The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 436 The Peerless Willow God

"Thousands of years have passed, but in the blink of an eye, the reputation of fellow Taoist has spread throughout this world. Many living beings who have not yet returned have heard of the deeds of fellow Taoist. It is really awe-inspiring." A misty voice came from inside the bronze door. The voice is that of a woman.

This is Aman's master, an ancient taboo existence. He is the only Immortal King allowed by Chi Cang to return to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

The rest were forced to move away from Jiutian by him, or the other party realized their interest and left voluntarily.

Over the past two hundred thousand years, many creatures who have left coordinates in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have returned. As taboo existences, it is undoubtedly a shame that their return coordinates have been forcibly transferred.

However, after returning to the world, they did not look for trouble with Chi Cang. Today's Chi Cang has an amazing record and a great reputation, which is not something they can match. It can only be said that those who know the current affairs are heroes. Back then, they were disgraced. I can only keep it in my heart.

Perhaps in the future, after the Immortal Realm is breached and Chi Cang suffers a catastrophe, these creatures will jump out and fall into the well.

"If I don't break through the King Realm, I will still be an ant after all. Even if I can compare with one to ten, so what? If there are too many enemies, I will also be defeated." Chi Cang sighed.

He and Liu Shen both understood this deeply. Even if they surpassed the giants and had the ability to suppress creatures of this level, they still belonged to the realm of the Immortal King and had not transcended.

During the Great Reckoning, countless forbidden creatures returned. If they all came to the Immortal Realm, it would be impossible for them to fight bloody battles in the world. In addition, there are also the fallen kings of the Dark Land. After endless years, God knows how much has been accumulated. How many.

Every dark king issued a curse, which was overwhelming. Even if Chi Cang and Liu Shen had the power to reach the sky, they could not escape the fate of being cursed to death.

Only by breaking through the King's Realm can one have the supreme power to suppress the dark turmoil and win the war in the future.

Unfortunately, becoming a quasi-immortal emperor is too difficult. Since the distant Emperor's Fall, era after era has passed, and no one has succeeded.

Even counting from the birth of the Boundary Sea, there are only a few people in the billions of years.

Now, Chi Cang has personally experienced that terrible resistance, which has strengthened his determination to continue practicing hard. It is so difficult to practice in the realm of the supreme giant, not to mention attacking the quasi-immortal emperor, no matter what. The backhand to attack the quasi-immortal emperor cannot be consumed in advance.

He stood in front of the bronze door and talked a lot with Aman's master. After spending 80,000 years in seclusion in the Immortal Realm, Chi Cang was very vague about the changes in the situation in the boundary sea.

Aman's master is still a thousand years away from the dam world. Being in it, he naturally understands the situation at sea.

According to Master Aman, behind her, a large number of tyrannical creatures are about to return, and even she is wary of them. These creatures will aggravate the chaos in the world.

After all, when they were on the Jiehai Sea, they were all respected figures with a very strong style of doing things. When they return to the heavens, they will definitely stir up great turmoil.

"That young man is very interesting. If I am not mistaken, he should be able to become a king, but he is still suppressing it. He is quite ambitious." Master Aman said.

Chi Cang knew who she was talking about. It was his disciple Shi Hao, who often came here to visit his grandfather and sister Aman.

As early as 200,000 years ago, Shi Hao had reached the level close to the Ten Evils. In order to save time in the realm of the Immortal King and make an ultimate leap, he had been staying under the Immortal King, constantly accumulating, and cultivating the essence. God and flesh.

With the help of the Immortal Monk King and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, Shi Hao mastered the method of using the Ten Paths of Reincarnation Seal, divided the soul into ten parts, lived in them, and sat cross-legged to practice hard.

As for his original soul, he is also practicing hard. When all eleven souls have cultivated to a level comparable to that of the Immortal King, and then merge into one, his soul will be unimaginable.

In terms of the physical body, Shi Hao gathered the leaders of hundreds of schools, consulted the kings in the fairyland, and studied the method of physical reincarnation in the burial ground. He made huge gains. After long years of baptism, his physical body became extremely terrifying, and, It has accumulated terrifying potential, and when it explodes, it can soar into the sky.

The idea of ​​the sixth secret realm is also gradually being verified, slowly maturing, and there is hope of opening it up.

"Yes, he hopes to reach the sky in one step, surpass the giants, and become the supreme one." Chi Cang replied.

"Is this so? But he is still young, only 200,000 years old." Master Aman felt a little emotional that such a young creature wanted to attack the supreme realm.

As for other taboo creatures, they struggled for countless years before reaching the giants. Even the vast majority of people did not have that blessing. After cultivating to the top of the Immortal King level, they could reach the sky. There are even more creatures that stopped at the level of the Immortal King for the first time...

"He is young, but he really has a chance." Chi Cang responded.

The two talked about some more things, and then Chi Cang said goodbye and left.

Aman's master has decided to join the Immortal Realm when he returns. If it were anyone else, he would have to take off the head of the Immortal King. But she, with Chi Cang's invitation, naturally does not need to do this.

After leaving Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Chi Cang returned to the Immortal Realm. As soon as he entered, multiple figures appeared.

They are the kings of the Immortal Realm. They heard about the changes that happened at the burial ground, and they specially waited for Chi Cang to return.

After listening to Chi Cang talk about the battle of Burial Land, these kings all breathed a sigh of relief. Burial Land is an ally of the Immortal Realm. They can advance and retreat together at critical moments to resist the darkness. Of course, they hope that Burial Land is safe.

The fact that Chi Cang killed an extremely giant also shocked the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm.

In today's world, a supreme giant can dominate one area. He is the undisputed overlord and the absolute protagonist between heaven and earth. Creatures of this level cannot be killed without a lot of thought and effort.

Only an invincible creature like Chi Cang has the ability to kill the ultimate giant.

As the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm, they are extremely proud.

After talking with the kings for a while, Chi Cang left, not going to the universe under his own jurisdiction, but to the universe belonging to Liu Shen.

He was very familiar with this place and came to Liushen's retreat place with ease.

A dust-covered giant door stands in the chaos. It has not been opened for 80,000 years. Apart from Liu Shen, only Chi Cang knows how to open it. Of course, when the immortal realm is at a critical moment, a message is also sent to inform Liu. God's way.

Standing in front of the giant door, before entering, the voice and smile of Liu Shen appeared in Chi Cang's mind. Back then, they were in seclusion together and practiced hard. Now, a full 80,000 years have passed, but Chi Cang has not experienced the vicissitudes of life. It feels like, for the supreme giant, time really seems to be running like water, and everything seems like just yesterday.

He shook his head, abandoned those noisy thoughts, pressed his hands on the giant door, and slowly pushed it open.


The huge stone door, filled with the aura of the World Stone, was pushed open.

What comes into view is a world of birds singing and flowers fragrant. The fairy mist is hazy, and walking in it makes people think that they are walking through the clouds. The void is filled with a faint fragrance, and there are also amazing patterns of laws, which are profound and complicated. For those who are not fairy kings, Maybe just one look at it will make you dizzy.

Chi Cang walked into this mysterious little world and looked into the distance. Faintly, there seemed to be a giant willow tree standing in the depths of the clouds and mist of the fairy sea.

When he came to the willow tree, he saw the Willow God. She closed her eyes slightly, wore a hazy veil, and was wrapped in countless crystal bright willow branches, as if she had formed a big cocoon, only revealing her snow-white fragrant shoulders and peerless beauty. The face, and the light black hair.

The big cocoon is surrounded by a thick fog, which contains the power of cause and effect. From time to time, there are sounds of lightning and thunder, giving off a heart-stopping aura.

Not only that, there is also a long and magnificent river looming, rushing around the big cocoon. It is the long river of time, and Chi Cang can clearly see the waves rising on the river.

A total of ten thousand mysterious and brilliant light groups floated in the mist, suspended above the long river of time, like bright stars.

Stopping here, you can hear vague chanting sounds, like the prayers of the whole world, and like the whispers of the gods.

Chi Cang knew that this was the time when Liu Shen entered the coordinates he left behind in the long river of time, and further practiced the path of spiritual sacrifice.

It's just that in those years, there were great secrets and great causes and effects that couldn't be touched, so they were shrouded in thick fog.

However, as long as Willow God comes at a time that he has experienced, there will be no impact if he doesn't delve into it.

Chi Cang looked at this stunning and unparalleled woman, and unknowingly thought of the past, Shi Cun, where he and Liu Shen were both in Nirvana. They had sympathy for each other, sat cross-legged and talked about Tao, getting along day and night, and then walked into the primitive gate together. They depended on each other on that road, and later they attacked the Red Dust Immortal together. With the fusion of their souls, they achieved the unparalleled feat of becoming an immortal in their lifetime.

In the end, they joined hands and fought towards the foreign land. They were hit by the nine-color beam of light emitted by the ancient artifact, and they were all seriously injured.

When their injuries improved, the two led the kings of the Nine Heavens to kill the Immortal Realm, settle the cause and effect, and reshape the Nine Heavens, building ascension platforms and immortal caves to build the Divine Realm together... After the Great Reckoning came, they fought side by side, attacking and provoking the Immortal Realm. The king of the domain...

Along the way, the two of them experienced a lot together. It was a thrilling journey filled with countless wonderful things.

Chi Cang was thinking, how would he have reached this point without Liu Shen? No matter what, it will be lonely.

Liu Shen once said that she was willing to be his Taoist companion and stay with him all the way. In fact, she did the same thing. It can be seen from the fact that only Chi Cang can enter the retreat from the outside. In Liu Shen's heart, Chi Cang has a unique status, perhaps beyond the scope of a great partner.

In the Immortal Realm, both the local kings of the Immortal Realm and the Immortal Kings from the Nine Heavens regard Chi Cang and Liu Shen as a perfect couple, because they have always been together and have always advanced and retreated together.

Female fairy kings are rare to begin with. Which male fairy king doesn't long for a peerless woman to accompany the king?

And how many female fairy kings like Liu Shen are there in the world, with peerless beauty and unparalleled beauty, standing in the realm of supreme giants?

I don’t know how many eras and how many lives it would take to give birth to such a woman.

I am really lucky to have the honor of being a Taoist companion with her.

While thinking, Liu Shen in the cocoon suddenly opened his eyes, his bright and dazzling pupils, deep and mysterious, as if there were ancient, modern and future, and the ups and downs of the heavens and the world.

The next moment, countless glittering and translucent willows spread out, and the surrounding fog of cause and effect and the long river of time flickered and disappeared. The dazzling brilliance fell and turned into a little rain of light. Chi Cang only saw a blurry and perfect body flashing away. Then, Liu Shen appeared in a holy dress and walked slowly towards Chi Cang.

"What are you looking at?"

Liu Shen's skin was as good as snow, and her smart eyes looked at him with a sense of scrutiny.

Chi Cang woke up from his sluggish state and replied with a smile: "Nothing."

Although he said this, he kept thinking about the scene just now in his mind. He didn't know what was going on, as if he was possessed. He could even clearly hear the sound of his own strong heartbeat.

However, Chi Cang was very human and quickly eliminated the distracting thoughts in his mind.

"Eighty thousand years, Liu Shen, how is your progress?" Chi Cang asked.

"The road ahead is difficult, and it takes endless years to take one step forward. Fortunately, there is no way to go. Although it is slow, it is indeed getting stronger. Keep this state, and I believe that one day I will be able to reach the top." Liu God replied softly.

"Me too. Speaking of which, it took us hundreds of thousands of years to get to where we are now. Compared with those famous creatures in history, it's much faster. There's no need to worry."

Liu Shen heard this and nodded gently.

At this time, Chi Cang changed the topic.

"However, the situation in the world may change drastically in the near future. The giants from the foreign land who left the world sea are back. This should make the already ambitious foreign land even more ready to take action. By then, a conquest will be inevitable."

Later, Chi Cang informed Liu Shen of the battle at the Burial Ground that had just occurred, including the entire process and details of the battle.

Liu Shen's eyes showed solemnity, Qu Yan returned and attacked the Burial Realm. After the failure, he would definitely return to the foreign land and reunite with Kundi and others. A giant of the world sea was enough to double the strength of the foreign land.

Needless to say, with the ambitions of the foreign kings, they will definitely start plotting for the Immortal Realm, and the coming years may not be peaceful.

This is not good news for Liu Shen and Chi Cang, because they need a lot of time to retreat and practice hard.

If they are often needed to guard the Immortal Sect, it will undoubtedly delay a lot of time.

But this is also a helpless matter. In the Immortal Territory, they are the only ones who have the ability to fight and suppress the giants of the world sea. What is needed to deter the forces outside the territory is absolute power, and anything else is completely useless.

At this moment, we can only take one step at a time.

Fortunately, Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng used the 200,000 years of peace to accumulate unimaginable foundations. It won't be long before they rise. With the strength of the two of them, after becoming kings, they will definitely be able to give Chi Cang, Liu Shen shared enough pressure and gained valuable time.

Before that, Chi Cang and Liu Shen had to stand up to the banner, at least to ensure the integrity of the Immortal Realm, to provide a relatively stable environment for the younger generations, and to plan for it slowly.

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