The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 437 Nine annihilations, the war resumes

Years passed, and after thousands of years passed, Aman's master returned. A long and magnificent river opened the bronze door and descended directly to the deepest part of Alcatraz Island. It was a huge tomb that reached into the sky, sailing silently.

The moment she arrived, Aman, whose face was covered with strange patterns, woke up, and the great demon Shi Zhongtian also opened his eyes.


Aman whispered...

Outside Alcatraz Island, a tall figure stood in front of the giant monument, staring at the mottled spots on the monument. His eyes were deep and motionless, and there was a trace of wistfulness in his eyes, as if he was paying homage to the past and the present.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and he sensed the sudden change in Alcatraz Island, and was shocked.

Regarding Alcatraz Island, although there are ancient books that record some secrets here, they are so ancient that the few words in the records are hazy and vague. Later generations only know that this place is not simple. It was once the impact of a supreme genius named Demon Lord. The place where immortality failed and died is filled with the power of terrifying curses.

In the past two hundred thousand years, a total of three great humane emperors have emerged from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. They all paid homage here. The tall figure in front of them was one of the current great emperors.

They stand at the top of the extreme realm, and if the true immortals do not emerge, they are the strongest in the nine heavens and ten earths. They can suppress ten thousand realms together and are invincible in the sky and on the earth.

The three of them were all very interested in the depths of Alcatraz Island. However, standing outside Alcatraz Island, they sensed the terrifying energy contained in the depths, which made the emperor tremble with fear. After thinking about it, they did not rush in rashly. , after all, the power of the curse alone makes people extremely fearful.

The first two great emperors did not delve into the secrets of Alcatraz Island until they soared through the air. They were wary. Unexpectedly, when it came to the third person, the terrifying Qi machine deep in Alcatraz Island actually broke out, stirring up a terrifying force. ripples.

A flash of horror flashed in the eyes of this extreme creature known as the Nine Destruction Emperor. This ripple was definitely not something that human beings could possess, and even the legendary true immortal was probably far behind.


A sudden voice sounded in the heart of Emperor Jiu Mie. It was a woman's voice.

The Emperor Jiu Mie immediately changed his expression. The other party was too unfathomable, and the voice of his words actually reached his soul. This could only be possible if the other party's moral conduct was much higher than his own.

"It's fate that I come here to pay homage to the past and the present when I return. What's your name?" The female voice sounded again, making the Emperor Jiu Mie feel a chill in his heart.

"Jiu Mie, the junior, has met the senior."

He responded quickly.

I thought that the strongest person in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was the Ascension Envoy who lived on the World Tree. Unexpectedly, there were even more unpredictable old monsters here. The Nine Destruction Emperor secretly sighed. This world is already full of endless monsters. It was such a mystery that even he, the great emperor, couldn't see the whole picture.

Just say that a thousand years ago, the land in the far west suddenly shattered, and the World Tree took action to suppress the mountains and rivers. Because he was in retreat, he was unable to arrive at the first time. When he arrived later, the place had been repaired, and the original boundless desert and ancient All the isolated cities disappeared. Because of this incident, he personally went to the Ascension Platform and under the World Tree to ask the Ascension Envoy for advice. As a result, the reply he received was ambiguous, saying that he would wait until he ascended to the Immortal Realm. Got it, this answer made him dumbfounded, and he could only smile helplessly.

The powerful creature that suddenly appeared in front of him gave the Nine Destroyers a more terrifying feeling than the Ascension Envoy.

I don't know how strong or weak they are with the four mortal immortals inscribed on the stone tablet on the ascension platform - Liu Shen, Lei Di, Huang, and Meng Tianzheng.

With this thought in his mind, the mysterious woman spoke again: "Nine annihilations? I remember that being able to cultivate to such a state in the cruel apocalypse means that your talent and talents are unparalleled. So be it, when you ascend After the Immortal Realm, come find me and give you an opportunity."

Hearing the word "immortal realm", Emperor Jiu Mie's heart was moved. For a being like him, what he desires most is to live forever and become an immortal. It is said that after arriving in the immortal realm where immortal matter is everywhere, he can live forever.

The first two ascendants all passed the terrifying test, shattered the void, and ascended to another world.

This is also the vision of the Nine Destruction Emperors. After all, in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths of the End of Dharma Age, even the Humanity Emperor only has a lifespan of 10,000 to 20,000 years. If he relies on the elixir, he can still survive a second life, but he wants to It is too difficult to live life after life as recorded on the stone tablet and become an immortal in the world of mortals.

However, the great emperors of all dynasties have been tempted and tried, because the world of immortality described on the stone tablet is extremely tempting. Who doesn't want to be respected by the same level and be invincible in the world? Moreover, in the world of mortals, there are already sages who have left their names on that special monument to inspire those who come after them.

It's a pity that this is too difficult. The two great emperors before the Nine Destruction Emperors both ended in failure. After two lifetimes of accumulation, they still failed to defy the sky. In desperation, they did not choose to fight to the death, but refined the essence that was about to be exhausted. Blood, with its last splendor, stands on the ascension platform, meets the test, and soars into the sky.

Emperor Jiu Mie also planned this way. He has absolute self-confidence and is no weaker than the two great emperors who became enlightened before him. In the future, he will focus on studying the path of becoming an immortal from the mortal world. When he really cannot succeed, Longevity When the Yuan is about to end, go to the ascension platform and try to ascend.

Although the Emperor was old at that time, he still had a great chance of ascending successfully as long as he risked his life.

Chi Cang's original intention of building the Ascension Platform was to hope that these beings who became enlightened in the Dharma-Ending Age would not die in vain and die in vain. If they could attack the Red Dust Immortal, they would try their best to attack the Red Dust Immortal. When their life span is about to end, they would really be unable to step out of that place. In one step, you can make amends through the ascension platform, go to the fairyland, and start a new journey.

Of course, Chi Cang has also set certain standards that need to be met in order to successfully withstand the test and overcome the tribulation and ascend.

"Senior, are you from the Immortal Realm?"

Emperor Jiu Mie asked.

"You will know these things when you ascend to the Immortal Realm. Okay, I will leave."

The woman's answer left Emperor Jiu Mie speechless for a while, and then she said, "You'll find out when you ascend to the Immortal Realm."

He thought that after becoming the Great Emperor, he would be able to see all the mountains and small mountains at a glance. Who knew that the water in this world was so deep, that the ascended envoy and the mysterious female senior who appeared on this Devil's Island, and the vast and endless fairyland were not even there. I know how many strong people there are.

"Okay, thank you, senior."

Emperor Jiu Mie responded, and the laws under his feet were densely covered, forming a road to the sky, leading to the outside of Alcatraz Island.

After leaving the realm of Alcatraz Island, the Nine Destruction Emperor turned around and looked ahead. The island full of cursed power became increasingly hazy. Suddenly, in an instant, all the energy flowed back and disappeared in an instant.

He quickly used his spiritual consciousness to cover the entire Alcatraz Island. The reason for this was because the previous heart palpitations had subsided, and the mysterious female senior should have left.

Sure enough, the depths of Alcatraz Island were empty, with nothing left behind.

And the source of the river full of cursed thunder has disappeared, and the power of the curse in the river has been significantly reduced. In the future, as time goes by, the river will gradually return to normal.

Alcatraz Island, which has a great reputation, has just returned to the ordinary. Jiu Mie doesn't know whether there will be emperors coming here to pay their respects in the future...

Time flies, and two hundred thousand years pass by.

The years are like swords slaying the geniuses, sighing the enchanting on the road to immortality, great wars in the wild, darkness corroding, all the heavens are under the conquest of the terrifying taboo existence, how many heroes have their bones buried, how many immortal kings have been robbed and turned into dust.

Many of the ancient worlds that originally existed have been damaged, torn apart, and drifted into the depths of chaos. There are also taboo beings who have artificially opened up ancient worlds. However, compared to the ancient worlds they have opened, immortal king-level creatures are more interested in the original ancient worlds. .

It's a pity that there are more monks and less flesh, and there are more and more returnees, and the number of ancient worlds is only that, and it will take endless years for a new ancient world to be born.

Therefore, the war continues, becomes more and more intense, and is pushed to a dazzling peak.

Of the original three pure lands, Immortal Realm, Jiutian, and Burial Ground, only Jiutian has not been affected. First, because this is the mother realm of many kings such as Chi Cang, Liu Shen, True Dragon, and True Phoenix. For hundreds of thousands of years, Many amazing creatures were transported to the Immortal Realm, ascended to the Immortal Realm, or passed the test of the Immortal Cave. After entering the Immortal Realm, they all shined.

Such a genius training base, plus it is their mother world, the kings will naturally try to protect it.

The Immortal King from outside the territory originally hated Mo Dharma Qiji, so fighting for this land was useless, so Jiutian was spared.

The Immortal Realm, which is rich in immortal materials and has a vast territory, has become the target of the kings of the sea. There are giants who have organized kings to attack the Immortal Realm many times. Behind this, the shadow of the enemy of the Immortal Realm, the Foreign Realm, is naturally indispensable. They are secretly leading all this. .

Chi Cang and Liu Shen ignored the hard work and led the kings of the fairyland to attack all kinds of enemies many times.

In the Immortal Realm, there are continuous wars, and many edge universes are wiped out in the war. This is inevitable. There are too many enemies, and Chi Cang and Liu Shen are unable to protect the territory even if they want to.

However, they made their opponents pay a huge price. Together, the two of them were able to dominate the realm of giants, withstood the terrifying pressure, and did not allow the Immortal King of the World to succeed.

After many bloody battles, the two of them suppressed four powerful figures who could be called giants in the world sea. There were countless other ordinary giants, supreme immortal kings, and ordinary immortal kings.

With the help of these battles, the Immortal Territory gained a great reputation, making all the enemies in the world who were eyeing the Immortal Territory jealous and trembling with fear.

However, many kings have also fallen in the Immortal Realm, but the kings of the Immortal Realm are not worried about this. Before the war started, they left enough "coordinates" with Chi Cang, so that when the time is right, they can summon their souls. , let these kings who sacrificed their lives to protect the fairyland return from the years.

Of course, not now, because the Immortal Realm needs Chi Cang to be in charge. If he summons the soul at this time and his vitality is severely damaged, it will cause immeasurable losses to the Immortal Realm.

The kings of the Immortal Realm had discussed relevant matters with Chi Cang Liu Shen before the war. It would be best to wait until the situation eases, and Chi Cang makes further breakthroughs to push the Taoist behavior to the peak of the Immortal King, or even further. Once you break through the King Realm, you will be foolproof if you perform soul summoning at that time. If Chi Cang becomes a quasi-immortal emperor, the effect of soul summoning will inevitably rise to a higher level.

Over the past 200,000 years, the reserve power of the Immortal Realm has increased sharply, and many famous geniuses have gone a step further and become true immortals. Although they cannot participate in the battle of forbidden creatures, they finally have the hope of challenging the king.

Immortal King, in a large world, in a long time of an era, maybe a strong man of this level can be born. Hundreds of thousands of years are still too short.

Relatively speaking, Shi Hao is an outlier, and there are few people in history who can practice so quickly.

The geniuses who were weaker than Shi Hao but stronger than the world, such as the Ten-Crown King Tianzi, the Banished Immortal, and Shi Yi, became immortals as early as the first 200,000 years. In the following 200,000 years, they polished themselves in the realm of true immortals. , and even left the Immortal Realm and traveled to the heavens. Although this was dangerous, it was indeed useful. They made great progress, went deep into the True Immortal Realm, and became stronger and stronger.

However, Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng, who the Blazing Willow God and the kings have high hopes for, are still practicing hard in seclusion. They seem to have reached the last critical moment and their success is imminent.


A newly repaired fairy gate was smashed into pieces again. The fairy king sitting here was shocked. Knowing that the enemy was coming, he immediately let out a long roar, which quickly spread to the vast fairyland.

At this moment, in the endless universe of the Immortal Realm, one after another blood light shot up into the sky, and an extremely tall, majestic blurry figure like a sacred mountain stood up, standing on the top of the clouds.

Each figure represents an Immortal King. Within a breath of the Immortal King sending a signal, the kings of the Immortal Realm woke up and looked at the attacked Immortal Gate with terrifying eyes.

The same was true for Chi Cang and Liu Shen. They stepped forward one after another, and the boundless universe flew away quickly under their feet. In just a few breaths, dozens of majestic figures gathered in front of the broken fairy gate.

They saw that the culprit who shattered the Immortal Sect was a tail covered with armor and spikes, which contained terrifying power that made even the Immortal Kings tremble, as well as the exquisite law of time.

"Red King!"

The seven border kings glared at the ferocious long tail, their eyes turned red, and they wanted to kill the enemy immediately.

At the end of the Immortal Ancient Era, the seven kings fought side by side to guard the border. In the end, they died and were injured. One of them was taken away by the extremely ferocious Red King using the Red King Furnace. The nourishment of the Red King’s Nirvana.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, the Red King recovered, and compared to the Immortal Era, it was a step further, enough to be compared with Kundi.

The strength of the foreign realm has once again surged, and with the return of other realm sea giants from the foreign realm, the foreign realm, sitting on the ancient artifacts of origin, immediately became a huge force that is not weaker than the fairy realm. Unlike the low-key fairy realm, they jointly control Lian Heng, together with many forces, plotted against the Immortal Realm. It was precisely because of this that the Immortal Realm was in constant war.

It was less than a hundred years since they last attacked the Immortal Realm. These unyielding creatures came back again, smashing a crystal gate into pieces as soon as they came up.

"Haha, it's me. After a hundred years, I wonder if your injuries have recovered." A sneer came, and behind the broken fairy gate, a pair of cold and ruthless eyes stared at the kings of the fairyland, with murderous intent.

"You are just a defeated general of Liu Shen and I. You still dare to come and provoke me. Today, even if your origin is damaged, I will spare your life." Chi Cang let out a cold shout, making the Red King's eyes twinkle.

He really didn't expect that he would undergo Nirvana and rebuild and return to the top. Even if he didn't break through the King Realm as expected, he would still break through the past and become the most powerful giant.

As a result, in the battle with Chi Cang and Liu Shen, he tried his best, but was still defeated. If he hadn't had his companions by his side, he would have been suppressed.

The Red King was quite dissatisfied with this and was eager to defeat the Blazing Willow God and avenge his shame, no matter what method he used.

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