The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 442 The situation is over, the death of the Red King

"Unexpectedly, the premonition from back then actually came true. Your existence will really have a huge impact on our world. Unfortunately, someone blocked the disaster for you, allowing you to escape the murder and become a climate." The Red King said solemnly said.

At the same time, he was sighing.

"The power of great cause and effect covers everything, and it doesn't dissipate until it comes true. Only then can I recall the past. Sure enough, time is irreversible. Even if I am the darling of time, I will eventually be countered."

The kings of the fairyland were horrified when they heard this. Who can change the things in the long river of time? If it does not belong to an era, it cannot be interfered with at all, because it contains huge cause and effect. If you move the years rashly, you will die easily.

However, the Red King did this. He once deduced with several immortal kings to see if there were any bad variables in the future, and found Shi Hao.

The Red King, known as the beast of time, controls the time domain, overlooks the long river of time, and immediately decides to obliterate it in advance.

Before Shi Hao, they had successfully killed some creatures, so the Red King thought there would be no surprises this time.

However, the development of things was beyond his imagination. His behavior actually alarmed the creatures downstream of the long river of time, and they went upstream to block his incarnation.

The empress in white was so stunning that she destroyed the Red King's incarnation. Unwilling to accept it, the Red King sent out his true form and used the power of ancient artifacts of foreign origin to defeat and injure the woman. However, the Red King himself also So it suffered a heavy blow.

To waste time rashly and go to war in an era that does not belong to you, the kind of backlash is unimaginable.

There are rumors in the world that the Red King suppressed a peerless king and wanted to obtain the other party's Dao Fruit, so he could not come out. In fact, he had to fall into a deep sleep because he was too injured.

Of course, the Red King also took advantage of this opportunity to start all over again, relying on the opponent's Tao Fruit Nirvana to go one step further.

If given the choice, there is no way the Red King would choose to sleep for an era.

"Haha, no one can change the past and disrupt the future. Even if the empress in white doesn't take action, you can't succeed." Shi Hao sneered.


The Red King responded noncommittally, but he also agreed with this in his heart. After all, he suffered a big loss in the backlash of time.

"So, what are you going to use to repay this great cause and effect? ​​I think you can use your life to repay it." Shi Hao had a murderous intention and wanted to keep the Red King.

"Then it depends on whether you have such ability. How dare a creature who has just stepped into this realm dare to challenge me?" The Red King was extremely ferocious. Even if he was covered in blood, his momentum did not diminish.

After discussing with his companions, the Red King withdrew from the battlefield besieging Chi Cang and Liu Shen, and turned to kill Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng who had just arrived.

He is really crazy and wants to fight one against two.


The red divine furnace was full of ferocious power and boundless terror. The symbols of the Infinite Avenue erupted, shrouding Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng. The former Scarlet King furnace had been sacrificed. This one was the result of the Red King's refining, and it was equally fierce and powerful.


This place is broken, the starry sky collapses, and the long river of time emerges, entangling the figures inside.

Shi Hao, with his black hair dancing wildly and the six secret realms of the human body extremely bright, held the Great Luo sword in his hand and struck the Scarlet King Furnace, causing it to fly back immediately.

This is an imperial sword forged by a former Heavenly Emperor. It is infinitely more advanced than the Immortal King's soldiers.

Meng Tianzheng, who was behind him, opened the Divine Treasures of the Heavens without hesitation. Two vortexes appeared above his head and below his feet, sending infinite secret power towards his body.

In terms of strength alone, Meng Tian was terrifying at this moment, and even the Red King was surprised.

Is this really the power that a newly crowned king can possess?

This question briefly crossed the mind of the Red King.

Then, he showed off his power and cut his own wrist. For a moment, the king's blood spattered, helping him evolve the supreme secret technique.

"This has always been the case."

The symbols of time filled the air, the breath of time flowed, stained with the blood of the Red King, and the incomparable evil shrouded Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng.

In just an instant, the young and strong two people aged, their long black hair turned gray, and their crystal skin became loose and wrinkled...

The most frightening thing is that the source that is as strong as flames is declining and withering.

This is more terrifying and terrifying than any curse.

The Red King succeeded and refused to give up. He spit out a small dusty bell from his mouth, exuding the energy of chaos and flowing with ripples of time. It was much more terrifying than the previous Red King Furnace, which the Red King had sacrificed and refined for endless years. The weapon of destiny is his strongest weapon.

The ancient clock Youyou, containing shocking murderous intent, rushed towards the two weak people. If it succeeded, Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng would be seriously injured even if they were not dead.

After all, this is a big kill from a top giant and should not be underestimated.

However, what Chi Wang didn't expect was that Shi Hao was also proficient in the law of time. His second supreme bone involved the law of time, and under the operation of the six secret realms of the human body, it was invulnerable to all laws.

In the blink of an eye, Shi Hao's six secret realms of the human body glowed together, cutting off all of them, and immediately returned to his youthful state, becoming a dragon and a tiger again.

Next to him, Meng Tianzheng's body underwent horrifying changes. Half of it was bright gold, and half was pitch black. Even his pupils were like this, half god, half devil, like yin and yang. When he appeared like this During the change, the time secret techniques used by the Red King lost their due effects.

At the same time, a heart-stopping terrifying power came from Meng Tianzheng.


The two of them would not have any psychological burden of being two against one, so they took action together and knocked away the menacing Red King Bell.

The Red King's heart sank, and he realized that he had underestimated these two creatures. Even if they had just stepped into this realm, they could not be bullied.


The Red King shouted loudly. His true body was ferocious and terrifying. He used the power of time to recast the Xian family's battle clothes, turning them into pieces of brilliant armor, wrapping his body. Then, he killed him like that, together with Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng. Fight together.

He is worthy of being a veteran giant. After breaking through himself and establishing himself in the field of top giants, he can be called one of the strongest people in the foreign world. With his proficiency in the law of time, he can be on an equal footing with Kunti.

At this moment, the Red King went crazy and fought a bloody battle with the two newly promoted kings, Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng. He was covered in red, with a dragon's head and a lion's body, covered with bloody scales, and a long tail, ferocious and ferocious, fighting At the same time, he also activated the Red King Bell from time to time to attack and kill his opponents.

Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng were also taking action with all their strength. This was the first powerful opponent they encountered after advancing to the King Realm.

At first, the two were not used to such intensity of fighting, and were suppressed by the ferocious Time Beast, their suits stained with blood.

However, both of them are geniuses in combat, and their fighting instincts are rare in ancient times. As time goes by, they become familiar with the power of this realm and can gradually exert 100% of their power.

As for the Red King, his high spirits at the beginning became more and more difficult. Later, he could no longer defeat Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng. Only then did the Red King realize the extraordinary power of these two creatures. It's so powerful, it's simply frightening.

Realizing that the Red King was dwarfed by the Red King, the giants in Chi Cang and Liu Shen's battle group couldn't help but have the intention to retreat. Without the appearance of Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng, the destruction of the Immortal Realm would have great hope of success, but now, it is already Hopeless.

King Chi had already said when he communicated with them just now that if he could not deal with Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng, the foreign land would immediately retreat. With the ancient artifacts of origin, they could still retreat to the foreign land and keep the green mountains, so they would not be afraid of running out of firewood. .

Unexpectedly, the situation really slipped in this direction.

"It's a pity that when our world was conquering the heavens, we got a batch of legendary resurrection pills. We could have used them to resurrect some ancient giants. However, for some unknown reason, this pill turned out to be ineffective. The most promising Demon King Pu failed. , Otherwise, how could there be no one available?" Kunti sighed, feeling a little regretful.

"Haha, you mean Demon King Pu? He has already been wiped out by us."

When the real dragon heard this, he laughed and said.

Back then, he, together with Liu Shen and Chi Cang, entered Baiduan Mountain to hunt down the remnant soul of Demon King Pu, and finally killed him. Even if the essence and blood of Demon King Pu were preserved in the foreign land, it would be impossible to resurrect him.

Only then did Kunti know the reason why Pu Demon King failed to resurrect, and he felt extremely depressed, having wasted a resurrection pill in vain.


Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng became more and more courageous as they fought, showing their invincibility. They suppressed the Red King so much that he could not even lift his head. The immortal family battle clothes he had reunited were shattered again, and the law of time that he was proud of was also shattered. It's useless, there is no way to save the outcome of defeat.

Shi Hao even sat on the beast of time, holding the invincible fist seal with his hand, and kept bombarding him. The beating made the Red King cough up blood, while Meng Tianzheng, who was a god and demon, showed his power, and the beating made the Red King unable to breathe.


The Red King shouted, feeling that his life was passing by, and he was getting weaker and weaker. Obviously, the two enemies in front of him were the kind of peerless strong men who could directly obliterate the giant's origin. If he continued to fight, he would inevitably die.

Only by escaping could he have a chance to survive, but the two powerful men did not give him a chance at all.

The Red King fell into the abyss of despair little by little. He knew that he could not escape. He really had to use his life to repay the cause and effect as Shi Hao said.


The majestic body of the Red King was penetrated and he was dying. It was no longer possible to resist.

A peerless and ferocious ancient giant was executed like this.

When the foreign giants from another battle group saw this, they felt awe-inspiring and wanted to rescue them, but they hesitated.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air in the distance. Whether it was from the fairyland or the foreign land, everyone was startled, thinking that new reinforcements had arrived.

This is an immortal king, another part of the power of a foreign land, which went elsewhere. Now, he is coming with blood all over his body.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, he had no time to observe the situation here and immediately shouted at Kundi, Sword King and others.

"Senior Kundi, Senior Sword King, and Senior Qu Yan, something bad has happened. The crazy woman who returned from the depths of the sea has led people to the burial ground. Our world has been defeated. We must retreat quickly."

After saying that, the immortal king walked away without any intention of staying.


Kundi, Sword King, and Qu Han looked at each other and knew that the situation was over. Without any hesitation, they let out a long roar, shook off the enemy, and chased the escaping immortal king. It must be safer for him to go. Route, thinking of the "mad woman" in his mouth, they had a headache. If they encountered her, they might be left behind today and follow in the footsteps of the Red King.

"Want to leave?"

Qi Yu chased after him, but the three foreign giants turned around and forced him back, so he had no choice but to give up.

Also escaping together were giants from foreign lands and immortal kings. Chi Cang and Liu Shen instantly felt the pressure suddenly reduced, and couldn't help but refreshed, and immediately completely suppressed their opponents.

The kings from the Jie Yin Ancient Palace were half a beat too slow to react, and none of them was able to leave. They were all kept behind.

The four fallen giants were shocked and angry. These dark descendants with shallow blood dared to abandon them and treat them as abandoned children. It was simply unforgivable.

However, it was useless to say anything. Instead of chasing the alien creatures, the kings of the fairyland surrounded the fallen kings and strangled them.

In a foreign land, if a monk can escape, he cannot escape from the temple. There will still be opportunities to attack and kill him in the future. However, if the fallen king in front of him is released and allowed to return to the ancient palace, he may cause even greater disasters. He will undoubtedly let the tiger return to the mountain.

Therefore, the kings made up their minds to annihilate them all here.


The kings joined forces and quickly suppressed the isolated fallen kings.

As for the four fallen giants who were comparable to the top giants, they were besieged by Qi Yu, Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng, Chi Cang and Liu Shen, and they were defeated not long after.

After the First World War, the universe was shattered, the walls cracked, and there were horrific traces of the war everywhere.

The kings of the Immortal Realm were riddled with scars, and each of them contained more or less dark matter. Chi Cang distributed some Thunder Tribulation Liquid to them to help them heal their wounds.

The dark matter from the fallen king is much richer and purer than the immortal king from a foreign land. If you want to clear it out based on the king's own conduct, you have to go into seclusion. If you don't do it well, you will fall.

The kings thanked each other one after another and left quickly without having time to clean up the battlefield. They went back to their homes and retreated to recuperate. Even with the help of the blazing Thunder Tribulation Liquid, it would take a long time to recover from the injuries. In the future, it may be difficult to go to war in a short time.

Those who were not seriously injured were left to deal with the cracks in the boundary wall and the remnants of dark matter.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen were in good condition. Thanks to their perfect cooperation, they were not seriously injured.

The two of them looked at Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng with smiles, feeling that their efforts back then were not in vain. They had indeed grown up and become extremely powerful, and the strength of the Immortal Realm had also grown a lot as a result.

Everyone was about to speak when suddenly, their expressions froze. In the distance, in the direction where the immortal kings of the foreign land fled, there was the sound of fighting and roaring. It seemed that a fierce battle was taking place.

"Let's go and take a look." Chi Cang said immediately.

Everyone nodded and stepped towards that place. When they arrived, they saw a peerless female fairy king who was covered in golden armor and was very powerful. She was holding a crystal-clear Fangtian Painted Halberd and was beating the Kundi Festival. They retreated in defeat, all the Immortal Refining Pots were smashed away, and their silver hair fell down, looking quite embarrassed.

Behind this female fairy king, there were also a large number of strong men who intercepted many immortal kings and were fighting fiercely. What was surprising was that the buried kings from the burial ground were also there, heading towards the immortal king. The king's death hand.

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