The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 440 Fierce Battle

This ability is so special, it is extremely heaven-defying. It controls space with one hand, divides the battlefield, and separates the three immortal kings in different spaces.

The other hand controls time, making the time flow rates in the three spaces different. The cricket uses the time difference to fight fiercely with them separately, turning the group fight into a one-on-one duel.

As for the cricket, he can fight against the Immortal King before he becomes a king, let alone 400,000 years after he becomes a king.

His fighting power was monstrous, his handsome face was filled with murderous intent, and his blond hair was flowing freely. The battle with the Immortal King gradually reached a fever pitch.

"Chub, you are ungrateful. If we hadn't spared your life, you would have died in the ancient times."

An immortal king could no longer withstand the attack of the crickets. His whole body was covered with king's blood and he screamed miserably.

"I should have died in the ancient immortality. If reincarnation and immortality had not allowed me to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, how could I have survived to this day?" There was a cold light in Xiao's eyes, cold and ruthless, and his attacks became more ruthless, hitting the immortal in this space. The king retreated steadily, unable to fight back.

With Xizhi's current combat power and Taoism, he cannot destroy the origin of an immortal king in a short time. Therefore, he can only suppress the opponent, wait until the war is over, and then hand it over to the leaders of the Immortal Realm for them to destroy.

As for the opportunity contained in the origin of an immortal king, the Immortal Domain has long had regulations, and whoever suppresses it belongs completely to him.


White lights flashed through the space, and the space was torn apart. The Immortal King was also stunned on the spot, and his entire body shattered like a broken mirror.

This was the ultimate killing blow of the cricket, the space splitting slash, which shattered the body and soul of the immortal king in one fell swoop.


Immortal symbols filled the air. As soon as the origin of this king appeared, he had to regroup his body and combat power. Unfortunately, Xiao would not give him this chance and immediately suppressed it.

When he finished dealing with an immortal king, the immortal kings in the other two spaces just waved their arms. Here, time turned into droplets, extremely sticky, and incredibly slow. However, the trapped immortal king Wang couldn't rush out in a short time, so he could only watch his movements like a turtle crawling.

The mantis came, injured, and it was obvious that he had already fought a great battle.

The Immortal King was shocked and furious, knowing the fate of his companions, and he was extremely afraid of the crickets in his heart. What kind of heaven-defying race is this? Time and space come together, and all the gods will tremble and break their halberds.

He knew that if things continued like this, it would definitely be a disaster.


The immortal king shouted loudly, unleashed all his fighting power, and tried his best to send a signal to the outside world.

"It's useless, I will kill you one after another." Xiao said indifferently, and came forward with two palms to fight with the immortal king in this space.

Although he was powerful in battle, facing a desperate immortal king, he spent a lot of money to suppress his opponent.

Before Xizhi could move to the next place, he suddenly felt a creepy feeling, as if he was being stared at by some wild beast.

A pair of deep black eyes appeared in the depths of Xiao's mind, and various strange symbols condensed to form a shackles. Xiao felt that most of his mana had suddenly been reduced by half.


The cricket's reaction was also quick, and time and space came out at the same time, trying to stop the opponent. However, there were constant clicking sounds, and there were spider web-like cracks everywhere.

A majestic dark figure pressed over and stretched out its palm to destroy the cricket.

Obviously, his record of suppressing the two immortal kings was noticed, and a strong man came forward to deal with him.

Xiao's heart was awe-inspiring, and goosebumps appeared all over his body. He knew that the person who came here far surpassed him in terms of Taoism. At the very least, he was the ultimate Immortal King, and he was not far away from the giants.

Just when Qi Qi Ba Ba, whose fighting power was restrained by the curse, was quite helpless, a dull slapping sound sounded, which was very clear and abrupt, making people unable to help but feel stunned.

The next moment, Cricket, one of the ten evil men, was stunned, because the body of the fallen king who was coming towards him stiffened slightly, and then he fell to the sky.

"Hey, are you okay?"

A figure appeared behind the fallen king and asked with concern. In his hand, he held a crystal brick.

It was him just now who quietly touched the fallen king's back and slapped him with a brick, hitting the fallen king in the back of the head, which caused the opponent's soul to turbulent and fainted on the spot. He fell unconscious and became a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Fellow Taoist Dingyuan?"

Zhu suddenly realized that it was this person who appeared in time and solved his siege.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Zhu, keep fighting. I will help you in secret." Ding Yuan smiled.

The brick in his hand was stained with a lot of blood. Needless to say, the fallen fallen king in front of him was not the first one he knocked unconscious.

Zhu forced a smile and suddenly felt a little lucky. Fortunately, Dingyuan was on his side. If it were on the enemy's side, they would definitely pay a heavy price.

He's so unpredictable that he'll slap you on the back of your head if you're not paying attention. Who can withstand this? It’s simply impossible to guard against.

Ding Yuan smiled at Xiao, and then disappeared. Xiao's heart trembled, and his huge soul power scanned all directions, but he found no trace of Ding Yuan.

With such a sap-killing presence lurking in the dark, I am afraid that all the immortal kings and fallen kings of foreign lands will feel uneasy, and they might be photographed at some point.

Just as Xiao was thinking, two more fallen kings came towards him.

Xiao took a deep breath. Even though in some battlefields, Xianyu had the advantage, overall, Xianyu was at a disadvantage.

The fallen king from the Jie Yin Ancient Palace practiced extremely weird methods, many of which were unheard of. However, the other party seemed to have known the methods of the Immortal Realm for a long time. It was very clear that in the first battle, the Immortal Realm Immortal Kings suffered a big loss. Many kings They encountered a catastrophic disaster when they met each other. In addition, they were at a disadvantage in numbers, so the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm could only struggle to support themselves.


The second most exposed body in the world is a primitive dragon with fleshy wings. Its dark scales and cold eyes show a metallic luster under the reflection of light, giving it an inexplicable sense of oppression.

He roared and fought fiercely with several fallen kings. Although he could still fight back and forth, the situation was not good. The dark matter carried by the other party far exceeded that of the immortal king. Fighting with such a creature, Once damaged, it may be corroded by dark matter.

The current No. 2 dragon in the world is like this. A small part of the entire dragon body has turned black. This part is obviously much stiffer than other normal areas, which greatly affects the combat power of the No. 2 dragon in the world.

Fortunately, the Thunder Tribulation Liquid given by Chi Cang fought against the dark matter and blocked the erosion of darkness. Otherwise, he would have been defeated long ago.

The Immortal Gold Taoist not far away also revealed his true form. He was a Zodiac Golden Man with golden light all over his body. He was the Immortal Gold Taoist, and his body was so hard that even ordinary Immortal Kings could not hit him.

But now, Taoist Immortal Gold's aura is a little weak. He is being besieged by an immortal giant and two fallen kings. His body is full of pits and palm prints, which is terrifying and shocking.

If he wasn't made of Immortal Gold, he might have been suppressed.

Hunyuan Immortal King, Pan King, etc. were all fighting bloody battles. Facing opponents far stronger than themselves, they fought to the death.

The kings fought, risking their lives, because behind them was their foothold, their hometown, and there was no way to retreat.

This universe, this piece of heaven and earth, has been cracked and headed for destruction. It was originally a magnificent pure land, but now it is in a mess, with big cracks left by the Immortal King's battles everywhere.

Slowly, the situation reached a deadlock. Although the kings of the Immortal Realm were at a disadvantage and struggling to hold on, the existence of the Immortal King series was not easy to fall. They were said to be immortal and could fight for a long time even if they were at a disadvantage.

In addition, there was Ding Yuan, the sap beater, wandering in the dark, jumping out from time to time to take a shot, and then disappearing immediately, making the Immortal King and the Fallen King grit their teeth in anger.

Moreover, all the kings of the Immortal Realm possess Thunder Tribulation Liquid, which can not only restore their own injuries, but also resist the erosion of dark matter. It is not a problem to fight a protracted war. Of course, the effectiveness of Thunder Tribulation Liquid will gradually weaken, and it is impossible to let them keep it. The Immortal King remains at the top.

Now, the only thing that can influence the situation is the battlefield of the giants.

If the battle ends on any battlefield, it will affect the direction of this battle.

Chi Cang stood on the Immortal Killing Platform with a thunder pool on his head, fighting fiercely with ten giants.

Thanks to the thunder field created by the thunder pool, it affects all aspects of the opponent. Otherwise, the ten giants would be enough to make Chi Cang tired of dealing with it.

Every giant is not a simple person, especially the four extremely fallen giants from the Jie Yin Ancient Palace. Although they were targeted by Thunder, they still caused a lot of trouble to Chi Cang.

Willow God's battlefield is shrouded in her dharma, with billions of willow branches hanging down, each one like the sharpest fairy spear. The giants in it are constantly attacked by violent winds and rains.

True dragons, true phoenixes, Kunpeng... Nine-leaf sword grass, etc., were running rampant among them, and some divine stones fell from the sky, heading straight for the immortal giant's soul.


There was a metallic trembling sound, and the dark Yuanshen Sword embryos emerged, one after another, covering the Red King and others.

The immortal giants changed their colors. This creature was so powerful that it could rival the Butcher. It was unimaginable that so many of their famous giants could not do anything to each other even if they joined forces.

However, they have competed with Liu Shen not once or twice, and they know what to do.

"Break her Dharma. This thing is made of the power of faith and has an endless supply. If you don't break it, it won't be able to hurt her at all." The Red King said.

A group of giants immediately took action and blasted towards the huge willow tree. In a short time, swords, gourds, furnaces and other weapons roared away, smashing countless real dragons, real phoenixes, unicorns and other auspicious beasts, and killed them towards the tree.

Naturally, Liu Shen would not let them get their wish. As the Red King said, the origin of her dharma is the power of faith transmitted from the endless world behind ten thousand light groups, including the past, the present, and the future. Condensed into a Dharma form, it possesses infinite combat power.

If it was broken, she wouldn't be as calm as she is now.

"Kill him, or something will happen if he is too late." The Sword King shouted.

The immortal giants felt awe-inspiring as they thought of the figure standing amidst the thunder.

Most of the people who besieged the Thunder Emperor were fallen kings, and they were restrained to a certain extent. They originally planned to have the fallen kings besiege Liu Shen. Unfortunately, Chi Cang took the lead and took away the four fallen giants. They had no choice but to Face the Willow God directly.

If something goes wrong on the Thunder Emperor's side, this battle will definitely be lost, so they want to suppress Liu Shen quickly.

Under the desperate efforts of double-digit giants, anyone who has not left the king realm will find it difficult to resist.

Billions of willow branches were breached, and they fought their way to the trunk of the willow god Dharmaxiang tree.

The King of Swords said nothing, and the cold light flashed in his hand, intending to cut down the Tree of Dharma. The other giants did the same, blasting towards the giant willow overwhelmingly, while Qu Han and King Chi tried their best to block the body of the Willow God.

Liu Shen was dressed in a holy long dress, like a fairy falling from the nine heavens to the mortal world. However, when she made a move, even the giant was shocked.

Those flawless white jade hands were engraved with the mark of invincibility. Under the blessing of the complete Immortal Sutra and the supreme giant's Taoism, they became indestructible. Every blow could turn the world upside down.


The yellow gourd was slapped and flew away, while its owner, Qu Yan, was hit in the arm and instantly shriveled up and turned into dust.

Qu Han's face turned pale, and he cut off the wound with a palm, and a new arm appeared. This terrifying way of withering and prosperity made even the Jiehai giant afraid.

The Red King took the opportunity to get closer, and the terrifying beast's tail hit Liu Shen's shoulder, causing it to be stained with blood.

Liu Shen was speechless and struck a shocking blow with his backhand.

The Red King, who was covered in icy armor, was instantly blown away by Liu Shen and blocked in front of his chest. The Red King Furnace, a peerless furnace that had been used to refine an Immortal King, was even shot with a big hole. The Red King himself was even more miserable. Most of his armor was broken into pieces.

If it were not for the protection of the law of time, he would definitely suffer a catastrophe.

The Beast of Time used its superb time laws to recover from its injuries, and then looked at the peerless woman in front of it.

"So strong, it gives me a very familiar feeling. It seems that I have met such a powerful woman before." The Red King said to himself. After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but frowned. This feeling was really strange, and his memory was vague.

For a top giant, this is something that shouldn't happen.

After thinking to no avail, the Red King no longer thought about it, but looked at Liu Shen with appreciative eyes.

"I don't know how many epochs have passed and how many years have passed before a stunning woman like you was born. You are a very good woman. If possible, I really hope that you can stay with me forever. Unfortunately, you and that Chi Cang, Destined to be taken away." The Red King sighed, not hiding his admiration for Liu Shen.

"You are overthinking. The outcome of this battle is still uncertain." Liu Shen responded coldly, and then went straight to kill him.

"Stop struggling. Once the Dharma is destroyed, can you still calmly fight against us?" Red King said with a smile.

He is like an unparalleled king, making invincible fist seals with both hands, pushing the sun, moon and stars forward, winding around the vast river of time, terrifying the sky, and fighting head-on with Liu Shen.

At this moment, Liu Shen was undoubtedly terrifying. His combat power was pushed to the extreme, and even the giants could not stop him.

The Red King was retreating steadily and coughing up blood. Fortunately, Qu Han took action in time and was able to stabilize his position.

"Haha, do you think my blood was shed in vain?" Red King sneered. Before he could finish his words, the blood he had spit out turned into the most brilliant symbols, forming a peerless magic circle that enveloped Liu Shen.

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