The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 438 Came to welcome you

"Chi Cang, don't be arrogant. This time you and the willow tree will be doomed, and the fairyland will turn into a dark territory."

Kunti appeared, with silver hair and silver eyes. She was very thin and looked a little dry. She was holding a strange magical pot. Ordinary creatures would feel their hearts throbbing just by looking at it, and the blood in their whole bodies would freeze, as if they were about to be touched by the magical pot. suck away.

It is the Immortal Refining Pot with a terrible reputation. It has swallowed and refined the essence and blood of countless supreme figures, making people's faces change after hearing it.

Behind Kunti, there was a young man standing. He had brilliant golden hair that spread to his waist. His appearance was indescribably handsome, and he had a pair of golden wings on his back. He had an otherworldly temperament.

This is an immortal king who contains dark matter within his body, but turns out to be even more divine than the Immortal King. He is none other than He Wushuang, the disciple of Kunti who killed the little Amulet Ant's brother and sister.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and this leader of the young generation in the foreign land of the Immortal Ancient Era has already taken that step and became a king. The He family has also risen with the tide, and has been named the Imperial Clan.

At this moment, He Wushuang appeared, following his master Kundi to participate in this battle, hoping to witness the historic moment of the annihilation of the Immortal Realm.

Over the past 200,000 years, many battles have allowed them to figure out the strength of the Immortal Realm. The most troublesome ones are only the two leaders, the veteran giant Qi Yu of the Immortal Realm, and a few inferior giants. As long as these creatures are suppressed, the Immortal Realm will be conquered. The domain can naturally be broken.

This time, in order to completely overthrow the Immortal Realm and spread darkness throughout this vast pure land, the Foreign Realm gathered eight peerless strong men who could be called giants in the world sea.

Kunti, Red King, Qu Han, Daowang, and four fallen giants who are not weaker than the four of them.

Among them, the Sword King originally lived in the boundary sea and did not return to the foreign land. This time, the foreign land specially sent people to invite him to deal with Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

The Sword King himself also had plans to enter the Immortal Realm. Before he became a king, a Taoist companion died in a battle with the Immortal Realm. From then on, the Sword King vowed to enter the Immortal Realm and slaughter these people. One realm.

As for the four fallen giants, they all come from extremely mysterious places. Some say they come from the legendary dark kingdom, while others say they fell due to being corroded by dark matter. Only the kings of foreign lands know that these four powerful creatures are really They may have come from the legendary dark place, because they walked out of the shocking ancient palace.

Foreign lands are the descendants of dark creatures, and they contain dark matter in their bodies. They are both afraid and longing for the existence of dark places.

Being able to contact the creatures over there this time was really beyond the expectations of all the Immortal Kings. It was precisely because four powerful fallen giants joined that they had the confidence to defeat the Immortal Realm in a single battle.

Moreover, in the mysterious dark place, in the ancient palace of Jingyin, there are not only four powerful giants, but also many fallen kings. Each one is hidden in the black mist, without saying a word, so that the immortal king of the foreign land is... It feels a little weird.


At the broken fairy gate, a long snow-white line suddenly lit up, directly cutting through the boundary wall of the fairyland, leaving a terrifying big hole.

It was a sword light, bright and vast, and the sword energy was vast, filling the void.

The kings of the Immortal Realm took a breath of cold air. This was a terrifying powerhouse comparable to Qi Yu. No ordinary giant was an opponent. Is there really going to be a decisive battle in the foreign realm this time?

When the light of the sword was extinguished, the creatures in the fairyland and the foreign land finally had no barrier to block them and faced each other directly.

The Red King stood at the front, with only his true body exposed. He was extremely tall, like a majestic magic mountain. His whole body was wrapped in armor covered with spikes, with only some parts exposed. A ferocious long tail swept across it. The void, just shaking slightly, swept the space into pieces.

This is the beast of time, making a comeback after Immortal Ancient was robbed.

Behind, Kundi, He Wushuang, gray-haired and gray-eyed Qu Yan, a middle-aged man with a long sword in his hand known as the Sword King, and four fallen giants from the Jie Yin Ancient Palace. Darkness filled the air, covering their bodies. Not even the Immortal King can see through it.

And behind them, there are still ancient figures that look like demons standing one after another. The leader is a double-digit giant. The Immortal King has dispatched most of them at once, plus the fallen king who walked out of the ancient palace. , the number was extremely shocking, making the kings of the Immortal Realm feel a little heavy.

Regardless of victory or defeat in this battle, the Immortal Realm will suffer a catastrophe. If Chi Cang dies unfortunately, everything will be over and there will be no chance to summon the soul.

If they retreat without a fight and hand over the Immortal Realm, all the souls living in the Immortal Realm will suffer catastrophe, and the magnificent, mysterious, and boundless Immortal Realm will fall into darkness and become the soil that breeds darkness.

Many of those spirits worship them, chant their true names, bless their souls, and speed up their practice. Correspondingly, they need to provide blessings to these creatures. Therefore, they cannot retreat. Although the heavens are big, it is difficult for them to retreat. There is a place for it.

At this moment, the kings of the Immortal Realm know that the moment of life and death has come, and there are only two choices before them, life or death, there is no other way.

After realizing this, the Immortal Kings decided to fight tooth and nail. Since there was no way out, they decided to do everything possible.

In the distance, King Pan stood on the chariot, his body shimmering with light, tall and majestic. Looking at the imminent battle, he let out a long sigh.

"Senior Panwang..."

Behind King Pan, there are figures, densely packed, and immortal lights shining. They are all creatures in the realm of immortality.

The Ten-Crown King Emperor, Ban Xian, Shi Yi, etc. are among them.

This is almost all the powerful true immortals in the Immortal Realm. They are all gathered here. It is related to the survival of the Immortal Realm. They are also here to contribute some strength.

Unfortunately, in the face of the Immortal King, the true immortal or the quasi-immortal king is completely powerless to resist. If the immortal realm is really defeated in the battle ahead, the true immortals and quasi-immortal kings in the rear will only be slaughtered. There is no doubt about this. .

"Go prepare immediately and do as I say." King Pan ordered, somewhat coldly and with an unquestionable tone.

The true immortals felt awe-inspiring and nodded quickly.

"Senior Pan King, with the strength of our Immortal Realm, is it possible for us to fail?" the Ten-Crown King asked aloud.

Just now, King Pan told them that once the Immortal Realm is breached, they should leave with a batch of seeds and go outside the region in the hope of making a comeback. There is no other way. Every time a realm is breached in the foreign realm, they will be killed in rivers of blood, and the boats will be filled with blood. Only by preserving the seeds of the future can we have a chance to take revenge.

Seeing that the speaker was the Ten-Crown King, King Pan's expression softened a little. This young man could be called one of the geniuses most likely to become king and ancestor in this era, and he might be a member of the same profession in the future.

"If they are just people from a foreign land, my fairy land will naturally not be afraid, and can even win a great victory, killing the enemy and abandoning his armor.

But this time is different. The creatures that came out of that place were probably the cause and effect of our destruction of the dilapidated ancient palace in the depths of the Immortal Realm hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The integration of the two forces has already exceeded my fairyland by a lot. No one knows whether they can defend the world behind them.

However, the Immortal Realm is our mother realm, and we cannot just watch it being conquered by darkness. We can only fight. "Pan Wang replied.

Then, he urged them again to let these true immortals leave. If they stayed here, they would die in vain.

The Ten-Crown King and others knew that the matter was urgent, so they no longer delayed, bid farewell to King Pan, and left each other.

"Where's Huang? We haven't seen each other for probably nearly 400,000 years. It's really been a long time." The Ten-Crown King said with emotion.

The banished immortal looked thoughtful, as if he was also nostalgic for the time when he competed for hegemony in the ancient ruins of the immortal.

"It seems that he is about to enter the realm of the Immortal King. He has reached the most critical moment. After 400,000 years of accumulation, he may be able to compete with the established kings in one step." Shi Yi said lightly.

The other two people nodded. Based on their understanding of Shi Hao, they felt that it was impossible for him to stay in front of the King's Realm for so long, so the only possibility was that Shi Hao was accumulating and wanted to soar into the Immortal King's Realm.

After a brief reminiscing about old times, the three of them also said goodbye to each other and prepared to go. The fairyland was really at the point of life and death.

In the cold universe, the fragments of the Immortal Sect floated away, and the void seemed to be frozen. At the large crack, in front of the two armies, there was a terrifying murderous intent.

Eight terrifying creatures who can be called giants in the world sea, together with double-digit giants, as well as a larger number of immortal kings and fallen kings, are dispatched to the fairyland to destroy the enemy in one battle.

Such power is enough to destroy any force in the world.

On the other hand, the Immortal Realm is much thinner.

Over hundreds of thousands of years, there have been kings who have returned from the Boundary Sea in the Immortal Realm. However, there are too few top experts. Those powerful giants who have gone to sea in ancient times have gone too deep. The road back is long and rugged. If you want to wait for them, I don’t know how many thousands of years it will take.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen were like two immortal monuments, standing at the forefront, facing thousands of troops. Their presence gave the kings of the Immortal Domain great confidence.

Because of hundreds of thousands of years of fighting, the two leaders were able to lead the Immortal Realm to a complete victory, becoming invincible and overwhelming the invading enemies. Many people believed that this time would be no exception.

However, the other giants in the Immortal Domain are not optimistic, because there are too many opponents, and the number of giants is shocking.

The two supreme giants will face the most terrifying murderous calamity. After all, so many giants are trying to besiege the two of them.

"Chi Cang, accept your fate."

Qu An was the first to take action. The yellow gourd shattered the void and headed towards Chi Cang, heading straight for Chi Cang's head, as if preparing to blast his Heavenly Spirit Cap to pieces.

"He is defeated."

Chi Cang's response was simple and sharp, because he had killed such a grieving dog as a bereaved dog.

"Today is different from the past. This is your burial place." Qu Han sneered.

Then, he sighed regretfully: "It's a pity that I have already promised to the Taoist friends from the ancient temple of Jie Yin to hand over the body and soul of You and the willow tree to them. Otherwise, if Jie Yin comes to my foreign land, he will be a tyrant." Two immortal giants throughout the ages.”

"Just you?"

Chi Cang exploded, and the power of law in his body was like the sea, like the source of everything. Endless taboo symbols rushed out, distorting the years.

He has no reservations. The enemies are eight extremely strong men who can be called giants in the world sea, as well as double-digit giants. As one of the strongest people in the fairyland, he needs to bear a lot, otherwise the battle will be difficult. A one-sided trend.

The same is true for Willow God. Thousands of brilliant light groups slowly rotate around her, and a murmuring chanting sound comes out to bless Willow God herself.

Behind her, a giant willow towered into the sky, reaching into the universe. Billions of crystal-clear willow branches swayed in the wind, and creatures from the most powerful races, such as true dragons, true phoenixes, and Kunpeng, were swimming among them.

Of course, this is not a real living being, but is transformed by laws. All the laws of Liu Shenhui are integrated into his own dharma, and the dharma alone can attack all directions.


A knife split open the yellow gourd, the blazing black hair danced wildly, and the sea of ​​blood was surging beneath his feet. Ancient immortal kings were floating in the sea of ​​blood one after another. The sight made people's scalp numb.

Even the immortal giant felt his heart palpitate when he saw it, because they were all kings that Chi Cang had killed, and they had become eternal marks, engraved in the sea of ​​blood.

The next moment, the Immortal Killing Platform emerged, and in the blood-colored lightning and thunder, a strange light bloomed. Countless chains of order burst out from the Immortal Killing Platform and rushed towards the kings in the cracks.

Seeing this scene, the foreign kings were shocked and angry. Thunder Emperor Chicang actually planned to fight them all alone?

"So brave."

Kunti was extremely angry and laughed back, the immortal pot in his hand was shining brightly, and was knocked out by him.


After the earth-shattering loud noise, large pieces of chains were blown away by the Immortal Refining Pot.

Other strong men also took action, bombarding the Immortal Binding Chain inspired by Chi Cang. The four giants from the Jie Yin Ancient Palace were the weirdest. Several dark tentacles stretched out, grabbed the chain, and pulled hard. With great force, The Immortal Killing Platform at the end of the chain was shaking slightly.

The next second, the place where the dark tentacles and the chains came into contact made a harsh crackling sound, thunder surged, and forbidden lightning flew, smashing the dark tentacles into pieces and melting away like white snow in spring.

"Haha, darkness dares to show its head in front of me." Chi Cang sneered. He is known as the Thunder Emperor, and Thunder is the best at restraining darkness.

"Come here."

Chi Cang roared, and all the Immortal Binding Chains came out at once, breaking through the dark tentacles, tying the four fallen giants around and around, and pulled them into his own battle group.

However, Thunder's ability to restrain darkness is also limited. It would be a fantasy to use this move to deal with the four fallen giants who are not weaker than Qu Yan and other powerful men.


The sound of the chains breaking was heard, and the four fallen giants from the ancient Jie Yin Temple exploded with all their strength, shattering the bonds at once.

Their true faces were revealed as the black mist exploded. Their faces were covered with dark symbols and curses, and their eyes were cold and emotionless.

Seeing this, the Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm felt awe-struck. These were four powerful fallen giants. Can Chi Cang stand in their way?

"Do you know what mistake you have made? Come with us, we are here to guide you." A fallen giant made a voice, like a voice coming from the Nine Nether Hell. As long as you hear it, your soul will be cold, and your whole body will be filled with coldness. Uncomfortable.

"Yes, you are from the Jieyin Ancient Palace, and you are here for the fall of the nine-headed monster."

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