The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 432 Pull on the same chariot

After listening to Ding Yuan's words, the expressions of the kings of the Immortal Realm became much more solemn.

They originally thought that the Great Reckoning would last for a hundred or two million years at most. With the current strength of the Immortal Realm, they should be able to survive it safely.

But now, everyone knows that they still underestimated it. The world sea is vast and boundless, and there are so many Immortal King-level creatures in it that they can't even count them.

The later the stage, the more terrifying the returning creatures become.

Perhaps they will encounter enemies on their way back, fight and consume them to a certain extent, but generally speaking, their purpose is the same, which is to avoid the dark storm and find a foothold.

Under such circumstances, how can this piece of cake in the Immortal Realm not make others salivate?

For a moment, everyone's hearts were heavy, and the confidence they had in their hearts was gone. If the Immortal Realm was breached one day, their end would definitely not be good. This was something that could be expected.

What is even more shocking is that the oldest group of creatures may not have set off yet. Even if they set out now, it will take endless years to reach the dam. In other words, the great liquidation will last for an era or even longer. Of course, no one can I don’t know where the situation will go in the future.

Moreover, this era will not only break out the Great Reckoning, but also the most terrifying dark turmoil in history. Many people regard these two catastrophes as one, but no one who knows a little bit about the secrets would think so.

The dark place is unpredictable, and the Jie Yin Ancient Palace is unpredictable. It is the biggest source of disaster. Compared with it, the Great Reckoning is nothing.

Some Immortal Kings let out a long sigh. In the eyes of the world, they are the Immortal Kings who are aloof and dominate the ups and downs of the era. They are omnipotent and can make the world law with just one word.

However, in the face of the catastrophe sweeping the world, they are just stronger ants.

Perhaps only supreme beings like Chi Cang and Liu Shen, who have surpassed the giants, can protect themselves in the catastrophe. They can only rely on the strong men of this level to huddle together for warmth, hoping to withstand the impact.

"There is no need to be so pessimistic. In my opinion, the Immortal Realm is solid and powerful. With invincible Immortal Kings like Thunder Emperor Daoist Fellow and Liu Shen Fellow Daoist sitting in charge, the possibility of surviving the Great Reckoning safely is very high. This is why I have spent so much effort. The reason for joining this world with all your heart.

Most of the Immortal King creatures in the Realm Sea are alone. Even if there are groups, the relationship is not strong. It is not easy to integrate the power beyond the Immortal Realm.

As long as the Immortal Realm is more cautious, only seeks to protect itself, does not take the initiative to conquer the surrounding areas, and is careful of its enemies in foreign lands, there should be no big problem. " Ding Yuan saw the worries of the kings of the Immortal Realm and suggested.

He likes to take things by surprise and carry out sneak attacks. Naturally, his main priority is to save his life. Even his skills are mostly related to running away and sneak attacks. This suggestion is naturally extremely applicable to the fairyland.

The kings of the Immortal Realm originally planned this way.

They have no interest in building a super power and expanding wildly. Doing so will only lead to the destruction of the fairyland.

"Well, indeed, we can just stick to the Immortal Realm. As time goes by, the Immortal Kings from our realm who have left the Realm Sea will gradually return. By then, we will be more likely to survive the catastrophe." Qi Yu, the leader of the Immortal Domain, nodded and said this.

The kings talked about some things again, and then dispersed. In the following years, the outside world was dark, the sun and the moon were dim, and various tragedies occurred, which made the immortal kings feel horrified and couldn't calm down for a long time.

But the Immortal Realm is still peaceful, and many geniuses have grown up in this relatively peaceful environment, including the geniuses from Jiutian.

For example, the so-called Three Heroes of the Nine Heavens, Shiguanwang, Banxian, Shi Yi, etc., are the most dazzling. Their talents are astonishing, and they have swept away the monks of the same level with their extremely powerful posture, like three bright imperial stars rising.

In addition to the three of them, there are many people who have risen up during these peaceful years. Everyone knows that the peace of the Immortal Realm will be broken sooner or later. If you want to survive the catastrophe, you must at least reach the level of a true immortal. Only then, if you want to control your own destiny, you need to go one step further and become the Immortal King. Only in this way can you be qualified to resist liquidation and darkness.

The likes of Little Skyhorned Ant, Qilin Xiaobai, Jiuyou Zhanyu Wudi, Tianfeng Shuyao, etc. have slowly shown the extraordinary power of their bloodline, surpassing their former peers by countless numbers. However, Cheng Ye’s bloodline, Bai Ye's bloodline, those who rely too much on their bloodline will eventually be bound by it, but if they can break through the shackles, their achievements will be limitless, and they may far surpass their parents' generation.

Other geniuses, such as Chang Gong Yan, Qi Hong, Lan Xian, Da Xu Tuo, etc., although they have also achieved some fame, they are completely left behind by the former and are far from comparable.

Speaking of which, more than 10,000 years have passed since the Battle of the Border. However, none of the geniuses of Shi Hao's generation have even become true immortals. The strongest ones are only the three heroes of the Nine Heavens, and they have just ascended to the extreme realm. It’s just the top. I don’t know how long it will take to become an immortal.

Not everyone has such a heaven-defying cultivation speed, even if this is a fairyland with complete rules of heaven and earth and abundant energy.

Those immortal prince heirs, relying too much on the power of blood, can indeed run rampant in the early stage, gain the upper hand in the competition at the same level, and overwhelm all opponents. However, they also suffer greatly when faced with high-level bottlenecks.

Since ancient times, it has been difficult for the same family to continuously produce creatures of the Immortal King level. The Golden Crow clan, which has produced three or four Immortal Kings, is directly called the Celestial Family. It has always been prosperous and has always been one of the major clans in the Immortal Realm. one.

Most of those races that have no successors have disappeared in the years, and some have lived in seclusion in the depths of the fairyland and become hidden families. But if they want to return to the world, if no fairy king is born, Not too possible.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a descendant of an Immortal King to become an Immortal King. The chance is too small. Otherwise, the number of Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm would have doubled several times long ago, and how would the current situation be.

Races with profound blessings like the Golden Crow are still a minority after all.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and Shi Hao, who has reached the pinnacle of the Red Dust Immortal, has not been able to become the Immortal King, and is still polishing off his original realm.

This was of course not that he couldn't do it, but the result of Shi Hao's deliberate suppression. Knowing that Chi Cang had become the supreme giant as soon as he entered the King Realm, Shi Hao naturally had some thoughts about this.

He was thinking about other secret realms of the human body. Speaking of which, in the secret realm method he opened, the five secret realms of the human body almost covered the entire human body. It was almost impossible to open up more secret realms. Therefore, Shi Hao set his sights outside the human body.

If the power of the soul and the body are strong enough, it may be possible to open up a new world and open up a new secret realm outside the human body.

This is not about fishing for the moon in the water, but the result of Shi Hao's many considerations, studying various ancient books, and his own thinking. He believes that there are gods three feet above the head. The human body not only has countless portals inside, with huge potential, but also the outside. extension.

However, it is too difficult to make this secret realm come into being. With Shi Hao's current state, it is far out of reach.

Therefore, he was thinking hard about how to continue to strengthen his physical body and soul. He read through ancient books, gathered the wisdom of his predecessors, and received guidance from many immortal kings. Together with his own thinking, he finally had some vague directions.

The former Shi Hao rose rapidly, experienced life and death many times, and left a total of ten reincarnation marks on his body. Legend has it that this is proof of reincarnation, extremely mysterious and of great use.

But so far, Shi Hao has not been able to use it. As one of the masters of the way of reincarnation, the Immortal Monk King of Jiutian has put forward many feasible suggestions to Shi Hao. The weapon of the giant Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King at that time was also the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. Advise Shi Hao, help him discover the magical effects of the ten reincarnation seals, and find some ways.

If it works, Shi Hao's soul will be horribly enhanced.

As for the physical body, Shi Hao has already practiced the complete Immortal Sutra, but he is not satisfied and thinks that it can be stronger. He has searched for ancient methods, pioneered innovations, and even studied the reincarnation of the physical body, hoping to refine the physical body to the extreme.

The soul and the physical body work together, accepting the tempering of the years. Shi Hao is silently accumulating, waiting for the moment to soar into the sky. This will take a long time, but he firmly believes that he can succeed.

Meng Tianzheng, another mortal immortal, has already passed down the Divine Hidden Dharma in that Dharma-ending world with the help of Chi Cang and Liu Shen. Like the Secret Realm Dharma, it is a far-reaching system. After all, it was born out of the past. The path of being a species.

After passing down the Dafa, Meng Tianzheng received astonishing benefits. He made great strides forward in the world of mortals, and his Taoist behavior reached an incredible stage, which was almost different from Shi Hao after the Dafa was passed down.

He was very grateful to Chi Cang and Liu Shen, because without them, it would have been impossible to do anything to spread the law in the fairyland and the world beyond Jiutian.

In today's world, except for these two realms and the burial ground, all other places have been eroded by the flames of war. The immortal kings fight, and the sky is full of blood. Those who do not reach the level of the immortal king will fall easily.

Fortunately, Meng Tianzheng successfully preached the gospel and received great benefits, so he could continue to the next stage of practice.

As for the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the aura of the end of the law is still strong, and the integrity of the interface rules makes the suppression of living creatures by the heavens and the earth even more terrifying. However, with the existence of the divine world, the monks are not without a way out.

Many living beings have exerted their talents and talents in a difficult environment, created many Dharma doors, and constantly climbed up. However, more than ten thousand years is still too short for an interface that has entered the end of the Dharma. What do you want to be born? It is almost impossible to reach the supreme level, and reaching Eunyi is already extremely difficult.

No matter how talented those geniuses are to amaze the world, in the end, they are just a pile of bones.

There are also people who risk their lives and are infected by the poem on the stone tablet: "The sea has turned into dust for tens of thousands of autumns, and the white hair of Taoism has been forever sad. A dream lasts for thousands of years. Where can I travel on the rugged road to immortality?" and gave it a try and stepped into the ancient cave. , and has since disappeared.

No one in Jiutian knows whether they succeeded or not. No one knows who built this road and this ancient monument. It leads to where. It is also unknown whether it connects to the legendary fairyland. It remains to be verified.

However, who would consider these things when the end of life is approaching? As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will gamble.

The Immortal Cave has become the home of many unparalleled geniuses. All the creatures that enter are gone forever. Maybe they succeed, maybe they fail. No matter what the outcome is, there is always hope. They cannot reach the top of the Ultimate Dao. If you are not qualified to go to the Ascension Platform, where else can you go?

Because too many powerful people entered here, and finally no news was heard, and no one knew whether they were alive or dead. People directly called this place the Immortal Tomb. The meaning is very easy to understand, it is the tomb of those who pursue the immortal path.

Even though this place makes people feel sad and even a little bit creepy, there are still many people entering one after another, just to pursue the glimmer of hope. Later, everyone who enters will leave their names, as if to prove their existence. , came here, and seemed to be carving my own epitaph.

Time is passing, and in a daze, it seems that there is a vast river of time running endlessly, gone forever.

A supremely powerful person stands tall on the long river of time, high and majestic, but he can only watch it rush down, unable to recover or reverse anything.

In the blink of an eye, one hundred thousand years have passed since Ding Yuan joined the Immortal Realm.

During these hundred thousand years, the Immortal Realm, Nine Heavens, and Burial Ground have become the last pure lands of the heavens.

Outside the territory, the war has already reached the point where the world is shattered and the world is destroyed. Each ancient world is as fragile as a bubble in the battle between the Immortal Kings.

Even foreign lands with origin ancient artifacts inevitably encountered invasions, harassment, and continuous battles.

The Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm were like outsiders, staring at all this. While they were horrified and frightened, they also felt lucky. Fortunately, Chi Cang and Liu Shen joined the Immortal Realm back then. Otherwise, the war would have spread to this place long ago. One realm.

With their shocking achievements and unfathomable Taoist deeds, the names of the Immortal Realm's Thunder Emperor Chi Cang and the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit Liu Shen were spread among the immortal kings in the heavens. All parties were afraid of them and did not dare to act rashly or provoke them.

However, things must turn to the extreme, and the peace of the Immortal Realm and Jiutian really makes those immortal kings who fight for life and death jealous.

For a hundred thousand years, this world has been recuperating and waiting for work. It has long been a thorn in the eyes of some living beings. It is just that they are afraid of the strength of the Immortal Realm and dare not take action easily.

Peace will eventually be broken. There is no true pure land in this world. This is something that all the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm know very well. Now, they are using this peaceful period to hide their capabilities and bide their time, silently waiting for the war to come.

As for the other pure land - the burial ground adjacent to Jiutian, it is because they have few enemies and are very united. In addition, the burial kings spend most of their time sleeping, wandering in the dreamland, and there is no threat. Moreover, the environment of the burial ground is very It is strange, full of vitality, but also has a strong aura of death. Even the immortal kings are not willing to compete for this ancient world.

Therefore, the burial ground can be regarded as a pure land, extremely quiet, with few visitors from outside the area.

As the leaders of the Immortal Realm, Chi Cang and Liu Shen visited the burial ground many times and reached an agreement with the Burial Kings to advance and retreat together. Although some of the Burial Kings who were not advanced to the Golden Burial Warrior level had violent, weird and terrifying personalities. However, in the face of a catastrophe, they will consider their own safety, and they will not jump out to sing the opposite and destroy the alliance with the Immortal Realm.

As early as when he first met the blond woman, Chi Cang got a lot of information left by the other's grandfather, telling future generations that the lineage of burial warriors can become Taoist friends. The birth of this lineage is related to darkness, but they never thought that He is a descendant of dark creatures, but he is hostile to dark creatures. Chi Cang and Liu Shen naturally want to bring this lineage into the same tank.

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