The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 426 Fighting the nine-headed monster

The person in the ancient palace spoke very coldly, as if he didn't take the Bone God General seriously at all.


The Bone God General snorted coldly, and the aura of the supreme giant filled the air, covering the entire Jie Yin Ancient Palace.

Although this temple is dilapidated, it is related to that place after all. It is unfathomable, like the sea and the abyss. Even the most powerful giants cannot see through it. Moreover, the peerless immortal king array is arranged around the ancient temple. I want to find out. , it is necessary to break this formation.

Thinking of this, the Bone God General took action, and snow-white altars appeared one after another. Countless creatures with only white bones crawling on the altars, accompanied by ancient and obscure spells, overflowing with inexplicable energy and fluctuations.

He wanted to break open the peerless magic circle, and then overturn the ancient palace to see what secrets were hidden inside.

However, attracting the creatures in the ancient palace would not allow him to achieve his wish.

Under the gaze of the kings, a strange and terrifying figure slowly walked out of the dilapidated ancient palace.

He is very tall and has a majestic body, which gives people an extremely heavy sense of oppression. The most horrifying and terrifying thing is that this creature has nine heads.

Except for the head of a humanoid creature in the middle, the other heads are all ancient beasts and birds of prey, all of which reveal the Qi of the Immortal King level, which is terrifying.

The humanoid head in the middle seems to be in a dominant position. He has gray hair, even his pupils and eyes are gray. At this moment, he is staring coldly at the bone altar around him.

Seeing this nine-headed monster, all the kings in the fairyland took a breath of cold air. The previous White Tiger King and Golden Crow King were just two immortal kings who were devoured and fused by their souls. Compared with the nine-headed monster in front of them, they were simply little witches. See the great witch.

Similarly, this nine-headed monster is much more powerful than the White Tiger King and the Golden Crow King. It is a terrifying giant that has truly reached the extreme in the field of giants.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen showed solemn expressions. This creature was really strong. It was stronger than Kun Di, the current number one person in the foreign land, Qi Yu in the Immortal Realm, the White Bone God General, etc. It was almost becoming a supreme giant.

No wonder the Bone God General was too afraid to break into the ancient palace alone. If he had broken into this place alone and encountered this nine-headed monster, it would have been a disaster.

"Huh? Were you the owner of that wisp of innate energy back then?"

Not far behind Chi Cang, a young monk spoke. He was surrounded by the hazy and sacred light of Buddha. He was the Immortal Monk King from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

At this time, the Immortal Monk King stared at the nine-headed monster, seeming to remember something from the past.

When he said this, both Chi Cang and Liu Shen remembered that back then, in the secret realm left by the Immortal Monk King, they had been enemies with a three-headed monster of quasi-Immortal King level.

At that time, it coveted the Dao Fruit of the Immortal Monk King and wanted to attack the Immortal Monk King in Nirvana. However, it was stopped by Chi Cang and Liu Shen. The three-headed monster could not do anything to them, so it used its trump card, which was an innate essence. It contains terrifying combat power that is not weaker than the Immortal King. It is spit out by an invincible giant and given to the three-headed monster to save its life.

At that time, Chi Cang and Liu Shen had not yet recovered and could not stop the innate essence. Fortunately, the Immortal Monk King woke up in time and killed it.

Looking at it now, the owner of the innate essence is the nine-headed monster in front of him, and only a creature of its level can spit out the innate essence with immortal king-level combat power.

"Haha, who am I? It turns out to be the monk back then. There is a lot of karma between you and me that needs to be settled." The nine-headed monster responded with a sneer.

Then, it looked at Chi Cang and Liu Shen, knowing that they were also aware of them.

"It's really interesting. If I remember correctly, after the first battle, in just a few years, you two transformed from immortal kings to the most powerful people in the world. It's really surprising, and also I wonder what kind of secrets are hidden in it." The nine-headed monster said this, looking very interested in Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

"Well, what's more interesting is that your bodies are incredibly strong. Could it be that you have refined the complete Immortal Sutra? Very good, I am interested in it." The nine heads of the nine-headed monster sneered at the same time, as if they were looking at Chi Chi. Cang and Liu Shen's bodies are determined to win.

In fact, this is how its current body came about, swallowing and merging to continuously strengthen itself. Until now, it is still looking for a strong body.

"If you want our bodies, then we have to see if you have the ability." Chi Cang said coldly.

At this time, the nine-headed monster showed its power and cast a spell in front of the kings for the first time. It burst out with terrifying aura and performed a terrifying sword technique.

A divine rainbow flew out, causing all things in the world to wither, making the gods and demons lament and cry, and there was a chill that made one's scalp numb.

"Immortal Tribulation Sword Technique!"

The kings recognized this supreme sword technique. The sword's meaning was vast. It told the story of the catastrophe of immortals. It was a shocking method that specialized in killing immortals. It was the three supreme sword techniques of Peace and Chaos Jue and Caozi Sword Technique.


The bone altar surrounding the Peerless Immortal King's array was cut open by this shocking sword, and no one knew how many bones were turned into ashes in the sword light.

The attack of the Bone God General was resolved by the nine-headed monster.

Under the cloak, the Bone God General was extremely dignified. He was indeed a creature that made him feel dangerous. Fortunately, he didn't rush in recklessly, otherwise, he would most likely never return.

"Oh, you are still far away." The nine-headed monster is full of confidence, and its powerful combat power makes it scornful for eternity. It believes that it has no opponent in the realm of the Immortal King and is proud of the world.

The Bone God will be speechless and will naturally not be afraid.

Then, the grass-character sword formula bloomed, the chaos energy surged, and a green nine-leaf clover appeared, turning into a peerless fairy sword, bursting out sword energy, cutting through the universe.

The White Bone God General did not dare to neglect him. The other party's Taoism seemed to be slightly higher than his own, and his combat prowess was needless to say.


The grass-shaped sword technique was as powerful as breaking bamboo, cutting through endless bones, looking unstoppable.

Seeing this, the Bone God General stretched out his big hand and slapped him.

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the sun and the moon lost their light, and all the green was wiped out and turned into dust.

They are both giants, even if the Bone God General is slightly inferior to his opponent, he will not be defeated in a short time.

"Hmph, you can't do it. If you take one blow from me, the three swords will merge into one, and all magic will be destroyed!" The nine-headed monster directly released the three supreme sword techniques at the same time.

The terrifying sword energy spread across the ages, churning the void, as if to cut off the long river of time. Three swords appeared together, juxtaposed there, pointing at the Bone God General. One person released three swords, and then, three creatures were born, and endless terrifying sword light bloomed. Slash forward.

The Immortal Tribulation Sword Technique, the Peace of Chaos Jue, and the Caozi Sword Technique, the three supreme sword techniques, all bloomed together today. They were written by one person and shocked the kings.

The immeasurable power makes the Immortal King change his color and dare not use his edge. He is simply destroying the world. If God blocks it, it will kill God, and if Buddha blocks Buddha, it will kill Buddha.

The White Bone God General was more dignified than ever before, and he treated him solemnly. With Immortal King symbols all over his body, he used a secret method that did not belong to this era.


The collision of the two powers caused the sky to overturn and the earth toppled. Just the aftermath caused the starry sky in the universe to become extinct and the stars outside the territory to fall.

The Bone God General fell back and was actually injured, injured by this shocking blow.

Immediately afterwards, the nine-headed monster took advantage of the victory and pursued it. Countless swords shot into the sky, cutting off the sun, moon and stars, and the other eight heads each performed supreme secret techniques.

This is the supreme method that the owner of the head mastered during his lifetime. Each of them is extremely powerful. At this moment, it is concentrated in one person, which is surprising.

I saw a total of eight heads on the left and right sides showing their power. Some turned into black dragons and cut off the sky. Some spit out runes and turned into gluttonous mouths, swallowing all things. Some...

None of them are repeated, they all belong to the level of Immortal King. Some of them are the most terrifying in power, and they had the fighting power of giants during their lifetime.

The Bone God General changed his color, roared, and fought with all his strength against the nine-headed monster.

What left him speechless was that the nine-headed monster in front of him seemed to have some understanding of his era. His various secret techniques could not produce unexpected effects at all. In addition, the nine-headed monster's combat power and strange magical powers made him quickly I felt the pressure.

After thousands of rounds of shocking battles, the White Bone God flew back upside down. His snow-white bones were stained with black aura, and the power of the curse spread all over him. Some of his bones were missing and were destroyed by the nine-headed monster.

The nine-headed monster is still pursuing, hoping to completely suppress the Bone God General and intimidate the kings of the fairyland.

Unfortunately, it was unable to do so. Chi Cang stood up and stood between the nine-headed monster and the Bone God General.

"Hey, can you finally bear it? You have a good body, I will accept it." The nine-headed monster defeated a powerful enemy, and became even more conceited, feeling quite invincible in the world.

Chi Cang sneered, and the terrifying crimson thunder wrapped around his body, and the aura of taboo and immortality filled the air. He used all his strength as soon as he came up, and he didn't spare any effort.


The void trembled, and an ethereal and mysterious scripture flowed in the void, seeming to activate the power of time and connect the past, present and future.

This is where the past and present are rippling. Chi Cang's past body is sitting cross-legged in the distant past and sending infinite fighting power to Chi Cang's present body. However, Chi Cang's future body is still sitting on the flower of the avenue, vaguely. They are also bringing in combat power.

Suddenly, Chi Cang's body received a terrifying bonus. He was already a supreme giant, but at this moment, his energy and blood were boiling, unparalleled.

Chi Cang opened his eyes, and infinite order symbols were arranged in them, releasing his secret power. Facing the nine-headed monster with a rainbow of momentum, he had no reservations, concentrated his Dao Fruit and Spirit, and struck a unique blow.

A red guillotine appeared in his hand, dripping with colorful supreme blood, coming from many powerful kings.

The moment he held the crimson guillotine, a vast sea of ​​blood even appeared behind Chi Cang. Immortal king-level creatures were sinking and floating in the sea of ​​blood one after another, which was horrifying.

The nine-headed monster changed color. It actually felt a pressure. It hadn't felt this way for many years.

"You seem to be stalling for time. Is it because this dilapidated ancient palace is still connected to that place? Seeing that we have mobilized troops and come here, you know that you can't do anything good, so you are contacting the dark place?

Then you may be disappointed. "Chi Cang said indifferently. He had seen an ancient palace in the golden ancient tree. It was snatched by the blond woman's grandfather, but it lost contact with the dark prison. Although the one in front of him is dilapidated, it seems to have another mystery. Maybe the connection with the Dark Cage has not been broken.

These words seemed to speak to the heart of the nine-headed monster, revealing its purpose, causing the face of this peerless creature to change.

"You are overthinking. How can we still be connected to that place after we finally escaped from that collapsed dark cage?

We just want to live in seclusion here, isolate cause and effect, and protect ourselves. But you, on the other hand, came here for no reason. Nothing can be said today to treat you as leaving. "The nine-headed monster denied Chi Cang's statement and gathered shocking fighting power. Each of the nine heads used their supreme method to fight Chi Cang.

Chi Cang sneered and said nothing more. Anyone could see that there was something fishy in the ancient palace. He did not intend to tangle with the nine-headed monster anymore. He decided to deal with his opponent as soon as possible and overthrow the ancient palace to prevent accidents involving the dark cage. Naturally Don't be careless.

"Kill!" the nine-headed monster roared and rushed forward.

The crimson thunder roared, containing the indescribable power of divine punishment, which made even a powerful person like the Nine-Headed Monster look shocked.

During the decisive battle between Chi Cang and the nine-headed monster, Liu Shen was not idle. The terrifying fighting power of the supreme giant exploded, destroying the Immortal King's peerless magic circle in front of the nine-headed monster.

Seeing this, the nine-headed monster wanted to stop it, but under Chi Cang's offensive, it couldn't escape at all and could only watch helplessly.

"There's nothing to say. Let's do it. We'll find out if we open the ancient palace as Taoist friend Chicang guessed." Qi Yu, a veteran giant in the fairyland, spoke up and struck a giant blow, causing the nine-headed monster to change color slightly.

There are too many people coming to the Immortal Realm. It doesn’t matter if there are too many people. The key is that there are several creatures that are comparable to the Bone God General. No matter how strong the nine-headed monster is, it is impossible to block everyone. Besides, it is in the battle with Chi Cang. At a disadvantage, suppressed.


In the ancient palace, another creature came out. They were all multi-headed monsters. They were fused with the souls of many immortal kings and had extraordinary fighting power. Although one of them was not as good as Qi Yu, he still had the fighting power of a giant.

The appearance of ancient faces one after another frightened the kings of the Immortal Realm, because they were all famous creatures in history, peerless overlords of an era.

"Haha, there are indeed shady things in the ancient palace." The Ten Fierce True Dragons laughed and stopped watching from the sidelines and took action in person.

There are also kings who take action together. This is not the time to pay attention to morality. The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy. Morality has no meaning at all.

Under the siege of all the kings, the many creatures that came out of the ancient palace were defeated one after another. You must know that Liu Shen was in her prime, and now she is the number one person in the fairyland. Plus Qi Yu It is not difficult to wait for the giants to push the bulls.


The nine-headed monster was anxious. The ancient palace where they lived was damaged, so it would take a certain amount of time to establish contact with the dark place. It wanted to delay for a while so that the passage could be established smoothly, but Chi Cang saw through it.

"You dare to compete with me, but you dare to be distracted elsewhere?" Chi Cang's cold voice came, shocking the nine-headed monster.

The next moment, a red light flashed across the horizon, and three heads flew high into the air. Blood spurted out from the neck where the head had been lost, like a fountain.


The nine-headed monster's face was twisted, and its whole body was shaking violently, shaking in pain, because the immortal-killing guillotine in Chi Cang's hand could not only kill the physical body, but also the soul.

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