The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 415 The Emperor’s Fall


Soon after, a strange phenomenon appeared in the stone chamber. The fairy mist was thick, the light of chaos shone, and some traces appeared on the rough stone wall. They were extremely ancient and manifested there.

"Since the fall of the ancient emperor, the mysterious time map has slowly unfolded. It seems that they have succeeded." Chi Cang whispered.

Just now, there was nothing on the stone wall and it was very rough.

However, after Shi Hao entered, there were changes, and the imprints of the past emerged, recording the old events of that era.

This is a mottled historical picture that tells the story of those distant and unknown ancient years. It is only very vague and cannot be seen clearly, but you can feel what kind of era it was.

The quasi-immortal emperor crossed the sea alone and fell on that side. Subsequently, all the gods were destroyed, and the immortal kings were harvested one by one, leaving only the fragrant seeds, starting another reincarnation. The world entered the end of the law, and an extremely cruel world came. Historically known as Emperor Luo.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen stared at the stone wall. In their eyes, there was a terrifying sight of the rushing river of time. It was very horrifying. They wanted to see clearly what the imprint on the stone wall was saying. Unfortunately, the fog of cause and effect blocked all sight, even if Not even the supreme giant can see through it.

Suddenly, a certain sound sounded, echoing inside and outside the stone chamber, in the past, present and future, misty and distant, as if it spanned the ages.

"He transformed into freedom, he transformed through the ages, to prepare for me, or just as a wedding dress. One day, I will come back..."

Both the two and the dog heard it. Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at each other and thought about the meaning of this sentence. There was a living being who wanted him to transform into the eternal. Could it be that he transformed the past and present?

The puppy was shocked and couldn't help but take a few steps back. Whose voice was this? Shi Hao? Does he want to travel through eternity and spend countless years, or is it something else?

The next moment, the drop of ancient blood from the Emperor's Fall era appeared, extremely bright, flowing on the rough stone wall, crossing the long river of time, reflecting the past and the present, causing the chaos to collapse.

Under the illumination of the ancient blood, the fog of cause and effect was dispelled a lot. Finally, the scene on the stone wall was no longer blurry and gradually became clear.

The appearance of the engraving is like opening a heavy historical scroll, with patterns, words, and vicissitudes of ancient meaning. This is the accumulation of time and the precipitation of time.

Simple lines, rough and primitive painting style, tell the story of the past, which happened endless years ago. This is the story of Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng. Chi Cang succeeded in deceiving the world by imitating the counterfeit medicine seller, and sealed it. Meng Tianzheng's ancient immortal tree followed Shi Hao to that era.

A young man, carrying an immortal tree, rose from the wilderness. He overcame obstacles and grew step by step. He climbed to the top in the field of humanity, bathed in the blood of heroes, killed enemies in the world with a smile, and blazed his own path, striding forward.

That was Huang, who was born in Diluo and created his own legend in that era.

"How is it possible? He is obviously a creature of this era, why was he born in Emperor Luo?" Xiao Xiaozai was surprised and puzzled. He only felt a chill in his soul. This thing was too weird and could not be explained.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen were also a little confused. When they traveled through the long river of time, they were not starting over. From the beginning to the end, they were just passers-by.

But Shi Hao was a little different. He was born directly in that era and repeated his rise, as if he belonged to that era.

Meng Tianzheng, who was traveling with him, was just like the Blazing Willow God. After walking out of the Immortal Sacred Tree, he stood at the top of the Ultimate Dao without rebuilding.

Instead of practicing together, the two of them separated and followed their own paths.

This is a completely different era from the original one, and it is also a terrifying era. The two are struggling to survive in this strange world. They have heard the shouts of the immortal king's creatures, and they have also seen the blood of the immortal king spilling all over the sky. , they are cautious and walk on thin ice.

There is no way, this era is too terrifying, it is an unimaginably glorious world, where the heavens are in chaos and thousands of races compete.

The little puppy didn't blink, staring at the stone wall. The figures of Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng were constantly appearing on it. Among them, Meng Tianzheng was more of a practitioner, while Shi Hao was different. His rise was accompanied by killing and fighting. , iron-blooded and powerful.

"Dark true dragon clan?" it said in horror. Shi Hao actually started a war with the creatures of this clan. He penetrated more than a dozen and killed them all.

"That's...the butcher." Liu Shen said. He had met the butcher in the world sea and was very familiar with his characteristics.

Shi Hao encountered the young butcher, and the two confronted each other, but in the end they did not fight. After that, the butcher disappeared from this world.

"He killed the eight disciples of the line of God, and beheaded the thirteen rising stars of the line of Kaitian gods..." Chi Cang and others were moved.

Shi Hao was really too powerful. Many of the masters he killed were considered innate beings. They were naturally powerful and were ahead of others by an unknown amount. Unfortunately, in front of Shi Hao, they all drank in hatred.

As the years passed, Shi Hao fought his way up and reached the top of the extreme realm again. He once again stood at the highest peak of his life.

In this world, the top of the Jida is not invincible. There are also true immortals and immortal kings. A chaos that affects all heavens and worlds has lasted for a long time.

Until one day, the balance was broken, and there was a life-and-death duel between supreme beings, which destroyed the capital city. Meng Tianzheng and Shi Hao felt palpitations in their hearts and felt a great silent terror. They wanted to explore the truth, but they were not qualified. touch.

In the Immortal King War, the aftermath alone can kill them all.

In the end, everything was robbed, the prosperous age came to an end, all the supreme masters disappeared, and the world seemed to have experienced a major reshuffle.

What followed was the terrible Age of Ending Dharma, which completely dried up this world, and made the world completely dry. The two of them thought they had returned to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but in fact they were not.

All souls have been chopped off by God's will, including the ancient tree of immortality that once sealed Meng Tianzheng's body and soul, and now it has become the sacred tree of immortality.

Shi Hao protected the Immortal Tree and made it take root in the secret realm of the Wheel. Chi Cang said that this was what Meng Tianzheng needed to return, because this period of journey did not belong to Meng Tianzheng, so he naturally could not return normally. If it were not for the Immortality Tree to seal his body, he would most likely be lost in the years.

The end of the world is coming, and Shi Hao and Meng Tian are fighting to survive. This period of time is really too long, the world is vast, and there is only one old friend whom they know.

Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng did not doubt the authenticity of this world. Before coming, Chi Cang said that the travels in the years were real and not an illusion.

He transformed the ages and transformed them.

The two of them stood in the dry world, looking up at the cruel world, and they clearly understood what Chi Cang said.

If you don't succeed, you will become a benevolent person. In this desperate Dharma-ending world, if you can't live from life to life, you will turn into withered bones in the end.

If they don't want to die, they can only practice cultivation.

Time flows, years pass easily, and it is ten thousand years in a flash.

This world is already very different from what it was back then. Who can live for tens of thousands of years in the end of the Dharma? There are only powerful supreme beings like Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng, and other living beings have turned into a pile of loess.

Even Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng have turned gray on their temples. In this life, the best years of their youth have passed away. The most golden and splendid years of their lives have gone forever, just like the setting sun, which begins to fall in the west.

"I can't die of old age in this world." Shi Hao said to himself. In the original era, there were still relatives, friends, and confidante waiting for his return, so how could he fall here?

Meng Tianzheng is already in his second life. He is no longer young and his hair has turned white. At this moment, Meng Tianzheng must find a way to live out his third life. There is no way out and there is not much time left for him.

The two often communicate and discuss the avenue. They study all the secret techniques, perfect their own Dharma and Tao, various supreme Dharma, and the original true explanation. These are all the contents of their discussion and research.

Shi Hao's five secret realms are becoming more and more complete and dazzling. He relies on them to lock his own energy, blood and state. In this way, he can maintain his peak state for a longer time. Even if his white hair is scattered, he can still make his energy and blood flourish for thousands more. Year.

Meng Tianzheng picked up the slack and completed what he had not accomplished back then. He truly made up for the regrets of the past with his own body, and had the foundation to open up a system.

His whole body was hazy, and his whole body seemed to have turned into a seed, which was magical and indescribable.

Meng Tianzheng did not follow Shi Hao's path. The human body has too many secrets, and Shi Hao's five secret realms cannot cover them all. There are still too many places that can be developed.

He began to create difficult methods, which was very dangerous and could easily lead to death, but Meng Tianzheng still started without hesitation.

Five thousand years have passed, both Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng have become gray-haired, and their life energy and blood have inevitably gone downhill. Even Shi Hao's five secret realms can no longer lock their energy and blood, and they have begun to lose their energy and blood.

In the ancient cave, outside the stone room, Chi Cang, Liu Shen, and Xiao Xiao Zai solemnly looked at the scene reflected by the drop of blood, and they all felt a little worried for the two of them.

In the Age of Emperor's Fall, when the end was approaching, the suppression of heaven and earth was too terrifying, because a terrifying battle had just occurred, the blood of the Immortal King was poured out, and all kinds of laws were densely covered in the sky, extremely violent, suppressing all those who wanted to become immortals, and A monk embarking on the path of spiritual practice.

Compared with the end of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, which is more terrifying, relatively speaking, the end of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is milder and easier to survive.

The Emperor's Fall suffered a great calamity, and the kings fell. They became Taoists and became part of the rules. Therefore, this life was suppressed and all living beings found it difficult to practice.

The two of them are aging day by day, the last of their shiny hair has turned white, and their skin has gradually developed fine lines.

In the end, the two of them entered their old age. Meng Tianzheng took the path of using his body to breed, and he became much stronger. In addition, this was his second life, and he would have lived longer than the first life. Therefore, it is similar to Shi Hao's state.

The two of them are more than 27,000 years old. They are entering their old age and this life is about to end.

The strong men they had encountered had all returned to ashes. None of the strong men of the same era as they had survived had survived. They were all dead, with only withered bones.

In the vast world, there are only two people who are old acquaintances, and even the strong men of later generations have died one by one and died of old age.

Great times have changed, and countless lives have been buried.

They persisted, struggled to survive in desperate situations, and tried their best to survive. Finally, both of them reached the 30,000-year mark.

This is not the lifespan that the Supreme Being should have in the Age of Ending Dharma. That is what Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng can do. It is difficult for other creatures who have reached the top of the Ultimate Dao to reach 20,000 years.

"Shi Hao, do you have any clues about living a second life?" The gray-haired Meng Tianzheng asked, his tone full of weakness.

He is too old, and his energy and blood have dried up to the extreme, like the setting sun that is about to fall into the Western Mountains.

"We have some ideas, but I don't know whether it will succeed." Shi Hao said bluntly.

Shi Hao at this moment is related to the safety of the two of them. If he falls, Meng Tianzheng may be lost in the years.

However, Meng Tianzheng believed that Shi Hao, this junior, had brought him endless surprises before, and this time would be no exception.

"Where is the Great Elder?" Shi Hao almost lost all his teeth. The secret realm of the Wheel Sea, the source of life, has dried up, and the life wheel is full of cracks.

"I have some ideas, but I don't have enough time. I need one life to verify and study them, so I plan to use the elixir to start the third life." Meng Tianzheng replied.

Fortunately, Meng Tianzheng survived his second life without relying on elixirs. He had used many powerful medicines to extend his life in his first life, and even had elixirs, but they were not complete, so his body had not yet developed any resistance. Medicinal properties, useful.

"It's good. After the third life, the Great Elder will be able to thoroughly study the method of living the fourth life." Shi Hao was relieved when he saw that the Great Elder had his own plan.

He came to the top of the mountain. Although he was in his twilight years, his hair was as white as snow, and his vitality was exhausted, he still stood upright.

Meng Tianzheng looked at Shi Hao's back silently, roughly understanding what he was thinking. He had been in another world for thirty thousand years. This was too long for Shi Hao, so he naturally missed those old friends.

Shi Hao was silent, looking into the distance, looking at this familiar and unfamiliar world, recalling that life, those years, those people, those old things, the past days and nights, the voices and smiles, the joys and sorrows, in his eyes emerge.

"I miss you." Shi Hao whispered, with a determined flame burning in his eyes. This time, he must succeed.

The emperor's fall is vast, and the world is boundless. Death here is not even a wave in the long river of history. What's more, Shi Hao's obsession is so deep. He wants to see his family and his confidante again. See old friends.

Huo Ling'er, Yun Xi, and Qing Yi, how could they die in Diluo before he gave them an explanation?


When the deadline came, Shi Hao's wheel of life erupted with a terrifying sound of shattering. It could be seen that the originally crystal flawless wheel of life was now full of cracks and was about to collapse.


Shi Hao scolded lightly, just like cutting off the diseased parts of an ancient tree.

After this chop, he became even weaker, except for his bright eyes.

He uses his body as a seed, and the most essence of his origin is hidden in the Tao seed. His soul and Taoism are also inside. They are well protected and have never been eroded. This is the confidence for him to live out his second life.


Billions of thunders surged and landed on the sacred mountain where Shi Hao was sitting cross-legged. This was the worst thing. When the deadline came, it actually attracted divine punishment.

Shi Hao could only resist. His body, which he had practiced the Immortal Sutra and was said to be immortal, was riddled with holes from the punishment of heaven. He was dying and decaying.

However, there was also a trace of vitality permeating the decay. Shi Hao was keenly aware of it and seized this ray of vitality.

The thunderous thunder still fell down, destroying Shi Hao's body. He was wandering between life and death. At this moment, Shi Hao thought of the former Liu Shen. She was destroyed in the billions of thunders, but she gave birth to life.

The deadline swept across like a red line, and Shi Hao's consciousness became blurred, like a death knell being tolled. The light in front of him disappeared, and he fell into darkness and deathly silence.

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