The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 416 Meng Tianzheng’s Dharma and Return

The sacred mountain where Shi Hao was sitting cross-legged has turned into nothingness, with charred remains everywhere and bright arcs of electricity.

The great heavenly punishment has ended, destroying all life.

The white-haired Meng Tianzheng came to this dark abyss and saw the miserable state of Shi Hao at the bottom. However, he was not sad, because there was a glimmer of life in the withering, just like a tree struck by lightning, it would glow with the miracle of birth. .

"The seeds in winter will sprout in spring." He said to himself, then placed powerful runes here and left staggeringly.

Meng Tianzheng came to a mountain and sat down. He could no longer hold on and was about to die.

Even the Supreme Qi and blood are full of decay and are constantly being extinguished and disintegrated. If he were to die like this, he might have some things left behind that could be obtained by future generations and become treasures. However, Meng Tianzheng had already prepared. Tremblingly, he took out the elixir, picked off the fruit, and swallowed it in one gulp.

It has been more than 30,000 years since I came to this world. With Meng Tianzheng's terrifying Taoist behavior in the second life, he can naturally find the elixir of immortality. In this era when all the immortals have perished and the Immortal King has become extinct, the Jidao The most powerful being at the top is the most powerful being, he can be called the Emperor of Humanity. Apart from being invincible against time and unable to become an immortal, he is almost omnipotent.

The moment he took the elixir, divine light shot into the sky, the immortal substance flowed, and billions of rays of light fell on this mountain. It was so sacred. Meng Tianzheng's withered body was filled with vitality under the nourishment of the immortal substance, and he revived. .

The state of decline was reversed, from dryness to prosperity, the lost years and youthful appearance were all recaptured, and the snow-white hair turned black from the roots.

Meng Tianzheng was reborn and lived a third life. In this life, he was even more powerful. As a seed, various portals were opened to bless his Taoism. And rebirth made the portals in his body denser and opened. More.

With bright eyes, he saw many places that could be explored and verified some of the paths he had thought about in his previous life.

Time is fleeting and cannot be wasted. Meng Tianzheng knows this best. He continues to create magic and warms the divine bow, which contains the Tao Fruit of his first life. It has been gestating independently. When it matures and is born, At that moment, it is the time when Tao and Fruit merge.

A few years later, the vitality in Shi Hao's remaining body gradually became stronger. Finally, a ball of fire rushed up, burning the remaining body with a crackling sound.

Shi Hao came back to life and lived a second life on his own. His old face returned to youth, and his blood was extremely vigorous.

His black hair shawls around his shoulders, and his roots are light and springy. Everything has returned. He is like a young man, lightly scolding and cutting off all the decay.

Many portals were opened, and infinite secret power surged out. There were more portals than those opened in the first life, which meant that Shi Hao's combat power became even more powerful.

However, this is not enough to be immune to the erosion of time.

Shi Hao found Meng Tianzheng and continued to explore the road to immortality. He received a lot of enlightenment from Meng Tianzheng. It should be noted that Meng Tianzheng also lived his second life on his own. Some of his experiences and ideas benefited Shi Hao. A lot.

Similarly, Shi Hao's experience also gained Meng Tianzheng a lot.

In this life, their longevity is sufficient, more than 30,000 years, almost 40,000 years, enough to do many things.

Shi Hao studied the method of immortality and made various attempts in the retreat place.

And Meng Tianzheng began the path of domineering law creation. The birth of each system was not peaceful and calm, but like the creation of the world, no less than the collapse of the earth.

Shi Hao was very worried about this, because Meng Tianzheng had already used the elixir. If this life was too domineering and his body was left with many hidden diseases, then he would not have the foundation to make the ultimate leap between life and death. .

However, Meng Tianzheng insisted on this.

"This is my path, I must walk it." He sighed.

It is not his character to be vigorous and timid.

Shi Hao couldn't stop it, but he couldn't just watch the great elder go to a dead end.

In this life, he began to delve into the way of magic formations. The Emperor's Fall had just ended. Naturally, there were many relics and inheritances in the world. Shi Hao traveled all over the world to collect immortal books on formations.

After spending 20,000 years, Shi Hao became the supreme master in the field of formation.

As for Meng Tianzheng, he failed to create a method. To be precise, it was because it was too difficult to create a method. Heaven and earth did not allow it. Countless catastrophes and disasters were brought upon him, which greatly reduced Meng Tianzheng's lifespan. It was only a little more than half of the time. His hair is as white as snow.

Moreover, Meng Tianzheng's body is riddled with scars. He wants to develop a method to hide the secrets and fully release the human body's potential. Unfortunately, it takes only one day to penetrate the stone.

This life passed like this. When Shi Hao's condition had just begun to decline, Meng Tianzheng was already old and dying.

However, he himself has no regrets. Meng Tianzheng has gained a lot from the experience of creating laws. He is really close to success, maybe just one life away. As long as he survives it, there will be endless wonders waiting for him.

It's a pity that he focused all his energy on creating magic and did not make any accumulation. It is not easy to live out the fourth life?

Shi Hao had been prepared for this. The reason why he chose to become the supreme formation master was for this day, and of course, for himself.

This method is not simple. It can seize the fortune of heaven and earth and can help people live an extra life. This is the conclusion that Shi Hao came to after studying countless magic circles.

When Meng Tianzheng was dying, Shi Hao traveled across the vast territory, found nine places of creation, and connected them with a peerless formation to build a formation of creation.

Then, regardless of whether Meng Tianzheng wanted it or not, he directly placed it in the eye of the creation formation, as if planting a divine egg.

Just like when the great elder taught him the method of planting seeds with the body and planted him in the Five Elements Ground.

Meng Tianzheng, like a divine egg, was conceived and baptized by nature. His withered body and soul were finally replenished, and his lost origin and heritage slowly recovered.

In the end, Meng Tianzheng used this to live out his fourth life, just like the transformation of a divine fetus, shedding his old body, human skin, old bones, etc., exhausting the mysteries of heaven and earth, gathering innate essence in a peerless formation, and then giving birth to a new baby. Hope, live a lifetime against the odds.

At this moment, Meng Tianzheng connected the broken path, many silent doors in his body opened, divine light shined, and his combat power was greatly enhanced.

Surviving one life after another is extremely unparalleled, and Meng Tianzheng is a rare fourth life. There are very few people in history who can do this in the cruel age of the end of the law.

With disheveled black hair and a majestic figure, Meng Tianzheng slowly walked out of the formation. His whole body was full of life, and his every move and every move was filled with great power.

He glanced at Shi Hao, a little reproachful, because if this method of nirvana and rebirth were used on Shi Hao, it would definitely help him live a new life, and he enjoyed it.

Ever since he started creating methods, he realized how difficult this road was. How difficult it was for Shi Hao to open up a system on his own back then. He worked hard all his life and spent 20,000 years without success. It is hard to imagine how difficult Shi Hao was. of heaven-defying.

Therefore, Meng Tianzheng hoped that Shi Hao could survive successfully and remain immortal in the years, instead of using his backhand against him.

"Don't worry, Great Elder, this world is vast. This time, we only used up nine pieces of creation land, and there are still many more." Shi Hao replied.

Meng Tianzheng nodded.

Next, he began to study the road to the divine treasure. After working hard in the third life, he spent 20,000 years on this road for a long time. In the fourth life, he will definitely succeed.

Shi Hao began to prepare the information needed to open the third life. He would once again use the peerless magic circle to repeat what the great elder had experienced.

However, this requires at least nine creation sites. This kind of terrain is rare in the world, not so easy to find, and requires a lot of time.

Years passed, twenty thousand years passed by in a flash, and Shi Hao's deadline came. He arranged the formation of creation in advance, buried himself in it, and gave birth to the opportunity of life.

Relying on the powerful Taoism and the heaven-defying magic circle, Shi Hao lived out his third life.

At this moment, Meng Tianzheng has ushered in the most critical moment in his life. After 20,000 years in the previous life and 20,000 years in this life, a total of 40,000 years, the divine hidden method he studied was finally born.

When this system involving the entire human body was born, a huge catastrophe of creation came as expected, shrouding a vast wilderness.

All the spirits trembled and scrambled to escape. The world-destroying Qi of Heaven's Punishment seemed to destroy all the worlds.

Meng Tianzheng Xuanyi Xunxun stood at the center of the disaster. At this moment, he was at the peak of his fourth life, the golden years. He was prosperous in all aspects, had the confidence to survive, and was very calm.

It was much stronger than when Shi Hao crossed the law-creating tribulation.

Because Meng Tian has survived life after life, he is constantly getting stronger. He is already one of the top living beings, and his achievements are naturally unimaginable.


The huge divine punishment lasted for nine years, which was comparable to what Shi Hao had experienced back then.

Meng Tianzheng survived with great difficulty, sitting silently in the ruins to cultivate. The Tao fire burned, and his whole body was filled with clear light. This was the secret power released by the various gods in his body.

Generally speaking, this system is very different from Shi Hao's secret realm system, but they are inseparable.

Meng Tianzheng's Divine Hidden Method deeply taps into the potential of the human body, not even sparing the skin, hair, etc., fully opening up all kinds of subtleties.

As for Shi Hao's secret realm system, it is more of a general trend. At the beginning of the Wheel and Sea, the Dao Palace enters the spirit, the four poles support the sky, transforms into a dragon and undergoes nine transformations, and leaps to the Immortal Platform.

One is microscopic and the other is macroscopic. The two reflect each other and complement each other, and both have huge potential.

After opening up a system, Meng Tianzheng was completely different. His whole person had reached a higher level, and his strength was immeasurable.

In the ancient cave, outside the stone room, Chi Cang and Liu Shen were surprised. They thought Meng Tianzheng had great potential, but they didn't expect the potential to be so great. Now it seems that saying that Meng Tianzheng has the qualifications to be an immortal king was a bit conservative. .

In fact, Meng Tianzheng has the qualifications to become a quasi-immortal emperor. He has established a system and is equivalent to the ancestor of a dynasty. He is already qualified to become a quasi-immortal emperor.

"They are so strong. These two people are so perverted." Xiao Zai's eyes widened with disbelief.

Even in the dazzling Immortal Era, there are no such perverted creatures.

On the stone wall, the pictures are flowing.

When Shi Hao saw Meng Tianzheng's success, he was extremely pleased and felt that I was not alone in my path.

Even with the Great Elder's talent, it took a full 40,000 years to create the Divine Hidden Law, which shows how difficult it is to create a system.

It was truly a miracle that Shi Hao could succeed within a few decades, and it would be difficult to replicate.

In the third life, Shi Hao's lifespan increased greatly. Compared with the first life, it had already increased significantly. This made him see the hope of becoming an immortal in the world of mortals. If he lived like this for life after life, even if he did not become an immortal, It may not be worse than an immortal.

Next, Shi Hao tried his best to live the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh lives one after another...

When he was in his seventh life, Meng Tianzheng lived out his eighth life. This life was particularly special because Meng Tianzheng had a feeling that time would hardly leave any trace on his body.

He stands at the highest peak of his life. The accumulation of eight lifetimes has made Meng Tianzheng's moral conduct reach an unbelievable level. There is no one who can match him in the human realm, and only Shi Hao can match him.

This is already another level. Even if there is a true immortal in front of him, Meng Tianzheng dares to use weapons to suppress it.

At this point, his spiritual consciousness has become extremely sharp, and he can see the long river of time. One strong man after another has looked at the long river from a distance, or traced back to the past, or overlooked the eternity.

Especially Meng Tianzheng's longevity, which has lasted for 90,000 years without any sign of aging and is still at its peak.

Tens of thousands of years passed, and Shi Hao also lived his eighth life. He was the same as Meng Tianzheng.

Calculating the time, they have been in this world for more than 400,000 years. For Shi Hao, it is more than 4,000 times the hundred years he has experienced in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. What a long time is this?

Although Shi Hao looks very young, the vicissitudes of life in his eyes cannot be concealed. This is something unique to creatures that have gone through the baptism of time.

"I want to go back, I miss you so much." Shi Hao whispered, scenes flashed in his eyes.

However, he still stopped thinking about it, because in ancient times, "Nine" was regarded as the most respected one. On the worldly path of immortality, Nine was regarded as the ultimate, and one would become an Immortal in the ninth life.

He will spend a long eighth life in this world.

The Great Elder Meng Tianzheng was standing next to Shi Hao, stroking the blood-red long bow. There was endless sorrow on his face. This was his weapon, and it also buried his whole life, and there were endless turbulent years inside. There is another fruit of his. When the ninth life comes, it is the time when this fruit is born.

"This is the eighth life. I feel that I can live forever in the cruel apocalypse. However, it is better to undergo another transformation and rebirth." Meng Tianzheng said.

Shi Hao nodded.

In this way, tens of thousands of years have passed. Shi Hao felt that the cultivation of the eighth life has come to an end. If he wants to continue to become stronger, he needs to undergo the transformation of the ninth life. In this life, he wants to carry out the transformation in nine heavens and ten places. The same is true for the great elder. Thought.

"It's time, I want to return to my era..."

Shi Hao muttered to himself and took out the Divine Tree of Immortality. Under his gaze, the Great Elder Meng Tianzheng stepped in. When his body and soul entered the Divine Tree of Immortality, the various order chains and taboos arranged by Chi Cang The symbol glowed, completely sealing it.

As before, Shi Hao planted the Immortal Tree in the secret realm of Lun Hai. Then he began to deduce the great method of transforming himself into freedom and transforming through the ages. It was this supreme method that brought him and Meng Tianzheng to this era. He thought If you want to go back, you will naturally have to work hard on this supreme Dharma body.

It is related to the stone chamber and resonates, which is why Shi Hao has often studied it over the years.

As Shi Hao moved, the supreme scriptures echoed between heaven and earth, connecting the ages.

Shi Hao noticed something unusual, the sky changed, and he and Meng Tianzheng were able to return.

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