"Fellow Daoist Dingyuan comes from the depths of the Realm Sea?" Chi Cang came over, looked at the powerful Immortal King who had just joined the Immortal Realm, and asked.

He could see that Ding Yuan's realm was not low, he was about to become a giant, and his Taoist behavior seemed to be even better than the top immortal kings like Taoist Xianjin, who was second in the world.

In such a state, he also wanders into the dangerous world sea, and often fights with creatures of the same level. Ding Yuan's combat power is very important. Even against giants who are not from the world sea, he is probably capable of fighting.

In addition, Ding Yuan is the kind of being who likes to knock people out. He has excellent survivability, so it should not be difficult to penetrate deep into the sea.

When he saw Thunder Emperor, one of the most powerful men in the Immortal Realm, approaching and asking, Ding Yuan did not dare to be negligent and immediately replied: "It turns out that I am fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor from the Immortal Realm. There is nothing to hide. I am indeed in-depth." After entering the Boundary Sea, I think the depth of it is considered to be the best among the existences under the giants."

Chi Cang nodded.

"I see. If that's the case, I have some questions I'd like to ask fellow Taoists."

"Since I have joined the Immortal Realm, I am now a part of this world. Even though this is not my home world, the chaos is coming. For the sake of my life, if the Immortal Realm needs it, I will naturally do my best." Yuan said with sincerity.

After these words were spoken, the kings of the Immortal Realm showed expressions of satisfaction and had a good impression of Ding Yuan, who had just joined the Immortal Realm.

In fact, the Immortal Realm is vast and many universes are ownerless. Moreover, with the return of the Immortal King of the Realm Sea, some news from the Realm Sea has also been brought out. Among them, there is news about the death of the Immortal King who entered the Realm Sea. Fairyland is of course inevitable.

You know, giants like Genichi have suffered great losses in the Boundary Sea. They fought continuously and failed to survive even when they returned in the end. The danger of the Boundary Sea is evident.

Therefore, the original owners of the suspended universes in the Immortal Domain fell into the sea of ​​​​the world, and naturally became ownerless places. In addition to those universes that were originally ownerless, there are quite a lot of free places, which can accommodate many outside the domain. Immortal King.

It’s just that today’s world is full of fish and dragons. It is impossible for the Immortal Realm to absorb the powerful Immortal Kings in large numbers. This will not only destroy the original atmosphere of the Immortal Realm and allow interested people to mix in, but also create an illusion of the Immortal Realm expanding and preparing for war, which will make the Immortal Realm expand and prepare for war. The fear of external forces led them to unite.

As the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind. Only in the fairyland can one maintain a posture of self-preservation in order to maintain peace for a longer period of time.

Ding Yuan's situation is an exception. The opportunity to join the Immortal Realm in exchange for the life of the Immortal King is originally stipulated by the Immortal Realm itself. If Ding Yuan can do it, then the Immortal Realm will not make any regrets.

"That's very good." Chi Cang nodded.

However, there was an expression on his face that was half-smiling, and the look he looked at Ding Yuan had an inexplicable charm.

"Haha, fellow Taoist Dingyuan must have made many powerful enemies in the world sea over the years. Otherwise, he wouldn't have spent so much time and energy ambushing the Immortal King."

Chi Cang's words did not make Ding Yuan feel embarrassed. He looked as usual and admitted this.

"It's natural. I'm not really invincible at the same level. Even if I hit someone on the back of the head with the Shocking Brick, I may not be able to succeed. The Immortal King's secret technique is unpredictable, and there will always be someone who can guard against it.

Those who didn't fall after being photographed by me hate me deeply. After all, the feeling of being struck by a surprise divine brick is very unpleasant. "Dingyuan replied.

The Immortal King present had a strange look on his face when he heard this. For some reason, he always felt a slight chill on the back of his head.

"Why, fellow Taoists in the Immortal Realm won't break their promises because of this, right?" Ding Yuan asked calmly.

"Of course not. This condition was proposed by me back then. Fellow Taoist Dingyuan doesn't have to worry." Chi Cang shook his head and responded to the other party's question.

After receiving the assurance from the famous Thunder Emperor of the Immortal Realm, Ding Yuan felt a little more at ease. The reason why he was anxious to join the Immortal Realm was precisely because he had too many enemies in the world sea.

At their level, who doesn't have a self-centered temperament in heaven and earth? If they are slapped with a brick by him, not to mention the bloodshed, the soul will definitely suffer a catastrophe. The most hateful thing is a sneak attack, and anyone will remember it.

He had expected this a long time ago. When the signs of the great liquidation just started, Ding Yuan rushed across the sea of ​​​​boundaries and returned to the world. He needed to prepare in advance to guard against those big enemies who wanted to liquidate him.

Originally, Ding Yuan planned to hide in a hidden place until the Great Reckoning was over, but after returning, he discovered that there is no pure land in this world. By the time the Great Reckoning ends, the entire world will be plunged into chaos. This kind of Under the circumstances, it was better to join a certain force than to hide in one place and enjoy the shade under the big tree. He happened to hear about the conditions for joining the Immortal Realm, so he laid an ambush in the boundary sea and knocked down an Immortal King who happened to be passing by. He was rewarded As expected, he became a part of the Immortal Realm.

"If you have Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor, I'll feel at ease. If you have anything you want to ask, fellow Daoist, just ask. I'll tell you everything I know." Ding Yuan said this.

Chi Cang nodded and asked: "Since Fellow Daoist Dingyuan has returned from the depths of the Boundary Sea, he should have some understanding of the situation and situation there. Can you tell us something?

After all, the Boundary Sea is vast. If we want to go to the depths of the Boundary Sea, it will take millions of years. "

When he mentioned the depths of the Boundary Sea, Ding Yuan's expression immediately became serious. He paused, and then replied: "It is true that as Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor said, we Immortal Kings want to go to the depths of the Boundary Sea. , the time it took was unimaginably long.

Millions of years, hey, if you have the strength of fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor, it is possible to do it. As for us, we don’t know how many epochs it will take. This is still under the condition of using the ancient teleportation formation forged by our predecessors. Otherwise, It takes longer.

As for the end of the boundary sea, it is far away, as if there is no end in sight. Perhaps only the invincible giants among the immortal kings are qualified to touch it.

Fellow Daoist Lei Di and you all want to know the situation in the depths of the Realm Sea. Naturally, there is no problem. However, we must explain one thing in advance. The next time we turned around, it was more than a million years ago. In other words, the situation I am talking about was a The situation more than a million years ago.

Now that I have logged in and docked, more than a million years have passed since then. Whether this period of time is long or short, I don’t know what specific changes have occurred.

I don’t need to say anything about the dangers of this sea, everyone in the channel should be aware of it.

The deeper you go, the higher the danger, because the enemies you encounter are all incomparably terrifying. The Fallen Immortal King, the Ancient Jie Yin Palace, the blood-stained dark ancient ship, the Light of the Flying Immortal, the Devourer... there are too many, Enough to endanger our lives.

When I was in the depths of the boundary sea, I was always cautious and tried not to conflict with others. Unless I was absolutely sure, I would not take action easily.

At that time, I noticed that the waves in the world sea were coming, so I turned around and returned. I was one of the first batch of people to turn back. There were many giants who maintained their superior combat power and were unwilling to turn around like this and continued to march deeper. Their strength did not require much time. What can I say? Because of this, they are so confident.

Of course, some giants saw the dense dark storm coming, realized the danger, and turned around. Generally speaking, almost 30% of the people chose to return to the side of the dam, and the other 70% were strong and unwilling to give up halfway. Keep moving forward.

However, millions of years have passed, and the dark storm on the world sea has become more and more terrifying. I am afraid that some of the 70% of creatures back then have begun to turn around.

After all, when the dark storm takes hold, there will be no place for me and others to stand in the sea of ​​​​the world, and even the Immortal King will fall in the storm. Who wouldn’t cherish the Taoism cultivated over so many eras?

The speed below is relatively fast, at least I haven’t seen the return of my acquaintances yet. "Ding Yuan said with a smile.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at each other, and the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm also murmured secretly. Immortal Kings who use bricks as weapons and mainly sneak attacks and knock sap sticks can naturally run fast.

During the journey of a monk, most of them focus on an invincible mind. They compete for supremacy in the world, and all the heroes compete with each other. One general can make all the bones dry. Everyone has an invincible mind. They face the enemy head-on, push in all directions, and stretch their minds, like Ding Yuan. It is rare to find someone who mainly engages in sneak attacks. However, there are certain reasons and reasons why he can reach the point where he is close to a giant.

"That is to say, a group of more powerful creatures are still on the way and have not returned yet." An Immortal King said seriously.

The world is already in chaos now. Even a pure land like the Immortal Realm is prepared and does not dare to slack off at all. As a result, the strongest group of creatures have not returned yet.

"More than that, what I'm talking about is just the area where I move. As far as I know, there are more than these Immortal Kings in the Boundary Sea, and there are even more terrifying creatures ahead.

Moreover, there are rumors that some old monsters that have been out to sea since the reign of Emperor Luo have reached the deepest part of the Boundary Sea, that is, the end of the Boundary Sea, but I don't know if these rumors are true.

If it is true, it would be interesting. They spent countless epochs crossing the vast sea of ​​​​boundaries and looking to the other side. However, they caught up with the outbreak of a dark storm and fell into a dilemma. They were living in different places. If I encounter this kind of The situation is also difficult to choose.

Hehe, I have seen the other side and the opportunity to become emperor in the distance, how could I give up so easily? But if you don't give up, when the power of the dark storm intensifies, you may be buried in the sea. Ding Yuan shook his head and said.

"Someone has already reached the other shore?" The kings of the Immortal Realm were shocked. For endless years, those Immortal Kings have entered the Realm Sea one after another without hesitation. For what reason? Isn't it just to defeat the king and become the emperor?

On that piece of sand, not even the Invincible Immortal King could leave any footprints, but there was a line of faint footprints extending into the boundary sea. This inspired later generations to believe that the opportunity to become an emperor was at the end of the boundary sea.

However, one era after another passed, and no one succeeded. The kings of the Immortal Realm also believed that there was little hope, so they threw themselves into the sea and risked their lives, so they stayed in the Immortal Realm. Unexpectedly, someone actually reached the end. I saw the other side.

"It's just a rumor, but it's most likely true, because some famous ancient creatures have never appeared, but there are their footprints on the sea. Those magic circles were built by them. I can often see the warnings they left behind. etc.

Many of these ancient beings have been forgotten by time, but the systems and methods they created are still circulating in the world.

Fellow Daoist Lei Di and Fellow Daoist Liu Shen are not the local immortal kings of the Immortal Realm. They should come from a once glorious world, and the founder of the Tao system cultivated in this world is located in the very depths of the world sea. Perhaps Have reached the other side. "Ding Yuan looked at Chi Cang and Liu Shen and suddenly said these words.

It seemed that before joining the Immortal Realm, he had already made sufficient preparations and understood many things about the Immortal Realm.

"Indeed, Liu Shen and I come from the primitive ancient world, which is now the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths." Chi Cang nodded lightly.

"I have been admiring the founder of the Tao system for a long time, but I have never seen him. As expected, he went to the deepest part of the world sea." Liu Shen sighed.

The glory of the primitive ancient world is inseparable from the Tao Seed system. This system has narrowed the distance between people and Tao. Everyone has a Tao Seed, which helps them understand the principles of heaven and earth, mobilize rules and Tao, If the original ancient world were complete, the combat power of the monks in this world in the native mother world would be very powerful and should not be underestimated.

Unfortunately, the shortcomings are too obvious. As long as the big world is broken and disabled, the combat power of the monks in this world will be reduced a lot out of thin air. This is also one of the main reasons for the failure of the Immortal Era War.

Regarding the pioneers of this system, the ancestors of a system, Liu Shen and Chi Cang, as well as the immortal kings of the primitive ancient world, are actually very curious. After all, how can it be simple to create a system of beings.

However, this pioneer is very mysterious and has never been heard from. It can only be assumed that he went to the Boundary Sea. Who would have thought that he was really in the Boundary Sea.

"This senior should be one of the oldest beings. After the dark catastrophe broke out in the early days of the Emperor's Fall, all the immortal kings in the world withered away. A group of creatures rose up and created a glorious and prosperous age. Later, they entered the world. The sea has disappeared since then.

These creatures are all extraordinary, and most of the systems spread to the heavens in later generations have followed the systems developed by these beings, or have been slightly evolved.

As the pioneers of the system, there is no doubt about their strength.

For example, the senior who pioneered the Taoism system was called a fisherman in the depths of the boundary sea.

It is said that this senior often fishes in the boundary sea, trying to catch a strange fish. Unfortunately, he has never been successful. At least I have not heard of any news about this senior's success. "Ding Yuan said with a smile.

The kings of the Immortal Realm, including Chi Cang and Liu Shen, were very surprised, because what Ding Yuan said could only be heard if they went deep into the sea. Most of them stayed on this side of the dam. Even if they had gone out to the sea, they had not heard of it. After walking as far as he could, he retreated and returned to the original route.

Even the title "fisher" has never been heard of by them.

This is normal. After all, after the Dark Catastrophe of the Emperor's Fall, the first batch of powerful people born in the world were all too old. They knew many secrets. In this world, one cannot be an emperor, and one cannot establish a heaven. Having learned the lessons of the blood of their predecessors, these creatures Naturally, he was extremely low-key and entered the world sea without leaving any name.

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