then.

Standing on the top of the extreme path, you can already see the immortal path and try to become an immortal.

However, Shi Hao would not do this. He knew that there was a mysterious realm between the pinnacle of the extreme realm and the true immortals, which was the mortal road.

The creatures who follow this path to become immortals are powerful beyond imagination. His two masters are both from this path, which gives him the capital to overthrow the Immortal King.

Shi Hao has such a perfect foundation, so it is naturally impossible for him to miss the immortal road in the world of mortals. Chi Cang also had this consideration in keeping him in the Nine Heavens of the End of Law.

He was alone, standing in the desolate age of Dharma, overlooking this desolate world, and felt inexplicably lonely. The once famous geniuses all went to the fairyland, and his teachers, confidants, family and friends were also in the fairyland, and even those It was a pity that all his leader-level creatures were dead. At a glance, no familiar faces could be seen.

He seemed to be alone, lost in this Dharma-ending world.

What about today’s spiritual practice world? It's a state of decline, compared to the past, the sky is in the sky and the earth is in the ground.

The sword of God's will killed nearly half of the cultivators in just a few years. In the following fifty years, cultivators gradually disappeared. Even if there is a world tree to stabilize the mountains and rivers and repair the avenue, the world is still cruel and despairing. .

In more than fifty years, most of the giant sects that once ruled the vast territory and were immortal throughout the ages have disappeared without a trace. Only some special traditions have survived. New sects have risen from the ruins and gradually prospered. Like a spark of fire.

This is like another reincarnation. It has happened too many times in the past years. The creatures in the reincarnation are unconscious, like weeds, falling one after another. Only the strong ones of the Immortal King level can Can overlook it all.

And who is overseeing the reincarnation of Immortal King-level creatures?

Shi Hao had a lot of thoughts. Walking on the dry and cracked earth, he began to think about the immortal road in the mortal world and wanted to embark on this road.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, carrying a divine bow, which made Shi Hao feel familiar but also strange. He froze and looked at the oncoming creature.

"Are you... the Great Elder?" Shi Hao looked at the familiar corners between his eyebrows, and the face of Meng Tianzheng in the past emerged in his mind.

Yes, this creature is the Great Elder Meng Tianzheng, but it is very different from what Chi Cang remembered.

The "Meng Tianzheng" in front of him is too young, with strong energy and blood, and the breath of life is like the rising sun, and he doesn't look like the old Supreme at all.

Even in the corners of the eyes, there are no traces of time. Only by looking directly into those dark and deep eyes can one feel the vicissitudes of time.

This is definitely Meng Tianzheng, but he has experienced some kind of rebirth or nirvana, and even his life rings have taken on a new look.

"It's me, you actually reached the top of the extreme realm."

The young Meng Tianzheng showed a look of surprise and shock. The young man in front of him, who was only over a hundred years old, was already a powerful man at the top of the Jida, which was frightening.

Compared with others when they were a hundred years old, Shi Hao's performance was unprecedented and unprecedented. It was so fast that even Meng Tianzheng felt a pressure.

At this moment, Meng Tianzheng just wanted to say one thing, are all young people today so fierce?

However, Meng Tianzheng would not say it out loud, he would just sigh in his heart.

The stronger Shi Hao is, the happier he is. In a sense, Shi Hao is his disciple, and he is Shi Hao's guide.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Meng Tianzheng said hello three times in a row. With a disciple like this, what more could I ask for?

"Great Elder, what are you doing..." Shi Hao asked doubtfully. He had a guess in his mind and wanted to confirm it.

"I have lived my second life." The great elder replied in a calm tone.

Shi Hao was surprised. His guess came true, and the Great Elder lived his second life.

At the age of the Great Elder, when the Age of Ending Dharma comes, life span will inevitably be exhausted. There is no way to resist the erosion of Dharma Ending without going to the Immortal Realm.

Therefore, when the sword of providence killed the monks in the world, especially the old monks, the great elder was also included.

Because his Dao foundation was too strong, the sword of God's will did not cut off his Dao foundation. His Dao practice was not erased, but became stronger.

The fatal thing is the deprivation of lifespan, which is mandatory. In the Age of Ending Dharma, the strongest people only have ten or twenty thousand years to live, while the lifespan of the Great Elder exceeds one million years. After being deprived of lifespan, he quickly withered. Go down.

Qi, blood, flesh, etc. are exhausted, hair is pale, life is dying, and death is approaching.

In this desperate situation, Meng Tianzheng had three choices. One was to open the divine bow, combine Tao and Fruit into one, and forcibly become an immortal; the other was to immediately deliver the message and go to the immortal realm; the third was to resurrect from death and live. Out of the second life.

He chose the third most difficult one, went through many hardships, and wandered back and forth between life and death. In the end, Meng Tianzheng succeeded, and his life rings were cleared, and everything started over again, just like a newborn baby.

"The Great Elder has lived his second life, and if he has ever embarked on the path of a worldly immortal," Shi Hao was pleasantly surprised. Seeing that the senior who led the way was once again at the forefront, he felt inexplicably happy.

That feeling of loneliness has been diluted a lot. In this cruel world of the end of the Dharma, there are living beings like him who go against the will of nature, and they are not alone in this way.

"Yes, thanks to the guidance of Mr. Thunder Emperor back then, I knew there was such an invincible path. Otherwise, I might have become an immortal in the Immortal Realm now." Meng Tianzheng sighed, his words full of antipathy. Cang's gratitude.

Since living his second life, Meng Tianzheng seems to have discovered a new world. He has been at the top of the extreme path for many years and thought that this was the limit of humanity. Now he realizes that there is still a way to go and he needs to live life after life. One day, When time cannot corrode him, it means that he has succeeded and become a fairy in the world of mortals.

The two traveled together in the Dharma-ending world, each exchanging their experiences in cultivating the Tao.

After learning about the system developed by Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng was shocked and developed a complete system on his own. Few people in ancient times could do it. He once again realized how extraordinary Shi Hao was.

Meng Tianzheng also told Shi Hao that he planned to try to use his body to grow seeds again. This time, without the interference of darkness, and with his own experience of attacking this path with Shi Hao, he was very sure of success.

When Shi Hao heard this, he showed a regretful expression. The reason why he was able to achieve extraordinary success back then was because of the innate placenta, which avoided countless risks. Unfortunately, after parting ways with the woman inside, the innate placenta disappeared. Otherwise, It can be used to help the great elder, but I don't know if the woman inside will get angry.

The Great Elder understood his thoughts and shook his head with a smile.

"Everyone's path is different. Copying does not necessarily lead to success. Only by having the courage to open up and forge ahead can we have the hope of achieving great things."

He is very optimistic and firmly believes that he can succeed this time. When the time comes, he also wants to develop his own system like Shi Hao.

Seeing the great elder being so confident, Shi Hao was relieved. This is a trait that only strong people can have.

After the two walked together for a period of time, they said goodbye and went their separate ways.

In the Fairyland, a small artificially created world, willow trees reach the sky, and billions of silk ribbons hang down, spreading soft light. On the contrary, there are blazing and domineering thunders, flickering between the willow leaves, one soft and one hard. The yin and yang complement each other.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen sat cross-legged facing each other, enveloped by the hazy fairy light. Endless symbols were embedded in the fairy light, shining brightly.

Suddenly, the two of them opened their eyes and looked at each other. The fairy light and symbols around them dispersed.

They have been sitting here cross-legged for fifty years. During this period, they have been recovering from their injuries without moving. For fifty years, the injuries have still not been eradicated. The nine-color light beam was too terrifying and had eroded into their bodies. It has left a deep mark. It will take more time to completely eradicate it. Just fifty years is simply not enough.

The reason why the two woke up was because they sensed changes in the outside world. More than one Immortal King woke up, and his aura filled the universe, majestic and majestic.

This shows that something happened in the fairyland, otherwise no fairy king would be born.

"It should be King Xing and King Mu. Fifty years is enough time to plan two immortal kings." Chi Cang said.

Liu Shen nodded.

The two of them walked out of the small world hand in hand. After a little sensing, they knew where the fluctuation was coming from. At least ten kings woke up and headed to the west, standing on the West Heaven Gate.

"Sure enough, it's the direction of a foreign land." Liu Shen whispered.

Xitianmen is extremely special and can lead directly to foreign lands. It was a place of hundreds of battles and extremely brutal battles took place there. A few epochs ago, a conflict broke out between the Immortal Realm and the Foreign Realm. The Immortal King and the Immortal King withered one after another. In the end, both sides fought until they could no longer bear it, and then they retreated. In the end, the place was sealed.

On this day, the dust-covered Xitian Gate was rang again. No wonder the kings of the Immortal Realm were shocked and rushed to the Xitian Gate.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen moved very quickly, taking one step forward, and the sky was turned upside down. The next moment, they were standing on the majestic West Tianmen.

Ahead is a vast broken universe, where the Immortal King and the Immortal King once fought until the world collapsed.

Opposite the Xitian Gate, there is an Immortal Gate, which is a passage guarded by alien beings. It is extremely strong and is equivalent to the Xitian Gate in the Immortal Realm.

But now, the Immortal Gate is broken and blasted to pieces. A broken long sword floats among the fragments of the Immortal Gate. It is obvious that the Immortal Gate was blasted open by this long sword.

"The weapon of the Immortal King, the long sword, was triggered to explode and opened the Immortal Portal." An Immortal King of the Immortal Realm said solemnly.

Behind the broken Immortal Gate is a vast foreign land. At this moment, fierce sounds of fighting can be heard from that side. There are kings roaring and roaring, the divine light is stirring, the Immortal King's way is surging, and the terrifying aura bursts out. People change color.

"Who is fighting in a foreign land?" the Immortal King said to himself, doubtful.

The next moment, several blood-stained figures came out of the broken immortal portal. Each figure was stained with blood, some from the enemy and some from their own. At the same time, they were panting and seemed to be extremely exhausted.

"Are they...the kings entrenched on that road?" The Immortal King of Immortal Realm recognized the identities of the five figures and said in surprise.

"It's indeed them." Chi Cang nodded.

"Here is the Thunder Emperor's order, open the city gate!" Star King's face was as pale as paper, and he shouted towards the majestic West Heaven Gate, shattering the boundless galaxy.

The other four kings also suffered huge losses, some were seriously injured, and there were traces of various terrifying weapons.

When the five people saw Chi Cang and Liu Shen standing on the city gate, they were all relieved.

King Mu raised his hands high, each holding a blood-stained head, his eyes wide open with anger, belonging to the immortal king, who was not dead at the moment, and was roaring silently.

"Beheaded two immortal kings? Very strong!" One of the seven kings of the border gate said in surprise. He looked at Chi Cang and Liu Shen and asked them if they would open the city gate.

Before the two of them could answer, a terrifying and earth-shattering aura erupted from the broken immortal portal, making the whole world tremble.

Kunti arrived, with boundless killing intent, followed by immortal kings one after another, some giants, some supreme kings.

"Five audacious ants cut off the head of the king of our realm, and you still want to escape intact? You will die today, and it will be useless for anyone who comes."

Kunti said in a low and angry tone, his eyes flashing with silver crosses, filled with boundless murderous intent. He was really angry.

Forget it about Chi Cang and Liu Shen, they are supreme giants and unrivaled in foreign lands, so it is understandable that they kill everyone in foreign lands.

And these five people, even less than giants, dared to sneak into a foreign land, use this place as a hunting ground, sneak attack on the Immortal King under his nose, and chop off their heads, they are really looking for death.

"No one can save you today. I want you to die without a burial place." An immortal giant spoke harshly, his hands covered with blood.

Most of the injuries on the five supreme immortal kings were caused by him. There is no doubt that this is an extremely powerful giant-level creature.

King Xing, King Mu and others looked at the immortal giant who spoke out, with lingering fears. This creature was too terrifying. It was difficult for five people to gain an advantage when they besieged him. It was so terrifying.

"Oh? I think their lives should not be cut off." At this time, a blazing voice came from Xitianmen, giving a different view.

The angry crowd in the foreign land was immediately silenced. Everyone stopped talking and looked at Chi Cang with fear.

Decades ago, Chi Cang went on a killing spree in foreign lands, and the scene of overwhelming all directions is still vivid in his mind, and the kings of foreign lands remember it in their hearts.

As soon as he opened his mouth, ordinary kings were silent and did not dare to speak. Only giants were qualified to talk to him.

"Thunder Emperor, do you want to swim in this muddy water? I advise you not to make a mistake." shouted an immortal giant.

All the immortal kings glared angrily, wishing to cut off the heads of the two powerful men Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

"Don't get me wrong, I actually stirred up this muddy water. I told them that they could join the Immortal Realm by suppressing the two immortal kings. They did it, and naturally I couldn't break my promise.

Everyone, please go back. You are destined to return without success today. "

"What? Did you give the order?" The Immortal Kings were shocked and angry. No wonder the five of them fled towards Xitianmen. It turned out that Chi Cang was backing them up.

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