Kunti's eyes were terrifying and profound. It was really hateful to take the head of the Immortal King of a foreign land as a condition for joining the Immortal Realm.

If this condition spreads, the entire foreign land will become a hunting ground and be sieved by those kings. When the great reckoning is coming, such a big turmoil will be too unfavorable for them.

Although Kunti ranks among the top giants, he is still unable to defeat the four-handed man with two fists. After the last border battle, Foreign Land suffered heavy losses and was seriously short of manpower. Every immortal king is precious, and Foreign Land cannot afford to die. .

However, he really had nothing to do with the Blazing Willow God. These two people were not dead even after being irradiated by the ancient artifact of origin, which was shocking. The only solution now is to stick to the temple and wait for the return of the giant who left the world sea. .

The owners of the two bloody heads held by King Mu just left the temple and went to the ancestral land. They were caught by the five supreme immortal kings. After a beating, they took off the heads and walked away. Except for the gods The temple and other places are no longer safe.

The following time may be the darkest period in a foreign land.

It's hard to imagine what it would be like for the Immortal Kings to stick together to save their lives, which left people speechless for a while.

How glorious were they once? It has been known as the hegemon for eternity, but now it is so desolate. If it were not for the ancient artifacts of origin, it would have been bulldozed by the fairyland led by the Blazing Willow God.

"Let go of the king of our realm and let you leave, otherwise I will kill you without mercy." Kunti swallowed his anger and made a concession.

The aura of the ultimate giant filled the air, making this broken universe tremble.

The five supreme immortal kings changed their colors. This kind of strength was too terrifying. It was stronger than the giant that chased them before. Maybe they couldn't even block Kundi's blow.

And behind Kundi, there are huge black shadows standing one after another, and the power of the Immortal King has crushed the eternal world.

In the Immortal Realm, there are still new Immortal Kings awakening, and when they come to the West Heaven Gate, they stand side by side. Their number is more than that of the Foreign Realm. With Chi Cang and Liu Shen sitting in charge, their momentum completely overwhelms the Foreign Realm.

The two realms were confronting each other, and the five supreme immortal kings caught in the middle felt the terror of the great realm. Their background was too rich to be imagined. Looking at it now, they sneaked into a foreign land and squatted, which was a bit risky. What if it was Kun who stopped them just now? Truth, then it is possible that none of the five of them can escape.


At Chi Cang's signal, the Xitian Gate, which had been covered in dust for endless years, slowly opened.

This created a way for the five supreme immortal kings to survive.

"Let's see who you can kill today?" Chi Cang and Kun Di faced each other tit for tat, putting down their cruel words to protect the five kings.

When King Xing, King Mu and others saw the Immortal Gate in front of them wide open, they breathed a sigh of relief and immediately rushed towards the door. As long as they entered the West Heaven Gate, the foreign kings would be unable to do anything to them.

"Bold!" The immortal giant was shocked and angry. If the two heads of the immortal king were brought into the immortal realm, even the Daluo gods would not be able to save them and must be intercepted.

"Seeking death! Leave the head behind." Kundi said coldly, and a big hand that covered the sky reached out. The giant symbols were shocking and densely packed, covering the entire palm.


The broken universe exploded instantly and was crowded by this big hand. The speed was so fast that the vast river of time was revealed.

The five supreme immortal kings felt chills running down their spines and chills on the backs of their heads. They were convinced that competing with a supreme figure like Kundi was seeking death.

"Fellow Taoists from the Immortal Realm, please save us." King Mu called, his expression changing dramatically.

Because it wasn’t just Kundi who took action, there were also many immortal giants and kings.

This area couldn't bear it at all. It was exploded on the spot, the void was shattered, everything was knocked back to its original point, and even the Xitian Gate was trembling.

Naturally, it was impossible for the Immortal King of the Immortal Realm to sit idly by, so all the Immortal Kings took action one after another to block the attack from the foreign realm.

Qi Yu, the former leader of the Immortal Realm, faced Kundi directly and blocked the big hand, making it difficult for him to advance even an inch.

Seeing Qi Yu, Kundi sighed secretly. This was his old opponent. He had fought with them more than once, and they were almost evenly matched. With Qi Yu here, he could no longer dominate this place.

As for Chi Cang and Liu Shen, Kundi and the Immortal Kings all agreed that they were injured and were no longer at their peak. They were irradiated by ancient artifacts of foreign origin. It would be impossible to recover without them for 1800 years.

"Go away, Kundi. Today's Immortal Realm is not what it used to be. It is no longer something that Foreign Realm can challenge. If we don't know what to do, today will be the day when Foreign Realm will be destroyed." Qi Yu said coldly and ruthlessly.

This tone made the kings of the foreign lands gnash their teeth. Once upon a time, the foreign lands and the fairy lands were equally matched and feared each other. Now, the situation is no longer the same, and this gap is difficult for them to accept.

Kundi was very angry, but there was nothing he could do. The number of awakened Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm had already surpassed that of the Foreign Realm.

They could only watch as the five supreme immortal kings fled into the West Heaven Gate with their blood-stained heads.

"Chi Cang! Willow!"

Kundi spoke angrily. The people they wanted to leave behind fled into the Immortal Realm, but they had no choice. This hurt morale too much. Since the Battle of Border Pass, the morale of the foreign land has dropped again and again, and has fallen to the bottom. He wanted to do something to redeem himself.

"Something happened? In fact, this kind of thing will happen more often in the future. It will be fine after you get used to it." Chi Cang said lightly, causing the kings of foreign lands to glare.

He really intends to use the life of the Immortal King as a condition for joining the Immortal Realm, making it open to kings from outside the realm.

By then, there will definitely be many creatures willing to hunt the Immortal King.

The sky is really going to change. The immortal kings not only have to deal with the great reckoning, but also have to guard against the hunting of kings from outside the territory. A period of extremely dark years is coming. Every immortal king has a heavy heart and is a little breathless. .

"You who have been illuminated by the ancient artifact from the origin of our world, how much success power do you still have left?" Kun Di said coldly, as if he wanted to weigh the state of Chi Cang and Liu Shen at this time.

Eighty years have passed. To what extent the two supreme giants can recover is something that the kings of foreign lands are very concerned about.

"Oh? Do you want to fight with us?" Chi Cang's eyes were indifferent, the ancient well was calm, and the immortal kings could not see the depth at all.

"I'm afraid you won't dare." Kun Di said excitedly.

The last time Chi Cang sneaked into a foreign land to ignite the ancient incense of world destruction, he only had a fight with a giant. Afterwards, the giant guessed that Chi Cang had to fight through his injuries.

After all, his palms were turned into white bones during the Border Battle, and it was impossible to recover in a short time.

Therefore, the foreign kings believe that Chi Cang and Liu Shen were severely injured, their combat power was damaged, and they were far from their peak.

Otherwise, Kunti would not be able to defeat the two of them.

"Why don't you dare? Have you forgotten how I suppressed you back then?" Chi Cang responded domineeringly, thunder surged and turned into billions of stars surrounding him, as if he was the center of the universe.

The momentum of the supreme giant spread and enveloped this land of hundreds of battles. The kings of the foreign lands all changed their colors, because this momentum was so powerful that it was like a high sun in the realm of the Immortal King. It surpassed the realm of the giant and was dubbed "Supreme". "Two words.

It is rare for such a creature to appear in more than ten epochs. It can be called the king and dominate in the magnificent world like the Boundary Sea, and it is difficult to find an opponent.

If you don't reach the realm of giants, you are not qualified to fight against the supreme giants. You can only be killed instantly. Just like the three top immortal kings in the fairyland, they were pierced through the soul by Liu Shen with a spear, leaving no resistance.

When Chi Cang let go of his momentum, only the giants in the foreign land could remain calm.

"It's just an illusion. The time you were irradiated by the ancient artifact beam was enough for a giant to die several times. I don't believe you can return to your peak in a short time." Kundi said tentatively.

Chi Cang was unmoved and just looked at Kundi calmly.

"Are you scared?"

"It's a joke, am I afraid? I'm Kunti." Kunti sneered, a pair of pupils inlaid with silver crosses shone brightly, and just as far as he could see, a great collapse of the void occurred.

The West Heaven Gate opened wide, and Chi Cang stepped out, facing the kings of foreign lands. He was surrounded by thunder stars, like a king of thunder patrolling the sky.

"He really dares to fight?" The foreign giants were surprised. They originally thought that Chi Cang would use some excuses to avoid fighting, but who knew that he would really take action.

Kundi is fearless. If it were Chi Cang in his full glory, he might not be able to defeat him. But in fact, Chi Cang was severely damaged for only eighty years and must not have recovered yet.


Thunderclouds rolled and appeared out of thin air, and endless lightning flashed across the sky, flashing a terrifying blood-red color.

This move has been seen by all the kings in foreign lands. It is a supreme method that can use one enemy against many to trigger a catastrophe that will destroy the world and land on everyone's head.


Lightning as thick as a mountain thundered down and hit Kundi's head.


The silver cross in his pupils shone brightly, instantly triggering a cross-cutting slash to extinguish the lightning.

Kunti, thin and withered, not very tall, with long silver hair hanging loose, is powerful and powerful. He is the first person who can live up to his exotic name today.

At this moment, he showed off his power and wanted to defeat Chi Cang and restore the morale of the foreign land.

The Immortal Refining Pot, a bloody and mysterious ancient artifact, was once the nightmare of many kings in the Immortal Realm. It swallowed the blood of too many kings. Over the endless years, no one knows how many immortal kings have fallen under this ominous pot.

Under the urging of its master Kun Di, the Immortal Refining Pot became even more evil and terrifying. As soon as it appeared, it made the king tremble, and the blood flow rate was affected and became abnormal.


The sky collapsed and the earth shattered. Kundi did not conduct any tests at all. He used all his strength when he came up. The immortal pot flew out, as if it was going to penetrate the eternity. If it fell on a certain immortal king, half of his body would explode.

Chi Cang is fearless, with a head of black hair raised, the roots are light and twinkling with blazing electric light.


Under the gaze of everyone, he used his flesh and blood to receive the blow from the Immortal Refining Pot, making a terrifying metallic trembling sound.

The kings changed their colors, Chi Cang's physical body was so strong?

Kundi's expression also changed. The last time they fought, Chi Cang's physical body was not so terrifying. Even he could not do it by forcing the Immortal Refining Pot. You need to know that this is the immortal king who has reached the extreme limit of his power. The device is incredibly hard.

"The complete Immortal Sutra?"

Soon, he realized the reason, because Kundi himself also practiced this ancient sutra, which is known as the first body-refining method in the world, so he was very familiar with the breath of the Immortal Sutra.

He was convinced that the Immortal Sutra practiced by Chi Cang was a complete nine-level, while what he practiced was only a slightly incomplete fourth level, which was brought back by his beloved disciple He Wushuang after the foreign land defeated the primitive ancient world.

After practicing the incomplete Immortal Sutra, Kundi's physical body became much stronger. It is hard to imagine how Chi Cang would be strengthened by practicing the complete Immortal Sutra.

"It's the Immortal Sutra." Chi Cang smiled.

There is a layer of immortal radiance flowing all over his body, which is the result of the Great Perfection of the Immortal Sutra. At this moment, the blazing green body can be said to be eternal and immortal. At least it is difficult to reach the realm of the Immortal King.

Kunti was speechless, he felt a pressure.


Kunti roared, her silver hair waving, and the fighting power of the top giant exploded, fighting with Chi Cang.

These two people were so powerful that the aftermath of the battle was enough to shake the Xitianmen. If not for the kings, the majestic Xitianmen might have become a ruin.

Various symbols of the Immortal King are intertwined, running through the past and present. A long flowing river lies in front of the two people. They play the real fire, and the peerless secret skills emerge one after another, which frightens all the onlookers.

The universe collapsed, the stars dimmed, and fell into ashes. Only two figures stood there, fighting for their lives.

Kundi is worthy of being the number one person in foreign lands today. He is not comparable to ordinary giants. His combat power is not much different from Qi Yu.

He fought Chi Cang alone. Although he was at a disadvantage, he was not defeated in a short period of time.

The two fought for thousands of rounds, and they fought so hard that time went back. The Immortal King's essence and blood was everywhere. It was the blood coughed up by the two. Even their essence and blood were tit for tat, consuming each other.

In this battle, Kundi tried his best, not wanting to disappoint the foreign kings. However, he miscalculated. Chi Cang's recovery ability cannot be measured by common sense. A few decades are enough for Chi Cang to recover a lot, and now his combat power has long been reduced. Not affected.

Therefore, he suppressed Kundi, beat him until he coughed up blood, and then punched Kundi on the shoulder. It exploded on the spot, and blood, flesh and bones flew into the starry sky.

"I don't believe you have returned to your peak." Kundi always believed that Chi Cang was holding on, so he was unwilling to retreat and waited for Chi Cang to fall.

Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed. Chi Cang pursued him fiercely, and the supreme giant's combat power was fully displayed, and he broke Kundi's arm again.


Kundi desperately spat out a few mouthfuls of essence and blood, and poured it on the Immortal Refining Pot together with his exploded arm. It seemed as if it had taken some great tonic, and suddenly it bloomed with peerless light, almost illuminating the past, present and future, and hitting the blazing A pale head.

This was a fatal blow from an extremely powerful man, which contained his energy and energy, making even the giants change their colors.

Chi Cang's chest heaved and consumed a lot. He realized his shortcomings. Although Dao Xing was powerful and was known as the supreme giant, it was still not enough. It would take such a long time to fight one Kundi. In the future, during the great reckoning, ten Kundi would jump out. What to do? It needs to be stronger.


The immortal killing platform appeared, and Kundi's fatal blow was blocked by the ancient stone platform in the middle. The scraps of the bronze coffin of the third generation were so strong that they could not be shaken by a mere immortal pot.

Chi Cang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took control of the Immortal Killing Platform, and lowered countless Dao chains to suppress Kundi.

"No, Brother Kundi, retreat quickly."

The foreign giant saw that Kundi was exhausted and could not help Chi Cang. If he continued to fight, something might happen.

Without hesitation, they all took action together, blasting towards the sky-filled Divine Chain of Order.

"We agreed to challenge each other, but you are too shameless to deceive me that there is no one in the Immortal Realm?" The kings of the Immortal Realm were furious and left one after another. The war in the great world was about to break out.

Kundi, who was rescued, looked pale and gave Chi Cang a deep look. It was said that the kings of the foreign lands were retreating. It would be unwise to engage in a decisive battle with the Immortal Realm at this moment.

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