The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 433 Battle at the Burial Ground

The years are ruthless, and another hundred thousand years pass by.

Above the boundary sea, dark storms approaching the shore appear more and more frequently. Just stand on the embankment and penetrate the fog, looking into the distance, and you can see those strange black winds, which contain unknown laws. Huge waves rolled up in the sea.

Fortunately, compared to the vast boundary sea, these black winds and huge waves are nothing, and their power is not enough to threaten the Immortal King. However, it is foreseeable that as time goes by, this black wind will There will be more and more, and the power will become more and more terrifying, until one day it will completely cover the boundary sea.

By that time, there will probably be no place for the Immortal King to stand in the vast Boundary Sea. This is also the main reason why the Immortal Kings in the Boundary Sea have embarked on the road of return.

Over the past 100,000 years, the Immortal King War has become more and more terrifying, making all the old monsters tremble with fear. Even the top strong men are trembling with fear, because more than one giant was robbed in the war and ended up dead. end.

Even the last pure land of the heavens was affected. The Immortal Realm, Nine Heavens, and Burial Ground were all attacked by taboo beings.

This is very dangerous, because the outside world has long been eyeing these three realms, and no one wants to see anyone staying out of it.

Fortunately, the Immortal Realm and the Burial Ground are strong and strong, and they can deal with all kinds of temptations and provocations from the outside world calmly.

During this period, some powerful people deliberately took action to measure the strength of the Immortal Realm. As the two strongest people in the Immortal Realm, Chi Cang and Liu Shen naturally would not avoid fighting and send a signal of weakness to the outside world. They went to fight together. It showed the terrifying power of the supreme giant, defeated the testers, suppressed many kings from outside the territory, and made the outside world fearful, but there was nothing they could do.

However, they do not think that the peace in the Immortal Realm can be maintained forever, because as time goes by, the powerful giants are on their way back, and the battle between the heavens and the world will be pushed to the most brilliant peak by them.

On this day, the desolate and silent burial ground suffered a great disaster. A powerful giant came and attacked it.


A yellow gourd spewed out chaotic light and descended from the sky, releasing a shocking power. In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. The sun and the moon lost light, and only the yellow light shone. This gourd destroyed a large piece of the burial ground on the spot.

"who is it?"

A burial king was awakened from his deep sleep and roared angrily.

All the Burial Kings were born, tall corpses stood up from the majestic tomb, and the power of the Burial Kings spread like a tide.

This is the first time in 200,000 years that the burial ground has been attacked. Normally, even if it is affected, the territory will not break apart and the world will collapse.

Therefore, all the Burial Kings are awake and ready to prepare. They know that this is an immortal enemy, otherwise they would not dare to attack the mysterious burial place.


A world-shattering war broke out, so terrifying that even the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths not far away were affected. Because the burial sites of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were adjacent and overlapped, the aftermath of the Immortal King War covered the once borderlands.


The majestic border pass and the ancient city full of endless legends were wiped out in an instant. Without the Immortal King himself to resist, how could an ancient pass remain standing?

The next moment, the universe trembled, and the void trembled. A thick branch broke through the layers of void and extended like a horned dragon. The branches were covered with branches and leaves, and golden light bloomed. Every leaf was covered with light. Wrapped in chaos energy, it holds a star.

It was the World Tree of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths that arrived, noticed something strange at the border, and took action to stabilize the mountains and rivers.

If you look back along the branches of the World Tree, you can vaguely see a blond woman. She is a member of the Butcher's clan and a descendant of the Emperor of Heaven. She was unfathomable back then, but this morning she is an immortal, and there is a deep connection with the World Tree. contact.

"The burial place was robbed, and a war between the Immortal Kings broke out. If they are allowed to continue fighting, the border of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths may cease to exist. It seems that the Immortal Realm must be notified." The blonde woman's eyes were solemn, with a hint of shock.

In the Immortal Realm, a sigh rang out in a cave that had been sealed in dust for tens of thousands of years.

"The yellow gourd must be that person. Counting the time, it's time to return, so let's take a walk." Deep in the cave, Chi Cang said to himself, standing up from sitting cross-legged. He stood up, with terrifying symbols flashing in his eyes, staring in one direction. His body was sometimes surrounded by a long river of time, and there were dense red lightnings, mysterious and extraordinary.

Just now, the blond woman who was in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths performed a blood sacrifice, called Chi Cang's true name, and informed him of the robbery at the burial ground, and then woke up Chi Cang who was immersed in practice.

Speaking of which, Chi Cang stayed in seclusion for 80,000 years in order to push his Taoism to the peak of the Immortal King. The entire cave was filled with thick dust.

Except for immortal beings, it is difficult for the world to imagine what it is like to be in seclusion for 80,000 years. Chi Cang spends his time practicing and can hardly feel the passage of time. Everything seems to have stayed in the past, but when he wakes up, Things are changing outside.

After eighty thousand years of practice, Chi Cang's Taoism has improved a bit, but there is still a long way to go before it reaches its peak.

The cultivation of Immortal Kings, especially after reaching the supreme giant, is really difficult. This is true for those Immortal Kings who use the power of faith such as Immortal King temples, statues, altars, etc. to speed up their cultivation. What's more, Chi Cang relies on himself. An existence that does not rely on the power of faith.

In short, it is not easy for him to reach the top of the Immortal King. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is extremely difficult.

Sometimes, Chi Cang even wants to stop such slow practice and start cultivating his future body. He knows that if he does this, his Taoism will definitely skyrocket, which will definitely be much faster than a little hard work.

However, starting the practice of the future body before reaching the peak of the Immortal King is, to a certain extent, overdrawing the back of the quasi-immortal emperor, which Chi Cang cannot accept.

Although he became an immortal in the mortal world and opened up his own avenue system, it is still unclear whether he can really become a quasi-immortal emperor. The difficulty of this level can be seen from the experience of his predecessors.

For billions of years, endless eras, across all heavens and realms, countless immortal kings fought to cross over, but in the end, only Liao Liao succeeded.

In order not to fall short when attacking the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, Chi Cang must endure it no matter how difficult it is.

The same goes for Liu Shen. He has the back-up skills to attack the quasi-immortal emperor, but he won't use them easily until he reaches the peak. They are all waiting for a suitable opportunity.


A portal to the Immortal Realm opened, and Chi Cang's figure emerged. Under the gaze of many immortal creatures guarding the gate, he walked out of the Immortal Realm.

"Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor, do you really need to notify other Taoists for help?"

A majestic figure spoke, his whole body covered in Immortal King symbols, vague and unclear. This was the Immortal King responsible for guarding this door.

"No need, the burial ground is not weak, I can just go there, and other Taoist friends can guard the fairyland to prevent foreign lands from trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain." Chi Cang responded.

The owner of the yellow gourd is a giant who left the world sea in a foreign land. He is a bit more powerful than Kundi. If there are too many helpers from the Immortal Realm, he might be taken advantage of by the foreign land. Over the years, Slow Down God The foreign land that came here has made a lot of small moves, and the possibility of uniting with other forces is not small.

As one of the highest combat forces in the Immortal Realm, it is enough for Chi Cang to personally support the burial place, while Liu Shen can just guard the Immortal Realm. If both of them are involved, the risk will be too great.

The Immortal King guarding this gate also knows the seriousness of the matter, which is related to the credibility and safety of the Immortal Realm. He needs support, but he must also consider the Immortal Realm itself. With Chi Cang taking action, even if it fails, the burial place will not be dissatisfied.

So, he nodded, told Chi Cang to be careful, gave him a warning, and then said nothing more.

After Chi Cang left the Immortal Realm, the laws were densely covered under his feet, and the long river of time emerged. He seemed to be walking along the river of time, criss-crossing the past, present and future.

Pieces of universe flew away at his feet, and an era passed in an instant.

In just a moment, Chi Cang came to the sky above the burial ground. At this time, the vast burial ground was a bit miserable and torn apart. Countless buried soldiers were robbed and died in the aftermath of the Immortal King's War.

The terrifying fluctuations were still there, and the battle between the Immortal Kings was far from over. Various angry shouts resounded through the sky, shaking the world forever.

"Is it Fellow Taoist Chi Cang from the Immortal Realm?" A voice sounded, revealing joy. It was the Burial King behind Shen Ming and Sanzang.

"It's me, fellow Taoist Huo Heng, how is the situation in your world?" Chi Cang asked subconsciously.

A figure appeared and came to Chi Cang. It was Huo Heng Burial King whom Chi Cang said. He had long golden hair and a mysterious temperament, just like a god.

"It's not too bad. The lost burial soil is just the periphery, and the core has not been damaged. However, if the comer is not good, he will not give up easily." Huo Heng sighed.

He did not fight against his opponents, but took action to gather the territory that was split and gone. Once it drifted away from the Burial World, it would be difficult to take it back.

"Well, I see, I already know who is attacking the burial ground." Chi Cang's eyes flickered and he saw some powerful figures.

Not only the owner of the yellow gourd, but also some strange kings seemed to be the reinforcements he invited. Although this giant was very powerful, he was not stupid. He knew that the burial place was not trivial, and it was not a wise move to come alone.

"Fellow Taoist, are you here to help me with my burial place?" Huo Heng asked. Chi Cang's achievements are obvious to all, and his reputation is so great in the world. With such an invincible creature taking action, the burial place will be safe.

"Of course, the Immortal Realm and the Burial Ground advance and retreat together, and I am here to support them on behalf of the Immortal Realm. Moreover, these creatures intentionally or unintentionally attacked the Jiutian Border Wilderness back then, and I am afraid they are also testing something. In this case, then as they said I wish I could fight." Chi Cang said coldly.

In his sight, the area known as the "Celestial Beast Forest" adjacent to the Burial Ground, Foreign Land, and Nine Heavens had disappeared. It was either smashed into powder or cracked and drifted into chaos.

That place became the main battlefield, with many figures fighting fiercely in it, and from time to time, big hands swatted at the border.

It can be seen that the vast desert where the Soul-Calling Sacrifice was held and the Imperial Pass where all the powerful powers gathered have been wiped out. Only the branches of the world are guarding there to fight against the aftermath of the Immortal King War. Some kings are taking action in that direction intentionally or unintentionally.

Just as Chi Cang was looking at the area, a giant who had just returned from the Boundary Sea repelled his opponent and clapped his hands towards the area sealed off by the World Tree.

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned pale, and the universe collapsed.

This is a giant from the Boundary Sea, and his combat power is even stronger than that of the giants on the side of the dam. With this palm shot, even if the World Tree is in charge, the large area belonging to the border will disappear and turn into dust.


The blond woman on the World Tree was shocked. This giant was unable to withstand the opponent's peerless attack just by relying on the World Tree.

"Seeking death!" Chi Cang shouted coldly.

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is the mother realm of him, Liu Shen and a group of immortal kings. Two hundred thousand years ago, they spent a lot of effort to build Nine Heavens, hoping that the Red Dust Immortal would come out. Over the years, they have been releasing the Immortal Realm to the outside world. Will guard the signal of the Nine Heavens, otherwise, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths would have been ravaged long ago and used as a battlefield for liquidation.

And in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, in the two hundred thousand years, some extraordinary geniuses were indeed born, and they went to the Immortal Realm through the Ascension Platform and the Immortal Cave. However, all those who went to the Immortal Realm from this world were no small feats, and they were powerful in battle. They are full of talents, which makes them very happy, and they feel that the arrangement back then has paid off.

Under such circumstances, how can you let others ruin a good situation?


Chi Cang took action, and a bloody light flashed across the world. The front of the world's branches was immediately filled with blood-red lightning. There were hundreds of millions of them, each one as thick as a mountain, terrifying to the sky.

In the center of the bloody lightning, a simple Taoist platform floats up and down. You can see it from a distance. There is an immortal guillotine hanging high on the platform. It is bloody and stained with the blood of the Immortal King. It makes people's necks feel cold. My heart was horrified.


A boundless sea of ​​blood emerged and rolled around the Taoist platform. One after another, the heads of famous kings were undulating in it. It was strange and terrifying. Even the Immortal King would murmur when he saw this sight.

"Slaying the Immortal Platform?"

The immortal kings and creatures in the battle were shocked. Over the past two hundred thousand years, this great killing weapon of the Immortal Territory Thunder Emperor has long been famous. It is unknown how many kings were killed on the Immortal Immortal Platform, and all those whose heads were beheaded were without exception. , all of them died.

The head floating in the sea of ​​blood was the Immortal King-level creature that died on the Immortal Killing Platform. It seemed that it really wanted to drink up the Immortal King's blood just as Chi Cang said back then.

The more heads are chopped off and the more blood of the Immortal King is stained, the more terrifying and monstrous the power of this instrument becomes.


In a flash of blood, the giant palm struck by the giant was cut in half silently, and the blow was resolved.

The person who made the move was surprised and felt his arms were slightly cold. Fortunately, the giant palm was made of magic power and not real flesh and blood. Before he came, he had heard about the vicious reputation of this guillotine. While cutting the body, it also cut the soul. Even a giant like him would be seriously injured if he was stabbed.

"Hmm, the legendary Thunder Emperor? I'm just about to learn a lesson." The tall figure spoke, rumbling and shaking, his body majestic, like a god who created the world, towering into the chaos.

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