The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 423 Major Events in Life


Shi Hao shouted softly.

Shi Yunfeng trembled and tears rolled down his face. Thinking of the past scenes, his mood was indescribable.

"What? Xiaohao is back?" A big man walked out, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Xiao Hao?"

Today's Shicun people are very powerful, even if they don't practice, they are different from ordinary people. Therefore, after hearing Shi Yunfeng's words, they all rushed over.

"Uncle Lin Hu, Uncle Jiao, Pi Hou, Brother Da Zhuang..." Shi Hao called out their names one by one with a smile on his lips. At this moment, his heart seemed to be filled.

Everyone gathered together happily and expressed their thoughts to each other. Shi Hao was very happy, as if he had returned to the time when he was still a little kid.

"Father, mother."

When Shi Hao saw the two figures behind him, he immediately called out. It was Shi Ziling and Qin Yining. Since Shi Cun was moved to the Immortal Realm, this couple has been living in Shi Cun and has never left.

They felt that Shi Hao regarded this place as his home, so this was their home.

"Good boy, you must have suffered a lot outside these years." As she spoke, Qin Yining's tears fell. In the Age of Ending Law, everyone came to the Immortal Realm, but she, the eldest son, stayed there. How can it not be bitter?

Shi Ziling was not as sentimental as a woman. He just patted Shi Hao on the shoulder. There was no need to say anything more between father and son.

"Hao'er, how are your grandfather and Aman doing? Are they okay?" he asked.

"Father, don't worry, they two are fine." Shi Hao didn't say much, just to reassure Shi Ziling.

The situation between the Great Demon God and Aman is a bit complicated and cannot be explained in a short while.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen followed behind and did not disturb them, just watching quietly.

However, how dare Shi Yunfeng and others dare to neglect? He quickly came over to greet the two of them. Needless to say, Liu Shen had always been the belief of the people of Shicun and was a respected spirit. Chi Cang had helped Shicun countless times, and everyone had long regarded him as a member of Shicun.

Gathering happily in Shicun, the place is no longer peaceful. The villagers are busy, preparing to hold a grand bonfire party to welcome Shi Hao and Blazing Willow God.

At night, the bonfire was beating, and everyone was sitting in front of the fire, listening to Shi Hao telling his experiences over the years. When they heard that Shi Hao was in danger, their hearts became tangled and they were very nervous.

By the end, people were drinking, chatting, singing and dancing, and everyone had a smile on their face.

"It's rare for Hao'er to come back. This time, you are not allowed to leave so easily." Qin Yining held her eldest son's hand and said with deep meaning in her eyes.

Shi Hao nodded.

"Don't worry, mother, I will live in the village for a while."

"That's good, but you still don't understand what I mean." Qin Yining replied.

Shi Hao was confused and didn't know what Qin Yining meant. At this time, Shi Ziling spoke.

"Hao'er, what your mother means is that you are no longer young, and it's time to think about major life events."

Shi Hao suddenly realized.

"Yes, Xiao Hao, look at us, we are full of children and grandchildren, and you haven't moved yet." Pi Hou, Dazhuang and other childhood good brothers of Shi Hao agreed.

Shi Yunfeng and all the elders of Shi Hao unanimously agreed, especially the aunts, who had long been extremely anxious for Shi Hao.

"Shi Hao, we also want to see you get married. Do you still remember what I said to you at the beginning?" Chi Cang said.

Shi Hao knew what Chi Cang was referring to and nodded. When he was still young, Chi Cang once told Shi Hao that time flies easily and years are hard to stay. The road is magnificent and turbulent. Don't forget the scenery around you. Don't wait until you lose it. Cherish it when you have it, don't regret it when you miss it.

He had a deep understanding of this during the years of Emperor Luo. Now that he has made some progress in cultivating Taoism, it is time to pause and take a look at the scenery around him.

As everyone spoke, Shi Hao's vision was slightly dazed, and he thought of three confidantes in his mind.

Huo Ling'er, Yun Xi, and Qing Yi all had a deep love for him. After arriving in the Immortal Realm, they had been practicing hard, hoping not to be left too far behind by Shi Hao.

Although the three women have worry-free longevity and eternal youth, a woman's most beautiful and splendid years are gone forever. This is a matter of mentality, spent in missing Shi Hao.

Shi Hao naturally knew these, and every time he thought of them, Shi Hao felt sad.

Now, it's time to give them an explanation.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Shi Hao nodded and wanted to marry the three women.

This time, don’t miss it again.

"Okay, okay, my mother will send a message to them now. The three of them are good girls. After waiting for you for so long, they have not been let down in the end. If you shook your head just now, let's see if my mother will beat you." Qin Yining had tears in her eyes. , these are tears of excitement.

The three women had no status yet, but they had been serving her, Shi Ziling and the elders of Shicun. They had stayed in Shicun for many years and fulfilled their filial piety for Shi Hao. Even if they had to endure loneliness and sigh for countless days and nights, they would not do anything. No complaints, where can I find such a woman?

Chief Shi Ziling breathed a sigh of relief. The major events in his eldest son's life were finally settled. As a father, a big stone in his heart finally fell.

Shi Yunfeng, as well as Shi Hao's uncles and aunts, were also delighted and had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen smiled, and they were very happy to see that their apprentice was about to get married. Only by experiencing the splendor of the world would they not regret it in the future.

"Mother, let me go. Now I have achieved a little success and am already an immortal." Shi Hao said.

The people of Shicun were amazed. He was worthy of being Shi Hao and worthy of being a little boy. He had been creating miracles and yet he became an immortal in just over a thousand years. It was simply unbelievable.

Of course Qin Yining has no objection. This matter should really be handled by the eldest son in person, so that he can be sincere.

Now that he had decided, Shi Hao didn't want to wait any longer. He immediately said goodbye to everyone and left Shicun.

With his cultivation, even crossing the star field was only a matter of seconds. Soon, he followed the information left by the three women, traveled across the universe, and came to a prosperous fairy city.

Shi Hao walked into the noisy fairy city. He was surrounded by monks. He was walking on the street. His face was delicate and handsome. Although he was not that stunning, he had a special temperament that made people want to take a second look.

After crossing the long street, Shi Hao stopped at the corner and his eyes fell on a shop in front.

There is a plaque hanging above the shop, with three characters written in fairy script, Sihao Pavilion.

Seeing these three words, Shi Hao's heartstrings trembled slightly, and many emotions surged out. No need to say anything, just from the name of this store, he could tell the depth of the other party's feelings for him.

The business of the store was very good, people were coming and going, it was so lively, Shi Hao walked in with excitement.

After seeing dozens of unfamiliar faces in succession, Shi Hao's eyes rested on a young girl. She had a complexion like snow and was naturally beautiful. Her beauty was unparalleled.

At this moment, Huo Ling'er was personally receiving guests entering the store, and was very busy.

She noticed that someone was staring at her. She was used to it. This was not the first time that this happened. Huo Ling'er did not turn around to look, but just said: "Welcome to visit Sihao Pavilion, fellow Taoist. The items here are very complete. Fellow Taoist." You can just walk around and take a look.”

The man staring at her didn't say anything immediately, which made Huo Ling'er a little surprised. At the same time, she frowned slightly. She didn't like the strange man staring at her like this.

At this time, a familiar voice came, making Huo Ling'er stunned for a moment, thinking that he was hallucinating.

"Are there any fat girls here? If so, I'll buy one."

After being stunned, Huo Ling'er realized something. He raised his head sharply and saw the face that he had longed for. Shi Hao was still so bad. He was obviously a fat woman. He didn't know how to be charming.

As he thought about it, Huo Ling'er's eyes became hazy, mist appeared, and crystals slid down.

"Shi Hao, I miss you." She said in a trembling voice, which made Shi Hao's heart beat violently.

"I miss you as well."

Shi Hao opened his big hand, and Huo Ling'er couldn't bear it anymore and threw herself in, her delicate body trembling slightly and she couldn't help but cry.

At this time, in the shop, a gray shadow rushed over, carrying the strong wind, it continued to shrink from several feet in size, and finally shrunk to less than half a foot, flapped its wings, and flew to Shi Hao's shoulder.

"Little Wolf."

Shi Hao got this little wolf at Baiduan Mountain, and later gave it to Huo Ling'er to raise, and has been following Huo Ling'er ever since.

Xiaolang was very rude, stared at Shi Hao fiercely, and spoke human language.

"Heartless man, Ling'er has been talking about you all these years. Even the name of the store was named for you, but you just came here."

Shi Hao was ashamed and didn't say anything, but just hugged Huo Ling'er tightly.

"Xiao Lang, don't say that." Huo Ling'er said with tears in his eyes, which made people feel pity for him.

The two talked to each other and learned that Shi Hao was here to marry Huo Ling'er. The little wolf happily circled in the air. It had been hoping for this day for so long, but Shi Hao finally did not disappoint.

Huo Ling'er, on the other hand, was stunned, her cheeks flushed, feeling a bit like she was in a dream, was she really going to marry Shi Hao?

Finally, Huo Ling'er agreed and wanted to tell the Fire Emperor about this. He was also here, and the father and daughter opened the shop together.

When the Fire Emperor returns, he is no longer the majestic emperor of a country he once was, but he can still see that the Fire Emperor is extraordinary and has great wisdom.

"This is a good thing, don't cry." The Fire Emperor wiped away his daughter's tears and cast an appreciative look at Shi Hao.

Afterwards, the father and daughter left the shop to others to take care of and followed Shi Hao to the mainland where Shi Cun was located.

After settling Huo Ling'er, Shi Hao rushed to the area where the Celestial Clan took root, where Yun Xi was.

He came to the center of the Celestial Clan's territory, in front of the Celestial City. The city was still the same as before. It seemed that when the Celestial Clan moved, they directly moved the Celestial City to the Immortal Realm.

"Who are you, Your Excellency? This is the Celestial City, the center of the Celestial Clan. There is no..." A figure wearing armor appeared in front of Shi Hao and said coldly.

Before he could finish speaking, Shi Hao spoke.

"I'm here to propose marriage."

"Propose marriage?" This strong man was a little confused. He hadn't heard about which clan he wanted to marry recently. Besides, although their Celestial clan didn't have any powerful ones, they were able to stand here without falling. Naturally, there were difficulties behind it. In the imaginary backstage, there is no need to marry into any clan.

Isn’t it a bit rash for this person to come directly to propose marriage?

He was about to say something else, but Shi Hao spoke again, shocking him.

"I heard that the noble Yun Xi has become the leader of the Celestial Clan? I came here this time just for her, to inform her that Shi Hao has come to marry her."

"Shi...Shi Hao, are you Huang?"

This creature was so shocked that he was speechless. It was said that the Celestial Race's ability to occupy a place among the powerful people was related to this Huang. He did not dare to delay and immediately went in to report.

Soon, the news spread, and the Celestial Clan was in a state of excitement. The man came, and came to the Celestial Clan again, this time to propose marriage to their clan leader, Yun Xi.

Yun Xi heard the news immediately. She couldn't help but tremble slightly, and hurried out. When she saw a handsome young man looking at her with a smile, she shed tears on the spot.

Shi Hao stepped forward and gently hugged Yun Xi. This ethereal purple-clothed girl had fallen and rolled with him before. He even bit her ear. Let's go, now, we are finally going to achieve the right result.

He gently put the Lingxi pendant on Yun Xi and said the words that he wanted to marry her. Yun Xi was so moved that there was no reason to refuse.


Not far away, the Celestials were laughing. Seeing this scene, he felt relieved. With Yun Xi's relationship, the Celestials would be immortal forever.

On top of a high peak, a fairy with exquisite beauty and exquisite white clothes stands there. She has a peerless elegance, a beautiful face and a flawless face. She is looking into the distance, not knowing what she is thinking.

"Qingyi, what are you thinking about?"

Behind her, a man walks like a dragon and a tiger follows. He wears a purple gold crown. He has a handsome appearance and a majestic spirit. He has an aura that suppresses the world. At first glance, he is a peerless strong man, and he has been in a high position for a long time.

The fairy didn't answer, just sighed.

"I already belong to my heart. Fellow Taoist, you don't have to do this. Leave as soon as possible."

"Qingyi, do you think I am not as good as the person you are waiting for?" The man asked as he looked at the fairy in front of him and refused to give up.

"Like a firefly compared to the bright moon." Qingyi said bluntly. This man refused to listen and kept following her. She was already a little bored, so he naturally spoke rudely.

"I don't believe it, I am a descendant of the Immortal King." The man shook his head and still refused to leave.

"Having said this, if fellow Taoist continues to pester me, don't blame Qingyi for being ruthless."

Just when the man was about to fight with Xini, a man's voice suddenly sounded, which shocked Qingyi.

"Oh? What if I'm the one who's been pestering you?"

Qingyi was stunned for a moment, then turned around and smiled. She looked back with a charming smile, blooming like a fairy flower, leaving the stalking man stunned for a moment.

Afterwards, Shi Hao walked out slowly, his elegance remained the same, he looked very delicate, but not angry but powerful, with a grandeur that surpassed all the worlds.

"Shi Hao!"

Qingyi's eyes were blurred, and there was mist in the air. The person she was waiting for finally arrived.

"Qingyi, won't you introduce this fellow Taoist to me?" The man who claimed to be a descendant of the Immortal King said in the tone of a landlord to an outsider, looking at Shi Hao with a trace of brilliance in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the next second, Shi Hao yelled: "Where did you come from, you little miscellaneous fish, get out!"

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