The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 443 Entering the Boundary Sea

"Don't force me to fight to the death."

Kundi's hair was disheveled and she roared angrily at the Peerless Female Immortal King. However, the other party still did not stop. The Fangtian Painted Halberd in her hand fell off, the galaxy collapsed, and the universe turned into dust.


Kunti was robbed, one of his arms was missing, and the silver blood of the king splattered, a drop of which could destroy countless stars.


Kunti's fallen arm exploded, forming a brilliant Milky Way, temporarily blocking the Fairy King. Then, he didn't care about rescuing the blocked Immortal King, and walked away without looking back.

Although this blow will seriously hurt his vitality and destroy part of his original nature, it is better than dying. Kundi has already seen Chi Cang and others coming from the fairyland from a distance. If he doesn't leave, he won't be able to leave. .

At this moment, Kundi misses Wushang, the immortal giant of Foreign Land. He has the terrifying talent of being immune to mana, and has monstrous combat power. In the past, when Foreign Land failed, Wushang came to break up the throne. With him around, the kings of Foreign Land did not need to fight. Worried about the pursuit of troops from behind or danger.

Now, with Wu Shang gone, Kundi could only bite the bullet and take over the task after the break.

Fortunately, in the end, he paid a heavy price and left the battle.

Of the immortal kings, only a few were left behind, and most of them fled back to foreign lands. They did not hesitate, and just like they did 400,000 years ago, they poured into the continent where the Golden Temple was located, preparing to hold on.

The attempt to plot the Immortal Realm failed, and also damaged a top giant and many immortal kings, greatly reducing its strength. If the enemy comes to kill at this time, Foreign Realm can only use the origin ancient artifact as its trump card.

Therefore, only the Golden Temple is safe. Death may occur elsewhere. After all, they have experienced an extremely dark time before.

Knowing that the foreign land had someone to rely on, after the female fairy king holding the Fangtian Painted Halberd defeated the Milky Way, she did not pursue him. She just turned back and suppressed the immortal king with her followers and the buried kings at the burial ground.

Not long after, the hustle and bustle came to an end, and the battle between the immortal kings ended, ending with the defeat of the fallen king from the foreign land who joined the ancient palace.

Chi Cang, Liu Shen and others waited for the rise of Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng to protect the Immortal Realm and prevent it from becoming a dark territory.

The part of the Immortal King that threatened the burial ground collapsed due to the sudden arrival of the Peerless Fairy Queen, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

After cleaning the battlefield, Chi Cang, Liu Shen, Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng, and Qi Yu, representing the five strongest creatures in the Immortal Realm, came over and met with the Female Immortal King and the Burial King of the burial ground.

"Fellow Daoist Lei Di, Daoist Liu Shen, and Daoist Qi Yu, I'm sorry, I'm late." A burial king said apologetically.

As allies, they naturally blamed themselves for not being able to go to the Immortal Realm for support immediately.

You must know that the Thunder Emperor Chi Cang helped the burial ground escape the siege and killed the enemy.

Chi Cang, Liu Shen, and Qi Yu all shook their heads. They knew that Foreign Land had already been prepared and had sent part of its forces in advance to intimidate Burial Land. Otherwise, the Burial Kings would have come to support them long ago.

The burial ground is no different from the Immortal Realm. The situation is very special. A large number of powerful people are in deep sleep. In the most ancient central area, even the ordinary burial king does not know how many layers there are underground. Only the burial ground has truly reached the moment of life and death. , only in those deep levels can supreme beings be born.

Therefore, the Burial Ground is very strong, but it is a hidden power. Unlike the Immortal Realm, the strongest combat power is on the surface.

After some pleasantries, Chi Cang, Liu Shen and others looked at the breathless female fairy king Kundi who had just pressed her. Even Liu Shen felt a little strange about her. She didn't know her origin. She only knew that she was in a foreign land of immortality. In the king's eyes, this peerless female fairy king was called a madwoman.

This is normal. The universe is vast and boundless. Countless great realms have been born and countless strong men have emerged. After a long time, they have gone deep into the sea of ​​realms and never returned. The mother realm has also become dust. It is difficult to find them. Their related history.

"This fellow Taoist is."

Chi Cang looked at the Burial King and the Female Immortal King and asked. Out of friendliness and respect, Chi Cang did not use his past body to explore each other's past. No Immortal King creature wanted to be spied on by a strange and powerful person.

Before the Burial King could speak, the Fairy Queen spoke first. She was really brave. The golden armor on her body did not look stiff, but soft. It perfectly covered her devilish figure. Her curves were slender and proud. Moreover, he has an eternally stunning appearance that ordinary people cannot take their eyes away from. Even if all the Immortal Kings present are there, they can't help but take a few more glances.

"Fellow Taoist is the famous Thunder Emperor, and this sister is the ancestral sacrifice spirit Liu Shen. I have heard of your name a long time ago."

"I don't dare to live up to my reputation. It's just a false reputation." Chi Cang responded.

Liu Shen also responded, but there was something strange in her heart that she was actually called sister.

"Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor is so humble. Your reputation is so great in the world sea." The female fairy king said with a smile, and then looked at Qi Yu.

The two seemed to be old acquaintances and knew each other.

"Fellow Daoist Qi, I haven't seen you for a long time. When I said goodbye, you had just become a king. As time goes by, you have reached this point." The female fairy king greeted.

Qi Yu, the veteran giant of the Immortal Realm, couldn't help but smile bitterly. The person in front of him was much older than him in terms of seniority. Back then, the female Immortal King's mother realm was still there, so she chose to go to sea. This time, there was a change in the world. , even if her mother world was wiped out, she did not come back.

"I've met senior Lu Ling."

Qi Yu thought for a while, and finally decided to treat him as a junior. Before he was born, Lu Ling had already been a king for many epochs, and could be called the oldest group of kings. After going to sea, he went through many hardships, and Now it is even more unfathomable. Even his old rival Kun Di, who is on par with him, has been absolutely suppressed. Come to think of it, if it were him, he would probably be far from Lu Ling's opponent.

"Since you have grown up to this point, there is no need to call me senior. Just call me a peer." The female fairy queen surnamed Lu said.

When Qi Yu heard this, he didn't refuse and immediately called fellow Daoist Lu.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at each other. It turned out that the origin of the female fairy king in front of them was so ancient that even Qi Yu, the oldest person in the fairyland, had to call her "senior".

"Friend Daoist Lu!"

The two spoke immediately.

"Huh? These two are...Huang, and...Meng Tianzheng?" A burial king looked behind the Blazing Willow God. There was a handsome young man and a brave and stern young man.

He was stunned for a moment. Isn't this Huang and Meng Tianzheng? How did he become a giant of the Immortal King? Moreover, he is still one of the strongest giants, so there is no problem in calling him "supreme".

The female fairy king surnamed Lu is also a little surprised and confused. For such a young person to reach this stage, it is simply unprecedented, and people can't help but feel frightened.

"Shi Hao (Meng Tianzheng), I have met King Burial, and I have met Fellow Daoist Lu."

Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng said in unison, they are now so accomplished that they no longer need to practice the courtesy of younger generations.

"I have met Fellow Daoist Shi and Fellow Daoist Meng." The female fairy king responded politely.

The Burial King also responded, but he was still a little confused. It had only been 400,000 years, which was not enough for him to sleep. Two human beings from that year walked in front of him.

Thinking of his descendant Sanzang's evaluation of Huang, the Burial King named Zhuo Han sighed, and Sanzang really got it right. Huang is not a thing in the pond. Meng Tianzheng is also not a simple person. They The rise marks the complete rise of the Immortal Realm.

With them, plus Chi Cang, Liu Shen, who have been famous for many years, and the veteran giants of the Immortal Realm, Qi Yu, etc., the power of the Immortal Realm is so powerful that it is immeasurable. If the forces in the heavens want to seek the Immortal Realm again, they need to think carefully about it. .

Of course, the Immortal Realm is a big piece of meat. No matter how strong it is, there is no shortage of coveted people in this world.

Everyone talked and talked about the rise of Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng. The two showed their system to everyone, causing many exclamations.

The kings lamented that the fortune of the Immortal Realm was prosperous, and with the rise of two such amazing creatures, there might be a creature that could break through to the King Realm in the future.

Lu Ling, her followers, and the kings of the burial ground all know the difficulty of breaking through the king's realm. In their understanding, no one has been able to succeed since ancient times, and there will be no one in the future. However, after learning about Shi The amazing system developed by Hao and Meng Tianzheng, for some reason, they all felt that they had certain hope in the future.

Everyone talked about the situation in the depths of the Boundary Sea again. Lu Ling had not long returned from the extreme depths of the Boundary Sea. She had seen a lot along the way and naturally had unique insights.

"Four hundred thousand years is just a blink of an eye, and the great reckoning has just begun. There will be more forbidden creatures coming later, and the situation in the world will only become more and more chaotic.

Moreover, the dark creatures are infiltrating unknowingly. Needless to say, the foreign land is a pawn deliberately left behind by the dark creatures.

If there is a great dark turmoil in the future that will bury all the darkness, foreign lands will definitely be an important part of it.

In some ancient worlds, the shadows of fallen creatures can be seen everywhere, and they have even completely transformed into a dark world. Lu Ling said seriously.

The Great Reckoning, after 400,000 years of fermentation, the situation has become increasingly chaotic, fish and dragons are mixed, darkness has penetrated, and various human tragedies have occurred. In order to break through the king's realm, more and more taboo beings have begun to collect Tao Fruit Marks of creatures of the same level. This kind of The chaos will continue, and as the years go by, it will become even more chaotic.

After some discussion, everyone's joy of victory was diluted a lot. Temporary victory is not enough to represent anything. Only by resisting the dark turmoil can it be considered a real success.

Everything in this world is in reincarnation, and they are just people in reincarnation.

Before the fall of the ancient emperors, there must have been splendid civilizations of gods and demons, and there must have been powerful immortal kings like them, but in the end, everything was lost in the dust of history, and nothing was left.

If you think about it carefully, you can feel the great terror in it, which may be related to the dark turmoil.

Later, Chi Cang asked about a person and wanted to get some news about him from Lu Ling.

"White Bone God General? I seem to have heard of such a strong man in the sea of ​​​​world. There is no flesh and blood, only bones are left. The avenue he built is mysterious and weird." Lu Ling showed a thoughtful look.

"Those must be white bones. Thirty thousand years ago, he left a message to me and Liu Shen, and then left the Immortal Realm and entered the Realm Sea. He never returned. For thirty thousand years, he didn't know where he went." Cang sighed.

He knew that the Bone God General had probably guessed something. The truth of that lost era was at the end of the vast world sea, behind the creepy ancient palaces, and even behind the dark cages. .

The Bone God General, with the way of an extremely powerful man, pursues the truth alone, or wants to prove something or question something. The final result is not difficult to guess.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen originally wanted to chase Bai Gu, but as the two strongest creatures in the Immortal Realm, they could not leave at a time when the Immortal Realm was under attack from all sides, so they had no choice but to let go of the matter.

Now, Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng have risen, and Foreign Realm has suffered heavy losses. They are unable to launch a war in a short period of time, and they can finally make time to chase after the Bone God General.

He has fought for the Immortal Realm for more than 300,000 years, followed Chi Cang and Liu Shen to defeat countless powerful enemies, and made great achievements in battle. No matter what, he should look for it and cannot just ignore it.

After so many years, the Bone God General has established a deep friendship with Chi Cang and Liu Shen, and they are comrades worthy of being entrusted with his back. Chi Cang couldn't bear to watch him fly into the flames.

After talking about old times, the three parties retreated. They had a tacit understanding and did not cause trouble in foreign lands.

There are ancient artifacts of origin, and the temple cannot be breached for the time being, so there is no need to make useless efforts.

There is also an ancient artifact in the burial place. However, compared to the foreign land, the burial place is more shunned by the ancient artifact. They dare not approach it at all. It will threaten the life of the buried king, let alone any research. Therefore, the burial place cannot be like a foreign land. It also activates the Origin Ancient Artifact and becomes a major killer weapon.

In the Immortal Realm, except for the Immortal King who suffered heavy losses and had to retreat, all the other kings came.

"Fellow Daoist Thunder Emperor, do you really want to enter the Boundary Sea? The Boundary Sea is not peaceful now." A giant from the Immortal Realm asked.

"Well, we have to go. Bai Gu has made great contributions to this world. From my personal point of view, he is a very good comrade. He has been away for 30,000 years. If you are lucky, you may be able to catch up." Chi Cang nod.

"Oh, I don't know what fellow Taoist White Bones thought. After leaving a message, he went on the road alone without giving me a chance to wait for a response." Someone said with a sigh.

Chi Cang didn't say anything, and Liu Shen didn't speak either. The two of them had been with the Bones for a long time, and they could understand some of the feelings of the Bones God General.

The era that belonged to him has passed away in the years. The whole world is vast, and there is no old friend or hometown. This feeling of loneliness is really hard to describe.

The only clue points to the end of the boundary sea.

The Bone God General has been guarding the Immortal Realm for more than 300,000 years and has done enough. He wants to follow the clues and go to the depths of the sea to pursue the truth.

If you continue to stay in the Immortal Realm, you don't know how many thousands of years it will take, so the Bone God General went on the road alone, leaving only information and not causing trouble to the Immortal Realm.

Chi Cang looked at Liu Shen, there was no need to say anything more between the two of them, everything was said without words.

"Be careful along the way." Liu Shen said softly.

Chi Cang nodded, said goodbye to Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng and others, and told them to guard the Immortal Realm. Then, under the gaze of the kings, he stepped to the embankment world and stepped into the vast sea of ​​​​realms.

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