The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 427 Overturning the Ancient Palace of Jieyin

The nine-headed monster's soul was formed by the nine powerful immortal kings devouring each other. It was already somewhat chaotic and contradictory. Now that three heads were cut off by Chi Cang's immortal-killing guillotine, it became even more chaotic and contradictory.


The gray-haired head in the middle roared in pain, its fists glowed, countless symbols and Tao flashed, and a terrifying energy erupted, as if it was about to destroy the world.

"World-destroying fist?"

Chi Cang was surprised, but showed no fear. What surprised him was that the origin of this boxing technique came from a terrifying creature that was the same generation as the blond woman's grandfather.

He was one of the "Celestial Emperors" who created the Immortal Realm method. He developed the invincible boxing method, which was known as world-destroying and shocking in power. However, this world-shattering boxing method was lost long ago and has not been passed down.

In the distance, some immortal kings noticed the world-destroying fist launched by the nine-headed monster and were shocked.

"How do you know this kind of boxing technique? Have you swallowed the soul of one of the founders of the Immortal Domain System?" An Immortal King asked.

Unfortunately, no response was received. At this time, the nine-headed monster was in confusion and pain because of the soul that had three heads cut off. How could it be in the mood to respond to this kind of question? It just wanted to kill Chi Cang and avenge the blow just now. hatred.


The terrifying fist moves the world forward, and countless universes, suns, moons, stars, etc. are shattered under these fists.

This horrific sight made many Immortal Kings change their expressions. If they were to receive this punch, they would either die or be injured.

Anyone who is not a giant cannot intervene in the battle between these two people. They are no longer on the same level.

Blazing without fear, with unparalleled fist seals, six-path wheel turning, many great gods merged into one punch, and with the blessing of the complete Immortal Sutra, his fist actually bloomed with eternal light, and his momentum was not weaker than that of Mie. Shiquan is even better.


The two powerful forces collided, causing the world to collapse. They fought countless times in an instant. In the end, the nine-headed monster was defeated and half of its body was broken by Chi Cang's fist.

Not only that, Chi Cang's hand flashed with red light and he waved the immortal-killing guillotine. The nine-headed monster was at a disadvantage and was unable to dodge, and several of its heads were cut off again.

Blood spurted out, the nine-headed monster had a splitting headache, its soul was unstable, and it was on the verge of falling into madness. It endured the severe pain and stepped back again and again, looking at the guillotine in Chi's hand full of fear and horror.

Naturally, Chi Cang would not let it escape easily. As if he was walking in the long river of time, he came at extremely fast speed to completely suppress the nine-headed monster.

Seeing Chi Cang's expressionless expression, the nine-headed monster was horrified and did not dare to fight. It turned around and rushed towards the dilapidated Jieying Ancient Palace.

It sensed that the portal established in the ancient palace was gradually taking shape. For its current plan, it could only hope that the dark place behind the portal would provide sufficient support. The Immortal Kings in front of them came with murderous intent, and faced them head-on. Fighting, there is no hope of survival. Chi Cang alone defeated it, let alone besieged it.

Seeing that it was about to return to the Ancient Palace of Reception, the Immortal King of the Immortal Realm naturally could not let the Nine-Headed Monster do what he wanted, so they all prepared their formations to stop the Nine-Headed Monster.

However, suddenly, all the Immortal Kings received the message, and there was a strange look in their eyes, which was beyond the Nine-Headed Monster's expectation. They all stepped aside and got out of the way.

Although the nine-headed monster was confused, he didn't have time to think too much and rushed forward at a high speed. He was about to enter the ancient palace.

As a result, a white figure blocked the path that the nine-headed monster must pass. It was Liu Shen who had just led the kings of the fairyland to suppress the many multi-headed monsters that came out of the ancient palace.

At this moment, Liu Shen was wearing a flawless white dress and a thin veil. Her black hair was spread down to her waist, and her eyes were as deep as the stars.

Behind her, a total of ten thousand light groups were suspended, forming a divine disk together. Behind each light group was connected to a vast world. In each vast world, there were innate gods and gods and demons, and countless more. All the living beings chanted the true name of the Willow God together, and came from the distant past and future to this life to bless the Willow God.

The nine-headed monster, which lost most of its head and became crazy, made a desperate move. No matter who was in front of it, it would rush into the ruined hall.

Therefore, the nine-headed monster roared, and several ancient invincible secret techniques were used together, causing chaos in the world and turning everything upside down.

Liu Shen did not underestimate the severely injured nine-headed monster. She went all out, and the crystal wicker branches flew across the sky. There were actually small Kunpeng swimming on them, as well as real dragons, real phoenixes and other ten evil-level creatures, and even entangled them. With blazing thunder.

It seems that Liu Shen has integrated all the terrifying powers of the Ten Evil Gods, absorbed them all, and integrated them into his own methods.

These willow branches all exuded a terrifying aura, breaking through the layers of void and shooting towards the nine-headed monster.

Shocking collision!

The severely injured nine-headed monster faced off against the intact Liu Shen, and the winner was decided almost instantly.

Even at its peak, the Nine-Headed Monster is far inferior to Liu Shen, let alone when it is seriously injured.

The crystal-clear wicker was indestructible, had extreme speed, and penetrated eternity. It didn't last long before it pierced the secret technique of the Nine-headed Monster on the spot. Without changing its force, it stabbed into one of the Nine-Headed Monster's head.

The terrifying law of withering and glory erupted, and even the Immortal King's soul contained in this head withered in an instant.


The gray-haired head in the middle of the nine-headed monster showed a painful expression, and his eyes were horrified. He felt the power of the woman in front of him, and his heart sank to the bottom of the sea.

It has been paying attention to the situation in the Immortal Realm, and even all the worlds, so it naturally knows who this is. However, the nine-headed monster does not know exactly how strong Liu Shen is. Now that it has taken action, it knows the terror of Liu Shen. I am afraid that it is in In the boundary sea, Liu Shen is also the only one.


One of the only two heads left opened its mouth and roared at the killing Willow. A terrifying sound law turned into a vast ocean, making Willow seem to be stuck in a quagmire, making it difficult to move forward.

Liu Shen's eyes were cold, and the divine disk composed of thousands of light groups behind her emitted bright light, boosting her combat power, and she struck a world-beating blow in an instant.


The head that spit out the law of sound was pierced, and the plump flesh and blood instantly withered and became shriveled, and the soul inside also dried up.

Only one head of the nine-headed monster is left, which is similar to a human head, with gray hair and gray eyes.

At this moment, its eyes were violent and bloodthirsty, and it was on the verge of losing control.

Several willow sticks arrived and stopped just one inch between the eyebrows of the gray-haired head. They did not actually penetrate. However, the willow god's Tao and Dharma enveloped this place like a vast ocean, and even more willow sticks penetrated the body and limbs of the nine-headed monster.

A large number of rules poured in, and the symbols were densely covered and intertwined, sealing the entire body of the nine-headed monster, making it impossible to move again.

The nine-headed monster, which was more powerful than Qi Yu, Kun Di, and the Bone God General, was suppressed in this way.

In Liu Shen's view, this nine-headed monster came from the dark prison, and this dilapidated ancient temple of Jieyin was connected to the dark place. Keeping the nine-headed monster might be able to dig out useful information, otherwise she would have been in pain long ago. Killer.

After suppressing all the many-headed monsters, the kings overturned the dilapidated ancient palace.

For endless years, the place where the kings of the Immortal Realm were afraid to set foot finally revealed the true face of Mount Lu.

The moment the roof of the ancient palace was overturned, countless light groups rushed out. They were all Yuanshen. There were also some Yuanshen with broken bodies. They had not reached the level of the Immortal King. Like the three-headed monster in the past, they were all lost. Creatures, looking for powerful bodies all over the world, are called "gravediggers".

At this moment, their backstage was destroyed and their habitat was destroyed. In panic, they naturally fled in all directions.


Qi Yu let out a cold snort, and in an instant, the Immortal King's fluctuations erupted, a ripple shook, and all the creatures that escaped from the ancient palace were turned into powder and died on the spot.

The ancient Jieyin Palace with its roof uncovered was hazy, churning with chaotic energy and densely covered with laws. It looked small from the outside, but inside it was vast and vast.

The Second Under Heaven took action, waving his big hand, erasing the hazy chaos, and the scene inside came into view.

Endless, with mountains and mountains, no different from a world.

At the end of the inner world, there is a majestic portal taking shape, with terrifying symbols intertwined, and a power that makes even the immortal kings tremble.

There is an endless distance between the Dark Land and the Immortal Realm, separated by the vast boundless sea of ​​​​boundaries. You must know that even a creature of the Immortal King giant level will take endless years to reach across the sea of ​​​​boundaries. It also depends on personal opportunities. Some take a long time, and some take a short time.

A teleportation portal spanning such a long distance is unimaginable.

This reminded the Blazing Willow God and the kings of the abandoned formation in the embankment world. The purpose of the Lord of Heaven who built this formation was to cross the boundary sea and reach the other side, but failed in the end.

"Is there a place of darkness on the other side of this portal?" An Immortal King said solemnly, extremely fearful.

Looking around, the majestic mountains and rivers are filled with dark aura, and the dark aura still flows from the portal and merges into it.

"Perhaps, the Dark Land is too far away from here, so it is difficult to open the teleportation portal. The nine-headed monster is delaying time in order to allow this portal to be completely formed." Taoist Immortal Gold said.

"What should we do now? Wait for the portal to be formed, wait for the creatures on the opposite side to come across the sea, and give them a severe blow, or directly destroy the portal and penetrate the passage?" King Pan spoke up and asked the questions that the kings were concerned about.

It seems that it will take some time for this portal to be fully formed.

"Fellow Daoist Chi Cang, Fellow Daoist Liu Shen, what do you think?" Qi Yu did not make a decision, but looked at Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

After all, these two are the two most powerful Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm today.

After Chi Cang communicated with Liu Shen, they decided to explore this portal before making a decision.

The kings naturally had no objection. In a short period of time, they thought a lot. If this portal leads to the dark land, can they use the portal to directly cross the boundary sea and go to the other side? It saves the endless time needed to cross the boundary sea.

However, the darkness surges, and the majestic existences that left footprints are gone forever. They, the Immortal Kings, may not even be able to stir up a wave. If they cross rashly, they will be like moths flying into the flame.

While thinking, Chi Cang and Liu Shen had already approached the portal, and they felt the extremely powerful power from it. For a moment, they seemed to be facing the ancient artifact of origin.

What does this mean?

Jie Yin Ancient Palace definitely involves the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Fortunately, this portal is not presided over by the Quasi-Immortal Emperor himself. It can be destroyed and is not helpless.

The two used their strongest methods to explore the portal that was about to take shape, and were surprised to learn many secrets.

After a long time, they returned.

During this period, the kings also used their spiritual thoughts to circle around the portal, using their own methods. Unfortunately, only the more powerful giants could see through the light curtain, and the rest found nothing.

"How are you two fellow Taoists?" Immortal King asked impatiently.

After pondering for a while, Chi Cang answered: "This portal does not lead to the dark place, but to another ancient Jie Yin palace. Liu Shen and I guessed that there are portals between Jie Yin ancient palaces. It has built a road from the dark land to the heavens. Of course, not everyone can set foot on this road, as it is occupied by dark creatures."

"The strength of dark creatures is difficult to predict. Even if there is a war, the fairyland should not be used as a battlefield. Therefore, we should destroy this portal before it is formed.

Let’s clean up the interior of the Immortal Realm first, and we’ll talk about the rest later. Liu Shen also spoke and said this.

"Yes, the Immortal Realm is the pure land that we protect. It should not be used as a battlefield. It is better to destroy the portal as soon as possible." The other kings agreed with Liu Shen's proposal.

Everyone can imagine that it is impossible for dark creatures to allow the strongest to take root in the Immortal Realm. There must be creatures behind it that are more defiant than the Nine-Headed Monster. If the portal is allowed to take shape and a group of big ones are let in, it will be the Immortal Realm. The disaster may follow the footsteps of the primitive ancient world.

No matter what, the battlefield should be moved outside the fairyland.

The kings no longer hesitated, and took action together, using their respective taboo methods, and rushed in overwhelmingly.

The Immortal Killing Guillotine, Willow Stick, True Dragon Treasure Technique, True Phoenix Treasure Technique, Immortal King's Forbidden Secret Technique, etc., all combined in one place, are so powerful that they can sink this forbidden area.

For some reasons, the portal has not yet been formed, but you can already vaguely see the dark army behind the portal. Needless to say, they must have been prepared for it. As soon as the portal is formed, they will come over and invade the fairyland.

However, the kings' offensive attacks came and struck those symbols, causing extremely terrible consequences that were simply earth-shattering.

In just an instant, the portal twisted several times. Although it did not explode immediately, it was limited to this. After all, it was not led by the Quasi-Immortal Emperor himself, so how could it withstand the attacks of so many Immortal Kings.

Amid a burst of wailing, the teleportation gate collapsed and turned into little bits of light rain, falling down. The figures inside also disappeared, and a catastrophe disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this situation, the kings breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, even if the dark side wanted to take revenge, they would have to take the path of the Dam Realm. There is no portal to speak of.

In this way, the Immortal Realm can be avoided from being robbed. This is the mother realm of most Immortal Kings, and it is also the ancient realm with the same origin as the mother realm of the Nine Heavenly Immortal Queens such as Chicang Liushen. It is of great significance and must be protected naturally without any loss.

"We have destroyed an ancient palace, and the dark creatures will not let it go. It seems that in the next few years, it will be difficult for the world sea and all the worlds to be calm." Qi Yu said with a sigh, as if he saw a beacon. The future is endless.

"As long as we advance and retreat together and guard the fairyland, we should be fine."

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