The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 441 Cause and Effect

This is a peerless killing formation, a monstrous killing calamity targeting giants.

At this moment, the aura of the Red King changed and became extremely violent. The pieces of broken armor returned to their places. This rare immortal armor that accompanied the Red King in the endless eras released a bright light.

Willow God was trapped by the killing formation and responded immediately. Countless willow branches rushed out, carrying a large hazy chaotic energy. Among them, sword grass with nine leaves grew out. The leaves rolled around, and the sword energy was like a sea. , vertical and horizontal.


The killing array formed by the blood of the Red King was instantly shattered.

At this time, the Red King had already come to kill him, taking advantage of the yellow gourd to hit Liu Shen, causing him to stagger. The Red King's tail rushed towards him like a war spear, piercing the void and staining his white clothes with blood.

Liu Shen frowned slightly. Maintaining the Dharma also requires energy, which takes away part of the combat power. Therefore, the body is not as powerful as it was at its peak.

However, she was still not afraid of the siege of the two giants. She reached out with her bare hands, grabbed the Red King's tail, and pulled hard.

A huge force came from the cold armor. The Red King struggled to resist, but he was still pulled over.


The beast of time roared to the sky and the earth, showing its ferocious power. A vast river of time was deduced by him, winding around the invincible fist seal and killing Liu Shen.


The Red King roared angrily and struck a powerful blow. The law of time was incorporated into the invincible fist seal. It was so terrifying that ordinary giants could not stop it.

Liu Shen met the attack, tracing the traces of his debut with his hands, and the stars were dotted, which were bright and glorious worlds. But in an instant, these starlights dimmed, withered quickly, and turned to reveal the energy of destruction.

"World-Destroying Fist? No, there are others." Red King said to himself.

Soon, he saw that this was caused by integrating the essence of the World-Destroying Fist into his own method. The World-Destroying Fist was only a part of this boxing technique. It was essentially the way of prosperity and prosperity, not only destroying the world, but also creating the world.

The horrifying aura made the Red King change his color. However, he fired his bow without any arrows to turn back, so he fought hard and killed him.


After dozens of blows, the king-like Red King was sent flying by Liu Shen. Most of his armor was broken into pieces, and countless blood spilled from the cracks.

"The more my blood bleeds, the more miserable the enemy becomes."

The Red King coughed up blood and shouted, the blood flowing out merged into the previous killing array, enhancing the power of the killing array.

Liu Shen was speechless. He raised his hand and the world turned upside down, breaking the killing formation. However, the next second, the killing formation was intact again.

And under the cover of Qu Han, the Red King came to kill him again, even if his body was cracked by Liu Shen's beating, he did not hesitate to do so, he was so brave that he was not afraid of death.

His blood continued to flow out, and he continued to strengthen the killing array, gradually reaching an extremely terrifying point.

Even Liu Shen sensed the threat.

At this time, on the Sword King's side, the giants joined forces and finally felled the willow god's ancient tree. The giant willow tree that reached the sky was broken at the waist and collapsed.

At this moment, Liu Shen's body took back part of the energy to maintain his appearance. Facing the increasingly powerful Red King's killing array, he no longer hesitated and directly revealed his body.

A giant willow tree soared ninety thousand miles up to the sky, standing between heaven and earth. Its majestic power and laws shattered everything.

The Red King Killing Formation instantly turned into powder, and the owner of the Killing Formation, the Red King, turned pale. Apparently, a lot of his blood and essence had been lost as a result.

Fortunately, their goal was achieved, and they successfully held back Liu Shen's body and solved her physical appearance.

"Okay, let's see how you deal with it now."

The Red King laughed, not caring about the badly damaged Xianjia battle clothes on his body, and the approaching Sword King and others who besieged Liu Shen's body.

On Chi Cang's side, because of Thunder's restraint on darkness, his situation was not bad. On the contrary, the fallen giants felt uncomfortable in the thunder field and found it difficult to deal with Chi Cang.

In particular, the thunder pool above it and the Immortal Killing Platform at its feet were so extraordinary that they failed several times when they tried to attack it.

The blazing blue emperor is like a fish in water here, flexing his fighting power and fighting fiercely with ten giants.

He had been watching the situation on the entire battlefield, and after sensing that Liu Shen was in trouble, Chi Cang did not hesitate, wrapped himself around the ten giants, and leaned towards Liu Shen.

"No, we can't let the two of them meet up." Kun Di held the Immortal Refining Pot in hand, repelling Qi Yu, and wanted to support him.

However, Qi Yu clung to him.

"Old friend, where do you want to go? Just stay here and watch." Qi Yu spoke out, urging his Immortal King soldiers to collide with the Immortal Refining Pot.

"Haha, so what if the two of them meet up? Do you really think that one can fight ten?" Kundi was anxious in his heart, but remained calm on the outside.

"Whether you can or not, you can't interfere elsewhere." Qi Yu responded.

Kundi sighed secretly. With this old rival here, he really couldn't spare any support. He only hoped that those fallen giants could do more.


Chi Cang and Liu Shen merged, the two supreme giants, gathered together, and their opponents also gathered, and their numbers reached an extremely terrifying level.

This kind of power is enough to overthrow any force in the world.

However, the combination of Chi Cang and Liu Shen is not as simple as one plus one.

You must know that Liu Shen has experienced nirvana many times and been reborn amidst thunder and punishment. Her body started from lightning striking wood, and she is naturally sensitive to thunder.

At this moment, the thunder pool opened wide, spewing out billions of thunder, forming a terrifying thunder field, and fell on the willow god's body, the giant willow tree. Suddenly, countless willow branches were all dyed with a faint layer of thunder light, and they were certain. degree of enhancement.

The two of them face the enemy side by side, fighting enemies ten times their size. Whether the fairyland can be safe or not depends on them.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen knew this clearly, so they fought tooth and nail, even if the enemy was strong and their hope was slim, they would not hesitate to fight.

Although the Red King, Sword King and other creatures were trying their best to attack, they really couldn't take down these two people in a short time.

This reminded them of the butcher and the chicken farmer from the burial ground. The foreign land had also surrounded and killed these two creatures, but unfortunately they failed in the end and let them escape to the boundary sea.

Fortunately, there is a high chance of success in this battle, because Chi Cang and Liu Shen have weaknesses and cannot abandon the Immortal Realm. They only need to maintain their offensive, and they will always be able to break through.

On the ancient and dilapidated dike, the immortalized alicorn ants looked forward anxiously. The boundary sea was undulating and magnificent. Through the sea fog, many black spots could be seen.

It was an ancient ship or other vehicle coming from the depths of the Realm Sea, carrying one forbidden creature after another. Soon, they would dock.

Of course, there are also some peerless beings on the sea who have not landed, but still stay in the boundary sea, sitting cross-legged on islands, or standing in ancient ships...

At this moment, a war breaks out in the Immortal Domain, and the Boundary Sea is also undulating. The reason is that two creatures broke through the Boundary Sea, and it was not easy, causing a terrifying celestial phenomenon.

The kings in the sea of ​​​​realm sensed the strangeness of the Taoist methods practiced by these two people, and started to test them one after another.

The waves hit the sky and rolled in, making the ants on the dam nervous.

Fortunately, in the end, the two of them were able to catch it, and both were fine.

Just before they were about to succeed, the waves rolled and a terrifying murderous aura struck, rushing towards the two of them respectively. This was when the top creatures in the world realized something was wrong and thought that the rise of the two powerful men would threaten themselves, so they took action. .

This is normal in the world sea, because most of the creatures in the world sea are enemies, and destroying other people's Taoist fruits is a subconscious behavior.

Many powerful men took action together, and the momentum was so great that the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, ghosts cried and gods howled.

"Heaven and Earth Divine Treasure, open!"

A majestic figure wearing golden armor shouted, his whole body was shaking violently, as if he was under great pressure.


Lightning flashed and thundered, and finally, streams of immortal energy rose up from his body, condensing on his head and feet. Then, a vortex appeared in each of the two places, like the most essential symbol of the avenue, changing endlessly, and the heaven and earth were rhythmic with it. Endless secret power emerged from the vortex and blessed the figure's body.

His body seemed to have transformed into the Eternal One, and he punched out fiercely, destroying all malicious attacks.

On the other side, a delicate figure also broke through at the critical moment. In his body, there were five groups of bright lights that exploded together, creating a secret realm above his head with infinite power.

It was a ball of light, enveloping a little person, invulnerable to all forces, indestructible to all calamities, and lasting forever.

"There is a god three feet above your head!"

The handsome figure shouted, and the voice spread in all directions. The little man above his head was wrapped in flames. Only after looking carefully did he realize that it was not a flame, but the most brilliant symbol of the avenue.

This is the essence after the interaction between the physical body and the soul. It is the condensed thing after the supreme essence flows from the five secret realms. It is also the god of the human body.


All the attacks were wiped out by it and turned into nothing.

The big shots in the world were shocked, and many of the thoughts that wanted to interfere and suppress them receded. People realized that two peerless beings had risen. They were giants among the Immortal Kings. They were terrifying and should not be easily enmity with them.

At the same time, they discovered that the two men had made a breakthrough and jumped to the top, but no divine punishment came to test them.

This shows what? The system is shocking to the world, and Heavenly Punishment knows it is useless, so they are unwilling to test it by sending down Thunder Punishment.

Many people have guessed the reason and are becoming more and more fearful of these two creatures.


The boundary sea set off huge waves, but the two successful people did not stay, but went straight towards the dam boundary.

"Shi Hao, Great Elder."

The Alicorn Ant was pleasantly surprised to see its good brothers and seniors return.

"Xiao Jin, I've kept you waiting for a long time."

The Great Elder Meng Tianzheng spoke, with his long black hair hanging loosely on his shoulders and a golden armor on his body, giving him a heroic appearance.

After opening up the Divine Treasure of Heaven and Earth, he can draw on the power of all realms, which is no longer limited to the human body. His temperament becomes even more mysterious and extraordinary, unfathomable.

Shi Hao on the side took a different path. He used the five secret realms of the human body to interweave the sixth secret realm of the human body. There are gods three feet above the head. The human body is not limited to the tangible body that can be seen, but also has external extensions.

Shi Hao stepped forward and patted the Ant on the shoulder. He could see that the Ant was worried about the safety of the Immortal Realm and the life and death of his father, relatives and friends.

"Don't worry, since we have become kings, the Immortal Realm cannot be defeated." Shi Hao comforted.

At this moment, he has opened up the sixth secret realm, and the avenue has been extended. It is stronger than millions of years of hard work, and his magic power is boundless. This gives Shi Hao extremely strong confidence.

However, having just become a king, Shi Hao is still a little unfamiliar with the power of this level. He needs some battles to hone himself, otherwise, he will not be able to exert his due fighting power.

The same is true for Meng Tianzheng.

In fact, they were not completely ready to break through, and their accumulation had not been fully completed. However, the fallen king from the foreign land came to join the ancient palace, and the arrow was on the string, so they had to shoot. They immediately came to the boundary sea to break through.

Fortunately, in the end, they both broke through, and the 400,000 years of hard work were not in vain.


Shi Hao's body glowed, and the secret power of the six secret realms of the human body flowed together, blessing his body, and he had an invincible general trend.

The sky-horned ant's figure flashed and turned into a small golden ant, landing on Shi Hao's shoulder.

Afterwards, Shi Hao and the Great Elder Meng Tianzheng walked side by side. Runes were densely covered under their feet. Countless universes quickly retreated, and it didn't take long before they arrived in the Immortal Realm.

At this time, the war here was at its peak. Both sides were furious, fighting for their lives, and blood was flowing.

The sudden arrival of the two powerful figures shocked both the immortal and foreign experts. After all, the terrifying auras exuding from Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng made even the Immortal King horrified.

"Is our reinforcement coming?"

An immortal king spoke in confusion, but felt something was wrong. Part of their power did go to other places, which was of great use and was very crucial. However, it was impossible to arrive at this time.

After seeing the face of the visitor, the kings of the Immortal Realm were overjoyed and their morale soared, while the kings of the foreign lands showed horror. Based on their cities, it was not difficult to guess the direction and outcome of this battle.

"Haha, okay, we have two more invincible giants in my fairyland." King Pan's hair is disheveled, one arm is missing, he is seriously injured, and he has been eroded by darkness, but now, he is laughing very happily .

The other kings of the Immortal Realm were laughing heartily, while the kings of the foreign lands and the fallen kings looked surprised and uncertain.

"What? Is it the young man named Huang? The other one is the Supreme Ant who held the Ten Realms Map back then?" Kunti was shocked. These two were creatures of this era. How could they suddenly be so strong? He doubted his eyes.

The giants who were fighting fiercely with Chi Cang and Liu Shen were shocked and angry when they saw the arrival of Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng. When did the Immortal Realm gain two peerless powerful men? Judging from his appearance, he is incredibly young. At this age, even if his talent is incredible, he should still be struggling in the realm of true immortals. How could he become a giant?

"It's you? It's you!"

After the blood-covered Red King saw Shi Hao's face, the fog in his mind slowly dissipated, and a dust-covered secret reappeared in his heart.

Only then did he understand why Liu Shen looked familiar to him just now. It was clearly because he had been defeated by a woman in white from the future and had such a deep impression.

After learning about the big cause and effect between him and Shi Hao, even as powerful as the Red King, he lost his composure, showing a shocked and solemn expression, and stared at Shi Hao with his eyes.

And Shi Hao, naturally sensing the gaze of the Red King, also looked over. The beast of time's ferocious body and its unparalleled energy overlapped with a terrifying figure in his mind.

"It turns out it was you who once traveled down the long river of time, trying to intercept and kill me in advance." Shi Hao understood that this was the unparalleled ancient king. He sat cross-legged in front of the eternity and felt him in the present world. Then he set off, across the For eternity, he will be wiped out.

If it weren't for the empress in white who came from the lower reaches of the river of time to stop him, he might have been robbed long ago and died before he had time to grow up.

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