The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 424 Finally getting married

"What did you say?" The man was angry. He had been in a position of power for a long time and had never been called a "little miscellaneous fish". How could he not be angry?

Besides, being scolded like this in front of a beautiful woman was really humiliating, and he couldn't accept it.

And judging from Qingyi's expression, it is very likely that the person coming is the person Qingyi is attracted to. Even if the other party does not attack, he does not intend to let him go. It should be noted that Qingyi is most likely to be the famous Qingyue Fairy from the Ancient Immortal Era. Reincarnation, once confirmed, can confirm many things, even reincarnation.

Many Immortal King families are very interested in Qingyi and instruct their descendants to pursue her. If Qingyi had not been a disciple of the Immortal King, with Jiutian behind her, and the relationship involved was very complicated, it is impossible to say that the creatures of these Immortal King families would have become powerful.

Obviously, this man also had this idea, hoping to become a Taoist couple with Qingyi and gain insight into the secret of reincarnation.

But today, he made the wrong decision and hit an iron plate.


Shi Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense with these ants, and directly burst out with earth-shattering momentum. In just a moment, the majestic man felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his soul couldn't help but tremble.

With only the supreme cultivation level, he was like an ant in front of Shi Hao, who was powerful enough to defeat the Immortal King.

"What, you are a quasi-immortal king?"

The man was trembling all over, pale with fright, and there was a trace of horror in his eyes, because Shi Hao looked very young and energetic, not like an old monster, but he had terrifying combat power close to the Ten Fierce, and he was simply a monster.

He also realized what was going on. He retreated without saying a word and ran away. He had given up pursuing Qingyi in his heart. With such a strong competitor, and the other party seemed to be in love with Qingyi, there was no chance except for using force. It can be said, but he will not be stupid enough to use force against the disciples of the Immortal King.

You must know that Qingyi is Genyi's apprentice. Even if Genyi is no longer at his peak due to the lack of soul summoning, he is still the best among the immortal kings and should not be easily provoked.

After driving away the annoying bugs, Shi Hao and Qingyi looked at each other. They had a thousand things to say, but they didn't know where to start. Although the two had not yet formed a Taoist couple, they had already become a Taoist couple. It could be said that , Qingyi is Shi Hao's first woman.

Now, Shi Hao came and said that he wanted to marry Qingyi. She didn't hesitate and agreed immediately.

Because time really waits for no one, a woman's best years have already disappeared in the years, Qingyi doesn't want to wait any longer.

After bringing Qingyi back to Shicun, Shi Hao's three confidantes arrived. The three women had known each other for a long time. Because of Shi Hao's relationship, they became sworn friends to Jinlan and called each other sisters. However, it was not a last resort. No one wanted to be with her. Sharing Taoist partners, the three of them all knew that Shi Hao would not give up the feelings of any of the three, so the three of them finally accepted the other's existence.

Everyone has arrived, and everyone has agreed to Shi Hao, and the next step is to get married.

The people in the village were decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, beaming with joy, making preparations for Shi Hao's upcoming marriage. Shi Yunfeng, the clan elders who had watched Shi Hao grow up, Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao, etc. all smiled from ear to ear. They had been looking forward to this day for a long, long time. .

The aunt in the village called the three brides aside and taught them the experience of others, which made the three women blush, ashamed and angry, especially Qingyi, who was actually married to Shi Hao, thinking of what Shi Hao did to her that day. She felt weak all over.

Naturally, the three girls’ natal families were also there, and they knew each other well.

The Fire Emperor, the Heavenly Man of the Celestial Clan, Yun Canghai, the leader of the Celestial Mountain Clan in the Lower Realm, the leader of Butian Sect, Qingyi's parents and a group of blood relatives all came.

They talked to each other, many of them were old acquaintances, and it was considered a reminiscence.

"Back then, I thought Huang Xiaozi was a talented person and urged my family Qingyi to marry him. I didn't expect the prediction to come true, hehe." A middle-aged man said with a smile.

He was Qingyi's uncle. Shi Hao remembered it very clearly. The other party did say that he should join the Butian Sect, which made him speechless at that time.

"Alas, I saw you right. You are someone worthy of Yun Xi's trust for life." Yun Canghai praised.

He was telling the truth. Back then, he was captured by Chi Cang and brought back to Shi Village because he mistakenly entered the battlefield where mountain treasures were being fought for. He dug the ground and weeded there. Naturally, Yun Canghai had an intersection with Shi Hao. At that time, Yun Canghai had already learned about Shi Hao. What kind of person is he? Not only is he extremely qualified, but he is also a kind and upright person.

Now, Shi Hao is not far away from the Immortal King. With Yun Xi following him, Yun Canghai and the Celestial Clan can rest assured.

The Fire Emperor looked at Shi Hao and didn't say anything praising. He just said calmly: "Treat Ling'er well."

Shi Hao looked at the elders, nodded, and vowed to take good care of the three beauties.

Although Shi Hao's marriage did not affect the Immortal Realm and was only planned to take place in Shicun, the news still spread.

Whether it was the Immortal King of Jiutian or the Immortal Domain, they all sent congratulatory gifts, and many Immortal Kings were present in person. There was an endless stream of quasi-immortal kings, true immortals, etc. After they arrived on the continent where Shicun was located, they all He calmed down his energy and behaved like an ordinary person.

You need to know that this is not only Shi Hao's spiritual haven, but also a place that Chi Cang and Liu Shen care about. The two leaders of the Immortal Realm are here, and no one dares to mess around.

In addition to the arrival of countless powerful people from the Immortal Realm, there are also Shi Hao's best friends and fellow monks, the Ten-Crown King Emperor, the Banished Immortal, Shi Yi... Little Sky Horned Ant, Qilin Xiaobai, Yu Wudi and other young people going to the lower world. Supreme.

As well as Lonely Cloud, Qi Hong, Taiyin Jade Rabbit, Changgong Yan, Da Xutuo, Lan Xian, etc., gathered together to witness this grand event.

The puppy was shocked when he heard the news and rushed over. Seeing that there were many people petting him behind him, he knew that he was living a good life.

Surprisingly, there was an acquaintance next to the puppy. It was Cao Yusheng who was sleeping in the lower world and was dug out by the puppy.

When he heard that his good brother Shi Hao was getting married, Cao Yusheng dug up the soil from the grave without saying a word and followed the dog to the fairyland.

In addition to them, there are also some old friends from the past.

For example, the elders of the three courtyards, Old Man Qingmu, the Immortal Lord Qin Changsheng, etc.

Many people gathered in Xiaoshi Village, all coming to congratulate Shi Hao.

"Xiao Shizi, I'm getting married without even giving you a notification from Uncle Shi."

Suddenly, a carefree voice sounded, which attracted the attention of many true immortals. They thought that a big shot had arrived and actually called Shi Hao a little pebble.

As a result, the person who spoke turned out to be a stone with a nose and eyes, which looked very funny. Along with it was an imperial butterfly, which was light and airy and looked extremely extraordinary.

When Shi Hao heard the sound, he immediately knew who it was. It was the God-Smashing Stone. It and the Emperor Butterfly often fell asleep. Later, Yi Shi Yi Die said that he wanted to go out to explore, and disappeared since then. He has not come back until now.

"Huh? This is... one of the ten evil gods' stone?" Those present were either true immortals or quasi-immortal kings, as well as a group of immortal kings. Needless to say, they had great eyesight.

Chi Cang looked over and looked at Shi Batian with a half-smiling look.

Shi Batian sensed it and swallowed his saliva immediately. It was very afraid of Chi Cang.

"Why did you run away when the souls were summoned back then? No one said it was a forced summoning of souls." Chi Cang said calmly.

Shi Batian was silent. It was indeed afraid that Blazing Eyes would summon its soul. By then, it would no longer be itself. It knew its own situation and thought that it could reach the level of ten evils with its own strength in this life. It did not want to be with him. What kind of fusion of remnant souls from past lives.

Chi Cang didn't embarrass it, he just smiled. At this moment, Shi Batian already had a good Taoist practice. If he used the magic weapon, even if the Supreme was hit, he would still be dizzy.

On the other side, Taiyin Jade Rabbit took Qingyi's hand and said innocently: "Sister Qingyi, you and Shi Hao are married, do you still have to fight?"

How could Qingyi not know what this impish little rabbit was talking about? She instantly blushed and tapped the Taiyin Jade Rabbit's white forehead.

"Children, don't talk nonsense."

Taiyin Jade Rabbit burst into tears, covered his forehead, and muttered: "I am not a child. You will definitely have to fight this time. Mother said that only Taoist monks will fight like that."

When Qingyi heard this, she couldn't help rolling her eyes. It seemed that the little rabbit asked a lot of adult questions after going back that day.

The kings of the Immortal Realm, a group of quasi-immortal kings, true immortals, and Shi Hao's old friends gathered together to witness the formation of Taoist couples between Shi Hao and three confidants in this small stone village.

Everyone sent blessings and valuable gifts. The sum of all the gifts was comparable to the treasure trove of an immortal king, which was very astonishing.

Shi Hao took the three brides to pay homage to their parents and elders, and then went to Chi Cang and Liu Shen to salute. The two were extremely pleased and gave the three girls opportunities.

Now they are the supreme giants, so it is not easy to take action.

Amidst the blessings, Shi Hao and the three brides were sent into the bridal chamber. Everyone was very sensible and left the rest of the time to the four of them.

In the stone house, red candles were burning, emitting a soft light. There were large "Happy" characters on the windows and walls, and a charming atmosphere filled the air.

Shi Hao came to the bed and looked at the three beauties covered with red hijabs, feeling excited and filled with emotion.

In my mind, I recalled the scenes of getting along with the three girls when I was young. From the acquaintance to the relationship to the love, everything was so unforgettable. After more than a thousand years, they finally got married.

He sighed deeply in his heart, reminding himself to cherish everything. Then he reached out and lifted off the red hijab one by one. Three pairs of beautiful eyes, shining brightly, looked at Shi Hao intently.

This day is destined to be unforgettable. No matter how long it takes, Shi Hao will never forget it.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Chicang and Fellow Daoist Liu for recovering from their injuries." A giant from the Immortal Realm spoke, his eyes were deep, but a hint of joy could still be seen.

Today, Chi Cang and Liu Shen are the strongest men and leaders of the Immortal Realm. Their status is directly related to the strength of the Immortal Realm.

The kings of the Immortal Realm already knew that after Chi Cang and Liu Shen entered the foreign land, they were irradiated by ancient artifacts originating from the foreign land and were seriously injured. Therefore, they were very concerned about their injuries.

Until today, after the two supreme giants personally confirmed that they learned the news that the two men had recovered from their injuries, they were very happy. This will be of great help in resisting the first wave of the great liquidation.

It should be known that the Immortal King who returns from the world sea is not a fool. There will definitely be various integrations. By then, the ones attacking all realms will no longer be sporadic Immortal Kings.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen responded one by one, and then the kings began to discuss the upcoming great reckoning. According to the exact news, forbidden creatures have returned, crossed the dam, and ascended to the heavens and the world.

This shows that a great reckoning is coming and waves will arise.

"Two fellow Taoists, I wonder when the conquest of the forbidden areas of the Immortal Realm will begin? There will be waves, but there is darkness taking root in the hinterland of our Immortal Realm, like a stuck in our throats. If it is not resolved, we will not be able to rest at ease." There is an Immortal King. Asked about it.

In fact, this is what all the Immortal Kings are worried about. Although they have long known that there is something fishy in the forbidden area, they are unwilling to start a war due to the danger there. Everyone wants to maintain their peak condition before the great reckoning. Be willing to get hurt.

Fortunately, Chi Cang mentioned this matter earlier, saying that he wanted to clear the taboo area related to darkness. With two invincible giants sitting in charge, the kings of the fairyland naturally supported it with both hands.

This matter should be done sooner rather than later. This is the consensus of the kings. However, it all depends on the wishes of the two leaders. Based on their own words alone, attacking the forbidden area where darkness has occupied for endless years is simply nonsense and the cost is too high. It's huge and will definitely cause countless casualties.

You must know that there were giant creatures who ventured in to explore, but in the end they never returned, which is enough to illustrate the danger involved.

Hearing this, Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at each other and said, "Since our injuries have recovered, this battle is inevitable. Fellow Taoists, please prepare, we will go immediately."

When the kings heard this, they were all awe-struck. They really wanted to go to war with the mysterious existences in those areas. If Chi Cang hadn't proposed it at the beginning, they would probably tolerate the existence of those areas and wouldn't take action easily.

However, things are different now. The strength of the Immortal Realm has greatly increased, and there are two supreme powerhouses sitting there. How can others be allowed to snore on the side of the so-called couch? Pulling out this nail from the Immortal Realm territory has become a must-win. thing.

For the next time, all the kings were silent, thinking about what preparations to make.

Time passed quickly, Shi Hao's wedding ended and the guests dispersed.

After receiving the instructions, all the kings went back to prepare. At the same time, those immortal kings who did not come also received the message from Chi Cang.

This time, except for the Immortal King who guards the gate to the Immortal Realm, all other Immortal Kings will take action.

The information that Chi Cang and Liu Shen received from the White Bone God General showed that there were creatures of Qi Yu's level in the no-man's land deep in the Immortal Realm, that is, the forbidden area, and it was suspected that there was an ancient temple to guide you. In a dark den, God knows how many powerful creatures there are.

Since you have decided to start a war, you must do your best in one battle and not give the other side a chance to breathe and react.

After the kings left, Chi Cang and Liu Shen left some messages for Shi Hao and then left. In this battle, the two of them were the absolute main force, at least the creature that the Bone God General mentioned was stronger than him. They are needed to fight.

The calm Immortal Realm once again stirred up waves, and all the kings moved together. However, this wave of waves was only limited to the Immortal Kings, and it was still calm on the surface.

I have something to do today, just one chapter.

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