The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 434 Killing the giant of the world sea

"Brother Luling, be careful. Although this boy is young, his strength is as high as the sky. He has killed many kings in our world, including giants and top kings. Even the nine-color beam of the ancient artifact did not kill him. Don't underestimate him. "

At this time, a cold and old voice came. At the source, the terrifying fluctuations were extremely violent. There were creatures fighting for life and death. You could vaguely see a yellow gourd running rampant among them, looking fierce and majestic.

"Qu Yan, it is indeed you. As soon as you come back, you can't wait to kill to the burial ground. Could it be that you suffered a big loss from the burial ground Taoist friends in the boundary sea? Haha." Chi Cang laughed, his mouth was ruthless, revealing Qu Yan's words. Lao Di.

In the deathly gray aura, an ancient creature with gray hair and gray eyes snorted coldly, causing the stars to dim and the galaxy to tremble.

Chi Cang's words filled his heart with great hatred. In fact, this was no secret. He had indeed been severely injured by Yang Ji, the most powerful person in Burial Ground, and had a great cause and effect. Otherwise, he would not have mobilized an army to launch an attack on Burial Ground. .

That battle was regarded by Qu An as a lifelong shame. He was defeated by his opponent in a head-on battle and almost lost his life. What else could he say? It can only be said that the skills are not as good as the people.

However, the chicken farmer has penetrated deep into the boundary sea, and it will take endless years to return. Before that, he must avenge the battle that year. At the very least, he must smash the chicken's habitat into pieces, and her. The so-called chickens he raised must either be killed on the spot or captured in a foreign land, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart.

The Thunder Emperor who was supporting the Burial Ground in front of him was regarded as a thorn in Qu Yan's side because he was a sworn enemy of the foreign land. If possible, it would be best to keep this rising star with terrifying potential here.

Although Qu Yan didn't think anyone could break through the King's Realm, Lei Emperor's performance was so outrageous that it was frightening and had to be guarded against.

"Haha, many years ago, news came back from the world sea that he was severely injured by the chicken-raising senior in our world and almost died. I think the reason for attacking the burial ground now is because of this cause and effect." Burial King Huo Heng sneered.

Not only him, but also other Burial Kings were laughing, including the two Burial Kings who were competing against Qu Han.

"I admit that that woman is stronger than me, but who are you? You dare to say such arrogant words. When I destroy this world, that person will definitely feel heartbroken when he comes back, hahahaha." Qu Yan said arrogantly. Laughing, holding a yellow gourd, he hit the shoulder of a buried king. Suddenly, a muffled groan came out, and blood splattered.

Obviously, the Burial King suffered a big loss. As a giant in the world, Qu Yan was not a simple person who could escape from the hands of a chicken farmer. You must know that even Kundi was not his opponent. He had been in the world. Killing all directions in the sea, invincible.

Only the butchers and chicken raisers could pose a threat to him.

"Your Excellency still cares about others when you are competing with me. Do you think that I am an inferior person?"

In the chaos, a tall and stalwart figure made a sound, the Immortal King's laws were lingering, the stars were shining brightly under his feet, and the universe was boundless, rumbling and turning in his hands.

This creature, named Lu Ling, can be called a giant in the world sea. He is one of the strongest helpers invited by Qu Han. Like Qu Han, he just returned from the world sea. As soon as he returned, he heard about the relationship between the Thunder Emperor of the Immortal Realm and He didn't quite believe in the matter of ancestor worship.

In just two epochs, it would be great to be able to become a king. This is already considered an astonishing talent. However, in such a short period of time, the Thunder Emperor jumped up and became the top invincible giant. This is a bit too much. Dreamy.

This time, Lu Ling was preparing to measure the strength of the Thunder Emperor. After all, they, the ancient beings, had to work hard for endless years before they had the Taoism they have today, while others had completed it in two epochs, and even the rumored Being stronger than them would be hard for anyone to accept.

"That's fine, I'll suppress you first and then deal with the knot." Chi Cang responded, making Lu Ling's eyes become more and more gloomy.

After all, he is also a giant figure respected by all the four parties in the world. Even beings like Qu Yan have great respect for him. Unexpectedly, a junior who suddenly rose up looked down on him so much. He originally planned to hold back a little. He immediately decided to take action with all his strength to keep this arrogant Thunder Emperor.

As for offending the Immortal Realm, he is not afraid. From Lu Ling's point of view, it is still unclear whether the Immortal Realm will exist in the future. After being peaceful for so long, the Immortal Realm has already become a thorn in the eyes of many kings. It only takes one opportunity to explode. , when the time comes, the Immortal Realm, which does not have such a big killing weapon as the Origin Ancient Artifact, will inevitably face the fate of destruction.

As for the invincible strong men in the Immortal Realm, unless they really break through the King's Realm, they are not truly invincible as long as they are still in the King's Realm. If a pack of wolves hunts a dragon, the dragon will definitely fall in the end.

"I want to see if you, a junior, are really as invincible as the rumors say." Lu Ling shouted coldly, and then launched an attack.

A terrifying pressure came, causing the Immortal King to change color, as if it was about to crush eternity.

Above the blazing sky, a tall figure held a large seal holding the sky and pressed it downwards. Before it really came down, some stars could not withstand the terrible pressure and exploded like fireworks.

This is Luling's natal Immortal King's weapon, the Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers, which was condensed and refined from countless vast ancient worlds. It was added with countless divine materials and fairy materials, and conducted countless cruel blood sacrifices. On the surface, it is full of great rivers, mountains and rivers. , the patterns of flowers, birds, insects and fish are engraved with mysterious symbols of the Immortal King one after another.

Its reputation is so powerful in the world sea. Once the great seal of mountains and rivers comes out, it does not have the strength of a giant. If it takes a hard blow, it will shed a layer of skin even if it is not dead. There are countless immortal kings who have fallen under this seal, and they have even been suppressed. A giant-level figure.

Therefore, Luling is very confident.

The pressure surged like a tidal wave, and the surface of Chicang's body continued to make cracking sounds. The void collapsed and was knocked back to the original point. Thunder and lightning flashed wildly, seeming to be furious, but also wailing.

Chi Cang sighed in his heart, he was indeed a giant creature from the Boundary Sea. He was good at conquering and fighting, and his strength was monstrous. It was not comparable to the giants on this side of the dam.

Chi Cang did not look down on the other party. Every creature that was a giant in the world sea was not weak. If there were enough, even he would be defeated.


A crisp metal tremble sounded, and a crimson sword flashed across the horizon, splitting the entire world into two, accompanied by endless lightning and thunder and torrential rain. It was not ordinary rain, but the blood rain of the Immortal King. They gathered into a vast ocean and distorted the heavens.

This immortal-killing guillotine is the embodiment of the ultimate Dao fruit of Blazing Thunder Dao. Back then, after he refined the scraps of the smallest coffin of the Third World Bronze Coffin into a simple Taoist platform, he merged with it in the wildly dancing lightning of the forbidden order. A blood-red guillotine. For more than 200,000 years, this guillotine, which symbolizes the Ultimate Thunder Dao Fruit of Chicang, has cut off the heads of countless immortal kings. It has already undergone unpredictable changes. It is strange and mysterious. Its power beyond imagination.

As Chi Cang swung with all his strength, the blood-red sword of order collided with the mountain and river seal, making the sound of metal clashing as the earth shattered.

Vast fluctuations swept across the sky and the earth. This was a full-force collision between invincible giants. It was earth-shattering. Even the powerful Immortal Kings on other battlefields showed signs of surprise, because the battle between Chi Cang and Lu Ling was too loud. Generally speaking, Only a real giant battle can be of this scale.


The world lost its sound, the great seal of mountains and rivers and the guillotine of killing immortals were facing each other tit for tat. The laws belonging to the invincible giants were fiercely impacting. The symbols of the Immortal King were all over the sky, and the momentum was so great that the colors of the creatures below the giants suddenly changed.

"As expected of the Thunder Emperor, if he hadn't come to help today, our burial ground would be in big trouble. However, there are ancient secrets hidden in the deepest part of the core area of ​​the burial ground. Even the Burial King and I can't explore it. If Qu Yan is wise, , we won’t touch that area." Huo Heng, the Burial King, sighed.

Seeing the battle between the invincible giants, he asked himself that he couldn't compete with such a level of beings, and maybe he couldn't even resist. If Chi Cang didn't take action, Burial Ground would really have a headache.

Of course, given the mystery and antiquity of the burial ground, no one knows what kind of terrifying creatures are sleeping in the deepest area. It may not be that easy to truly destroy the burial ground.


In the blink of an eye, Chi Cang and Lu Ling made hundreds of attacks, all without reservation, fighting with all their strength, and the two of them were jealous.


Lu Ling roared, coughing blood from the corner of his mouth, which was shocking. He was very frightened in his heart. This young man really had boundless power. He tried his best, but he could barely compete with it. He was at a disadvantage. Could it be that he really wanted to do this today? Defeat at the hands of the other party?


Another shocking blow, the aftermath of the battle spread out in a mighty way, making the World Tree guarding the Jiutian border tremble. This kind of battle made the blonde woman feel horrified. Perhaps ordinary giants could not last ten rounds in the hands of these two people. Will lose.


Blazing Cang roared angrily, with an indomitable momentum. The past body and the flowers of the future all blessed the present body. At this moment, time fragments were flying, and a strange light appeared on his body, illuminating the long river of time, one by one. The mysterious symbol is too bright to look directly at.

Even the immortal-killing guillotine in his hand released a crimson light that eclipsed the sky and the earth.

"not good!"

Lu Ling immediately changed his color and had goosebumps all over his body. It was impossible to dodge because the two sides had already locked onto each other. He had no choice but to fight hard.


The heaven and earth were shaken by it, and the long river of time was overturned. This blow seemed to turn into eternity.


The red sword light covered the nine heavens and almost cut the famous mountain and river seal in half, only missing one third.

You know, this is a giant weapon. It should be invincible and powerful in the world, but now, it is almost destroyed. Even if it can still be used, it is equivalent to half destroyed.

It's not that easy to recover after being cut open by a weapon like the Immortal-Decapitating Guillotine.

The master in charge of the Great Seal, the giant Lu Ling, was also affected by the sword light. Both his soul and body suffered a great disaster, and suddenly became much darker.

Chi Cang didn't give the opponent a chance to breathe at all. He made a fist seal with his hand, and a world-destroying energy bloomed, causing everything in the world to wither.

"World-destroying fist?"

Lu Ling recognized this boxing technique and felt a little bit of fear in his heart. After all, this was an invincible boxing technique created by the founder of the system, with overwhelming power.

However, what made his pupils shrink was that Chi Cang's right hand destroyed the world, and his left hand had six reincarnations. Six supreme methods turned into black holes, slowly spinning there, making a terrifying clicking sound, as if they were about to be crushed. All heavens and worlds.


Lu Ling snorted coldly, unwilling to be outdone, and even ignoring his own injuries, he also made fist seals, performed the Supreme Way, and fought with Chi Cang.

Divine light soared into the sky, laws swirled around, and the two men killed each other in darkness. Lu Ling, the giant from the Boundary Sea, tried his best to fight against Chi Cang, and fell into an absolute disadvantage in the close combat.

"You have cultivated all the Immortal Sutras..." After five hundred blows, Lu Ling was knocked away by one punch. Half of his body was wiped out, and the king's blood spattered.

There was shock and fear in his eyes. Even with all his strength, he was still no match for this junior, and he was about to be unable to hold on any longer.

Chi Cang had no expression on his face. Although he was stained with blood and was injured by the opponent, he didn't care. There were continuous fist marks in his hands, pushing across the heavens and the world. Lu Ling was so beaten that he coughed up blood and his body was exhausted. It was torn apart.


His cold eyes were filled with murderous intent. He had nothing to say to the hostile Jiehai giant. Killing him would end it once and for all.

That collided with the Luling Fist Seal, and when he stepped into the extinguished World-Destroying Fist Seal, three poles suddenly appeared, like three bright symbols, each with a unique shape, rumbling around the center, filled with a horrifying atmosphere. The qi machine.

It was so sudden that he couldn't react in time. Luling's soul trembled, and a cold feeling rose in his heart. He could see clearly that the three poles, or three symbols, were a nine-leaf sword grass and a black sword. The Yuan Shen Sword Embryo and a Qi that scare the immortal creatures.

"Three Great Sword Techniques? You..." He was shocked and angry. He thought it was the World-Destroying Fist, but he didn't expect that it contained a mystery. The three supreme sword techniques that shocked the past and the present are pulling each other and hiding in them. A sure kill.

Chi Cang's speed was so fast that he couldn't avoid it. He had just defeated Chi Cang's Six Paths of Reincarnation and World-Destroying Fist, and had no time to gather his fighting power to fight against the three great sword techniques.


A huge storm of sword energy enveloped Lu Ling's body and soul, chaos was roiling, murderous intent raged, and Lu Ling's screams were heard in an instant.

In a life-and-death battle with a supreme giant like Chi Cang, he suffered an unprecedented disaster.

"Taoist brother Qu Han, all Taoist brothers, save me!"

Luling paid a heavy price, and the immortal king's origin escaped and asked for help from Qu Yan and other immortal kings in the distance. He did not place any hope on the immortality of the immortal king's origin, because it clearly knew that the giant had reached a certain level. After that, he can ignore the so-called immortality and quickly destroy the origin of the Immortal King.

Obviously, Chi Cang belongs to this group of Immortal Kings, and he is so powerful that it is terrifying.

Qu Han and the kings who were fighting fiercely with the Burial Kings in the distance were horrified when they saw Chi Cang holding a guillotine and chasing the origin of Luling. This was a giant respected by all the world in the world, but now he was so miserable. , like a bereaved dog, Chi Cang's fighting power is too terrifying.

The next moment, they reacted and took action to stop him.

"Chi Cang, you dare!"

Qu An roared, and the yellow gourd broke through the sky, fell from the sky, and struck the sky.


The immortal-killing guillotine was swung, red as blood, and the Immortal King's sea of ​​blood reappeared, its power burst out, and it split open the menacing gourd.

Chi Cang's murderous intent was raging, and he had already decided to keep Lu Ling. If he allowed the other party to recover, there would be no such good opportunity next time. I believe that after this battle, the other party would not have any more one-on-one duels with him. It must be a group fight. Beat.

He waved his guillotine, cut off the kings' attacks, and strode towards the origin of Luling.

Lu Ling turned his head and saw Chi Cang's cold eyes, and was immediately frightened. He had never been defeated so miserably, and he had always pushed forward.

"Thunder Emperor!" He yelled in fright and anger, and fled madly towards Qu Yan.

"I want to kill you, who can stop me?" Chi Cang was cold and ruthless. Even though the yellow gourd hit his back, blood splattered, and he staggered, he didn't care. The red light in his hand was bright, and he slashed fiercely. .


Lu Ling screamed, and Ben Yuan was hit by the guillotine, and he was stunned on the spot.

Chi Cang ignored the attacks and threats from others, took Lu Ling's head and decapitated him with a sword.

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