The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 439 God descends to earth

The kings of the Immortal Realm have long suspected this. At this moment, they no longer have any doubts. The reason why these fallen kings invaded the Immortal Realm with the foreign lands is because the Immortal Realm destroyed the dilapidated ancient palace that stood in the forbidden area. This was actually a dark arrangement. A chess piece in the Immortal Realm, monitoring every move in the Immortal Realm.

The nine-headed monsters and a group of multi-headed monsters who claim to have escaped from the dark cage are actually the informants of the darkness.

Normally, they are very honest and will not interfere with things in the Immortal Realm. They will only take action unless someone comes to seek out the secrets in the ancient palace.

But once someone is about to take that step, the nine-headed monsters and multi-headed monsters will set off to kill the creatures who want to break through the king's realm, and notify the darkness of what's going on here.

For the Immortal Realm, this dilapidated ancient palace is nothing more than a time bomb that may explode at any time. No matter from which angle you look at it, the Immortal Realm should be destroyed.

Therefore, the kings did not regret their actions back then, but were very happy to have solved the dark spy.

The four fallen giants stared at Chi Cang with cold eyes.

Generally speaking, they will not mobilize troops because the probability of a quasi-immortal emperor being born in the world is too small, and only one will be born in endless years.

However, the signal sent to the darkness before the ruined ancient palace was destroyed showed that there were two creatures here who had great hope of breaking through the king's realm.

As a result, they had to pay attention to this matter, and that's why they took this trip to the fairyland.

"Since you know, then follow me on the road." The fallen giant said.

"Haha, do you think that the world is a place of darkness? All spirits must listen to your orders and bow to you? You have thought too much, and I will suppress you today." Chi Cang responded indifferently.

Then, his majestic body seemed to turn into the source of thunder, and thunder exploded, enveloping all four fallen giants.

The infinite thunder field is as red as blood and full of forbidden energy, which makes the fallen kings change their color. The dark aura on them is very strong. In the forbidden thunder field, it is like the black sun in the daytime, too vivid.

Thunder and darkness are naturally at odds with each other, like water and fire.


Bloody lightning accumulated, lingering around the fallen giants, impacting their fallen dark bodies from time to time. Each lightning contained a blazing and terrifying Taoism, making the four fallen giants extremely passive.

However, after all, they are terrifying peerless giants. The four fallen kings roared and built a dark realm together to withstand the impact and encirclement of the thunder realm.

At the same time, the symbols on their faces glowed brightly and strangely, and they muttered words, as if they were chanting some ancient mantra.

A feeling of palpitations came, and Chi Cang had a vague premonition that he was about to be in disaster, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

The next moment, his flawless soul suddenly felt a sharp pain, as if someone had struck him hard with a heavenly sword. The essence also broke through a hole and leaked out like a flood. Originally, the dragon and the tiger were fierce. He suddenly became depressed.

A cloud of black energy filled Chi Cang's face, which was so thick that it could not be dissolved. Various strange symbols condensed out, sealing him off in all directions.

"Curse of Fall?"

Chi Cang knew the reason why he was robbed. It was actually the forbidden spell cast on him by the four fallen giants who lost a small part of their dark essence, blood and soul. This is an ancient and incomparable method, weird and mysterious, and it tore him apart at once. His momentum was like a deflated rubber ball, extremely terrifying.

If there are enough fallen giants casting spells, Chi Cang might be directly cursed to death. This is no joke. The so-called ants kill an elephant, not to mention that these are not ants, but powerful fallen giants.

Taking advantage of the time when Chi Cang was cursed and depressed, the four fallen giants launched an attack, and the dark light realm surged, completely suppressing the thunder domain, and in turn wrapped Chi Cang, crumbling, looking like it was exhausted and about to explode.

When the Immortal Kings outside the Immortal Realm saw this, they changed their minds. Was the Thunder Emperor, one of the leaders of the Immortal Realm, suppressed so quickly?

Some immortal kings could not help but move forward, wanting to support Chi Cang.

Unfortunately, there were too many enemies and they were not given a chance.


The cursed Chicang roared to the sky, and the essence and blood in his body was mobilized. At the same time, the sound of scriptures from ancient and modern scriptures resounded through the sky, and all the dark curses were transferred to the future by his great method.

The humanoid creature sitting cross-legged on the flower of the avenue that represented the future became blurry in an instant and almost disappeared. The mist rolled and quickly engulfed its body.

Fortunately, it withstood it and helped Chi Cang's appearing body block the killing disaster.

At this moment, the vented energy and invincible momentum returned quickly, turning into a bright sun, shining in all directions in the dark world of light.

"What? How is that possible?"

Even the fallen giant opened his mouth in shock and was dumbfounded. This was a curse cast by the four fallen giants. If it fell on Qi Yu, he would be destroyed in an instant and lose his fighting power temporarily. Without the help of his companions, , inevitably ends up being suppressed.

As a result, Chi Cang was able to eliminate the influence of the curse in just a short moment, which was incredible.


Billions of thunders burst out from the sun, as if a world belonging to thunder had been opened up, and a faint pressure came from the void, constantly blessing the fallen giants.

They stared ahead and saw the source of the thunder, which was a simple and mysterious thunder pool, made of unknown stone and shrouded in mist.

However, the fog in the thunder pool opened a big mouth, and the terrifying thunder light spurted out from the thunder pool.

This is Chi Cang's natal immortal seed. Inside, there is a primitive symbol. It is complex and mysterious and can be called the source of thunder.

Over the years, Chi Cang has almost mastered this symbol, except for the last bit of comprehension. Perhaps he will be able to achieve complete success when he reaches the quasi-immortal emperor realm.

Ever since Chi Cang refined the great killing weapon of the Immortal Slayer Platform, he has never used the Thunder Pond. He has always attacked all directions, killing heads and making rivers of blood.

However, things are different now. There are too many enemies to attack completely, and they also need to defend. Therefore, Lei Chi was born, spewing out endless thunder principles, suppressing the opponents and strengthening Chi Cang's survivability.

This thunder pool hangs high above Chi Cang's head, with blazing and terrifying thunder and lightning erupting from the top, and crystal clear Thunder Tribulation liquid flowing from below, falling on Chi Cang, helping him quickly recover from his injuries.

At Chi Cang's feet, a murderous Taoist platform stood. Chi Cang's palm personally held the immortal-cutting guillotine, like the master of order.

This was Chi Cang's strongest state, both offensive and defensive, making even the fallen giants look horrified.


Chi Cang shouted, his black hair was flying, his roots were light and agile, and he was holding an immortal guillotine with billions of thunder and lightning entwined on it, echoing the thunder pool above his head. At this moment, Chi Cang became the real Emperor of Thunder, the master. The ups and downs of the world.

The universe was eclipsed, submerged by the blazing thunder, and other places were darkened. Only this place was bright, as if it was the only place in the world.

The dark light realm jointly arranged by the four fallen giants made an indescribable crunching sound, and then exploded to pieces under the overbearing thunder.

The dazzling blood red streaked across the horizon, passing through different historical skies and killing them.


Black light and red light burst out, and a fallen giant was almost split in half.

Chi Cang came and completely suppressed the opponent, like an invincible god of war.

"I'm fine. Fellow Taoists, follow me to break through the darkness and destroy foreign lands."

He roared like the Emperor of Heaven descending to earth, which shocked both his comrades and enemies.

This was a fallen giant comparable to Qi Yu and Kun Di. He was not a minion. It was simply unimaginable that he was at a disadvantage in a four-on-one situation.

Even the extremely arrogant and unconvinced Red King was in a trance for a while, and he couldn't help but have doubts in his heart. Can he really suppress the Thunder Emperor?

Chi Cang displayed great momentum, worthy of the title of Emperor of Thunder, and also inspired the kings of the Immortal Realm.

The veteran giant Qi Yu found his old rival Kun Di. Although he did not have the incredible combat power of the two leaders, he was more than enough to hold back a top giant. After all, he was the former leader of the Immortal Realm.

Willow God took action together with his own dharma image, covering the King of Swords, the Red King, and Qu Yan. The endless crystal wicker branches turned into the strongest spears, covering the three giants.

The vast light of the sword, the yellow gourd, and the surging river of time complement each other with the wicker, and a war breaks out.

Another leader of the Immortal Realm also showed terrifying fighting prowess, fighting one against three without falling behind.

Not only that, Liu Shen also mobilized the law to include several giants. Although they are not as good as the top giants, they should not be underestimated.

At that time, Chi Cang and Liu Shen had just entered the realm of supreme giants, and they were still dwarfed by the siege of such giants. But now, they have grown a lot, and their combat power is no longer the same as before.

In Chi Cang's battle group, six giants also joined. The original four fallen giants were overwhelmed by Chi Cang, and their decline was obvious. If they did not support them, they might be defeated by Chi Cang.

Most of the two-digit giants were immediately divided. The remaining ones, when faced with the immortal giants, still had the upper hand in numbers, but they were not as desperate as before.

The kings of the Immortal Realm saw the hope of victory, and naturally they fought desperately.

In addition to the giant creatures, other immortal kings also fought together.

The Ten Fierce Skyhorn Ants were a majestic middle-aged man. Without saying a word, he silently came to the immortal king, who was more sacred than the gods.

"Well, I recognize you. You are one of the Ten Fierce Ants of the past. It seems that you are here for your children." He Wushuang said, clasping his hands behind his back, very calmly.

"A blood feud will never be forgotten." The Ten Fierce Skyhorned Ants said this. Thinking of his children who were beheaded, his eyes turned red.

"Well, it's human nature, but the situation is different now. I needed to look up to you back then, but now, you need to look up to me." He Wushuang nodded, not taking the Skyhorned Ant seriously.

"Who knows?"

The Skyhorned Ant sneered, and a simple cauldron appeared in its hand. As soon as it appeared, the void became heavier, as if controlling it could shake the heavens.

This is the Yuanmu Cauldron, the famous weapon of the Sky Horned Ant. It is so heavy that it is unimaginably heavy. Even if the Immortal King touches it, it will explode on the spot.

He Wushuang put away his contempt. Years of killings made him know that even a lion must use its full strength to fight a rabbit. Moreover, the horned ant in front of him was not a rabbit.

He had seen with his own eyes this creature that did not reach the realm of the Immortal King, attacking in all directions on the battlefield that belonged to the King.

The ten evil spirits each possess unique skills, which cannot be measured by common sense.


The middle-aged man disappeared, revealing his true body, which was a huge ant, covered in blood and continuing to expand.

"Hey, what a familiar scene. I've experienced the aristocrat's talent and magical powers go crazy many times." He Wushuang chuckled lightly, and the meaning of his words was self-evident.

When the blood-red ants heard the words, they let out a deafening roar. The pain of killing their sons and daughters came to their hearts. They immediately stopped hesitating and killed them with the Yuan Mu Cauldron.

The majestic power rushed towards his face, and even He Wushuang showed a solemn look. The Skyhorned Ant has extreme power, which is no joke.


Golden light splashed, He Wushuang used his secret technique to fight against the berserk Skyhorn Ant. He has been a king for hundreds of thousands of years. He has been training in the sea of ​​​​the world and has competed with creatures of the same level many times. Even among the immortal kings , he is also considered to have good qualifications, so his combat power is not low.

As for the horned ants, they were resurrected, and their combat power was more or less reduced. After fighting hard, although He Wushuang saw blood, he was also seriously injured.

"Haha, the Skyhorned Ant clan is nothing more than that." He Wushuang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.

"For you to want revenge alone is a bit of a fool's errand."

"Oh, and me?"

On the horizon, a giant beast covered with terrifying scales roared towards him, overturning He Wushuang.


He Wushuang's abdomen filled with endless symbols, repairing the injury. The Qilin just now was so fast that it almost penetrated his abdomen. Obviously, this was a killing technique.

"Well done, I just thought the fight was not that enjoyable." He Wushuang was not afraid, because Qilin was not a real Immortal King, so it didn't matter if he fought one against two.

One immortal, twenty fierce, roaring and killing each other, limbs and blood spattered from time to time, extremely cruel.

On the other side, the real dragon roared, revealing its true body, and fought against many supreme kings with its powerful and boundless body. Due to the insufficient coordinates when summoning the soul, the real dragon's combat power was greatly reduced, but it could still compete with ordinary giants.

The True Phoenix, who is also one of the Ten Evils, faced off against the Fallen King. The bright red flames contrasted sharply with the darkness, like a decisive battle between gods and demons.

Kunpeng and her father, old Kunpeng, turned into two bolts of lightning and fought with the Immortal King. Sometimes they turned into Kuns and stirred up the Black Sea, sometimes they turned into Pengs and soared ninety thousand miles away.

The last of the Ten Evils, the cricket, faced off against his former "comrade". Both sides hated each other so much that they started a bloody battle.

"Xiao, you traitor, you have deceived our world, and you will not be allowed to live in this world." The Immortal King was angry. After so many years, he has not been able to kill this traitor. It is a shame to be regarded as a foreigner.

"Why are you talking so much? Either you will die or I will live." With space and time in his hands, Xiao fought bloody battles with the three immortal kings, all with real fire. The sky was dark, the earth was dark, and the sun and the moon were dim.

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