The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 411 People’s Favor

Under the cover of a group of immortal kings, Kundi, covered in blood, passed through the broken immortal portal and retreated to the foreign land, feeling very embarrassed.

All the immortal kings had expressionless faces, a little heavy and gloomy. The scene of Chi Cang defeating Kun Di was deeply engraved in their hearts.

The blazing green is invincible, and the willow god is invincible.

They warned themselves in their hearts to endure it and wait for the return of the king who left the sea.

The Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm were extremely angry and rushed out of Nantianmen to enter the foreign land.

If it were in the past, they would definitely not be like this. Now, with the addition of the Nine Heavens Immortal King, the strength of the Immortal Realm has far surpassed that of the Foreign Realm. The hatred between the two realms is raging. There have been more than one conquest. When the enemies meet, they are extremely jealous. The fairy kings all want to completely eliminate their opponents.

Then, the people who wanted to pursue were stopped by Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

"It's not the time yet. Ancient artifacts of foreign origin are not simple. Once they are pushed into a hurry, it is likely to be a life-or-death situation." Chi Cang said in a deep voice.

"Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor is right. The origin of the ancient artifacts is mysterious and terrifying. It's best to wait until the secrets of the ancient artifacts are figured out.

Moreover, signs of a great reckoning have begun, and the era of raging wars is about to come. Everyone, please stay calm at this moment. "Qi Yu nodded. He actually wanted to enter a foreign land and eliminate the enemy once and for all.

However, the foreign land has the trump card of ancient artifacts of origin. Even if the fairyland has the world-destroying formation of the heavens, they are not sure of annihilating the foreign land.

Finally, the kings retreated. Before leaving, they reinforced the Xitian Gate to prevent attacks from foreign lands.

The Battle of Xitianmen ended with the victory of the Immortal Realm. The five most powerful Immortal Kings presented the heads of two immortal kings as certificates of submission for joining the Immortal Realm.

The kings of the Immortal Realm were very satisfied with this. They hated the foreign lands and had blood feuds with each other.

With their blood-stained heads and sad and angry eyes, the two immortal kings were in despair. They knew that the foreign land had given up on them and there was no possibility of salvation.

The foundation of each king is a huge treasure house. However, there are special seals in the souls of these two immortal kings. Forcibly opening them will destroy them.

Therefore, the best way to deal with it is to temporarily seal it. As far as the king's soul itself is concerned, it has a great effect and can be used to ward off disasters and eliminate disasters.

In the end, the two bloody heads were sealed in the fairyland prison and would be taken out when needed in the future.

After the five top Immortal Kings made a blood oath to never betray the Immortal Realm in this life, they were successfully accepted by the kings of the Immortal Realm. Each of them received an ownerless universe and built their own Immortal King City.

After Chi Cang, Liu Shen and the kings of the Immortal Realm discussed, they decided to spread the conditions for joining the Immortal Realm. The sea of ​​​​the world is vast, and sporadic supreme beings have approached the shore. This is the beginning of the great reckoning. The Immortal Kings outside the realm They are all worried about this matter, longing to find a pure land that can withstand the flames of war.

The Immortal Realm is powerful, so it is naturally their first target.

It is very reasonable to exchange the head of an immortal king for a seat in a clan.

The Immortal Domain is not a shelter. Although it is vast, it has limits and cannot accommodate too many kings from outside the domain.

The number of immortal kings in foreign lands is limited, and after being attacked by the five kings, they will be more vigilant. In fact, there are not many people who can really pick off the head of the immortal king and meet the conditions to join the fairyland.

The main purpose of doing this is to weaken the foreign realm and continue to suppress their momentum. It can also strengthen the power of the fairy realm to a certain extent.

The task of spreading this news fell on a giant from the Immortal Realm. Only if the weight is heavy enough can the words be convincing.

Time flies, the aftermath of the Battle of Xitianmen gradually fades away, and peace returns to the fairyland.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen continued to retreat to recover from their injuries, while Qi Yu and Yi Qian giants began to prepare for the upcoming war.

Chi Cang has already told them about entering the forbidden area. It is related to the ancient Jie Yin Palace and is connected to darkness. It is like a nail piercing deeply into the center of the Immortal Realm. This is a huge hidden danger that must be taken seriously. stand up.

At the same time, the kings of the Immortal Realm began to intensively strengthen the Immortal Realm, and some weak areas needed to be reopened and stabilized.

Nine heavens and ten earths.

With the existence of the World Tree, the rules of heaven and earth are restored in an orderly manner. Perhaps in hundreds or thousands of years, the rules of this world will be completely complete. By then, the interface's rejection of outside creatures will fall to the bottom. When the world is strong enough , it can accommodate creatures of Immortal King level.

This is not good news for Jiutian, but the completeness of the interface rules is conducive to the recovery of the practice world.

After being killed by the sword of God's will, the monk's vitality was severely damaged, which cannot be recovered in just a thousand years. Moreover, without the obstruction of the end of the law and without a suitable practice system, all the evolvers are struggling and are on the decline.

Shi Hao, who has traveled far and wide, can clearly feel this. He knows that it is time to pass on his system, but he still needs to think about how to preach it.

"It is unlikely that others can do it by using the body as a seed. So, is it possible to plant a Tao seed in the body of all living beings as a guide to practice this path?" Shi Hao said to himself.

He made some deductions and felt that if he did this, his cultivation level at the top of the Jida might not be enough, at least after he became an immortal.

It's a pity that since reaching the top of the Ultimate Dao, no matter how hard Shi Hao practices, he can't make any progress. His Dao practice is flawless, and even the Immortal-breaking Curse that can kill the true immortal Dao practice can't do anything to him. Shi Hao is convinced that if he doesn't set foot on the world of mortals, The Immortal Path cannot improve one's own Taoism.

However, the path to immortality in the world of mortals requires one to live life after life, transforming between life and death until time passes.

He needs to exhaust his lifespan in the mortal world and be reborn in Nirvana when the end comes. This will waste a lot of time, at least hundreds of thousands of years. For Shi Hao, this is too long and he cannot afford to wait.

"I wonder if you have found the reincarnation of life." Shi Hao said to himself.

Xiaoxiaozai once said that there is a secret place where there is hope of resurrecting the Everlasting Immortal King. It has access to the past and present, and there is a living reincarnation. Can it save him a lot of time?

Shi Hao wanted to give it a try, but just opening the secret place required the blood sacrifice of the Immortal King...

He thought about it and finally decided to pass the message to the senior teachers in the Immortal Realm. If it could really save a lot of time, that would be great.


A majestic building complex stands in the starry sky of the universe, shining under the fairy light, with misty fairy mist and clusters of palaces.

This is a powerful clan in the Immortal Realm, the Hong family. The ancestor is a powerful true immortal. Although it is not as good as the Immortal King family, it is still a rare and powerful group that controls this vast star field.

On this day, the peace of the Hong family was broken. A palm-sized puppy with dark red short hair walked in arrogantly, ignoring all the strong men.

"Where did this wild dog come from? How dare you land on the treasured land of the Immortal Family? It's bad luck. Someone will throw it into the starry sky and let it die on its own." A middle-aged man looked at the puppy and said with disgust.

"Huh? If you dare to be pampered and speak rudely, you should be punished." The little puppy scolded. After hearing the word "wild dog", a cold light appeared in its eyes. This is its taboo word.

After the words fell, the puppy shook the small bell on its neck, and a crisp ringing sound came out. The elderly man in the Hong family who had just called it a wild dog immediately stiffened.

The next moment, he collapsed on the ground, rolling and screaming, his whole body glowing with mysterious symbols flowing.

"This is……"

Seeing this strange scene, the Hong people nearby thought of a certain taboo rumor that had not been mentioned for an era.

That was the pain that the ancestor of the Hong tribe, a strong man of the generation, suffered throughout his life. During the Ancient Immortal Era, he became an immortal and attained enlightenment. He was high-spirited and domineering. He felt that he had the hope of becoming a king and an ancestor. Therefore, he was not afraid of heaven or earth.

Unfortunately, he offended a big black dog and severely injured the big black dog, which was extremely humiliating.

He didn't take it to heart at first, but in the end, he attracted the supreme power behind the big black dog - the powerful giant of the primitive ancient world, the Immortal King Wu Ending. He spread the Fa and apologized repeatedly, and even became the favorite of the big black dog. A curse was left in the bloodline, and it will be passed down through the bloodline for generations to come.

Hong Fa was unhappy, but he had no choice but to do anything. Later, the primitive ancient world was invaded by a foreign land, the Immortal King Wushu died in battle, and the big black dog was also very dangerous. Hong Fa felt that the whole world became beautiful.

After that, Hongfa strictly prohibited the tribesmen from mentioning this humiliating history of being enslaved by a dog.

Unexpectedly, after a long period of time, the dog came back and appeared in the territory of the Hong tribe with its little bell.

"Oh my God, that dog is back." The look on the face of an insider changed drastically, and a familiar feeling of humiliation came to his heart.

"It's really it. It's too bad. Report it to our ancestors quickly."

The Hong people were shocked and instantly became restless.

Hong Fa, who was in retreat, heard the voice transmission from outside monks and opened his eyes suddenly.

The dog is back?

The news came as a bolt from the blue to him.

"Hongfa, my beloved, why don't you come over to greet me." The little dog rang the bell and said lazily, ignoring everyone.

The strange syllables were beating, and there was a strange power. Even if Hongfa was in retreat in a secret room isolated from the world, he could still sense it. This was the sound of the bell aimed at him.

In fact, Hong Fa specifically begged an immortal king for this matter and spent a huge price to have that immortal king help him alleviate the curse a little. The bell in Xiao Zai's hand no longer has as strong a control over him as before. However, Hongfa dare not show it.

You must know that today's remnants of Jiutian are so powerful that they are immeasurably powerful. Even the leaders of the Immortal Realm are from Jiutian. Those tyrannical supreme beings and Xiaozizi have their own reasons. Offending Xiaozizi is just like offending those fairy kings.

Hong Fa didn't have the courage. The backer he was looking for had already been liquidated by Liu Shen, but he didn't get to the bottom of it. Otherwise, the Hong clan would also be affected.

After weighing the pros and cons, Hong Fa quickly walked out of the secret room and appeared in front of everyone in the Hong clan. With a smile on his face, he welcomed the puppy's arrival.

"Master, it's been a long time. It's been a long time since I last saw you. It's a great honor for Hongfa and the Hong clan that you're here." Hongfa smiled but didn't smile. God knows how he was feeling at the moment.

The puppy naturally knew what the pets he had taken in were thinking, and they actually wanted to kill him. However, he enjoyed the way these people wanted to kill him but didn't dare.

"Well, yes, this is my good pet. Which bold maniac called me a wild dog just now?" Xiaozizi said calmly, mentioning the humiliation just now.

The middle-aged man surnamed Hong was so frightened that his legs and feet became weak when he heard this. The ancestor of their clan actually called a palm-sized puppy his master. This was simply outrageous.

"Drag it down and chop it off." Hong Fa glanced at the middle-aged man and said coldly, with an expressionless face, as if he had just chopped off a weed. But in fact, he was very heartbroken. This was a young man with good talent. Worth cultivating.

It's a pity that in this situation, the only choice is to kill the couple out of justice. If you want to blame him, blame him for having a mean mouth.


The middle-aged man screamed, but it was useless, his life was taken away.

The little puppy has no psychological burden at all. The Hong clan is not a good family. Their hands are stained with dripping blood. Besides, if you mess with it, you have to pay the price.

"Master, is there any big deal when you return to the Immortal Realm this time?" Hong Fa asked tentatively.

The puppy was lazily lying on a deck chair made of immortal wood, feeling very relaxed.

"Alas, I have been sleeping for an era, and I miss you people very much, so I came here to check and care for you."

The corner of Hong Fa's mouth twitched. He didn't need any care. The farther away the puppy was from the Hong family, the better. It was better to have an accident and die outside.

"I'm hungry. Get some elixirs, magic fruits, etc., and let me fill my stomach." The little dog waved his hand and ordered.

Hong Dharma Qi's face turned pale. How precious is such a thing as the elixir of life? How could it be fed to dogs?

"Don't try to deceive me, I have a very good nose."

As soon as he said this, Hong Dharma's whole body trembled, and he had no choice but to get the elixir of longevity. He watched helplessly as the puppy picked the longevity fruit and swallowed it in one gulp.

At this moment, he was spreading the law, and his heart was bleeding. It was the fruit of the elixir of life, and he was not willing to eat it. He didn't expect that it would be an advantage for this evil dog. He was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. If he had known this, he would not have kept it.

After the Hong people had eaten and drank enough, Xiaozi Zai was very satisfied and called Hongfa and asked him to accompany him to visit the territory of an immortal king.

"Going to visit an immortal king? It can't be that one, right?"

After receiving the affirmative answer, Hongfa's scalp became numb and he shuddered a little.

He knew that back then, this evil dog was so bold that he wanted to form a Taoist companionship with a female fairy king. Naturally, the female fairy king refused, and in turn, she wanted to accept it as a battle pet. In the end, she even pulled out the Wu Ending Immortal King. .

The female Immortal King was very tough. She went directly to the Immortal King Wu Ending and had a fight with him. At that time, this incident shocked the entire Immortal Realm.

Since then, the black dog's reputation has spread far and wide.

Now, the Everlasting Immortal King is gone, and this dog's biggest backer has fallen. It actually wants to find the female Immortal King. Isn't it afraid of being beaten?

The most important thing is that the evil dog wants to take him with him, and it is clear that he will be used as a scapegoat. He is cold and extremely reluctant to spread the Fa.

"Master, I have had some problems with my practice recently..."

"It's okay. The Immortal King can help you sort it out. I will mention this specifically. Okay, let's go. Time waits for no one. I have something very important. If I'm delayed, I'll ask for help." The puppy said with a frown.

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